module Netzke module Basepack # == Configuration # +load_last_preset+ - on load, tries to load the latest saved preset class SearchPanel < Base include Netzke::Basepack::DataAccessor i18n_path = "netzke.basepack.search_panel.%s" ATTRIBUTE_OPERATORS_MAP = { integer: [ ["eq", I18n.t(i18n_path % 'equals')], ["gt", I18n.t(i18n_path % 'greater_than')], ["lt", I18n.t(i18n_path % 'less_than')] ], text: [ ["contains", I18n.t(i18n_path % 'contains')] # same as matches => %string% ], string: [ ["contains", I18n.t(i18n_path % 'contains')], # same as matches => %string% ["matches", I18n.t(i18n_path % 'matches')] ], boolean: [ ["is_any", I18n.t(i18n_path % 'is_true')], ["is_true", I18n.t(i18n_path % 'is_true')], ["is_false", I18n.t(i18n_path % 'is_false')] ], date: [ ["eq", I18n.t(i18n_path % 'date_equals')], ["gt", I18n.t(i18n_path % 'after')], ["lt", I18n.t(i18n_path % 'before')], ["gteq", I18n.t(i18n_path % 'on_or_after')], ["lteq", I18n.t(i18n_path % 'on_or_before')] ] } ATTRIBUTE_OPERATORS_MAP[:datetime] = ATTRIBUTE_OPERATORS_MAP[:date] ATTRIBUTE_OPERATORS_MAP[:decimal] = ATTRIBUTE_OPERATORS_MAP[:integer] ATTRIBUTE_OPERATORS_MAP[:float] = ATTRIBUTE_OPERATORS_MAP[:integer] client_class do |c| c.extend = "Ext.form.FormPanel" c.padding = 5 c.auto_scroll = true c.require :condition_field c.attribute_operators_map = ATTRIBUTE_OPERATORS_MAP end def configure_client(c) super c.attrs = config[:fields] c.preset_query = (config[:load_last_preset] ? last_preset.try(:fetch, "query") : config[:query]) || [] end def attributes config[:fields].map do |f| f[:type] ||= :string {name: f[:name], field_label: f[:field_label], type: f[:type]} end end def last_preset (state[:presets] || []).last end end end end