Given(/^I have an app with license finder that has no config directory$/) do @user = @user.create_nonrails_app path = @user.app_path('config') FileUtils.rm_rf(path) File.should_not be_exists(path) end Given(/^I have an app with license finder that depends on a MIT licensed gem$/) do @user = @user.create_nonrails_app @user.add_dependency_to_app 'mit_gem', :license => 'MIT' end Given(/^I have a project that depends on mime\-types with a manual license type$/) do @user = @user.create_rails_app @user.add_gem_dependency('mime-types') @user.bundle_app @user.execute_command "license_finder --quiet" @output = @user.execute_command "license_finder license Ruby mime-types" @output.should =~ /mime-types.*Ruby/ end When(/^I run license_finder help on a specific command$/) do @output = @user.execute_command "license_finder ignored_bundler_groups help add" end When(/^I run license_finder help$/) do @output = @user.execute_command "license_finder help" end Then(/^it creates a config directory with the license_finder config$/) do File.should be_exists(@user.app_path('config')) text = "---\nwhitelist:\n#- MIT\n#- Apache 2.0\nignore_groups:\n#- test\n#- development\ndependencies_file_dir: './doc/'\nproject_name: # project name\n"'config/license_finder.yml')).should == text.gsub(/^\s+/, "") end Then /^it should exit with status code (\d)$/ do |status| $?.exitstatus.should == status.to_i end Then(/^should list my MIT gem in the output$/) do @output.should include 'mit_gem' end Then(/^I should see all dependencies approved for use$/) do @output.should include 'All dependencies are approved for use' end Then(/^the mime\-types license remains set with my manual license type$/) do @output.should =~ /mime-types.*Ruby/ end Then(/^I should see the correct subcommand usage instructions$/) do @output.should include 'license_finder ignored_bundler_groups add GROUP' end Then(/^I should the correct default usage instructions$/) do @output.should include 'license_finder help [COMMAND]' end