class DevelopmentSitesPage < RecordProxyPage REMOTE_NAME = 'yodel' # record proxy pages deal with site models (site.model_name). Override the methods it uses # to interact with these models we can edit Sites (a non site model) def record @record ||= Site.find(BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params['id'])) end def records @records ||= Site.all end # a default user is required before any sites or remotes can be created respond_to :get do with :html do if site.default_users.count == 0 response.redirect '/setup' else super() end end end # create a site respond_to :post do # clone a site from a remote server with :json do # ensure yodel is set up default_user = site.default_users.first return {success: false, reason: 'No default user has been created'} if site.default_users.count == 0 # extract the site name and generate an identifier to be used as the site's domain and folder name site_name = params['name'].to_s identifier = site_name.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]+/, '_') return {success: false, reason: 'No site name provided'} if site_name.blank? || identifier.blank? # find the remote to clone from remote = Remote.find(BSON::ObjectId.from_string(params['remote'])) return {success: false, reason: 'Remote could not be found'} if remote.nil? # construct the git url used to clone the site remote_id = params['remote_id'] git_url = remote.git_url(remote_id) return {success: false, reason: 'Git URL could not be constructed'} if git_url.blank? # find an unused site folder name site_folder = identifier counter = 0 while File.exist?(File.join(Yodel.config.sites_root, site_folder)) counter += 1 site_folder = "#{identifier}_#{counter}" end # clone the repos locally Dir.chdir(Yodel.config.sites_root) do result = `#{Yodel.config.git_path} clone -o #{REMOTE_NAME} #{git_url} #{site_folder}` return {success: false, reason: 'Git error: ' + $1} if result =~ /error: (.+)$/ end # when running as a daemon, the root user will own the cloned repos Dir.chdir(Yodel.config.sites_root) do return unless Yodel.config.owner_user if Yodel.config.owner_group != 0 FileUtils.chown_R(Yodel.config.owner_user, Yodel.config.owner_group, site_folder) else FileUtils.chown_R(Yodel.config.owner_user, nil, site_folder) end end # create a new site from the cloned site.yml file site_yml = File.join(Yodel.config.sites_root, site_folder, Yodel::SITE_YML_FILE_NAME) return {success: false, reason: 'Site yml file was not cloned successfully'} unless File.exist?(site_yml) new_site = Site.load_from_site_yaml(site_yml) # find an unused default local domain domain_identifier = identifier.gsub('_', '') domain = "#{domain_identifier}.yodel" counter = 0 while Site.exists?(domains: domain) counter += 1 domain = "#{domain_identifier}-#{counter}.yodel" end # add the remote and a new default local domain new_site.remote_id = remote_id new_site.remote = remote # initialise the site Migration.run_migrations(new_site) create_default_user(new_site, default_user) {success: true, url: new_site_url(new_site)} end # create a new local site with :html do # the default user is required for the git repos, and creating an # admin account in the new site default_user = site.default_users.first if default_user.nil? response.redirect '/setup' return end name = cleanse_name(params['name'].sub('.yodel', '')) if name.blank? flash[:error] = 'You must enter a name for this site' response.redirect '/sites' return end # create a new folder for the site site_dir = File.join(Yodel.config.sites_root, name) FileUtils.cp_r(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'site_template'), site_dir) # rename the gitignore file so it becomes active, 'gitignore'), File.join(site_dir, '.gitignore')) # create the new site new_site = = name new_site.root_directory = site_dir << "#{name}.yodel" # copy core yodel migrations yodel_migrations_dir = File.join(site_dir, Yodel::MIGRATIONS_DIRECTORY_NAME, Yodel::YODEL_MIGRATIONS_DIRECTORY_NAME) FileUtils.cp_r(Yodel.config.yodel_migration_directory, yodel_migrations_dir) # copy extension migrations extension_migrations_dir = File.join(site_dir, Yodel::MIGRATIONS_DIRECTORY_NAME, Yodel::EXTENSION_MIGRATIONS_DIRECTORY_NAME) Yodel.config.extensions.each do |extension| FileUtils.cp_r(extension.migrations_dir, File.join(extension_migrations_dir, if new_site.extensions << end # create the repository and perform the first commit if Yodel.config.owner_user if Yodel.config.owner_group != 0 FileUtils.chown_R(Yodel.config.owner_user, Yodel.config.owner_group, site_dir) else FileUtils.chown_R(Yodel.config.owner_user, nil, site_dir) end end repos = Git.init(site_dir) repos.config('', repos.config('', repos.config('http.postBuffer', (200 * 1024 * 1024)) repos.add([Yodel::LAYOUTS_DIRECTORY_NAME, Yodel::MIGRATIONS_DIRECTORY_NAME, Yodel::PARTIALS_DIRECTORY_NAME, Yodel::PUBLIC_DIRECTORY_NAME, Yodel::ATTACHMENTS_DIRECTORY_NAME]) repos.commit_all('New yodel site') # save and initialise the site Migration.run_migrations(new_site) create_default_user(new_site, default_user) # redirect to the new site response.redirect new_site_url(new_site) end end private def cleanse_name(name) name.downcase.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]+/, '_') end def create_default_user(new_site, default_user) user = user.first_name = = user.username = user.password = Password.hashed_password(nil, default_user.password) user.groups << new_site.groups['Developers'] # because of the before_create callback, we need to override # the salt and password manually by saving again user.password_salt = nil user.password = Password.hashed_password(nil, default_user.password) user.save_without_validation end def new_site_url(new_site) port = (request.port == 80 ? nil : request.port) "http://#{}#{':' if port}#{port}/admin/pages" end end