1,"First Three Minutes, The","Weinberg, Steven",9780465024377,1988,Basic Books,Science & Technology 2,"Catholic Modernity? Charles Taylor's Mirianist Award Lecture, with Responses by William M. Shea, Rosemary Luling Haughton, George Marsden, and Jean Bethke Elshtain, A","Heft, James L.",9780195131611,1999,Oxford University Press,Religion & Beliefs 3,"Companion to Old and Middle English Literature, A","Lambdin, Laura Cooner",9780313310546,2002,Greenwood Press,Fiction & Literature 4,"History of Education in the British Leeward Islands, 1838-1945, A","Fergus, Howard A.",9789766401313,2003,University Press of the West Indies,"Family, Childhood, & Education; History & Social Studies; Social Issues" 5,"Mighty Baptism: Race, Gender, and the Creation of American Protestantism, A","Juster, Susan",9780801430244,1996,Cornell University Press,History & Social Studies; Religion & Beliefs 6,"Primer of Italian Fascism, A","Schnapp, Jeffrey T.",9780803242791,2000,University of Nebraska Press,History & Social Studies; Military; Travel & Places 7,"Strategic Governance Review for Multi-Organizational Systems of Education, Training, and Professional Development, A","Daley, Glenn A.",9780833032676,2003,Rand,History & Social Studies; Military; Travel & Places 8,Achieving a Productive Aging Society ,"Bass, Scott A.",9780865690332,1993,Auburn House,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 9,Across the Boundaries of Belief: Contemporary Issues in the Anthropology of Religion,"Klass, Morton",9780813326948,1999,Westview Press,Religion & Beliefs 10,Adjustment in Africa: Lessons from Country Case Studies,"Faruqee, Rashid",9780821327876,1994,World Bank,Business & Law; History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 11,Adoption Nation: How the Adoption Revolution Is Transforming America,"Pertman, Adam",9780465056507,2000,Basic Books,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 12,Advances in Instructional Psychology ,"Glaser, Robert",9780805825497,1978,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 13,Advances in Vocational Psychology ,"Walsh, W. Bruce",9780898597554,1986,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology 14,"Advertising to Children on TV: Content, Impact, and Regulation","Gunter, Barrie",9780805844887,2005,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Business & Law 15,"Advertising, Alcohol Consumption, and Abuse: A Worldwide Survey","Fisher, Joseph C.",9780313289590,1993,Greenwood Press,"Business & Law; Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 16,"Africa in Latin America: Essays on History, Culture, and Socialization","Fraginals, Manuel M.",9780841907485,1984,Holmes & Meier,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 17,African Encounters with Domesticity ,"Hansen, Karen T.",9780813518039,1992,Rutgers University Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 18,African Refugees: Development Aid and Repatriation,"Adelman, Howard",9780813384603,1994,Perseus Books,Social Issues 19,AIDS and STDs in Africa: Bridging the Gap between Traditional Healing and Modern Medicine,"Green, Edward C.",9780813378473,1994,Westview Press,Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues 20,AIDS in Africa and the Caribbean ,"Bond, George C.",9780813328799,1997,Westview Press,Health; Social Issues 21,America Builds: Source Documents in American Architecture and Planning,"Roth, Leland M.",9780064301220,1983,Harper & Row,Art; History & Social Studies 22,"American Governors and Gubernatorial Elections, 1979-1987 ","Mullaney, Marie M.",9780313280924,1988,Greenwood Press,Biography; Social Issues 23,American Presidents and Education ,"Berube, Maurice R.",9780313278488,1991,Greenwood Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; History & Social Studies; Social Issues" 24,"American Theatre: A Chronicle of Comedy and Drama, 1869-1914","Bordman, Gerald",9780195037647,1994,Oxford University Press,"Fiction & Literature; History & Social Studies; Music, TV, Movies, & more; Travel & Places" 25,An Introduction to Critical Discourse Analysis in Education ,"Rogers, Rebecca",9780805848175,2003,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 26,An Introduction to Judaism ,"Lange, Nicholas de",9780521460736,2000,Cambridge University Press,Religion & Beliefs 27,Anatomy of a Public Policy: The Reform of Contemporary American Immigration Law,"LeMay, Michael C.",9780275949020,1994,Praeger Publishers,Social Issues 28,Ancient Earthen Enclosures of the Eastern Woodlands ,"Mainfort, Robert C., Jr.",9780813015927,1998,University Press of Florida,Adventure; Animals; Art; Food & Home; Science & Technology; Social Issues; Travel & Places 29,Animal Cognition: A Tribute to Donald A. Riley,"Zentall, Thomas R.",9780805811834,1993,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Animals; Science & Technology 30,Anxiety Disorders in Adults: An Evidence-Based Approach to Psychological Treatment,"McLean, Peter D.",9780195116250,2001,Oxford University Press,Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues 31,Applications of Dynamic Programming to Agricultural Decision Problems ,"Taylor, C. Robert",9780813386416,1993,Westview Press,Nature; Science & Technology 32,Applied Communication Theory and Research ,"O'Hair, Dan",9780805804003,1990,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Reference & Languages 33,Approaches to Joyce's Portrait: Ten Essays,"Staley, Thomas F.",9780822933311,1976,University of Pittsburgh Press,Fiction & Literature 34,Arabs and Jews in Israel ,"Smooha, Sammy",9780813307558,1989,Westview Press,Science & Technology; Social Issues 35,Archaeological Perspectives on the Origins of Modern Humans: A View from the Levant,"Kaufman, Daniel",9780897895781,1999,Bergin & Garvey,Adventure; Animals; Nature; Philosophy; Science & Technology; Social Issues 36,As Others Read Us: International Perspectives on American Literature,"Gutman, Huck",9780870236297,1991,University of Massachusetts Press,Fiction & Literature 37,Assembling and Supporting the Joint Strike Fighter in the UK: Issues and Costs,"Cook, Cynthia R.",9780833034632,2003,Rand,History & Social Studies; Transportation; Travel & Places 38,Assessing Tax Reform ,"Aaron, Henry J.",9780815700371,1985,The Brookings Institution,Business & Law 39,Assessing the Progress of New American Schools: A Status Report,"Berends, Mark",9780585349251,1999,Rand,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 40,"At the Edge of Empire: The Terek Cossacks and the North Caucasus Frontier, 1700-1860","Barrett, Thomas M.",9780813336718,1999,Westview Press,History & Social Studies; Social Issues 41,Australian Movies and the American Dream ,"Lewis, Glen",9780275926755,1987,Praeger Publishers,"Music, TV, Movies, & more" 42,Bangladesh: The Test Case of Development,"Faaland, Just",9780891585466,1976,Westview Press,Business & Law 43,Barbarians in Greek Comedy ,"Long, Timothy",9780809312481,1986,Southern Illinois University Press,"Fiction & Literature; History & Social Studies; Music, TV, Movies, & more; Social Issues" 44,Bartok's Viola Concerto: The Remarkable Story of His Swansong,"Maurice, Donald G.",9780195156904,2004,Oxford University Press,"Music, TV, Movies, & more" 45,Baseball Economics: Current Research,"Fizel, John",9780275955595,1996,Praeger Publishers,Business & Law; Social Issues; Sports 46,Benedetto Croce's Poetry and Literature: An Introduction to Its Criticism and History,"Croce, Benedetto",9780809309825,1981,Southern Illinois University Press,Fiction & Literature 47,Bergson and American Culture: The Worlds of Willa Cather and Wallace Stevens,"Quirk, Tom",9780807818800,1990,University of North Carolina Press,Fiction & Literature; History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 48,Beyond the Dead-End Alley of Mass Education ,"Addler, Chaim",9780813317786,1994,Westview Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Science & Technology" 49,Beyond the Marketplace: Rethinking Economy and Society,"Friedland, Roger",9780202303703,1990,Aldine De Gruyter,"Business & Law; Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 50,Biological-Psychosocial Interactions in Early Adolescence ,"Lerner, Richard M.",9780898597875,1987,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology" 51,Black Women Writers and the American Neo-Slave Narrative: Femininity Unfettered,"Beaulieu, Elizabeth Ann",9780313308383,1999,Greenwood Press,Fiction & Literature; Social Issues 52,"Buddhism after Patriarchy: A Feminist History, Analysis, and Reconstruction of Buddhism","Gross, Rita M.",9780791414033,1993,State University of New York Press,Religion & Beliefs 53,Bukharin in Retrospect ,"Bergmann, Theodor",9780873326919,1994,M.E. Sharpe,Biography; History & Social Studies; Social Issues 54,"Business, Ethics, and the Environment: The Public Policy Debate","Hoffman, W. Michael",9780899305509,1990,Quorum Books,Business & Law; Social Issues 55,Campfollowing: A History of the Military Wife,"Alt, Betty S.",9780275937225,1991,Praeger,History & Social Studies; Military; Travel & Places 56,Cato Handbook for Congress: Policy Recommendations for the 108th Congress,"Crane, Edward H.",9781930865396,2003,Cato Institute,Business & Law; Social Issues 57,Central Asia in Transition: Dilemmas of Political and Economic Development,"Rumer, Boris",9781563247668,1996,M. E. Sharpe,Business & Law; Social Issues 58,Ceramic Production and Distribution: An Integrated Approach,"Bey, George J., III",9780813379203,1992,Westview Press,Adventure; Animals; Science & Technology; Social Issues 59,Changing Bureaucratic Behavior: Acquisition Reform in the United States Army,"Schmidt, Conrad P.",9780833027566,2000,Rand,History & Social Studies; Military; Travel & Places 60,Changing Uganda: The Dilemmas of Structural Adjustment & Revolutionary Change,"Hansen, Holger Bernt",9780852553497,1991,James Currey,Social Issues 61,Child Care in Context: Cross-Cultural Perspectives,"Lamb, Michael E.",9780805807974,1992,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 62,Child Maltreatment: Expanding Our Concept of Helping,"Rothery, M.",9780805804553,1990,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 63,Children and Television: A Challenge for Education,"Manley-Casimir, Michael E.",9780275923556,1987,Praeger Publishers,Social Issues 64,"Children, Adolescents & AIDS ","Seibert, Jeffrey M.",9780803241862,1989,University of Nebraska Press,Health; Social Issues 65,"Children, Ethics, & the Law: Professional Issues and Cases","Koocher, Gerald P.",9780803247314,1990,University of Nebraska Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 66,"China, the United States, and the Global Economy ","Chen, Shuxun",9780833029638,2001,Rand,Business & Law; Social Issues 67,China: Transition to a Market Economy,"Chai, Joseph C.",9780198294306,1998,Oxford University Press,Business & Law; Social Issues 68,Choctaws at the Crossroads: The Political Economy of Class and Culture in the Oklahoma Timber Region,"Faiman-Silva, Sandra",9780803269026,2000,University of Nebraska Press,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 69,Christianity and Judaism: The Deepening Dialogue,"Rousseau, Richard W.",9780940866027,1983,Ridge Row Press,Religion & Beliefs 70,Churchgoing and Christian Ethics ,"Gill, Robin",9780521570589,1999,Cambridge University Press,Religion & Beliefs 71,Cities in American History ,"Jackson, Kenneth T.",9780394475585,1972,Alfred A. Knopf,Social Issues 72,Cognitive Approaches to Human Perception ,"Ballesteros, Soledad",9780805810431,1994,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology 73,Cognitive Responses in Persuasion ,"Petty, Richard E.",9780898590258,1981,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Reference & Languages; Science & Technology 74,Cognitive Styles and Classroom Learning ,"Morgan, Harry",9780275956844,1997,Praeger Publishers,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 75,Cognitive Theory ,"Castellan, N. J., Jr.",9780470263754,1978,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology 76,"Cold War Europe, 1945-1991: A Political History","Young, John",9780340625163,1996,Arnold,History & Social Studies; Social Issues 77,Collective Bargaining for Public Employees ,"Marx, Herbert L.",9780824201104,1969,Wilson,Business & Law 78,Combatting Child Abuse: International Perspectives and Trends,"Gilbert, Neil",9780195100099,1997,Oxford University Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 79,Communities of the Heart: The Rhetoric of Myth in the Fiction of Ursula K. le Guin,"Rochelle, Warren G.",9780853238768,2001,Liverpool University Press,Fiction & Literature 80,Comparative Politics Today: A World View,"Almond, Gabriel A.",9780316034975,1974,"Little, Brown",Social Issues 81,Conative and Affective Process Analysis ,"Snow, Richard E.",9780898597219,1987,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 82,"Conceptualizing Religion: Immanent Anthropologists, Transcendent Natives, and Unbounded Categories","Saler, Benson",9781571812193,2000,Berghahn Books,Philosophy; Religion & Beliefs 83,Conditionals ,"Woods, Michael",9780198751267,1997,Clarendon Press,Science & Technology 84,Connectionist Models of Social Reasoning and Social Behavior ,"Read, Stephen J.",9780805822151,1998,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 85,Conrad and Cinema: The Art of Adaptation,"Phillips, Gene D.",9780820426693,1997,Peter Lang,"Fiction & Literature; History & Social Studies; Music, TV, Movies, & more" 86,Conservation and Economic Efficiency: An Approach to Materials Policy,"Page, Talbot",9780801819049,1977,The Johns Hopkins University Press,Nature; Social Issues 87,Contemporary Art and the Home ,"Painter, Colin",9781859736562,2002,Berg,Art; Food & Home; Travel & Places 88,Contemporary Austrian Politics ,"Lauber, Volkmar",9780813328904,1996,Westview Press,Social Issues 89,Context and Development ,"Cohen, Robert",9780805804812,1991,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology" 90,Continuity and Change in House Elections ,"Brady, David W.",9780804737371,2000,Stanford University Press,History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places 91,Contracting Colonialism: Translation and Christian Conversion in Tagalog Society under Early Spanish Rule,"Rafael, Vicente L.",9780822313410,1993,Duke University Press,History & Social Studies; Religion & Beliefs; Travel & Places 92,Contradictions of School Reform: Educational Costs of Standardized Testing,"McNeil, Linda",9780415920735,2000,Routledge,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 93,"Contrary Things: Exegesis, Dialectic, and the Poetics of Didacticism","Brown, Catherine",9780804730099,1998,Stanford University,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Fiction & Literature; Philosophy; Social Issues" 94,"Conversion Survey, 1996: Global Disarmament, Demilitarization, and Demobilization",Bonn International Center for Conversion Staff,9780198280873,1996,Oxford University Press,Business & Law; Social Issues 95,Coordination Theory and Collaboration Technology ,"Olson, Gary M.",9780805834031,2001,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Reference & Languages; Science & Technology 96,"Corporate Society: Class, Property, and Contemporary Capitalism","McDermott, John",9780813307084,1991,Perseus Books,Social Issues 97,"Countertransference: Theory, Technique, Teaching","Alexandris, Athina",9781855750289,1993,Karnac Books,Health; Science & Technology 98,"Creating the Modern South: Millhands and Managers in Dalton, Georgia, 1884-1984","Flamming, Douglas",9780807820568,1992,University of North Carolina Press,Art; Business & Law 99,Critical Theory and Philosophy ,"Ingram, David",9781557782014,1990,Paragon House,Philosophy 100,Cross-Cultural Analysis of Values and Political Economy Issues ,"Voich, Dan, Jr.",9780275946388,1994,Praeger Publishers,Business & Law; Social Issues 101,Cyberselfish: A Critical Romp through the Terribly Libertarian Culture of High Tech,"Borsook, Paulina",9781891620782,2000,PublicAffairs,Philosophy; Science & Technology; Social Issues 102,Daniel Webster ,"Bartlett, Irving H.",9780393075243,1978,W. W. Norton,Biography; History & Social Studies 103,Dark Cinema: American Film Noir in Cultural Perspective,"Tuska, Jon",9780313230455,1984,Greenwood Press,"Music, TV, Movies, & more" 104,"De Cive: The Latin Version Entitled in the First Edition Elementorum Philosophi? Sectio Tertia de Cive, and in Later Editions Elementa Philosophica de Cive","Hobbes, Thomas",9780198243854,1983,Oxford University,History & Social Studies; Philosophy 105,De Grammaticis et Rhetoribus ,"Tranquillus, Suetonius C.",9780198140917,1995,Clarendon Press,Reference & Languages 106,Deconstructing the Mind ,"Stich, Stephen P.",9780195100815,1996,Oxford University Press,Health; Philosophy; Science & Technology 107,Democracy & the Arts ,"Simon, John",9780801435416,1999,Cornell University Press,Art; Social Issues 108,Democracy in the Islands: The Micronesian Plebiscites of 1983,"Ranney, Austin",9780844735771,1985,American Enterprise Institute,History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places 109,Democracy in the Russian School: The Reform Movement in Education since 1984,"Eklof, Ben",9780813313498,1993,Westview Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 110,Democratic Organization for Social Change: Latin American Christian Base Communities and Literacy Campaigns,"Van Vugt, Johannes P.",9780897892452,1991,Bergin & Garvey,History & Social Studies; Religion & Beliefs; Social Issues; Travel & Places 111,Demythologizing Heidegger ,"Caputo, John D.",9780253313065,1993,Indiana University Press,History & Social Studies; Philosophy; Religion & Beliefs 112,"Design: Purpose, Form, and Meaning","Pile, John F.",9780870232572,1979,University of Massachusetts Press,Art; Reference & Languages 113,Deterrence and Influence in Counterterrorism: A Component in the War on Al Qaeda,"Davis, Paul K.",9780833032867,2002,Rand,History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places; True Crime 114,Development and the Arts: Critical Perspectives,"Franklin, Margery B.",9780805804874,1994,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Art 115,Dialogue with Bakhtin on Second and Foreign Language Learning: New Perspectives,"Hall, Joan Kelly",9780805850215,2004,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,History & Social Studies; Philosophy; Reference & Languages 116,Dickens and the Daughter of the House ,"Schor, Hilary Margo",9780521440769,1999,Cambridge University Press,Fiction & Literature 117,Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art ,"Hall, James A.",9780064301008,1979,Westview Press,Art; Reference & Languages 118,Disinheriting the Jews: Abraham in Early Christian Controversy,"Siker, Jeffrey S.",9780664251932,1991,Westminster/John Knox Press,Religion & Beliefs 119,Disputers of the Tao: Philosophical Argument in Ancient China,"Graham, A. C.",9780812690873,1989,Open Court,Religion & Beliefs 120,Documents of American Realism and Naturalism ,"Pizer, Donald",9780809320967,1988,Southern Illinois University Press,Fiction & Literature 121,Dorothy Day and the Catholic Worker ,"Roberts, Nancy L.",9780873959384,1984,State University of New York Press,Biography; Religion & Beliefs 122,Drug Abuse Treatment: The Implementation of Innovative Approaches,"Tims, Frank M.",9780313289064,1994,Greenwood Press,Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues 123,Eastern's Armageddon: Labor Conflict and the Destruction of Eastern Airlines,"Saunders, Martha",9780313284540,1992,Greenwood Press,Business & Law; Social Issues 124,E-Business Fundamentals: Managing Organisations in the Electronic Age,"Jackson, Paul J.",9780415255943,2003,Routledge,Business & Law; Science & Technology 125,Ecological Interactions and Biological Control ,"Andow, David A.",9780813387581,1997,Westview Press,Science & Technology 126,Economic Ideas and Government Policy: Contributions to Contemporary Economic History,"Cairncross, Alec",9780415132459,1996,Routledge,Business & Law; History & Social Studies; Social Issues 127,Economic Processes and Political Conflicts: Contributions to Modern Political Economy,"England, Richard W.",9780275924515,1987,Praeger Publishers,Business & Law 128,"Education under Mao: Class and Competition in Canton Schools, 1960-1980","Unger, Jonathan",9780231052986,1982,Columbia University Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 129,"Education, Exclusion and Citizenship ","Parsons, Carl",9780415174961,1999,Routledge,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 130,Effective Schooling for the Community: Core-Plus Education,"Townsend, Tony",9780415104173,1994,Routledge,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 131,Emerging Global Business Ethics ,"Hoffman, W. Michael",9780899307497,1994,Quorum Books,Business & Law; Social Issues 132,Empowering and Healing the Battered Woman: A Model for Assessment and Intervention,"Dutton, Mary A.",9780826171306,1992,Springer,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 133,Encyclopedia of Literary Modernism ,"Poplawski, Paul",9780313310171,2003,Greenwood Press,Fiction & Literature; Philosophy 134,Engendering Judaism: An Inclusive Theology and Ethics,"Adler, Rachel",9780827605848,1998,Jewish Publication Society,Religion & Beliefs; Social Issues 135,Environment and History: The Taming of Nature in the USA and South Africa,"Beinart, William",9780415114684,1995,Routledge,Nature; Social Issues 136,Environmental Management in Practice: Managing the Ecosystem,"Nath, Bhaskar",9780415187916,1999,Routledge,Business & Law; Nature; Social Issues 137,Environments and Historical Change ,"Slack, Paul",9780198233886,1999,Oxford University,History & Social Studies 138,Equilibrium versus Understanding: Towards the Restoration of Economics as Social Theory,"Addleson, Mark",9780415128148,1995,Routledge,"Business & Law; Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 139,Ernest Hemingway: Seven Decades of Criticism,"Wagner-Martin, Linda",9780870134890,1998,Michigan State University Press,Fiction & Literature 140,Essays in Honor of William K. Estes ,"Healy, Alice F.",9780805810974,1992,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 141,"Ethical Norms, Particular Cases ","Wallace, James D.",9780801432132,1996,Cornell University Press,Philosophy; Social Issues 142,Ethics across the Curriculum: The Marquette Experience,"Ashmore, R.",9780874629989,1991,Marquette University Press,Philosophy 143,"Eugenics and the Welfare State: Sterilization Policy in Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Finland","Broberg, Gunnar",9780870134135,1996,Michigan State University Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 144,Evaluation: A Systematic Approach,"Rossi, Peter H.",9780803911796,1979,Sage Publications,Social Issues 145,Evolution of the Psyche ,"Rosen, D. H.",9780275963125,1999,Praeger Publishers,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology" 146,Experiment-Research Methodology in Marketing: Types and Applications,"Patzer, Gordon L.",9780899309606,1996,Quorum Books,Business & Law 147,Extending the Boundaries of Care: Medical Ethics and Caring Practices,"Kohn, Tamara",9781859731369,1999,Berg,Social Issues 148,Failed Revolutions: Social Reform and the Limits of Legal Imagination,"Delgado, Richard",9780813318073,1994,Westview Press,History & Social Studies; Social Issues 149,Fair Trial: Rights of the Accused in American History,"Bodenhamer, David J.",9780195055580,1992,Oxford University Press,Social Issues; True Crime 150,"Families, Politics and the Law: Perspectives for East and West Europe","MacLean, Mavis",9780198258100,1994,Oxford University,Business & Law; Social Issues 151,Fantasy and Reconciliation: Contemporary Formulas of Women's Romance Fiction,"Mussell, Kay",9780313239151,1984,Greenwood Press,Fiction & Literature 152,Feminist Theological Ethics: A Reader,"Daly, Lois K.",9780664253271,1994,Westminster/John Knox Press,Social Issues 153,Feudal Society ,"Bloch, Marc",9780415039185,1989,Routledge,History & Social Studies 154,Fiction in the Quantum Universe ,"Strehle, Susan",9780807820247,1992,University of North Carolina Press,Fiction & Literature; Philosophy 155,"Field, Forest, and Family: Women's Work and Power in Rural Laos","Ireson, Carol",9780813389363,1996,Westview Press,Business & Law; Social Issues 156,Fifty Key Figures in Twentieth Century British Politics ,"Laybourn, Keith",9780415226769,2002,Routledge,Biography; History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places 157,Finance: A Characteristics Approach,"Blake, David",9780415212908,2000,Routledge,Business & Law 158,"Food, Health, and Identity ","Caplan, Patricia",9780415156790,1997,Routledge,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Food & Home; Health; Social Issues" 159,Formal Grammar: Theory and Implementation,"Levine, Robert",9780195073140,1992,Oxford University Press,Reference & Languages 160,Foundations of Cognitive Science: The Essential Readings,"Garfield, Jay L.",9781557782571,1990,Paragon House,Science & Technology 161,"Foundations of Ethical Practice, Research, and Teaching in Psychology ","Strohm Kitchener, Karen",9780805823097,2000,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology" 162,Free Press Vs. Fair Trials: Examining Publicity's Role in Trial Outcomes,"Bruschke, Jon",9780805843255,2004,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,History & Social Studies; Reference & Languages; Social Issues 163,Freud Revisited: Psychoanalytic Themes in the Postmodern Age,"Horrocks, Roger",9780333746479,2001,Palgrave,Health; Science & Technology 164,From Child Abuse to Permanency Planning: Child Welfare Services Pathways and Placements,"Barth, Richard P.",9780202360850,1994,Aldine De Gruyter,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 165,"Froth & Scum: Truth, Beauty, Goodness, and the Ax Murder in America's First Mass Medium","Tucher, Andie",9780807821626,1994,University of North Carolina Press,Reference & Languages 166,G. W. F. Hegel: The Philosophical System,"Kainz, Howard P.",9780821412312,1996,Ohio University Press,History & Social Studies; Philosophy 167,"Gender in Caribbean Development: Papers Presented at the Inaugural Seminar of the University of the West Indies, Women and Development Studies Project","Mohammed, Patricia",9789768125552,1999,Canoe Press,Social Issues 168,Gender Politics and Mtv: Voicing the Difference,"Lewis, Lisa A.",9780877226932,1990,Temple University Press,"Business & Law; Music, TV, Movies, & more" 169,"Gender, Power, and Communication in Human Relationships ","Kalbfleisch, Pamela J.",9780805814033,1995,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Reference & Languages 170,George Orwell ,"Wemyss, Courtney T.",9780313260797,1987,Greenwood Press,Fantasy; Fiction & Literature 171,"George Wallace, Richard Nixon, and the Transformation of American Politics ","Carter, Dan T.",9780918954589,1992,Markham Press Fund,Biography; History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places 172,Georges Clemenceau: A Political Biography,"Watson, Donald R.",9780679507031,1976,D. McKay,Biography; Social Issues 173,"Global Economy, Global Justice: Theoretical Objections and Policy Alternatives to Neoliberalism","DeMartino, George",9780415124270,2000,Routledge,Business & Law; History & Social Studies; Social Issues 174,"Globalization, Privatization and Free Market Economy ","Rao, C. P.",9781567200751,1998,Quorum Books,Business & Law; Social Issues 175,Globalization: Culture and Education in the New Millennium,"Suarez-Orozco, Marcelo",9780520241237,2004,University of California Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; History & Social Studies; Social Issues" 176,Gloria Naylor's Early Novels ,"Kelley, Margot A.",9780813016498,1999,University Press of Florida,Fiction & Literature 177,"Goal Attainment Scaling: Applications, Theory, and Measurement","Kiresuk, Thomas",9780898598896,1994,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology 178,God and Global Justice: Religion and Poverty in an Unequal World,"Ferré, Frederick",9780913757369,1985,Paragon Press,Religion & Beliefs 179,God's Name in Vain: How Religion Should and Should Not Be Involved in Politics,"Carter, Stephen L.",9780465008865,2000,Basic Books,Religion & Beliefs; Social Issues 180,Good Citizenship and Educational Provision ,"Davies, Ian",9780750709606,1999,Falmer Press,Social Issues 181,"Government, Ethics, and Managers: A Guide to Solving Ethical Dilemmas in the Public Sector","Steinberg, Sheldon S.",9780275936372,1990,Praeger Publishers,Social Issues 182,Greek and Roman Technology: A Sourcebook: Annotated Translations of Greek and Latin Texts and Documents,"Humphrey, John W.",9780415061360,1998,Routledge,History & Social Studies; Science & Technology; Travel & Places 183,Group 47: the Reflected Intellect ,"Mandel, Siegfried",9780809306411,1973,Southern Illinois University Press,History & Social Studies 184,"Groups, Teams, and Social Interaction: Theories and Applications","Hare, A. Paul",9780275938901,1992,Praeger Publishers,Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues 185,Handbook of Communication and Aging Research ,"Nussbaum, Jon F.",9780805814538,1995,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 186,Handbook of International Research in Mathematics Education ," Lyn D.",9780805833713,2002,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Science & Technology" 187,Handbook of Parenting ,"Bornstein, Marc H.",9780805837780,2002,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 188,Handbook of Research and Policy in Art Education ,"Eisner, Elliot W.",9780805849714,2004,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Art; Travel & Places 189,"Handbook on Ethnicity, Aging, and Mental Health ","Padgett, Deborah K.",9780313282041,1995,Greenwood Press,Science & Technology; Social Issues 190,"Henry James's Daisy Miller, the Turn of the Screw, and Other Tales ","Bloom, Harold",9781555460075,1987,Chelsea House,Fiction & Literature 191,Hero of Beecher Island: The Life and Military Career of George A. Forsyth,"Dixon, David",9780803217003,1994,University of Nebraska Press,Biography; History & Social Studies; Military; Travel & Places 192,Higher Education for Everybody? Issues and Implications,"Furniss, W. Todd",9780826813190,1971,American Council on Education,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 193,Higher Education through Open and Distance Learning ,"Harry, Keith",9780415197915,1999,Routledge,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 194,"Hills beyond a River: Chinese Painting of the Yuan Dynasty, 1279-1368","Cahill, James",9780834801202,1976,Weatherhill,Art; Travel & Places 195,History at the Limit of World-History ,"Guha, Ranajit",9780231124188,2002,Columbia University Press,Biography; Fiction & Literature; History & Social Studies 196,Hitler's Mind: A Plunge into Madness,"Schwaab, Edleff H.",9780275941321,1992,Praeger Publishers,Biography; History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places 197,"Holy War, Holy Peace: How Religion Can Bring Peace to the Middle East","Gopin, Marc",9780195146509,2002,Oxford University Press,History & Social Studies; Religion & Beliefs; Social Issues; Travel & Places 198,Honest Government: An Ethics Guide for Public Service,"Cody, W. J.",9780275943769,1992,Praeger,Social Issues 199,"Housing Management, Consumers, and Citizens ","Cairncross, Liz",9780415070669,1997,Routledge,Social Issues 200,How Musical Is Man? ,"Blacking, John",9780295952185,1973,University of Washington Press,"Music, TV, Movies, & more; Travel & Places" 201,How Russia Votes ,"White, Stephen",9781566430371,1997,Chatham House Publishers,History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places 202,Human Response to Crowding ,"Baum, Andrew",9780470263747,1978,L. Erlbaum Associates,Nature; Science & Technology 203,Human Spatial Memory: Remembering Where,"Allen, Gary L.",9780805842180,2003,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology 204,Humans as Self-Constructing Living Systems: Putting the Framework to Work,"Ford, Martin E.",9780898596670,1987,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology 205,Hunger: A Biopsychological Analysis,"Balagura, Saul",9780465031900,1973,Basic Books,Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues 206,"ICT, Pedagogy, and the Curriculum: Subject to Change","Loveless, Avril",9780415234306,2001,Routledge Falmer,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 207,Ideology and Educational Reform: Themes and Theories in Public Education,"Paris, David C.",9780813323404,1995,Westview Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 208,Illusions of Prosperity: America's Working Families in an Age of Economic Insecurity,"Blau, Joel",9780195089936,1999,Oxford University Press,Business & Law; Social Issues 209,Imagination and the Nature of Choice ,"Schackle, G. L.",9780852243572,1979,Edinburgh University Press,Business & Law 210,"Immigration, Stress, and Readjustment ","Ben-Sira, Zeev",9780275956325,1997,Praeger Publishers,Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues 211,Improving Anti-Drug Budgeting ,"Murphy, Patrick",9780833029157,2000,Rand,Business & Law; Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues; True Crime 212,In Search of a New World Order: The Future of U.S.-European Relations,"Brandon, Henry",9780815710585,1992,Brookings Institution,History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places 213,"In Search of the Racial Frontier: African Americans in the American West, 1528-1990","Taylor, Quintard",9780393041057,1998,W. W. Norton,History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places 214,"In the Line of Fire: Youths, Guns, and Violence in Urban America","Sheley, Joseph F.",9780202305486,1995,Aldine De Gruyter,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues; True Crime" 215,"Industrial Location: Principles, Practice, and Policy","Harrington, J. W.",9780415104791,1995,Routledge,Business & Law 216,Industrial Organization: Theory and Practice,"Woodward, Joan",9780198741220,1982,Oxford University Press,Business & Law 217,Industrialization as an Agent of Social Change: A Critical Analysis,"Blumer, Herbert",9780202304106,1990,Aldine de Gruyter,Business & Law; Social Issues 218,Inferno III ,"Simonelli, Maria P.",9780812232295,1993,University of Pennsylvania Press,Fiction & Literature 219,"Infertility around the Globe: New Thinking on Childlessness, Gender, and Reproductive Technologies","Inhorn, Marcia Claire",9780520231085,2002,University of California Press,Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues 220,"Information and Misinformation: An Investigation of the Notions of Information, Misinformation, Informing, and Misinforming","Fox, Christopher J.",9780313239281,1983,Greenwood Press,Reference & Languages 221,Integrated Communication: Synergy of Persuasive Voices,"Thorson, Esther",9780805813913,1996,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology 222,Integrating Research on the Graphical Representation of Functions ,"Romberg, Thomas A.",9780805811346,1993,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Science & Technology 223,Intellectual Teamwork: Social and Technological Foundations of Cooperative Work,"Galegher, Jolene",9780805805338,1990,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Business & Law; Health; Reference & Languages; Science & Technology; Social Issues 224,Intergroup Cognition and Intergroup Behavior ,"Sedikides, Constantine",9780805820553,1998,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology 225,International Encyclopedia of Public Policy and Administration: R-Z,"Shafritz, Jay M.",9780813399768,1998,Westview Press,Social Issues 226,International Finance and Financial Policy ,"Stoll, Hans R.",9780899305554,1990,Quorum Books,Business & Law; Social Issues 227,Interpreting the Landscape: Landscape Archaeology and Local History,"Aston, Michael",9780415151405,1997,Routledge,Biography; Fiction & Literature; History & Social Studies; Nature 228,Intifada: The Palestinian Uprising against Israeli Occupation,"Lockman, Zachary",9780896083639,1989,South End Press,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 229,Intrigue and War in Southwest Asia: The Struggle for Supremacy from Central Asia to Iraq,"Rezun, Miron",9780275941055,1992,Praeger Publishers,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 230,"Ireland: Historical Echoes, Contemporary Politics","Finnegan, Richard B.",9780813332475,2000,Westview Press,Business & Law; History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places 231,Irish American Voluntary Organizations ,"Funchion, Michael F.",9780313229480,1983,Greenwood Press,Science & Technology; Social Issues 232,"Is America Necessary? Conservative, Liberal, & Socialist Perspectives of United States Political Institutions","Etzkowitz, Henry",9780829900903,1976,West Pub. Co,Social Issues 233,Islamic Versus Traditional Banking: Financial Innovations in Egypt,"Kazarian, Elias G.",9780813318318,1993,Westview Press,Business & Law 234,Jane Austen: New Perspectives,"Todd, Janet",9780841908635,1983,Holmes & Meier,Fiction & Literature 235,Jean Gerson: Early Works,"McGuire, Brian P.",9780809104987,1998,Paulist Press,Health; Religion & Beliefs 236,Jimmy Carter: Foreign Policy and Post-Presidential Years,"Rosenbaum, Herbert D.",9780313288449,1994,Greenwood Press,Biography; Social Issues 237,"Job Queues, Gender Queues: Explaining Women's Inroads into Male Occupations","Reskin, Barbara F.",9780877227434,1990,Temple University Press,Business & Law; Social Issues 238,John Williamson Nevin: American Theologian,"Wentz, Richard E.",9780195082432,1997,Oxford US,Religion & Beliefs 239,Juvenile Offenders for a Thousand Years: Selected Readings from Anglo-Saxon Times to 1900,"Morrison, Michael A.",9780807864326,1970,University of North Carolina Press,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 240,Kant's Theory of Moral Motivation ,"Guevara, Daniel",9780813391090,2000,Westview Press,Health; History & Social Studies; Philosophy 241,Knocking at Our Own Door: Milton A. Galamison and the Struggle to Integrate New York City Schools,"Taylor, Clarence",9780231109505,1997,Columbia University Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 242,"Labor's Great War: The Struggle for Industrial Democracy and the Origins of Modern American Labor Relations, 1912-1921","McCartin, Joseph A.",9780807823729,1997,University of North Carolina Press,Business & Law; History & Social Studies; Social Issues 243,"Land and Soil Management: Technology, Economics, and Institutions","Sfeir-Younis, Alfredo",9780813387338,1993,Westview Press,Nature; Science & Technology; Social Issues 244,"Large-Scale Assessment Programs for All Students: Validity, Technical Adequacy, and Implementation","Tindal, Gerald",9780805837094,2002,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 245,"Latin America, Its Problems and Its Promise: A Multidisciplinary Introduction","Black, Jan K.",9780865312128,1998,Westview Press,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 246,Latin American Labor Organizations ,"Greenfield, Gerald M.",9780313228346,1987,Greenwood Press,Business & Law; Social Issues 247,Latin American Politics and Development ,"Wiarda, Howard J.",9780813384931,1996,Westview Press,Social Issues 248,Latin Looks: Images of Latinas and Latinos in the U.S. Media,"Rodriguez, Clara E.",9780813327662,1997,Westview Press,Art; Biography; Social Issues 249,Learning and Emotion: A Biological Synthesis,"Livesey, P. J.",9780898595529,1986,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Philosophy; Science & Technology 250,Legendary Figures: Ancient History in Modern Novels,"Koelb, Clayton",9780803227392,1998,University of Nebraska Press,Fiction & Literature 251,Legislative Learning: The 104th Republican Freshmen in the House,"Barnett, Timothy J.",9780815333623,1999,Garland,Biography; Social Issues 252,Legislative Politics in the Arab World: The Resurgence of Democratic Institutions,"Baaklini, Abdo",9781555878399,1999,Lynne Rienner,Social Issues 253,Legitimation of Social Rights and the Western Welfare State: A Weberian Perspective,"Friedman, Kathi V.",9780807814802,1981,University of North Carolina Press,Social Issues 254,"Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Identities in Families: Psychological Perspectives","Patterson, Charlotte J.",9780195110494,1998,Oxford University Press,Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues 255,Leslie Marmon Silko: A Collection of Critical Essays,"Barnett, Louise K.",9780826320339,1999,University of New Mexico Press,Fiction & Literature 256,Lessons from the North: Canada's Privatization of Military Ammunition Production,"Hix, W. M.",9780833036346,2004,Rand,Business & Law; History & Social Studies; Military; Science & Technology; Social Issues; Travel & Places 257,Liberating Theory ,"Albert, Michael",9780896083066,1986,South End Press,History & Social Studies; Social Issues 258,Life Values and Adolescent Mental Health ,"Cohen, Patricia",9780805817744,1996,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 259,Lives in Distress: The Paths of the Elderly to the Psychiatric Ward,"Ross, Alan Duncan",9780465041374,1964,Basic Books,"Health; Music, TV, Movies, & more" 260,Living without Free Will ,"Pereboom, Derk",9780521791984,2001,Cambridge University Press,Philosophy 261,Making Mark Twain Work in the Classroom ,"Leonard, James S.",9780822322788,1999,Duke University Press,Fiction & Literature 262,Making Markets: Economic Transformation in Eastern Europe and the Post-Soviet States,"Islam, Shafiqul",9780876091296,1993,Council on Foreign Relations Press,Business & Law 263,Making Washington Work: Tales of Innovation in the Federal Government,"Donahue, John D.",9780815718956,1999,The Brookings Institution,History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places 264,Male on Male Rape: The Hidden Toll of Stigma and Shame,"Scarce, Michael",9780306456275,1997,Insight Books,Social Issues; True Crime 265,"Mammoths, Sabertooths, and Hominids: 65 Million Years of Mammalian Evolution in Europe","Agustí, Jordi",9780231116404,2002,Columbia University Press,Adventure; Animals; Science & Technology 266,Managing Economic Development in Asia: From Economic Miracle to Financial Crisis,"Liou, Kuotsai Tom",9780275964290,2002,Praeger,Business & Law; Social Issues 267,Married to the Military: The Employment and Earnings of Military Wives Compared with Those of Civilian Wives,"Hosek, James",9780833031808,2002,Rand,"Family, Childhood, & Education; History & Social Studies; Military; Social Issues; Travel & Places" 268,Masterworks of Asian Literature in Comparative Perspective: A Guide for Teaching,"Miller, Barbara S.",9781563242571,1994,M.E. Sharpe,Fiction & Literature 269,Measuring Offender Risk: A Criminal Justice Sourcebook,"Champion, Dean J.",9780313285936,1994,Greenwood Press,Social Issues; True Crime 270,Mechanisms of Immigration Control: A Comparative Analysis of European Regulation Policies,"Brochmann, Grete",9781859732724,1999,Berg,Social Issues 271,Media Effects: Advances in Theory and Research,"Bryant, Jennings",9780805809176,1994,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Social Issues 272,Memory Consolidation: Psychobiology of Cognition,"Weingartner, Herbert",9780898593235,1984,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology 273,Mental Logic ,"Braine, Martin",9780805823882,1998,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Philosophy 274,Methods for Studying Language Production ,"Menn, Lise",9780805830330,2000,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Reference & Languages 275,Metrics for the Quadrennial Defense Review's Operational Goals ,"Kelley, Charles",9780833033185,2003,Rand,History & Social Studies; Military; Travel & Places 276,Mind and Brain ,"Honderich, Ted",9780198242826,1990,Oxford University,Health; Philosophy; Science & Technology 277,Mind and World ,"McDowell, John",9780674576100,1996,Harvard University Press,Philosophy 278,Minerva and the Muse: A Life of Margaret Fuller,"Von Mehren, Joan",9780870239410,1994,University of Massachusetts Press,Biography; Fiction & Literature 279,Misreading the Public: The Myth of a New Isolationism,"Destler, I. M.",9780815717669,1999,The Brookings Institution,Social Issues 280,Modeling Sensorineural Hearing Loss ,"Jesteadt, Walter",9780805822304,1997,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Reference & Languages; Science & Technology 281,Moral Principles and Social Values ,"Trusted, Jennifer",9780710210470,1987,Routledge & Kegan Paul,Philosophy; Social Issues 282,"Morality, Religious and Secular: The Dilemma of the Traditional Conscience","Mitchell, Basil",9780198245377,1980,Clarendon Press,Philosophy 283,"Murder, Courts, and the Press: Issues in Free Press/Fair Trial","Kane, Peter E.",9780809312634,1986,Southern Illinois University Press,History & Social Studies; Social Issues; True Crime 284,Music as Instrument of Diversity and Unity: Notes on a Namibian Landscape,"Mans, Minette",9789171065100,2003,Nordic African Institute,"History & Social Studies; Music, TV, Movies, & more; Social Issues" 285,Musical Meaning: Toward a Critical History,"Kramer, Lawrence",9780520228245,2002,University of California Press,"History & Social Studies; Music, TV, Movies, & more; Philosophy" 286,"Mutiny on the Amistad: The Saga of a Slave Revolt and Its Impact on American Abolition, Law, and Diplomacy","Jones, Howard",9780195038286,1988,Oxford University Press,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 287,Mutual Misunderstanding: Scepticism and the Theorizing of Language and Interpretation,"Taylor, Talbot J.",9780822312383,1992,Duke University Press,Reference & Languages 288,"Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah: A Commentary","Roberts, J. J.",9780664219376,1991,Westminster/John Knox Press,Religion & Beliefs 289,New Age Spirituality: An Assessment,"Ferguson, Duncan S.",9780664252182,1993,Westminster/John Knox Press,Health; Religion & Beliefs 290,New Immigrants in New York ,"Foner, Nancy",9780231061308,1987,Columbia University Press,Social Issues 291,New Media and American Politics ,"Davis, Richard",9780195120608,1998,Oxford University Press,Social Issues 292,New Paths to Success: Determining Career Alternatives for Field-Grade Officers,"Schrimer, Peter",9780833035714,2004,Rand,History & Social Studies; Military; Travel & Places 293,New Perspectives on the Welfare State in Europe ,"Jones, Catherine",9780415070416,1993,Routledge,Social Issues 294,Nicholas II: The Life and Reign of Russia's Last Monarch,"Warth, Robert D.",9780275958329,1997,Praeger Publishers,Biography; History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 295,"Nietzsche, Feminism, and Political Theory ","Patton, Paul",9780415082556,1993,Routledge,History & Social Studies; Philosophy 296,Nonconscious Movements: From Mystical Messages to Facilitated Communication,"Spitz, Herman H.",9780805825633,1997,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Religion & Beliefs 297,Normalisation: A Reader for the Nineties,"Brown, Hilary",9780415070799,1992,Tavistock Routledge,Health; Social Issues 298,North Carolina Government & Politics ,"Fleer, Jack D.",9780803219939,1994,University of Nebraska Press,Social Issues 299,Not So! Popular Myths about America from Columbus to Clinton,"Boller, Paul F., Jr.",9780195091861,1995,Oxford University Press,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 300,Off Track: When Poor Readers Become Learning Disabled,"Spear-Swerling, Louise C.",9780813387574,1996,Westview Press,Health; Reference & Languages; Science & Technology 301,"Older Adult Education: A Guide to Research, Programs, and Policies","Manheimer, Ronald J.",9780313288784,1995,Greenwood Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 302,Omens and Oracles: Collective Psychology in the Nuclear Age,"Kroth, Jerry",9780275938895,1992,Praeger Publishers,Health; Religion & Beliefs; Science & Technology 303,On the Genealogy of Morality: A Polemic,"Nietzsche, Friedrich",9780872202849,1998,Hackett Publishing,History & Social Studies; Philosophy 304,On the Plurality of Actual Worlds ,"Blais, Andrew L.",9781558490727,1997,University of Massachusetts Press,Philosophy; Social Issues 305,Orality and Literacy: The Technologizing of the Word,"Ong, Walter J.",9780415281829,2002,Routledge,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Reference & Languages; Social Issues" 306,Organizational Behavior in the Marine Corps: Three Interpretations,"Marutollo, Frank",9780275934934,1990,Praeger Publishers,History & Social Studies; Military; Travel & Places 307,"Origins of Nurturance: Developmental, Biological, and Cultural Perspectives on Caregiving","Fogel, Alan",9780898596434,1986,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 308,Panic: Psychological Perspectives,"Maser, Jack D.",9780805800913,1988,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues 309,Paradigm Debates in Curriculum and Supervision: Modern and Postmodern Perspectives,"Glanz, Jeffrey",9780897896245,2000,Bergin & Garvey,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Philosophy; Social Issues" 310,Parody as Film Genre: Never Give a Saga an Even Break,"Gehring, Wes D.",9780313261862,1999,Greenwood Press,"History & Social Studies; Humor & Games; Music, TV, Movies, & more" 311,Participatory and Workplace Democracy: A Theoretical Development in Critique of Liberalism,"Mason, Ronald M.",9780809309924,1982,Southern Illinois University Press,History & Social Studies; Social Issues 312,Partnership for International Development: Rhetoric or Results?,"Brinkerhoff, Jennifer M.",9781588260932,2002,Lynne Rienner,Social Issues 313,"Passage through Hell: Modernist Descents, Medieval Underworlds","Pike, David L.",9780801431630,1997,Cornell University Press,Fiction & Literature 314,Patriotic Culture in Russia during World War I ,"Jahn, Hubertus F.",9780801431319,1995,Cornell University Press,History & Social Studies; Military; Social Issues 315,Peacekeepers and Their Wives: American Participation in the Multinational Force and Observers,"Segal, David R.",9780313274848,1993,Greenwood Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; History & Social Studies; Military; Social Issues; Travel & Places; True Crime" 316,Pearl Harbor Reexamined: Prologue to the Pacific War,"Conroy, Hilary",9780824812355,1990,University of Hawaii Press,History & Social Studies; Military 317,Pearl S. Buck: A Cultural Bridge across the Pacific,"Liao, Kang",9780313301469,1997,Greenwood Press,Fiction & Literature; Social Issues 318,"Perception, Empathy, and Judgment: An Inquiry into the Preconditions of Moral Performance","Vetlesen, Arne J.",9780271010564,1994,Pennsylvania State University Press,Health; Philosophy; Science & Technology 319,Perfect Fools: Folly for Christ's Sake in Catholic and Orthodox Spirituality,"Saward, John",9780192132307,1980,Oxford University Press,Religion & Beliefs 320,"Performance Theories in Education: Power, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Identity","Alexander, Bryant Keith",9780805848205,2004,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Music, TV, Movies, & more; Social Issues" 321,Philosophical Foundations of Historical Knowledge ,"Murphey, Murray G.",9780791419199,1994,State University of New York Press,History & Social Studies 322,Pilgrimages: Aspects of Japanese Literature and Culture,"Rimer, J. Thomas",9780824811488,1988,University of Hawaii Press,Fiction & Literature; Social Issues 323,Pluralism: Against the Demand for Consensus,"Rescher, Nicholas",9780198240624,1993,Clarendon Press,Social Issues 324,Policies for Competitiveness: Comparing Business-Government Relationships in the 'Golden Age of Capitalism',"Miyajima, Hideaki",9780198293231,1999,Oxford University,Business & Law 325,Political Legitimacy and Housing: Stakeholding in Singapore,"Chua, Beng Huat",9780415166904,1997,Routledge,Social Issues 326,"Politics, Markets, and America's Schools ","Chubb, John E.",9780815714095,1990,Brookings Institutuion,"Family, Childhood, & Education; History & Social Studies; Social Issues" 327,"Politics, Society and Christianity in Vichy France ","Halls, W. D.",9781859730713,1995,Berg,History & Social Studies; Religion & Beliefs; Travel & Places 328,Population Politics in Twentieth-Century Europe: Fascist Dictatorships and Liberal Democracies,"Quine, Maria S.",9780415080699,1996,Routledge,Social Issues 329,"Post-Modern Law: Enlightenment, Revolution, and the Death of Man","Carty, Anthony",9780748601561,1990,Edinburgh University Press,History & Social Studies; Philosophy 330,"Practising Feminism: Identity, Difference, Power","Hughes-Freeland, Felicia",9780415111089,1996,Routledge,Social Issues 331,"Principles of Environmental Economics: Economics, Ecology and Public Policy","Hussen, Ahmed M.",9780415195706,2000,Routledge,Business & Law; Nature; Science & Technology; Social Issues 332,Prismatic Thought: Theodor W. 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Messinger,"Blomberg, Thomas G.",9780202304977,1995,Aldine De Gruyter,Social Issues 340,Quality of Life in Behavioral Medicine Research ,"Dimsdale, Joel E.",9780805816532,1995,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology 341,Quality of Life: Perspectives and Policies,"Baldwin, Sally",9780415095815,1994,Routledge,Philosophy 342,Questions of Time and Tense ,"Le Poidevin, Robin",9780198236955,1998,Clarendon Press,Science & Technology 343,"Rabbis, Lawyers, Immigrants, Thieves: Exploring Women's Roles","Simon, Rita J.",9780275944100,1993,Praeger Publishers,Social Issues; True Crime 344,Race Music: Black Cultures from Bebop to Hip-Hop,"Ramsey, Guthrie P.",9780520210486,2003,University of California Press,"Music, TV, Movies, & more; Travel & Places" 345,"Radical Visions: American Film Renaissance, 1967-1976","Man, Glenn",9780313293061,1994,Greenwood Press,"History & Social Studies; Music, TV, Movies, & more" 346,"Rara! Vodou, Power, and Performance in Haiti and Its Diaspora","McAlister, Elizabeth A.",9780520228221,2002,University of California Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Music, TV, Movies, & more; Religion & Beliefs; Social Issues" 347,Reclaiming Community in Contemporary African-American Fiction ,"Page, Philip",9781578061228,1999,University Press of Mississippi,Fiction & Literature 348,Reconstructing Education: Toward a Pedagogy of Critical Humanism,"Nemiroff, Greta H.",9780897892667,1992,Bergin & Garvey,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 349,Reelection 1996: How Americans Voted,"Weisberg, Herbert F.",9781566430685,1999,Chatham House Publishers Seven Bridges Press,Social Issues 350,Re-Examining Psychology: Critical Perspectives and African Insights,"Holdstock, T. Len",9780415187923,2000,Routledge,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 351,Regression Periods in Human Infancy ,"Heimann, Mikael",9780805840988,2003,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology" 352,Religion & American Education: Rethinking a National Dilemma,"Nord, Warren A.",9780807821657,1995,University of North Carolina Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Religion & Beliefs; Social Issues" 353,Religion and Creation ,"Ward, Keith",9780198263937,1996,Clarendon Press,Religion & Beliefs; Science & Technology 354,Religion in Modern New Mexico ,"Szasz, F.",9780826317667,1997,University of New Mexico Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places" 355,"Religion, Law, and Freedom: A Global Perspective","Thierstein, Joel R.",9780275964528,2000,Praeger Publishers,Religion & Beliefs; Social Issues 356,"Religion, Mobilization, and Social Action ","Shupe, Anson",9780275956257,1998,Praeger Publishers,Religion & Beliefs; Social Issues 357,"Religion, Society, and Utopia in Nineteenth-Century America ","Mandelker, Ira L.",9780870234361,1984,University of Massachusetts Press,History & Social Studies; Religion & Beliefs; Social Issues 358,Reopening the Word: Reading Mark as Theology in the Context of Early Judaism,"Sabin, Marie Noonan",9780195143591,2002,Oxford University Press,Religion & Beliefs 359,Reporting on Risks: The Practice and Ethics of Health and Safety Communication,"Willis, Jim",9780275952983,1997,Praeger Publishers,Health; Social Issues 360,"Research and Knowledge at Work: Perspectives, Case-Studies and Innovative Strategies","Garrick, John",9780415213370,2000,Routledge,Business & Law; Science & Technology 361,Research Designs for Political Science: Contrivance and Demonstration in Theory and Practice,"Bositis, David A.",9780809316007,1990,Southern Illinois University,Reference & Languages; Social Issues 362,Research on Classroom Ecologies: Implications for Inclusion of Children with Learning Disabilities,"Keogh, Barbara K.",9780805818963,1996,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 363,Research Review for School Leaders ,"Wraga, William G.",9780805835083,2000,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 364,Rethinking Freire: Globalization and the Environmental Crisis,"Bowers, C. A.",9780805851144,2005,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Biography; Family, Childhood, & Education; Nature; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 365,Revising Life: Sylvia Plath's Ariel Poems,"Van Dyne, Susan R.",9780807821022,1993,University of North Carolina Press,Fiction & Literature 366,"Roots of Chicano Politics, 1600-1940 ","Gómez-Quiñones, Juan",9780826314710,1994,University of New Mexico Press,Social Issues 367,Rowand Anderson: The Premier Architect of Scotland,"McKinstry, Sam",9780748602520,1991,Edinburgh University Press,Art; Biography 368,Russia and the Soviet Union: An Historical Introduction from the Kievan State to the Present,"Thompson, John",9780813334851,1998,Westview Press,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 369,Russia beyond Communism: A Chronicle of National Rebirth,"Krasnov, Vladislav",9780813383613,1991,Westview Press,History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places 370,Russian Women in Politics and Society ,"Rule, Wilma",9780313293634,1996,Greenwood Press,Social Issues; True Crime 371,"Sartre, Foucault, and Historical Reason ","Flynn, Thomas R.",9780226254678,1997,University of Chicago Press,History & Social Studies; Philosophy 372,Scientific Approaches to Consciousness ,"Cohen, Jonathan D.",9780805814712,1997,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Philosophy 373,Security and Safety in Los Angeles High-Rise Buildings after 9/11 ,"Archibald, Rae W.",9780833031846,2002,Rand,Art; Social Issues; True Crime 374,Security Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region ,"Ball, Desmond",9780892062195,1993,Center for Strategic and International Studies,Social Issues; True Crime 375,Selected Spiritual Writings ,"Bond, H. Lawrence",9780809136988,1997,Paulist Press,Biography; Religion & Beliefs 376,Selected Writings on the State and the Transition to Socialism ,"Bukharin, Nikolai I.",9780873321907,1982,M. E. Sharpe,History & Social Studies; Social Issues 377,Self as Person in Asian Theory and Practice ,"Ames, Roger T.",9780791417232,1994,State University of New York Press,Philosophy 378,"Self Expressions: Mind, Morals, and the Meaning of Life","Flanagan, Owen",9780195096965,1996,Oxford University Press,Health; Philosophy; Science & Technology 379,Self Love and Christian Ethics ,"Weaver, Darlene Fozard",9780521817813,2002,Cambridge University Press,Health; Religion & Beliefs 380,Self-Knowledge and the Self ,"Jopling, David A.",9780415926898,2000,Routledge,Health; Science & Technology 381,Separation: Anxiety and Anger,"Bowlby, John",9780465097166,1973,Basic Books,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 382,Sexual Images of the Self: The Psychology of Erotic Sensations and Illusions,"Fisher, S.",9780805804393,1989,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology 383,Shakespeare and His Theatre ,"Bentley, Gerald E., Jr.",9780803202207,1964,University of Nebraska Press,Biography; Fiction & Literature 384,"Shamans/Neo-Shamans: Contested Ecstasies, Alternative Archaeologies, and Contemporary Pagans","Wallis, Robert J.",9780415302029,2003,Routledge,Health; Religion & Beliefs 385,Shrines of the Slave Trade: Diola Religion and Society in Precolonial Senegambia,"Baum, Robert M.",9780195123920,1999,Oxford University Press,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 386,Sites of Violence: Gender and Conflict Zones,"Giles, Wenona Mary",9780520230729,2004,University of California Press,Social Issues 387,Six Armies in Tennessee: The Chickamauga and Chattanooga Campaigns,"Woodworth, Steven E.",9780803247789,1998,University of Nebraska Press,History & Social Studies; Military; Travel & Places 388,Social Action with Children and Families: A Community Development Approach to Child and Family Welfare,"Cannan, Crescy",9780415131506,1997,Routledge,Social Issues 389,Social Hierarchies: Essays toward a Sociophysiological Perspective,"Barchas, Patricia R.",9780313231650,1984,Greenwood Press,Social Issues 390,"Social Policy, Public Policy: From Problem to Practice","Edwards, Meredith",9781864489484,2001,Allen & Unwin,Social Issues 391,Social Theory and Social Policy: Essays in Honor of James S. Coleman,"Sorensen, Aage B.",9780275942359,1993,Praeger Publishers,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Philosophy; Social Issues" 392,Social Treatment: An Introduction to Interpersonal Helping in Social Work Practice,"Whittaker, James K.",9780202360508,1989,Aldine de Gruyter,Social Issues 393,Social Work: Search for Identity,"Leighninger, Leslie",9780313247750,1987,Greenwood Press,Social Issues 394,"Society and Power: Five New England Towns, 1800-1860","Doherty, Robert",9780870232428,1977,University of Massachusetts Press,Social Issues 395,Spinoza: A Collection of Critical Essays,"Grene, Marjorie Glicksman",9780385012164,1973,Anchor Books,Philosophy 396,Steal This University: The Rise of the Corporate University and the Academic Labor Movement,"Johnson, Benjamin",9780415934831,2003,Routledge,"Business & Law; Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 397,Stories Matter: The Role of Narrative in Medical Ethics,"Charon, Rita",9780415928373,2002,Routledge,Health; Philosophy; Reference & Languages 398,Strategic Leadership: A Multiorganizational-Level Perspective,"Phillips, Robert L.",9780899307565,1992,Quorum Books,Business & Law 399,Strengthening Nuclear Nonproliferation ,"Bailey, Kathleen C.",9780813320076,1993,Westview Press,Social Issues 400,Strong Medicine: The Ethical Rationing of Health Care,"Menzel, Paul T.",9780195057102,1990,Oxford University Press,Business & Law; Health; Philosophy 401,Subjectivism and Economic Analysis: Essays in Memory of Ludwig M. Lachmann,"Lachmann, Ludwig M.",9780415110587,1998,Routledge,Business & Law 402,Sustainability: The Corporate Challenge of the 21st Century,"Dunphy, Dexter",9781865082288,2000,Allen & Unwin,Business & Law 403,Talking to Adults ,"Blum-Kulka, Shoshana",9780805836608,2002,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Reference & Languages; Social Issues" 404,Teaching Introduction to Women's Studies: Expectations and Strategies,"Winkler, Barbara Scott",9780897895903,1999,Bergin & Garvey,Social Issues 405,Teaching the Media: International Perspectives,"Hart, Andrew",9780805824766,1998,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Social Issues 406,Techno-Diplomacy: U.S.-Soviet Confrontations in Science and Technology,"Schweitzer, G. E.",9780306432897,1989,Plenum Press,Science & Technology 407,Television and Its Viewers: Cultivation Theory and Research,"Shanahan, James",9780521582964,1999,Cambridge University Press,"Music, TV, Movies, & more; Science & Technology" 408,Temperament and Personality Development across the Life Span ,"Molfese, Dennis L.",9780805833386,2000,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology 409,Terms of Engagement: The United States and the European Security Identity,"Brenner, Michael",9780275964979,1998,Praeger,History & Social Studies; Military; Social Issues; True Crime 410,Thauma Idesthai: The Phenomenology of Sight and Appearance in Archaic Greek,"Prier, Raymond A.",9780813009193,1989,Florida State University Press,Fiction & Literature; Reference & Languages 411,The $800 Million Pill: The Truth behind the Cost of New Drugs,"Goozner, Merrill",9780520239456,2004,University of California Press,Health; Reference & Languages 412,The Ambassadors and America's Soviet Policy ,"Mayers, David",9780195068023,1995,Oxford University Press,Social Issues 413,The Analytic Freud: Philosophy and Psychoanalysis,"Levine, Michael P.",9780415180399,2000,Routledge,Health; Science & Technology 414,The Arts of Performance in Elizabethan and Early Stuart Drama: Essays for G.K. Hunter,"Biggs, Murray",9780748602667,1991,Edinburgh University Press,"Fiction & Literature; Music, TV, Movies, & more" 415,The Argumentative Turn in Policy Analysis and Planning ,"Fischer, Frank",9780822313724,1993,UCL Press,Reference & Languages; Social Issues 416,The Big Five: Arms Control Decision-Making in the Soviet Union,"Savel'yev, Aleksandr G.",9780275946913,1995,Praeger Publishers,Social Issues 417,The Bond Markets of Developing East Asia ,"Emery, Robert F.",9780813329697,1997,Westview Press,Business & Law 418,The Celebration of the Fantastic: Selected Papers from the Tenth Anniversary International Conference on the Fantastic in the Arts,"Morse, Donald E.",9780313278143,1992,Greenwood Press,Fantasy; Fiction & Literature 419,"The Central Intelligence Agency: An Instrument of Government, to 1950","Darling, Arthur B.",9780271007175,1990,Pennsylvania State University Press,Social Issues; True Crime 420,The Challenge of NATO Enlargement ,"Bebler, Anton A.",9780275961084,1999,Praeger Publishers,Social Issues 421,The Child in Christian Thought ,"Bunge, Marcia J.",9780802846938,2001,W B Eerdmans,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Philosophy; Religion & Beliefs; Social Issues" 422,The Comedy of the Fantastic: Ecological Perspectives on the Fantasy Novel,"Elgin, Don G.",9780313232831,1985,Greenwood Press,Fantasy; Fiction & Literature; Humor & Games 423,The Coming Crisis in Israel: Private Faith and Public Policy,"Zucker, Norman L.",9780262240185,1973,unknown,History & Social Studies; Religion & Beliefs; Social Issues 424,The Decline of American Gentility ,"Persons, Stow",9780231030151,1973,Columbia University Press,Fiction & Literature; History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 425,"The Development of Kamakura Rule, 1180-1250: A History with Documents","Mass, Jeffrey P.",9780804710039,1979,Stanford University,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 426,The Domestic Assault of Women: Psychological and Criminal Justice Perspectives,"Dutton, Donald G.",9780774804622,1995,University of British Columbia Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 427,The Eagle and the Rising Sun: America and Japan in the Twentieth Century,"Emmerson, John K.",9780201183696,1988,Addison-Wesley,Social Issues 428,The Ecclesiastical History of the English People: The Greater Chronicle ; Bede's Letter to Egbert,Bede,9780192838667,1994,Oxford University,History & Social Studies; Religion & Beliefs 429,The Economics of the Imagination ,"Heinzelman, Kurt",9780870232749,1980,University of Massachusetts Press,Business & Law; Fiction & Literature 430,The Economies of Central America ,"Weeks, John",9780841909151,1985,Holmes & Meier,Business & Law 431,The Emerging Markets and Higher Education: Development and Sustainability,"McMullen, Matthew S.",9780815334637,2000,Routledge Falmer,"Business & Law; Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 432,The Essential Career Guide to Becoming a Middle and High School Teacher ,"Maloy, Robert W.",9780897895590,1999,Bergin & Garvey,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 433,The False Prison: A Study of the Development of Wittgenstein's Philosophy,"Pears, David",9780198244868,1987,Clarendon Press,History & Social Studies; Philosophy 434,The Fateful Discourse of Worldly Things ,"Halliburton, David",9780804727723,1997,Stanford University,Fiction & Literature; Philosophy 435,The Feminism and Socialism of Lily Braun ,"Meyer, Alfred G.",9780253321695,1985,Indiana University Press,Biography; History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places 436,The Fiction of Philip Roth and John Updike ,"Searles, George J.",9780809311750,1985,Southern Illinois University Press,Biography; Fiction & Literature 437,The Fight for the Channel Ports: Calais to Brest 1940: a Study in Confusion,"Glover, Michael",9780813303000,1985,Westview Press,History & Social Studies; Military 438,"The Fractured Metropolis: Improving the New City, Restoring the Old City, Reshaping the Region","Barnett, Jonathan",9780064302227,1996,Westview Press,Social Issues 439,"The Gender Question in Education: Theory, Pedagogy, and Politics","Diller, Ann",9780813325637,1996,Westview Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 440,The Golden Wand of Medicine: A History of the Caduceus Symbol in Medicine,"Friedlander, Walter J.",9780313280238,1992,Greenwood Press,Health 441,The Growth of the Medieval City: From Late Antiquity to the Early Fourteenth Century,"Nicholas, David",9780582299078,1997,Longman,History & Social Studies 442,"The Health Promoting School: Policy, Research, and Practice","Denman, Sue",9780415239530,2002,Routledge Falmer,Health; Reference & Languages; Social Issues 443,The History of Italy ,"Killinger, Charles L.",9780313314834,2002,Greenwood Press,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 444,The House of Lords in the Reign of William III ,"Turberville, Arthur S.",9780837145587,1970,Greenwood Press,History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places 445,"The Ignoble Savage: American Literary Racism, 1790-1890","Barnett, Louise K.",9780837182810,1975,Greenwood Press,Fiction & Literature 446,The Intelligent Ear: On the Nature of Sound Perception,"Plomp, Reinier",9780805838671,2002,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology 447,The Last Years of the Soviet Empire: Snapshots from 1985-1991,"Shlapentokh, Vladimir",9780275944407,1993,Praeger Publishers,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 448,The Lebanese Conflict: Looking Inward,"Abul-Husn, Latif",9781555876654,1998,Lynne Rienner,Social Issues 449,The Legacy of Alan Turing ,"Millican, Peter",9780198238768,1996,Clarendon Press,Philosophy; Science & Technology 450,The Liberal Future in America: Essays in Renewal,"Abbot, Philip",9780313237614,1985,Greenwood Press,History & Social Studies; Social Issues 451,The Life and Ballets of Lev Ivanov: Choreographer of the Nutcracker and Swan Lake,"Wiley, Roland J.",9780198165675,1997,Oxford University,"Music, TV, Movies, & more" 452,"The Life of Prayer in a World of Science: Protestants, Prayer, and American Culture, 1870-1930","Ostrander, Rick",9780195136104,2000,Oxford University Press,Religion & Beliefs; Social Issues 453,The Life of the Parties: Activists in Presidential Politics,"Rapoport, Ronald B.",9780813115597,1986,University of Kentucky Press,Social Issues 454,The Logic of Anarchy: Neorealism to Structural Realism,"Buzan, Barry G.",9780231080408,1993,Columbia University Press,Philosophy; Social Issues 455,The Main Debate: Communism Versus Capitalism,"Machan, Tibor R.",9780394358208,1987,Random House,Business & Law; History & Social Studies; Social Issues 456,"The Making of Classical Edinburgh, 1750-1840 ","Youngson, A. J.",9780852245767,1988,Edinburgh University Press,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 457,The Making of Iran's Islamic Revolution: From Monarchy to Islamic Republic,"Milani, Mohsen M.",9780813384764,1994,Westview Press,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 458,The Many Faces of Realism ,"Putnam, Hilary",9780812690439,1987,Open Court Publishing,Health 459,The Military Campaigns of the Wars of the Roses ,"Haigh, Philip A.",9780938289906,1997,Combined Books,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 460,The Nature of Mathematical Knowledge ,"Kitcher, Philip",9780195035414,1984,Oxford University Press,Science & Technology 461,The New Politics of Race: From Du Bois to the 21st Century,"Durr, Marlese",9780275969684,2002,Praeger,Social Issues; True Crime 462,The Oil Market in the 1980's: A Decade of Decline,"Shojai, Siamack",9780275933807,1992,Praeger Publishers,Business & Law; Science & Technology 463,The Origins of the Great Leap Forward: The Case of One Chinese Province,"Domenach, Jean-Luc",9780813325149,1995,Westview Press,Social Issues 464,The Orphan Trains: Placing out in America,"Holt, Marilyn I.",9780803223608,1992,University of Nebraska Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 465,The Oxford Handbook of Free Will ,"Kane, Robert",9780195133363,2001,Oxford University Press,History & Social Studies; Philosophy 466,The Parent's Hyperactivity Handbook: Helping the Fidgety Child,"Paltin, D. M.",9780306444654,1993,Insight Books,Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues 467,The Persian Gulf Crisis ,"Yetiv, Steve A.",9780313299438,1997,Greenwood Press,History & Social Studies; Military; Travel & Places 468,The Philosophy of P.F. Strawson ,"Hahn, Lewis E.",9780812693775,1998,Open Court,Biography; Philosophy 469,The Philosophy of Vegetarianism ,"Dombrowski, Daniel A.",9780870234309,1984,University of Massachusetts Press,Food & Home 470,The Phonology and Morphology of Kimatuumbi ,"Odden, David",9780198235033,1996,Clarendon Press,Reference & Languages; Travel & Places 471,The Physics of Duns Scotus: The Scientific Context of a Theological Vision,"Cross, Richard",9780198269748,1998,Clarendon Press,Religion & Beliefs; Science & Technology 472,The Pinter Ethic: The Erotic Aesthetic,"Prentice, Penelope",9780815339090,2000,Garland,"Fiction & Literature; Music, TV, Movies, & more" 473,"The Political Economy of a Plural World: Critical Reflections on Power, Morals and Civilization","Cox, Robert W.",9780415252904,2002,Routledge,Business & Law; History & Social Studies; Social Issues 474,The Political Economy of Kenya ,"Schatzberg, Michael G.",9780275926724,1987,Praeger Publishers,Business & Law 475,The Political Mobilization of Religious Beliefs ,"Jelen, Ted G.",9780275934392,1991,Praeger Publishers,History & Social Studies; Religion & Beliefs; Social Issues 476,The Political Transformation of the Brazilian Catholic Church ,"Bruneau, Thomas C.",9780521202565,1974,Cambridge University Press,Religion & Beliefs; Social Issues 477,The Politics of Children's Survival ,"Kent, George",9780275937232,1991,Praeger Publishers,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology" 478,The Politics of Labour and Development in Trinidad ,"Kiely, Ray",9789766400170,1996,University of the West Indies Press,Social Issues 479,The Power of the Modern Presidency ,"Hargrove, Erwin C.",9780394317243,1974,Temple University Press,Biography; Social Issues 480,The Price of Federalism ,"Peterson, Paul E.",9780815770237,1995,Brookings Institutuion,Social Issues 481,The Psychoeducational Assessment of Preschool Children ,"Bracken, Bruce A.",9780805853278,2004,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 482,The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory,"Medin, Douglas L.",9780125433372,1997,Academic Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Health; Social Issues" 483,The Psychology of Peacekeeping ,"Langholtz, Harvey J.",9780275962326,1998,Praeger Publishers,Health; Science & Technology; Social Issues 484,The Public Clash of Private Values: The Politics of Morality Policy,"Mooney, Christopher Z.",9781889119403,2001,Chatham House Publishers,Social Issues 485,"The Rainbow Division in the Great War, 1917-1919 ","Cooke, James J.",9780275947682,1994,Praeger Publishers,History & Social Studies; Military; Travel & Places 486,The Rape Victim: A Project of the Committee on Women of the American Psychiatric Association ...,"Hilberman, Elaine",9780465068302,1976,Basic Books,Social Issues; True Crime 487,The Resettlement of British Columbia: Essays on Colonialism and Geographical Change,"Harris, Cole",9780774805889,1997,University of British Columbia Press,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 488,The Rhetoric of Terrorism and Counterterrorism ,"Leeman, Richard W.",9780313275876,1991,Greenwood Press,Social Issues; True Crime 489,The Rise of the Celts ,"Hubert, Henri H.",9780819601834,1966,Biblo and Tannen,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 490,The Sacred Depths of Nature ,"Goodenough, Ursula",9780195126136,1998,Oxford University Press,Philosophy; Religion & Beliefs; Science & Technology 491,The Science of Music ,"Maconie, Robin",9780198166481,1997,Clarendon Press,"Music, TV, Movies, & more; Science & Technology" 492,The Self-Conscious Novel: Artifice in Fiction from Joyce to Pynchon,"Stonehill, Brian",9780812280982,1988,University of Pennsylvania Press,Fiction & Literature; Reference & Languages 493,"The Silence of Memory: Armistice Day, 1919-1946","Gregory, Adrian",9780854969555,1994,Berg,History & Social Studies; Military; Travel & Places 494,The Sociology of Economic Life ,"Granovetter, Mark S.",9780813310336,1992,Westview Press,Business & Law; Social Issues 495,"The State, Identity and Violence: Political Disintegration in the Post-Cold War Era","Ferguson, R. Brian",9780415274128,2002,Routledge,Social Issues 496,The Study of Primary Education: A Source Book. Compiled by Colin Conner with Brenda Lofthouse,"Conner, Colin",9781850007340,1990,Falmer Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 497,The Supreme Court on Freedom of the Press: Decisions and Dissents,"Hachten, William A.",9780813807041,1968,Iowa State University Press,Social Issues; True Crime 498,The Swimmer: An Integrated Computational Model of a Perceptual-Motor System,"Uttal, William",9780805810707,1992,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Sports 499,The Symbolic and Connectionist Paradigms: Closing the Gap,"Dinsmore, John",9780805810790,1992,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology 500,"The Symposium; and, The Phaedrus: Plato's Erotic Dialogues",Plato,9780791416174,1993,State University of New York Press,"Family, Childhood, & Education; History & Social Studies; Philosophy; Reference & Languages; Religion & Beliefs; Romance; Social Issues" 501,The Turn to the Native: Studies in Criticism and Culture,"Krupat, Arnold",9780803227354,1996,University of Nebraska Press,Fiction & Literature; Social Issues 502,"The Uaw and the Heyday of American Liberalism, 1945-1968 ","Boyle, Kevin",9780801430640,1995,Cornell University Press,Business & Law; History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places 503,The Virtual Embodied: Presence/Practice/Technology,"Wood, John",9780415160254,1998,Routledge,Humor & Games; Philosophy; Science & Technology 504,The Wave Theory of Difference and Similarity ,"Link, S. W.",9780805809268,1992,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology 505,"The Way the Wind Blows: Climate, History, and Human Action","McIntosh, Roderick J.",9780231112086,2000,Columbia University Press,Nature; Science & Technology 506,The World of George Sand ,"Datlof, Natalie",9780313275845,1991,Greenwood Press,Fiction & Literature 507,The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke ,"Burke, Edmund",9780198224228,1981,Clarendon Press,History & Social Studies; Travel & Places 508,The Writings and Speeches of Edmund Burke ,"Burke, Edmund",9780198224174,1981,Clarendon Press,Philosophy; Social Issues 509,The Yankee West: Community Life on the Michigan Frontier,"Gray, Susan E.",9780807823019,1996,University of North Carolina Press,History & Social Studies; Social Issues; Travel & Places 510,"The Zero Option: INF, West Germany, and Arms Control","Risse-Kappen, Thomas",9780813376004,1988,Westview Press,History & Social Studies; Military; Social Issues 511,Theology in a New Key: Responding to Liberation Themes,"Brown, Robert M.",9780664242046,1978,Westminster Press,Religion & Beliefs 512,Theories of Scientific Progress: An Introduction,"Losee, John",9780415320665,2003,Routledge,Philosophy; Science & Technology; Social Issues 513,Thinking about Crime: Sense and Sensibility in American Penal Culture,"Tonry, Michael H.",9780195141016,2004,Oxford University Press,Social Issues; True Crime 514,Thucydides and Internal War ,"Price, Jonathan J.",9780521780186,2001,Cambridge University Press,History & Social Studies; Military; Travel & Places 515,Toward a Psychology of Persons ,"Smythe, William E.",9780805827187,1998,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Health; Science & Technology 516,Toward the End of Growth: Population in America,"Westoff, Charles F.",9780139257926,1973,Prentice-Hall,Business & Law 517,Transferring Juveniles to Criminal Courts: Trends and Implications for Criminal Justice,"Champion, Dean J.",9780275935344,1991,Praeger Publishers,"Family, Childhood, & Education; History & Social Studies; Social Issues; True Crime" 518,Types of Authority in Formative Christianity and Judaism ,"Neusner, Jacob",9780415173254,1999,Routledge,History & Social Studies; Religion & Beliefs 519,Understanding Pictures ,"Lopes, Dominic",9780198240976,1996,Clarendon Press,Art; Philosophy 520,"Unequal Struggle: Class, Gender, Race, and Power in the U.S. Congress","Berg, John C.",9780813312941,1994,Westview Press,Social Issues 521,Using National Data Bases in Educational Research ,"Hilton, Thomas",9780805808407,1992,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Science & Technology; Social Issues" 522,"Virtue, Gender, and the Authentic Self in Eighteenth-Century Fiction: Richardson, Rousseau, and Laclos","Roulston, Christine",9780813015811,1998,University Press of Florida,Fiction & Literature; Social Issues 523,Visions of Virtue in Tokugawa Japan: The Kaitokudo Merchant Academy of Osaka,"Najita, Tetsuo",9780226568058,1987,University of Chicago Press,Philosophy 524,Visual Navigation: From Biological Systems to Unmanned Ground Vehicles,"Aloimonos, Yiannis",9780805820508,1997,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,Science & Technology 525,Voices of Change: Participatory Research in the United States and Canada,"Park, Peter",9780897893343,1993,Bergin & Garvey,History & Social Studies; Social Issues 526,Washback in Language Testing: Research Contexts and Methods,"Cheng, Liying",9780805839869,2004,Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Reference & Languages; Travel & Places" 527,We the Women: Career Firsts of Nineteenth-Century America,"Stern, Madeleine B.",9780803292239,1994,University of Nebraska Press,Biography; Social Issues 528,What God Has Joined Together: The Annulment Crisis in American Catholicism,"Vasoli, Robert H.",9780195107647,1998,Oxford US,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Religion & Beliefs; Social Issues" 529,What Is a Person? An Ethical Exploration,"Walters, James W.",9780252022784,1997,University of Illinois Press,Philosophy 530,What's a Peasant to Do? Village Becoming Town in Southern China,"Guldin, Gregory Eliyo",9780813338002,2001,Westview Press,Social Issues 531,Why Some Children Succeed despite the Odds ,"Rhodes, Warren A.",9780275937058,1991,Praeger Publishers,"Family, Childhood, & Education; Social Issues" 532,With Malice toward All? The Media and Public Confidence in Democratic Institutions,"Moy, Patricia",9780275964344,2000,Praeger,History & Social Studies; Social Issues 533,Witnessing for Sociology: Sociologists in Court,"Jenkins, Pamela J.",9780275948528,1996,Praeger Publishers,Social Issues; True Crime 534,"Women and Elective Office: Past, Present, and Future","Thomas, Sue",9780195112313,1998,Oxford University Press,Social Issues 535,Women and Sustainable Development in Africa ,"James, Valentine U.",9780275953089,1995,Praeger Publishers,Business & Law; Nature; Science & Technology; Social Issues 536,Women Mystics in Medieval Europe ,"Brunn, Emilie Z.",9780913729168,1989,Paragon House,Health; Religion & Beliefs; Social Issues 537,"Women, Elections & Representation ","Darcy, R.",9780803216969,1994,University of Nebraska Press,Social Issues 538,Women's Lives and Public Policy: The International Experience,"Turshen, Meredeth",9780275945237,1993,Praeger,Social Issues 539,"Workers' Control in Latin America, 1930-1979 ","Brown, Jonathan C.",9780807823620,1997,University of North Carolina Press,Business & Law; Science & Technology; Social Issues; Transportation 540,Writing History in Twentieth-Century Russia: A View from within,"Litvin, A. L.",9780333764879,2001,Palgrave,Biography; Fiction & Literature; History & Social Studies; Travel & Places