require 'spec_helper' def capture_stdout(&block) original_stdout = $stdout $stdout = fake = begin yield ensure $stdout = original_stdout end fake.string end describe R509 do it "prints version and feature info with ::print_debug" do output = capture_stdout { R509.print_debug } output.should match /^r509 v/ output.should match /^OpenSSL/ output.should match /^Ruby/ output.should match /^Elliptic/ end it "checks if ec is supported", :ec => true do R509.ec_supported?.should == true end it "checks if EC is unsupported" do ec = OpenSSL::PKey.send(:remove_const,:EC) # remove EC support for test! load('r509/ec-hack.rb') R509.ec_supported?.should == false expect { }.to raise_error(R509::R509Error) OpenSSL::PKey.send(:remove_const,:EC) # remove stubbed EC OpenSSL::PKey::EC = ec # add the real one back # this pretty fragile. if the expectation fails then we don't fix the EC class assignment # so any spec called after this will fail improperly. end end