module Inputs module EffectiveRadioButtons class Input < Effective::FormInput delegate :collection_radio_buttons, :content_tag, :label_tag, :radio_button_tag, :image_tag, :to => :@template BOOLEAN_COLLECTION = [['Yes', true], ['No', false]] def default_options { label_method: :first, value_method: :last } end def default_input_html { class: 'effective_radio_buttons' } end def default_input_js {} end def to_html initialize_and_validate_images! collection_radio_buttons(@object_name, @method, collection, options[:value_method], options[:label_method], options.slice(:checked), item_html_options, &proc { |builder| render_item(builder) }) end def render_item(builder) if options[:nested_boolean_style] == :nested || options[:buttons] item = builder.label { builder.radio_button + item_image_or_text(builder) } else item = builder.radio_button + builder.label { item_image_or_text(builder) } end if options[:item_wrapper_tag] active = (builder.object.send(options[:value_method]).to_s == value.to_s) content_tag(options[:item_wrapper_tag], item, class: ['btn', 'btn-default', options[:item_wrapper_class], ('active' if active)].flatten.uniq.join(' ') ) else item end end def item_image_or_text(builder) @images_index += 1 if options[:images] image_tag(options[:images][@images_index], alt: builder.text) else builder.text end end def item_html_options @item_html_options ||= { class: tag_options[:class] } end def html_options super.tap do |html_options| html_options[:class].delete('form-control') end end def collection @collection ||= begin collection = options.delete(:collection) || BOOLEAN_COLLECTION collection.respond_to?(:call) ? : collection.to_a end end def value options[:checked] || super end private def initialize_and_validate_images! @images_index = -1 return unless options[:images].present? unless options[:images].kind_of?(Array) && (options[:images].first || '').kind_of?(String) raise 'images must be an Array of Strings' end unless options[:images].length == collection.length raise "images length must match collection length (#{collection.length})" end end end end end