# Copyright, 2017, by Samuel G. D. Williams. # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. require_relative 'terminal' # Downstream gems often use `Logger:::LEVEL` constants, so we pull this in so they are available. That being said, the code should be fixed. require 'logger' module Async class Logger class Buffer < StringIO def initialize(prefix = nil) @prefix = prefix super() end def puts(*args, prefix: @prefix) args.each do |arg| self.write(prefix) if prefix super(arg) end end end LEVELS = {debug: 0, info: 1, warn: 2, error: 3, fatal: 4} LEVELS.each do |name, level| const_set(name.to_s.upcase, level) define_method(name) do |subject = nil, *arguments, &block| enabled = @subjects[subject.class] if enabled == true or (enabled != false and level >= @level) self.format(subject, *arguments, &block) end end define_method("#{name}!") do @level = level end end def initialize(output, level: 1) @output = output @level = level @start = Time.now @terminal = Terminal.new(output) @reset_style = @terminal.reset @prefix_style = @terminal.color(Terminal::Colors::CYAN) @subject_style = @terminal.color(nil, nil, Terminal::Attributes::BOLD) @exception_title_style = @terminal.color(Terminal::Colors::RED, nil, Terminal::Attributes::BOLD) @exception_details_style = @terminal.color(Terminal::Colors::YELLOW) @exception_line_style = @terminal.color(Terminal::Colors::RED) @subjects = {} end attr :level def level= value if value.is_a? Symbol @level = LEVELS[value] else @level = value end end def enabled?(subject) @subjects[subject.class] == true end def enable(subject) @subjects[subject.class] = true end def disable(subject) @subjects[subject.class] = false end def log(level, *arguments, &block) unless level.is_a? Symbol level = LEVELS[level] end self.send(level, *arguments, &block) end def format(subject = nil, *arguments, &block) prefix = time_offset_prefix indent = " " * prefix.size buffer = Buffer.new("#{indent}| ") if subject format_subject(prefix, subject, output: buffer) end arguments.each do |argument| format_argument(argument, output: buffer) end if block_given? if block.arity.zero? format_argument(yield, output: buffer) else yield(buffer, @terminal) end end @output.write buffer.string end def format_argument(argument, output: @output) if argument.is_a? Exception format_exception(argument, output: output) else format_value(argument, output: output) end end def format_exception(exception, prefix = nil, pwd: Dir.pwd, output: @output) lines = exception.message.lines.map{|line| line.chomp!} output.puts " #{prefix}#{@exception_title_style}#{exception.class}#{@reset_style}: #{lines.shift}" lines.each do |line| output.puts " #{@exception_details_style}" + line + @reset_style end exception.backtrace.each_with_index do |line, index| path, offset, message = line.split(":") # Make the path a bit more readable path.gsub!(/^#{pwd}\//, "./") output.puts " #{index == 0 ? "→" : " "} #{@exception_line_style}#{path}:#{offset}#{@reset_style} #{message}" end if exception.cause format_exception(exception.cause, "Caused by ", pwd: pwd, output: output) end end def format_subject(prefix, subject, output: @output) output.puts "#{@subject_style}#{subject}#{@reset_style}", prefix: "#{@prefix_style}#{prefix}: " end def format_value(value, output: @output) string = value.to_s string.each_line do |line| output.puts "#{line}" end end def time_offset_prefix offset = Time.now - @start minutes = (offset/60).floor seconds = (offset - (minutes*60)) if minutes > 0 "#{minutes}m#{seconds.floor}s" else "#{seconds.round(2)}s" end.rjust(6) end end # The Async Logger class. class << self # @attr logger [Logger] the global logger instance used by `Async`. attr :logger # Set the default log level based on `$DEBUG` and `$VERBOSE`. def default_log_level if $DEBUG Logger::DEBUG elsif $VERBOSE Logger::INFO else Logger::WARN end end end # Create the logger instance. @logger = Logger.new($stderr, level: self.default_log_level) end