= MongoDB output plugin for Fluent
== Component
=== MongoOutput
Store fluent-event as MongoDB Document to MongoDB database.
MongoOutput set 'time' field to a document by default.
You set -false- to 'include_time_key' parameter if you disable this behaivor.
=== MongoBackup
Store fluent-event to capped collection for backup.
== Configuratin
=== MongoOutput
type mongo
database fluent
collection test
# following attibutes are optional
host fluenter
port 10000
# You can use 'capped' if you want to use capped collection
capped_size 100m
# Other buffer configurations here
=== Backup to local capped collection
Use mongo_backup type. mongo_backup alwalys use capped collection.
type mongo_backup
capped_size 100m
type tcp
=== More configuration
- Create Index
- Select insert or update
- etc
=== Infer collection name
Fluent tag is similar to database.collection in Mongo.
This feature makes configuration more easily.
== Tool
You can tail mongo capped collection.
mongo-tail -f
== Copyright
Copyright:: Copyright (c) 2011- Masahiro Nakagawa
License:: Apache License, Version 2.0