// // R6RS Base library // function dump(){} if( typeof(BiwaScheme)!='object' ) BiwaScheme={}; with(BiwaScheme) { /* --------------------------------------- namespace webscheme */ /// /// Utility functions /// // // Iterator - external iterator // BiwaScheme.Iterator = { ForArray: Class.create({ initialize: function(arr){ this.arr = arr; this.i = 0; }, has_next: function(){ return this.i < this.arr.length; }, next: function(){ return this.arr[this.i++]; } }), ForString: Class.create({ initialize: function(str){ this.str = str; this.i = 0; }, has_next: function(){ return this.i < this.str.length; }, next: function(){ return Char.get(this.str.charAt(this.i++)); } }), ForList: Class.create({ initialize: function(ls){ this.ls = ls; }, has_next: function(){ return (this.ls instanceof Pair) && this.ls != nil; }, next: function(){ var pair = this.ls; this.ls = this.ls.cdr; return pair; } }), ForMulti: Class.create({ initialize: function(objs){ this.objs = objs; this.size = objs.length; this.iterators = objs.map(function(x){ return Iterator.of(x); }) }, has_next: function(){ for(var i=0; i #f ; not specified in R6RS...? ret = false; } else if(clause.cdr.cdr === nil){ // pattern B: (else expr) // -> expr ret = clause.cdr.car; } else{ // pattern C: (else expr ...) // -> (begin expr ...) ret = new Pair(Sym("begin"), clause.cdr); } } else if(ret === null){ // pattern D: no else clause // -> # ret = BiwaScheme.undef; } else{ var test = clause.car; if(clause.cdr === nil){ // pattern 1: (test) // -> (or test ret) ret = [Sym("or"), test, ret].to_list(); } else if (clause.cdr.cdr === nil){ // pattern 2: (test expr) // -> (if test expr ret) ret = [Sym("if"), test, clause.cdr.car, ret].to_list(); } else if(clause.cdr.car === Sym("=>")){ // pattern 3: (test => expr) // -> (let ((# test)) // (if test (expr #) ret)) var test = clause.car, expr = clause.cdr.cdr.car; var tmp_sym = BiwaScheme.gensym(); ret = List(Sym("let"), List( List(tmp_sym, test) ), List(Sym("if"), test, List(expr, tmp_sym), ret)); } else{ // pattern 4: (test expr ...) // -> (if test (begin expr ...) ret) ret = [Sym("if"), test, new Pair(Sym("begin"), clause.cdr), ret].to_list(); } } }); return ret; }); define_syntax("case", function(x){ var tmp_sym = BiwaScheme.gensym(); if(x.cdr === nil){ throw new Error("case: at least one clause is required"); } else if(!(x.cdr instanceof Pair)){ throw new Error("case: proper list is required"); } else{ // (case key clauses ....) // -> (let ((# key)) var key = x.cdr.car; var clauses = x.cdr.cdr; var ret = undefined; clauses.to_array().reverse().each(function(clause){ if(clause.car === Sym("else")){ // pattern 0: (else expr ...) // -> (begin expr ...) if(ret === undefined){ ret = new Pair(Sym("begin"), clause.cdr); } else{ throw new Error("case: 'else' clause followed by more clauses: " + to_write_ss(clauses)); } } else{ // pattern 1: ((datum ...) expr ...) // -> (if (or (eqv? key (quote d1)) ...) (begin expr ...) ret) ret = [ Sym("if"), new Pair(Sym("or"), clause.car.to_array().map(function(d){ return [Sym("eqv?"), tmp_sym, [Sym("quote"), d].to_list() ].to_list(); }).to_list()), new Pair(Sym("begin"), clause.cdr), ret ].to_list(); } }); return new Pair(Sym("let1"), new Pair(tmp_sym, new Pair(key, new Pair(ret, nil)))); } }); define_syntax("and", function(x){ // (and a b c) => (if a (if b c #f) #f) //todo: check improper list if(x.cdr == nil) return true; var objs = x.cdr.to_array(); var i = objs.length-1; var t = objs[i]; for(i=i-1; i>=0; i--) t = [Sym("if"), objs[i], t, false].to_list(); return t; }) define_syntax("or", function(x){ // (or a b c) => (if a a (if b b (if c c #f))) //todo: check improper list var objs = x.cdr.to_array() var f = false; for(var i=objs.length-1; i>=0; i--) f = [Sym("if"), objs[i], objs[i], f].to_list(); return f; }) // 11.4.6 Binding constructs define_syntax("let", function(x){ //(let ((a 1) (b 2)) (print a) (+ a b)) //=> ((lambda (a b) (print a) (+ a b)) 1 2) var name = null; if (x.cdr.car instanceof Symbol) { name = x.cdr.car; x = x.cdr; } var binds = x.cdr.car, body = x.cdr.cdr; if(!(binds instanceof Pair)) throw new Error("let: need a pair for bindings: got "+to_write(binds)); var vars = nil, vals = nil; for(var p=binds; p instanceof Pair && p!=nil; p=p.cdr){ vars = new Pair(p.car.car, vars); vals = new Pair(p.car.cdr.car, vals); } var lambda = null; if (name) { // (let loop ((a 1) (b 2)) body ..) //=> (letrec ((loop (lambda (a b) body ..))) (loop 1 2)) vars = vars.to_array().reverse().to_list(); vals = vals.to_array().reverse().to_list(); var body_lambda = new Pair(Sym("lambda"), new Pair(vars, body)); var init_call = new Pair(name, vals); lambda = [Sym("letrec"), new Pair([name, body_lambda].to_list(), nil), init_call ].to_list(); } else { lambda = new Pair(new Pair(Sym("lambda"), new Pair(vars, body)), vals); } return lambda; }) define_syntax("let*", function(x){ //(let* ((a 1) (b a)) (print a) (+ a b)) //-> (let ((a 1)) // (let ((b a)) (print a) (+ a b))) var binds = x.cdr.car, body = x.cdr.cdr; if(!(binds instanceof Pair)) throw new Error("let*: need a pair for bindings: got "+to_write(binds)); var ret = null; binds.to_array().reverse().each(function(bind){ ret = new Pair(Sym("let"), new Pair(new Pair(bind, nil), ret == null ? body : new Pair(ret, nil))); }) return ret; }) var expand_letrec_star = function(x){ var binds = x.cdr.car, body = x.cdr.cdr; if(!(binds instanceof Pair)) throw new Error("letrec*: need a pair for bindings: got "+to_write(binds)); var ret = body; binds.to_array().reverse().each(function(bind){ ret = new Pair(new Pair(Sym("set!"), bind), ret); }) var letbody = nil; binds.to_array().reverse().each(function(bind){ letbody = new Pair(new Pair(bind.car, new Pair(BiwaScheme.undef, nil)), letbody); }) return new Pair(Sym("let"), new Pair(letbody, ret)); } define_syntax("letrec", expand_letrec_star); define_syntax("letrec*", expand_letrec_star); //let-values //let*-values // 11.4.7 Sequencing //(begin) // // 11.5 Equivalence predicates // define_libfunc("eqv?", 2, 2, function(ar){ return ar[0] == ar[1] && (typeof(ar[0]) == typeof(ar[1])); }) define_libfunc("eq?", 2, 2, function(ar){ return ar[0] === ar[1]; }) define_libfunc("equal?", 2, 2, function(ar){ //TODO: must terminate for cyclic objects return to_write(ar[0]) == to_write(ar[1]); }) // // 11.6 Procedure predicate // //"procedure?", 1, 1 define_libfunc("procedure?", 1, 1, function(ar){ return (ar[0] instanceof Array) && (ar[0].closure_p === true); }) // // 11.7 Arithmetic // // 11.7.1 Propagation of exactness and inexactness // 11.7.2 Representability of infinities and NaNs // 11.7.3 Semantics of common operations // Integer division // Transcendental functions //(no functions are introduced by above sections) // // 11.7.4 Numerical operations // // Numerical type predicates define_libfunc("number?", 1, 1, function(ar){ return (typeof(ar[0]) == 'number') || (ar[0] instanceof Complex) || (ar[0] instanceof Rational); }); define_libfunc("complex?", 1, 1, function(ar){ return (ar[0] instanceof Complex); }); define_libfunc("real?", 1, 1, function(ar){ return (typeof(ar[0]) == 'number'); }); define_libfunc("rational?", 1, 1, function(ar){ return (ar[0] instanceof Rational); }); define_libfunc("integer?", 1, 1, function(ar){ return typeof(ar[0]) == 'number' && ar[0] == Math.round(ar[0]) && ar[0] != Infinity && ar[0] != -Infinity; }); //(real-valued? obj) procedure //(rational-valued? obj) procedure //(integer-valued? obj) procedure // //(exact? z) procedure //(inexact? z) procedure // Generic conversions // //(inexact z) procedure //(exact z) procedure // // Arithmetic operations //inf & nan: ok (for this section) define_libfunc("=", 2, null, function(ar){ var v = ar[0]; assert_number(ar[0]); for(var i=1; i", 2, null, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); for(var i=1; i ar[i])) return false; } return true; }); define_libfunc("<=", 2, null, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); for(var i=1; i=", 2, null, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); for(var i=1; i= ar[i])) return false; } return true; }); define_libfunc("zero?", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return ar[0] === 0; }); define_libfunc("positive?", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return (ar[0] > 0); }); define_libfunc("negative?", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return (ar[0] < 0); }); define_libfunc("odd?", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return (ar[0] % 2 == 1) || (ar[0] % 2 == -1); }) define_libfunc("even?", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return ar[0] % 2 == 0; }) define_libfunc("finite?", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return (ar[0] != Infinity) && (ar[0] != -Infinity) && !isNaN(ar[0]); }) define_libfunc("infinite?", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return (ar[0] == Infinity) || (ar[0] == -Infinity); }) define_libfunc("nan?", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return isNaN(ar[0]); }) define_libfunc("max", 2, null, function(ar){ for(var i=0; i 0) ? Math.floor(n / m) : Math.ceil(n / m); } var mod0 = function(n, m){ return (n > 0) ? n - Math.floor(n / m) * m : n - Math.ceil(n / m) * m; } define_libfunc("div0-and-mod0", 2, 2, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); assert_number(ar[1]); return new Values([div(ar[0], ar[1]), mod(ar[0], ar[1])]); }) define_libfunc("div", 2, 2, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); assert_number(ar[1]); return div(ar[0], ar[1]); }) define_libfunc("mod", 2, 2, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); assert_number(ar[1]); return mod(ar[0], ar[1]); }) define_libfunc("div0-and-mod0", 2, 2, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); assert_number(ar[1]); return new Values([div0(ar[0], ar[1]), mod0(ar[0], ar[1])]); }) define_libfunc("div0", 2, 2, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); assert_number(ar[1]); return div0(ar[0], ar[1]); }) define_libfunc("mod0", 2, 2, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); assert_number(ar[1]); return mod0(ar[0], ar[1]); }) //(gcd n1 ...) procedure //(lcm n1 ...) procedure define_libfunc("numerator", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); if(ar[0] instanceof Rational) return ar[0].numerator; else throw new Bug("todo"); }) define_libfunc("denominator", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); if(ar[0] instanceof Rational) return ar[0].denominator; else throw new Bug("todo"); }) define_libfunc("floor", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return Math.floor(ar[0]); }) define_libfunc("ceiling", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return Math.ceil(ar[0]); }) define_libfunc("truncate", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return (ar[0] < 0) ? Math.ceil(ar[0]) : Math.floor(ar[0]); }) define_libfunc("round", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return Math.round(ar[0]); }) //(rationalize x1 x2) procedure define_libfunc("exp", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return Math.exp(ar[0]); }) define_libfunc("log", 1, 2, function(ar){ var num = ar[0], base = ar[1]; assert_number(num); if(base){ // log b num == log e num / log e b assert_number(base); return Math.log(num) / Math.log(b) } else return Math.log(num); }) define_libfunc("sin", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return Math.sin(ar[0]); }) define_libfunc("cos", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return Math.cos(ar[0]); }) define_libfunc("tan", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return Math.tan(ar[0]); }) define_libfunc("asin", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return Math.asin(ar[0]); }) define_libfunc("acos", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return Math.asos(ar[0]); }) define_libfunc("atan", 1, 2, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); if(ar[1]){ assert_number(ar[1]); return Math.atan2(ar[0], ar[1]); } else return Math.atan(ar[0]); }) define_libfunc("sqrt", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return Math.sqrt(ar[0]); }) define_libfunc("exact-integer-sqrt", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); var sqrt_f = Math.sqrt(ar[0]); var sqrt_i = sqrt_f - (sqrt_f % 1); var rest = ar[0] - sqrt_i * sqrt_i; return new Values([sqrt_i, rest]); }) define_libfunc("expt", 2, 2, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); assert_number(ar[1]); return Math.pow(ar[0], ar[1]); }) define_libfunc("make-rectangular", 2, 2, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); assert_number(ar[1]); return new Complex(ar[0], ar[1]); }) define_libfunc("make-polar", 2, 2, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); assert_number(ar[1]); return Complex.from_polar(ar[0], ar[1]); }) define_libfunc("real-part", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return Complex.assure(ar[0]).real; }) define_libfunc("imag-part", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return Complex.assure(ar[0]).imag; }) define_libfunc("magnitude", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return Complex.assure(ar[0]).magnitude(); }) define_libfunc("angle", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_number(ar[0]); return Complex.assure(ar[0]).angle(); }) // // Numerical Input and Output // define_libfunc("number->string", 1, 3, function(ar){ var z = ar[0], radix = ar[1], precision = ar[2]; if(precision) throw new Bug("number->string: presition is not yet implemented"); radix = radix || 10; //TODO: check radix is 2, 8, 10, or 16. return z.toString(radix); }) define_libfunc("string->number", 1, 3, function(ar){ var s = ar[0], radix = ar[1] || 10; switch(s){ case "+inf.0": return Infinity; case "-inf.0": return -Infinity; case "+nan.0": return NaN; default: return parseInt(s, radix); } }) // // 11.8 Booleans // define_libfunc("not", 1, 1, function(ar){ return (ar[0] === false) ? true : false; }); define_libfunc("boolean?", 1, 1, function(ar){ return (ar[0] === false || ar[0] === true) ? true : false; }); define_libfunc("boolean=?", 2, null, function(ar){ var len = ar.length; for(var i=1; i=0; i--) l = new Pair(ar[i], l); return l; }); define_libfunc("length", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_pair(ar[0]); var n = 0; for(var o=ar[0]; o!=nil; o=o.cdr) n++; return n; }); define_libfunc("append", 2, null, function(ar){ var k = ar.length var ret = ar[--k]; while(k--){ ar[k].to_array().reverse().each(function(item){ ret = new Pair(item, ret); }); } return ret; }); define_libfunc("reverse", 1, 1, function(ar){ if(!ar[0] instanceof Pair) throw new Error("reverse needs pair but got " + ar[0]); var l = nil; for(var o=ar[0]; o!=nil; o=o.cdr) l = new Pair(o.car, l); return l; }); define_libfunc("list-tail", 2, 2, function(ar){ if(!ar[0] instanceof Pair) throw new Error("list-tail needs pair but got " + ar[0]); var o = ar[0]; for(var i=0; istring", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_symbol(ar[0]); return ar[0].name; }); define_libfunc("symbol=?", 2, null, function(ar){ assert_symbol(ar[0]); for(var i=1; isymbol", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_string(ar[0]); return Sym(ar[0]); }); // // 11.11 Characters // define_libfunc('char?', 1, 1, function(ar){ return (ar[0] instanceof Char); }); define_libfunc('char->integer', 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_char(ar[0]); return ar[0].value.charCodeAt(0); }) define_libfunc('integer->char', 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_integer(ar[0]); return Char.get(String.fromCharCode(ar[0])); }) var make_char_compare_func = function(test){ return function(ar){ assert_char(ar[0]); for(var i=1; i?', 2, null, make_char_compare_func(function(a, b){ return a > b })) define_libfunc('char<=?', 2, null, make_char_compare_func(function(a, b){ return a <= b })) define_libfunc('char>=?', 2, null, make_char_compare_func(function(a, b){ return a >= b })) // // 11.12 Strings // define_libfunc("string?", 1, 1, function(ar){ return (typeof(ar[0]) == "string"); }) define_libfunc("make-string", 1, 2, function(ar){ assert_integer(ar[0]); var c = " "; if(ar[1]){ assert_char(ar[1]); c = ar[1].value; } return c.times(ar[0]); }) define_libfunc("string", 1, null, function(ar){ for(var i=0; i?", 2, null, function(ar){ assert_string(ar[0]); for(var i=1; i ar[i])) return false; } return true; }) define_libfunc("string<=?", 2, null, function(ar){ assert_string(ar[0]); for(var i=1; i=?", 2, null, function(ar){ assert_string(ar[0]); for(var i=1; i= ar[i])) return false; } return true; }) define_libfunc("substring", 3, 3, function(ar){ assert_string(ar[0]); assert_integer(ar[1]); assert_integer(ar[2]); if(ar[1] < 0) throw new Error("substring: start too small: "+ar[1]); if(ar[2] < 0) throw new Error("substring: end too small: "+ar[2]); if(ar[0].length+1 <= ar[1]) throw new Error("substring: start too big: "+ar[1]); if(ar[0].length+1 <= ar[2]) throw new Error("substring: end too big: "+ar[2]); if(!(ar[1] <= ar[2])) throw new Error("substring: not start <= end: "+ar[1]+", "+ar[2]); return ar[0].substring(ar[1], ar[2]); }) define_libfunc("string-append", 0, null, function(ar){ for(var i=0; ilist", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_string(ar[0]); var chars = []; ar[0].scan(/./, function(s){ chars.push(Char.get(s[0])) }); return chars.to_list(); }) define_libfunc("list->string", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_pair(ar[0]); return ar[0].to_array().map(function(c){ return c.value; }).join(""); }) define_libfunc("string-for-each", 2, null, function(ar){ var proc = ar.shift(), strs = ar; strs.each(function(str){ assert_string(str) }); return Call.multi_foreach(strs, { call: function(chars){ return new Call(proc, chars); } }) }) define_libfunc("string-copy", 1, 1, function(ar){ // note: this is useless, because javascript strings are immutable assert_string(ar[0]); return ar[0]; }) // // 11.13 Vectors // define_libfunc("vector?", 1, 1, function(ar){ return (ar[0] instanceof Array) && (ar[0].closure_p !== true) }) define_libfunc("make-vector", 1, 2, function(ar){ assert_integer(ar[0]); var vec = new Array(ar[0]); if(ar.length == 2){ for(var i=0; ilist", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_vector(ar[0]); return ar[0].to_list(); }) define_libfunc("list->vector", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_pair(ar[0]); return ar[0].to_array(); }) define_libfunc("vector-fill!", 2, 2, function(ar){ assert_vector(ar[0]); var vec = ar[0], obj = ar[1]; for(var i=0; i) syntax // // 11.15 Control features // define_libfunc("apply", 2, null, function(ar){ var proc = ar.shift(), rest_args = ar.pop(), args = ar; args = args.concat(rest_args.to_array()); return new Call(proc, args); }) define_syntax("call-with-current-continuation", function(x){ return new Pair(Sym("call/cc"), x.cdr); }) define_libfunc("values", 0, null, function(ar){ return new Values(ar); }) define_libfunc("call-with-values", 2, 2, function(ar){ var producer = ar[0], consumer = ar[1]; return new Call(producer, [], function(ar){ var values = ar[0]; if(!(values instanceof Values)) throw new Error("values expected, but got "+to_write(values)); return new Call(consumer, values.content); }) }) // //dynamic-wind // 11.16 Iteration //named let // 11.17 Quasiquotation //quasiquote var expand_qq = function(f, lv){ if(f instanceof Symbol || f === nil){ return [Sym("quote"), f].to_list(); } else if(f instanceof Pair){ var car = f.car; if(car instanceof Pair && car.car === Sym("unquote-splicing")){ var lv = lv-1; if(lv == 0) return [ Sym("append"), f.car.cdr.car, expand_qq(f.cdr, lv+1) ].to_list(); else return [ Sym("cons"), [Sym("list"), Sym("unquote-splicing"), expand_qq(f.car.cdr.car, lv)].to_list(), expand_qq(f.cdr, lv+1) ].to_list(); } else if(car === Sym("unquote")){ var lv = lv-1; if(lv == 0) return f.cdr.car; else return [ Sym("list"), [Sym("quote"), Sym("unquote")].to_list(), expand_qq(f.cdr.car, lv) ].to_list(); } else if(car === Sym("quasiquote")) return [ Sym("list"), Sym("quasiquote"), expand_qq(f.cdr.car, lv+1) ].to_list(); else return [ Sym("cons"), expand_qq(f.car, lv), expand_qq(f.cdr, lv) ].to_list(); } else if(f instanceof Array){ throw new Bug("vector quasiquotation is not implemented yet"); } // // `#(1 2 (unquote f)) // // (vector 1 2 f) // // `#(1 2 (unquote-splicing f) 3) // // (vector-append // // (vector 1 2) // // f // // (vector 3)) // // `#(1 2 `#(3 ,,f) 4) // // (vector 1 2 `#(3 ,g) 4) // var len = f.length; // if(len == 0) return f; // // var vecs = [[]]; // for(var i=0; i? char1 char2 char3 ...) procedure //(char-ci<=? char1 char2 char3 ...) procedure //(char-ci>=? char1 char2 char3 ...) procedure // //(char-alphabetic? char) procedure //(char-numeric? char) procedure //(char-whitespace? char) procedure //(char-upper-case? char) procedure //(char-lower-case? char) procedure //(char-title-case? char) procedure // //(char-general-category char) procedure //(string-upcase string) procedure //(string-downcase string) procedure //(string-titlecase string) procedure //(string-foldcase string) procedure // //(string-ci=? string1 string2 string3 ...) procedure //(string-ci? string1 string2 string3 ...) procedure //(string-ci<=? string1 string2 string3 ...) procedure //(string-ci>=? string1 string2 string3 ...) procedure // //(string-normalize-nfd string) procedure //(string-normalize-nfkd string) procedure //(string-normalize-nfc string) procedure //(string-normalize-nfkc string) procedure // // Chapter 2 Bytevectors // // // Chapter 3 List utilities // define_libfunc("find", 2, 2, function(ar){ var proc = ar[0], ls = ar[1]; assert_pair(ls); return Call.foreach(ls, { call: function(x){ return new Call(proc, [x.car]) }, result: function(res, x){ if(res) return x.car; }, finish: function(){ return false } }) }) define_libfunc("for-all", 2, null, function(ar){ var proc = ar.shift(); var lists = ar; lists.each(function(ls){ assert_pair(ls) }); var last = true; //holds last result which proc returns return Call.multi_foreach(lists, { call: function(pairs){ return new Call(proc, pairs.map(function(x){ return x.car })); }, result: function(res, pairs){ if(res === false) return false; last = res; }, finish: function(){ return last; } }) }) define_libfunc("exists", 2, null, function(ar){ var proc = ar.shift(); var lists = ar; lists.each(function(ls){ assert_pair(ls) }); return Call.multi_foreach(lists, { call: function(pairs){ return new Call(proc, pairs.map(function(x){ return x.car })); }, result: function(res, pairs){ if(res !== false) return res; }, finish: function(){ return false; } }) }) define_libfunc("filter", 2, 2, function(ar){ var proc = ar[0], ls = ar[1]; assert_pair(ls); var a = []; return Call.foreach(ls, { call: function(x){ return new Call(proc, [x.car]) }, result: function(res, x){ if(res) a.push(x.car); }, finish: function(){ return a.to_list() } }) }) define_scmfunc("partition+", 2, 2, "(lambda (proc ls) \ (define (partition2 proc ls t f) \ (if (null? ls) \ (values (reverse t) (reverse f)) \ (if (proc (car ls)) \ (partition2 proc (cdr ls) (cons (car ls) t) f) \ (partition2 proc (cdr ls) t (cons (car ls) f))))) \ (partition2 proc ls '() '()))"); define_libfunc("partition", 2, 2, function(ar){ var proc = ar[0], ls = ar[1]; assert_pair(ls); var t = [], f = []; return Call.foreach(ls, { call: function(x){ return new Call(proc, [x.car]) }, result: function(res, x){ if(res) t.push(x.car); else f.push(x.car); }, finish: function(){ return new Values([t.to_list(), f.to_list()]); } }) }) define_libfunc("fold-left", 3, null, function(ar){ var proc = ar.shift(), accum = ar.shift(), lists = ar; lists.each(function(ls){ assert_pair(ls) }); return Call.multi_foreach(lists, { call: function(pairs){ var args = pairs.map(function(x){ return x.car }); args.unshift(accum); return new Call(proc, args); }, result: function(res, pairs){ accum = res; }, finish: function(){ return accum; } }) }) define_libfunc("fold-right", 3, null, function(ar){ var proc = ar.shift(), accum = ar.shift(); var lists = ar.map(function(ls){ // reverse each list assert_pair(ls); return ls.to_array().reverse().to_list(); }) return Call.multi_foreach(lists, { call: function(pairs){ var args = pairs.map(function(x){ return x.car }); args.push(accum); return new Call(proc, args); }, result: function(res, pairs){ accum = res; }, finish: function(){ return accum; } }) }) define_libfunc("remp", 2, 2, function(ar){ var proc = ar[0], ls = ar[1]; assert_pair(ls); var ret = []; return Call.foreach(ls, { call: function(x){ return new Call(proc, [x.car]) }, result: function(res, x){ if(!res) ret.push(x.car); }, finish: function(){ return ret.to_list(); } }) }) var make_remover = function(key){ return function(ar){ var obj = ar[0], ls = ar[1]; assert_pair(ls); var ret = []; return Call.foreach(ls, { call: function(x){ return new Call(TopEnv[key] || CoreEnv[key], [obj, x.car]) }, result: function(res, x){ if(!res) ret.push(x.car); }, finish: function(){ return ret.to_list(); } }) } } define_libfunc("remove", 2, 2, make_remover("equal?")); define_libfunc("remv", 2, 2, make_remover("eqv?")); define_libfunc("remq", 2, 2, make_remover("eq?")); define_libfunc("memp", 2, 2, function(ar){ var proc = ar[0], ls = ar[1]; assert_pair(ls); var ret = []; return Call.foreach(ls, { call: function(x){ return new Call(proc, [x.car]) }, result: function(res, x){ if(res) return x; }, finish: function(){ return false; } }) }) var make_finder = function(key){ return function(ar){ var obj = ar[0], ls = ar[1]; assert_pair(ls); var ret = []; return Call.foreach(ls, { call: function(x){ return new Call(TopEnv[key] || CoreEnv[key], [obj, x.car]) }, result: function(res, x){ if(res) return x; }, finish: function(){ return false; } }) } } define_libfunc("member", 2, 2, make_finder("equal?")); define_libfunc("memv", 2, 2, make_finder("eqv?")); define_libfunc("memq", 2, 2, make_finder("eq?")); define_libfunc("assp", 2, 2, function(ar){ var proc = ar[0], als = ar[1]; assert_pair(als); var ret = []; return Call.foreach(als, { call: function(x){ if(x.car.car) return new Call(proc, [x.car.car]); else throw new Error("ass*: pair required but got "+to_write(x.car)); }, result: function(res, x){ if(res) return x.car; }, finish: function(){ return false; } }) }) var make_assoc = function(key){ return function(ar){ var obj = ar[0], ls = ar[1]; assert_pair(ls); var ret = []; return Call.foreach(ls, { call: function(x){ if(x.car.car) return new Call(TopEnv[key] || CoreEnv[key], [obj, x.car.car]) else throw new Error("ass*: pair required but got "+to_write(x.car)); }, result: function(res, x){ if(res) return x.car; }, finish: function(){ return false; } }) } } define_libfunc("assoc", 2, 2, make_assoc("equal?")); define_libfunc("assv", 2, 2, make_assoc("eqv?")); define_libfunc("assq", 2, 2, make_assoc("eq?")); define_libfunc("cons*", 1, null, function(ar){ if(ar.length == 1) return ar[0]; else{ var ret = null; ar.reverse().each(function(x){ if(ret){ ret = new Pair(x, ret); } else ret = x; }) return ret; } }) // // Chapter 4 Sorting // //(list-sort proc list) procedure //(vector-sort proc vector) procedure //(vector-sort! proc vector) procedure // // Chapter 5 Control Structures // define_syntax("when", function(x){ //(when test body ...) //=> (if test (begin body ...) #) var test = x.cdr.car, body = x.cdr.cdr; return new Pair(Sym("if"), new Pair(test, new Pair(new Pair(Sym("begin"), body), new Pair(BiwaScheme.undef, nil)))); }) define_syntax("unless", function(x){ //(unless test body ...) //=> (if (not test) (begin body ...) #) var test = x.cdr.car, body = x.cdr.cdr; return new Pair(Sym("if"), new Pair(new Pair(Sym("not"), new Pair(test, nil)), new Pair(new Pair(Sym("begin"), body), new Pair(BiwaScheme.undef, nil)))); }) //(do (( ) syntax //(case-lambda ...) syntax // // Chapter 6 Records // //eqv, eq //(define-record-type *) syntax //fields auxiliary syntax //mutable auxiliary syntax //immutable auxiliary syntax //parent auxiliary syntax //protocol auxiliary syntax //sealed auxiliary syntax //opaque auxiliary syntax //nongenerative auxiliary syntax //parent-rtd auxiliary syntax // //(make-record-type-descriptor name procedure //(record-type-descriptor? obj) procedure //(make-record-constructor-descriptor rtd procedure //(record-constructor constructor-descriptor) procedure //(record-predicate rtd) procedure //(record-accessor rtd k) procedure //(record-mutator rtd k) procedure // //(record? obj) procedure //(record-rtd record) procedure //(record-type-name rtd) procedure //(record-type-parent rtd) procedure //(record-type-uid rtd) procedure //(record-type-generative? rtd) procedure //(record-type-sealed? rtd) procedure //(record-type-opaque? rtd) procedure //(record-type-field-names rtd) procedure //(record-field-mutable? rtd k) procedure // // Chapter 7 Exceptions and conditions // //(with-exception-handler handler thunk) procedure //(guard ( syntax //(raise obj) procedure //(raise-continuable obj) procedure // //&condition condition type //(condition condition1 ...) procedure //(simple-conditions condition) procedure //(condition? obj) procedure //(condition-predicate rtd) procedure //(condition-accessor rtd proc) procedure // //&message condition type //&warning condition type //&serious condition type //&error condition type //&violation condition type //&assertion condition type //&irritants condition type //&who condition type //&non-continuable condition type //&implementation-restriction condition type //&lexical condition type //&syntax condition type //&undefined condition type // // Chapter 8 I/O // // // 8 I/O // // 8.1 Condition types //&i/o condition type //&i/o-read condition type //&i/o-write condition type //&i/o-invalid-position condition type //&i/o-filename condition type //&i/o-file-protection condition type //&i/o-file-is-read-only condition type //&i/o-file-already-exists condition type //&i/o-file-does-not-exist condition type //&i/o-port condition type // // // 8.2 Port I/O // // 8.2.1 File names // //(no function introduced) // // // 8.2.2 File options //(file-options ...) syntax // // // 8.2.3 Buffer modes //(buffer-mode ) syntax //(buffer-mode? obj) procedure // // // 8.2.4 Transcoders //(latin-1-codec) procedure //(utf-8-codec) procedure //(utf-16-codec) procedure //(eol-style ) syntax //(native-eol-style) procedure //&i/o-decoding condition type //&i/o-encoding condition type //(error-handling-mode ) syntax //(make-transcoder codec) procedure //(make-transcoder codec eol-style) procedure //(make-transcoder codec eol-style handling-mode) procedure //(native-transcoder) procedure //(transcoder-codec transcoder) procedure //(transcoder-eol-style transcoder) procedure //(transcoder-error-handling-mode transcoder) procedure //(bytevector->string bytevector transcoder) procedure //(string->bytevector string transcoder) procedure // // 8.2.5 End-of-file object //8.3 (eof-object) procedure //8.3 (eof-object? obj) procedure // 8.2.6 Input and output ports define_libfunc("port?", 1, 1, function(ar){ return (ar[0] instanceof Port); }) //(port-transcoder port) procedure define_libfunc("textual-port?", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_port(ar[0]); return !ar[0].is_binary; }) define_libfunc("binary-port?", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_port(ar[0]); return ar[0].is_binary; }) //(transcoded-port binary-port transcoder) procedure //(port-has-port-position? port) procedure //(port-position port) procedure //(port-has-set-port-position!? port) procedure //(set-port-position! port pos) procedure define_libfunc("close-port", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_port(ar[0]); ar[0].close(); }) //(call-with-port port proc) procedure // 8.2.7 Input ports //8.3 (input-port? obj) procedure //(port-eof? input-port) procedure //(open-file-input-port filename) procedure //(open-bytevector-input-port bytevector) procedure //(open-string-input-port string) procedure //(standard-input-port) procedure //8.3 (current-input-port) procedure //(make-custom-binary-input-port id read! procedure //(make-custom-textual-input-port id read! procedure // // // 8.2.8 Binary input //(get-u8 binary-input-port) procedure //(lookahead-u8 binary-input-port) procedure //(get-bytevector-n binary-input-port count) procedure //(get-bytevector-n! binary-input-port procedure //(get-bytevector-some binary-input-port) procedure //(get-bytevector-all binary-input-port) procedure // // // 8.2.9 Textual input //(get-char textual-input-port) procedure //(lookahead-char textual-input-port) procedure //(get-string-n textual-input-port count) procedure //(get-string-n! textual-input-port string start count) procedure //(get-string-all textual-input-port) procedure //(get-line textual-input-port) procedure //(get-datum textual-input-port) procedure // // 8.2.10 Output ports //8.3 (output-port? obj) procedure //(flush-output-port output-port) procedure //(output-port-buffer-mode output-port) procedure //(open-file-output-port filename) procedure //(open-bytevector-output-port) procedure //(call-with-bytevector-output-port proc) procedure //(open-string-output-port) procedure //(call-with-string-output-port proc) procedure //(standard-output-port) procedure //(standard-error-port) procedure //8.3 (current-output-port) procedure //8.3 (current-error-port) procedure //(make-custom-binary-output-port id procedure //(make-custom-textual-output-port id write! get-position set-position! close) // define_libfunc("make-custom-textual-output-port", 5, 5, function(ar){ // assert_string(ar[0]); // assert_closure(ar[1]); // assert_closure(ar[2]); // assert_closure(ar[3]); // assert_closure(ar[4]); // return new Port(ar[0], ar[1], ar[2], ar[3], ar[4]); // }) // // // 8.2.11 Binary output //(put-u8 binary-output-port octet) procedure //(put-bytevector binary-output-port bytevector) procedure // // 8.2.12 Textual output define_libfunc("put-char", 2, 2, function(ar){ assert_port(ar[0]); assert_char(ar[1]); ar[0].put_string(ar[1].value); }) define_libfunc("put-string", 2, 2, function(ar){ assert_port(ar[0]); assert_string(ar[1]); ar[0].put_string(ar[1]); }) define_libfunc("put-datum", 2, 2, function(ar){ assert_port(ar[0]); ar[0].put_string(to_write(ar[1])); }) // // // 8.2.13 Input/output ports //(open-file-input/output-port filename) procedure //(make-custom-binary-input/output-port procedure //(make-custom-textual-input/output-port procedure // // // 8.3 Simple I/O define_libfunc("eof-object", 0, 0, function(ar){ return eof; }) define_libfunc("eof-object?", 1, 1, function(ar){ return ar[0] === eof; }) //(call-with-input-file filename proc) procedure //(call-with-output-file filename proc) procedure define_libfunc("input-port?", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_port(ar[0]); return ar[0].is_input; }) define_libfunc("output-port?", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_port(ar[0]); return ar[0].is_output; }) define_libfunc("current-input-port", 0, 0, function(ar){ return Port.current_input; }) define_libfunc("current-output-port", 0, 0, function(ar){ return Port.current_output; }) define_libfunc("current-error-port", 0, 0, function(ar){ return Port.current_error; }) //(with-input-from-file filename thunk) procedure //(with-output-to-file filename thunk) procedure //(open-input-file filename) procedure //(open-output-file filename) procedure define_libfunc("close-input-port", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_port(ar[0]); if(!ar[0].is_input) throw new Error("close-input-port: port is not input port"); ar[0].close(); }); define_libfunc("close-output-port", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_port(ar[0]); if(!ar[0].is_output) throw new Error("close-output-port: port is not output port"); ar[0].close(); }); //(read-char) procedure //(peek-char) procedure define_libfunc("read", 0, 0, function(ar){ return Port.current_input.get_string(function(str){ var parser = new Parser(str); return parser.getObject(); }) }) // write-char [1,2] define_libfunc("newline", 0, 1, function(ar){ var port = ar[0] || Port.current_output; port.put_string("\n"); }); define_libfunc("display", 1, 2, function(ar){ var port = ar[1] || Port.current_output; port.put_string(to_display(ar[0])); }); define_libfunc("write", 1, 2, function(ar){ var port = ar[1] || Port.current_output; port.put_string(to_write(ar[0])); }); // // Chapter 9 File System // //(file-exists? filename) procedure define_libfunc("file-exists?", 1, 1, function(ar){ netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect"); //TODO: extract to a function assert_string(ar[0]); var fileIn = FileIO.open(ar[0]); return fileIn.exists(); }); //(delete-file filename) procedure define_libfunc("delete-file", 1, 1, function(ar){ netscape.security.PrivilegeManager.enablePrivilege("UniversalXPConnect"); //TODO: extract to a function assert_string(ar[0]); var deleted = FileIO.unlink(FileIO.open(ar[0])); if(!deleted){ //TODO: raise %i/o-filename if not found or not deletable puts("delete-file: cannot delete " + ar[0]); } }); // // Chapter 10 Command-line access and exit values // //(command-line) procedure //(exit) procedure //(exit obj) procedure // // Chapter 11 Arithmetic // //// 11.1 Bitwise operations //// 11.2 Fixnums //(fixnum? obj) procedure //(fixnum-width) procedure //(least-fixnum) procedure //(greatest-fixnum) procedure //(fx=? fx1 fx2 fx3 ...) procedure //(fx>? fx1 fx2 fx3 ...) procedure //(fx=? fx1 fx2 fx3 ...) procedure //(fx<=? fx1 fx2 fx3 ...) procedure //(fxzero? fx) procedure //(fxpositive? fx) procedure //(fxnegative? fx) procedure //(fxodd? fx) procedure //(fxeven? fx) procedure //(fxmax fx1 fx2 ...) procedure //(fxmin fx1 fx2 ...) procedure //(fx+ fx1 fx2) procedure //(fx* fx1 fx2) procedure //(fx- fx1 fx2) procedure //(fxdiv-and-mod fx1 fx2) procedure //(fxdiv fx1 fx2) procedure //(fxmod fx1 fx2) procedure //(fxdiv0-and-mod0 fx1 fx2) procedure //(fxdiv0 fx1 fx2) procedure //(fxmod0 fx1 fx2) procedure //(fx+/carry fx1 fx2 fx3) procedure //(fx-/carry fx1 fx2 fx3) procedure //(fx*/carry fx1 fx2 fx3) procedure //(fxnot fx) procedure //(fxand fx1 ...) procedure //(fxior fx1 ...) procedure //(fxxor fx1 ...) procedure //(fxif fx1 fx2 fx3) procedure //(fxbit-count fx) procedure //(fxlength fx) procedure //(fxfirst-bit-set fx) procedure //(fxbit-set? fx1 fx2) procedure //(fxcopy-bit fx1 fx2 fx3) procedure //(fxbit-field fx1 fx2 fx3) procedure //(fxcopy-bit-field fx1 fx2 fx3 fx4) procedure //(fxarithmetic-shift fx1 fx2) procedure //(fxarithmetic-shift-left fx1 fx2) procedure //(fxarithmetic-shift-right fx1 fx2) procedure //(fxrotate-bit-field fx1 fx2 fx3 fx4) procedure //(fxreverse-bit-field fx1 fx2 fx3) procedure // //// 11.3 Flonums //(flonum? obj) procedure //(real->flonum x) procedure //(fl=? fl1 fl2 fl3 ...) procedure //(fl? fl1 fl2 fl3 ...) procedure //(fl>=? fl1 fl2 fl3 ...) procedure //(flinteger? fl) procedure //(flzero? fl) procedure //(flpositive? fl) procedure //(flnegative? fl) procedure //(flodd? ifl) procedure //(fleven? ifl) procedure //(flfinite? fl) procedure //(flinfinite? fl) procedure //(flnan? fl) procedure //(flmax fl1 fl2 ...) procedure //(flmin fl1 fl2 ...) procedure //(fl+ fl1 ...) procedure //(fl* fl1 ...) procedure //(fl- fl1 fl2 ...) procedure //(fl- fl) procedure //(fl/ fl1 fl2 ...) procedure //(fl/ fl) procedure //(flabs fl) procedure //(fldiv-and-mod fl1 fl2) procedure //(fldiv fl1 fl2) procedure //(flmod fl1 fl2) procedure //(fldiv0-and-mod0 fl1 fl2) procedure //(fldiv0 fl1 fl2) procedure //(flmod0 fl1 fl2) procedure //(flnumerator fl) procedure //(fldenominator fl) procedure //(flfloor fl) procedure //(flceiling fl) procedure //(fltruncate fl) procedure //(flround fl) procedure //(flexp fl) procedure //(fllog fl) procedure //(fllog fl1 fl2) procedure //(flsin fl) procedure //(flcos fl) procedure //(fltan fl) procedure //(flasin fl) procedure //(flacos fl) procedure //(flatan fl) procedure //(flatan fl1 fl2) procedure //(flsqrt fl) procedure //(flexpt fl1 fl2) procedure //&no-infinities condition type //&no-nans condition type //(fixnum->flonum fx) procedure // //// 11.4 Exact bitwise arithmetic //(bitwise-not ei) procedure //(bitwise-and ei1 ...) procedure //(bitwise-ior ei1 ...) procedure //(bitwise-xor ei1 ...) procedure //(bitwise-if ei1 ei2 ei3) procedure //(bitwise-bit-count ei) procedure //(bitwise-length ei) procedure //(bitwise-first-bit-set ei) procedure //(bitwise-bit-set? ei1 ei2) procedure //(bitwise-copy-bit ei1 ei2 ei3) procedure //(bitwise-bit-field ei1 ei2 ei3) procedure //(bitwise-copy-bit-field ei1 ei2 ei3 ei4) procedure //(bitwise-arithmetic-shift ei1 ei2) procedure //(bitwise-arithmetic-shift-left ei1 ei2) procedure //(bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right ei1 ei2) procedure //(bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right ei1 ei2) //(bitwise-rotate-bit-field ei1 ei2 ei3 ei4) procedure //(bitwise-reverse-bit-field ei1 ei2 ei3) procedure // // Chapter 12 syntax-case // // // Chapter 13 Hashtables // Hash.prototype.to_write = function(){ return "#"; }; //13.1 Constructors //(define h (make-eq-hashtale) //(define h (make-eq-hashtable 1000)) define_libfunc("make-eq-hashtable", 0, 1, function(ar){ // ar[1] (hashtable size) is just ignored return $H({}); }); //(make-eqv-hashtable) procedure //(make-eqv-hashtable k) procedure //(make-hashtable hash-function equiv) procedure //(make-hashtable hash-function equiv k) procedure //13.2 Procedures // (hashtable? hash) define_libfunc("hashtable?", 1, 1, function(ar){ return ar[0] instanceof Hash; }); //(hashtable-size hash) define_libfunc("hashtable-size", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_hashtable(ar[0]); return ar[0].keys().length; }); //(hashtable-ref hash "foo" #f) define_libfunc("hashtable-ref", 3, 3, function(ar){ assert_hashtable(ar[0]); var found = ar[0].get(ar[1]); if (found === undefined) return ar[2]; else return found; }); //(hashtable-set! hash "foo" '(1 2)) define_libfunc("hashtable-set!", 3, 3, function(ar){ assert_hashtable(ar[0]); ar[0].set(ar[1], ar[2]); }); //(hashtable-delete! hash "foo") define_libfunc("hashtable-delete!", 2, 2, function(ar){ assert_hashtable(ar[0]); ar[0].unset(ar[1]); }); //(hashtable-contains? hash "foo") define_libfunc("hashtable-contains?", 2, 2, function(ar){ assert_hashtable(ar[0]); return ar[0].get(ar[1]) !== undefined; }); //(hashtable-update! hashtable key proc default) procedure //(hashtable-copy hashtable) procedure //(hashtable-copy hashtable mutable) procedure //(hashtable-clear! hashtable) procedure //(hashtable-clear! hashtable k) procedure //(hashtable-keys hash) ; => vector define_libfunc("hashtable-keys", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_hashtable(ar[0]); return ar[0].keys(); }); //(hashtable-entries hash) ; => two vectors (keys, values) define_libfunc("hashtable-entries", 1, 1, function(ar){ assert_hashtable(ar[0]); return new Values([ar[0].keys(), ar[0].values()]); //Note: Values of two vectors shall correspond to each other. // This code assumes Hash#each to always iterate // hash entries in the same order (is this true?) }); //13.3 Inspection //(hashtable-equivalence-function hashtable) procedure //(hashtable-hash-function hashtable) procedure //(hashtable-mutable? hashtable) procedure //13.4 Hash functions //(equal-hash obj) procedure //(string-hash string) procedure //(string-ci-hash string) procedure //(symbol-hash symbol) procedure // // Chapter 14 Enumerators // //(make-enumeration symbol-list) procedure //(enum-set-universe enum-set) procedure //(enum-set-indexer enum-set) procedure //(enum-set-constructor enum-set) procedure //(enum-set->list enum-set) procedure //(enum-set-member? symbol enum-set) procedure //(enum-set-subset? enum-set1 enum-set2) procedure //(enum-set=? enum-set1 enum-set2) procedure //(enum-set-union enum-set1 enum-set2) procedure //(enum-set-intersection enum-set1 enum-set2) procedure //(enum-set-difference enum-set1 enum-set2) procedure //(enum-set-complement enum-set) procedure //(enum-set-projection enum-set1 enum-set2) procedure //(define-enumeration syntax //( ...) //) // // Chapter 15 Composite library // //(rnrs 6) = all - eval - mutable pairs - mutable strings - r5rs compatibility // // Chapter 16 eval // //(eval expression environment) procedure define_libfunc("eval", 1, 1, function(ar, intp){ //TODO: environment //TODO: this implementation has a bug that // expressions which contains #, etc. cannot be evaluated. var expr = ar[0]; var intp = new BiwaScheme.Interpreter(intp.on_error); return intp.evaluate(expr.to_write()); }); //(environment import-spec ...) procedure // // Chapter 17 Mutable pairs // //(set-car! pair obj) procedure //(set-cdr! pair obj) procedure // // Chapter 18 Mutable strings // //(string-set! string k char) procedure // (string-fill! string char) procedure // // Chapter 19 R5RS compatibility // //(exact->inexact z) procedure //(inexact->exact z) procedure // //(quotient n1 n2) procedure //(remainder n1 n2) procedure //(modulo n1 n2) procedure // //(delay ) syntax //(force promise) procedure //(make-promise (lambda () )) // //(null-environment n) procedure //(scheme-report-environment n) procedure /* --------------------------------------- namespace webscheme */ }