require "inflecto"

module Formalist
  class Element
    # Class-level API for form elements.
    module ClassInterface
      # Returns the element's type, which is a symbolized, underscored
      # representation of the element's class name.
      # This is important for form rendering when using custom form elements,
      # since the type in this case will be based on the name of form element's
      # sublass.
      # @example Basic element Formalist::Elements::Field.type # => :field
      # @example Custom element class MyField < Formalist::Elements::Field end
      #   MyField.type # => :my_field
      # @!scope class @return [Symbol] the element type.
      def type

      # Define a form element attribute.
      # Form element attributes can be set when the element is defined, and
      # can be further populated by the form element object itself, when the
      # form is being built, using both the user input and any dependencies
      # passed to the element via the form.
      # Attributes are the way to ensure the form renderer has all the
      # information it needs to render the element appropriately. Attributes
      # are type-checked in order to ensure they're being passed appropriate
      # values. Attributes can hold any type of value as long as it can be
      # reduced to an abstract syntax tree representation by
      # `Form::Element::Attributes#to_ast`.
      # @see Formalist::Element::Attributes#to_ast
      # @!scope class
      # @param name [Symbol] attribute name
      # @param type [Dry::Data::Type, #call] value type coercer/checker
      # @param default default value (applied when the attribute is not explicitly populated)
      # @return void
      def attribute(name, type, default: nil)
        attributes(name => {type: type, default: default})

      # Returns the attributes schema for the form element.
      # Each item in the schema includes a type definition and a default value
      # (`nil` if none specified).
      # @example
      #   Formalist::Elements::Field.attributes_schema
      #   # => {
      #     :name => {:type => #<Dry::Data::Type>, :default => "Default name"},
      #     :email => {:type => #<Dry::Data::Type>, :default => "default email"}
      #   }
      # @!scope class
      # @return [Hash<Symbol, Hash>] the attributes schema
      def attributes_schema
        super_schema = superclass.respond_to?(:attributes_schema) ? superclass.attributes_schema : {}
        super_schema.merge(@attributes_schema || {})


      # @!scope class
      # @api private
      def attributes(new_schema)
        prev_schema = @attributes_schema || {}
        @attributes_schema = prev_schema.merge(new_schema)
