# # = bio/io/registry.rb - OBDA BioRegistry module # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005 # Toshiaki Katayama # License:: The Ruby License # # $Id: registry.rb,v 1.19 2007/04/05 23:35:41 trevor Exp $ # # == Description # # BioRegistry read the OBDA (Open Bio Database Access) configuration file # (seqdatabase.ini) and create a registry object. OBDA is created during # the BioHackathon held in Tucson and South Africa in 2002 as a project # independent set of protocols to access biological databases. The spec # is refined in the BioHackathon 2003 held in Singapore. # # By using the OBDA, user can access to the database by get_database method # without knowing where and how the database is stored, and each database # has the get_by_id method to obtain a sequence entry. # # Sample configuration file is distributed with BioRuby package which # consists of stanza format entries as following: # # VERSION=1.00 # # [myembl] # protocol=biofetch # location=http://www.ebi.ac.uk/cgi-bin/dbfetch # dbname=embl # # [mysp] # protocol=biosql # location=db.bioruby.org # dbname=biosql # driver=mysql # user=root # pass= # biodbname=swissprot # # The first line means that this configration file is version 1.00. # # The [myembl] line defines a user defined database name 'myembl' and # following block indicates how the database can be accessed. # In this example, the 'myembl' database is accecced via the OBDA's # BioFetch protocol to the dbfetch server at EBI, where the EMBL # database is accessed by the name 'embl' on the server side. # # The [mysp] line defines another database 'mysp' which accesses the # RDB (Relational Database) at the db.bioruby.org via the OBDA's # BioSQL protocol. This BioSQL server is running MySQL database as # its backend and stores the SwissProt database by the name 'swissprot' # and which can be accessed by 'root' user without password. # Note that the db.bioruby.org server is a dummy for the explanation. # # The configuration file is searched by the following order. # # 1. Local file name given to the Bio::Registry.new(filename). # # 2. Remote or local file list given by the environmenetal variable # 'OBDA_SEARCH_PATH', which is a '+' separated string of the # remote (HTTP) and/or local files. # # e.g. OBDA_SEARCH_PATH="http://example.org/obda.ini+$HOME/lib/myobda.ini" # # 3. Local file "$HOME/.bioinformatics/seqdatabase.ini" in the user's # home directory. # # 4. Local file "/etc/bioinformatics/seqdatabase.ini" in the system # configuration directry. # # All these configuration files are loaded. If there are database # definitions having the same name, the first one is used. # # If none of these files can be found, Bio::Registry.new will try # to use http://www.open-bio.org/registry/seqdatabase.ini file. # # == References # # * http://obda.open-bio.org/ # * http://cvs.open-bio.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs/viewcvs.cgi/obda-specs/?cvsroot=obf-common # * http://www.open-bio.org/registry/seqdatabase.ini # require 'uri' require 'net/http' require 'bio/command' module Bio autoload :Fetch, 'bio/io/fetch' autoload :SQL, 'bio/io/sql' autoload :FlatFile, 'bio/io/flatfile' autoload :FlatFileIndex, 'bio/io/flatfile/index' class Registry def initialize(file = nil) @spec_version = nil @databases = Array.new read_local(file) if file env_path = ENV['OBDA_SEARCH_PATH'] if env_path and env_path.size > 0 read_env(env_path) else read_local("#{ENV['HOME']}/.bioinformatics/seqdatabase.ini") read_local("/etc/bioinformatics/seqdatabase.ini") if @databases.empty? read_remote("http://www.open-bio.org/registry/seqdatabase.ini") end end end # Version string of the first configulation file attr_reader :spec_version # List of databases (Array of Bio::Registry::DB) attr_reader :databases # Returns a dababase handle (Bio::SQL, Bio::Fetch etc.) or nil # if not found (case insensitive). # The handles should have get_by_id method. def get_database(dbname) @databases.each do |db| if db.database == dbname.downcase case db.protocol when 'biofetch' return serv_biofetch(db) when 'biosql' return serv_biosql(db) when 'flat', 'index-flat', 'index-berkeleydb' return serv_flat(db) when 'bsane-corba', 'biocorba' raise NotImplementedError when 'xembl' raise NotImplementedError end end end return nil end alias db get_database # Returns a Registry::DB object corresponding to the first dbname # entry in the registry records (case insensitive). def query(dbname) @databases.each do |db| return db if db.database == dbname.downcase end end private def read_env(path) path.split('+').each do |elem| if /:/.match(elem) read_remote(elem) else read_local(elem) end end end def read_local(file) if File.readable?(file) stanza = File.read(file) parse_stanza(stanza) end end def read_remote(url) schema, user, host, port, reg, path, = URI.split(url) Bio::Command.start_http(host, port) do |http| response, = http.get(path) parse_stanza(response.body) end end def parse_stanza(stanza) return unless stanza if stanza[/.*/] =~ /VERSION\s*=\s*(\S+)/ @spec_version ||= $1 # for internal use (may differ on each file) stanza[/.*/] = '' # remove VERSION line end stanza.each_line do |line| case line when /^\[(.*)\]/ dbname = $1.downcase db = Bio::Registry::DB.new($1) @databases.push(db) when /=/ tag, value = line.chomp.split(/\s*=\s*/) @databases.last[tag] = value end end end def serv_biofetch(db) serv = Bio::Fetch.new(db.location) serv.database = db.dbname return serv end def serv_biosql(db) location, port = db.location.split(':') port = db.port unless port case db.driver when /mysql/i driver = 'Mysql' when /pg|postgres/i driver = 'Pg' when /oracle/ when /sybase/ when /sqlserver/ when /access/ when /csv/ when /informix/ when /odbc/ when /rdb/ end dbi = [ "dbi", driver, db.dbname, location ].compact.join(':') dbi += ';port=' + port if port serv = Bio::SQL.new(dbi, db.user, db.pass) # We can not manage biodbname (for name space) in BioSQL yet. # use db.biodbname here!! return serv end def serv_flat(db) path = db.location path = File.join(path, db.dbname) if db.dbname serv = Bio::FlatFileIndex.open(path) return serv end class DB def initialize(dbname) @database = dbname @property = Hash.new end attr_reader :database def method_missing(meth_id) @property[meth_id.id2name] end def []=(tag, value) @property[tag] = value end end end # class Registry end # module Bio if __FILE__ == $0 begin require 'pp' alias p pp rescue end # Usually, you don't need to pass ARGV. reg = Bio::Registry.new(ARGV[0]) p reg p reg.query('genbank_biosql') serv = reg.get_database('genbank_biofetch') puts serv.get_by_id('AA2CG') serv = reg.get_database('genbank_biosql') puts serv.get_by_id('AA2CG') serv = reg.get_database('swissprot_biofetch') puts serv.get_by_id('CYC_BOVIN') serv = reg.get_database('swissprot_biosql') puts serv.get_by_id('CYC_BOVIN') end