describe Hubspot::Deal do let(:portal_id) { ENV.fetch("HUBSPOT_PORTAL_ID").to_i } let(:company) { Hubspot::Company.create(name: SecureRandom.hex) } let(:company_id) { } let(:contact) { Hubspot::Contact.create("#{SecureRandom.hex}") } let(:vid) { } let(:amount) { '30' } let(:deal) { Hubspot::Deal.create!(portal_id, [company_id], [vid], { amount: amount}) } describe ".create!" do cassette "deal_create" subject { Hubspot::Deal.create!(portal_id, [company_id], [vid], {}) } its(:deal_id) { should_not be_nil } its(:portal_id) { should eql portal_id } its(:company_ids) { should eql [company_id]} its(:vids) { should eql [vid]} end describe '.update' do let(:changed_properties) { { dealname: 'super deal' } } context 'with an existing resource' do cassette subject { described_class.update(deal.deal_id, changed_properties) } it 'updates' do expect(subject).to be_truthy find_deal = Hubspot::Deal.find(deal.deal_id) expect(find_deal['dealname']).to eq 'super deal' end end context 'with an invalid resource' do cassette subject { described_class.update(0, changed_properties) } it { be false } end end describe '.update!' do let(:changed_properties) { { dealname: 'super deal' } } context 'with an existing resource' do cassette subject { described_class.update!(deal.deal_id, changed_properties) } it 'updates' do expect(subject).to be_truthy find_deal = Hubspot::Deal.find(deal.deal_id) expect(find_deal['dealname']).to eq 'super deal' end end context 'with an invalid resource' do cassette subject { described_class.update!(0, changed_properties) } it 'fails with an error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error Hubspot::RequestError end end end describe '#update' do let(:changed_properties) { { dealname: 'super deal' }.stringify_keys } context 'without overlapping changes' do cassette subject { deal.update(changed_properties) } it 'updates the properties' do expect(subject).to be_truthy changed_properties.each do |property, value| expect(deal[property]).to eq value end end end context 'with overlapping changes' do cassette subject { deal.update(changed_properties) } let(:overlapping_properties) { { dealname: 'old deal', amount: 6 }.stringify_keys } before(:each) do overlapping_properties.each { |property, value|[property] = value } end it 'merges and updates the properties' do expect(subject).to be_truthy overlapping_properties.merge(changed_properties).each do |property, value| expect(deal[property]).to eq value end end end end describe '.associate' do cassette let(:deal) { Hubspot::Deal.create!(portal_id, [], [], {}) } let(:contact_id) { } subject { Hubspot::Deal.associate!(deal.deal_id, [], [contact_id]) } it 'associates the deal to the contact and the company' do subject find_deal = Hubspot::Deal.find(deal.deal_id) find_deal.company_ids.should eql [] find_deal.vids.should eql [] end context 'when an id is invalid' do let(:contact_id) { 1234 } it 'returns false and changes valid associations' do expect(subject).to eq(false) find_deal = Hubspot::Deal.find(deal.deal_id) find_deal.company_ids.should eql [] find_deal.vids.should eql [] end end end describe ".find" do cassette "deal_find" it 'must find by the deal id' do find_deal = Hubspot::Deal.find(deal.deal_id) find_deal.deal_id.should eql deal.deal_id["amount"].should eql amount end end describe '.find_by_company' do cassette let!(:deal) { Hubspot::Deal.create!(portal_id, [], [], { amount: amount }) } it 'returns company deals' do deals = Hubspot::Deal.find_by_company(company) deals.first.deal_id.should eql deal.deal_id['amount'].should eql amount end end describe '.find_by_contact' do cassette let!(:deal) { Hubspot::Deal.create!(portal_id, [], [], { amount: amount }) } it 'returns contact deals' do deals = Hubspot::Deal.find_by_contact(contact) deals.first.deal_id.should eql deal.deal_id['amount'].should eql amount end end describe '.recent' do cassette 'find_all_recent_updated_deals' it 'must get the recents updated deals' do deal deals = Hubspot::Deal.recent first = deals.first expect(first).to be_a Hubspot::Deal end it 'must filter only 2 deals' do 3.times { Hubspot::Deal.create!(portal_id, [company_id], [vid], { amount: amount}) } deals = Hubspot::Deal.recent(count: 2) expect(deals.size).to eql 2 end end describe "#destroy!" do it "should remove from hubspot" do VCR.use_cassette("destroy_deal") do result = deal.destroy! expect(result).to be true end end end end