module ActionController #:nodoc: class Base # # Build the fragment key from a particular context. This must be deterministic # and stateful except for the tag. We can't scope the key to arbitrary params # because the view doesn't have access to which are relevant and which are # not. # # Note that the tag can be pretty much any object. Define #to_interlock_tag # if you need custom tagging for some class. ActiveRecord::Base already # has it defined appropriately. # # If you pass an Array of symbols as the tag, it will get value-mapped onto # params and sorted. This makes granular scoping easier, although it doesn't # sidestep the normal blanket invalidations. # def caching_key(ignore = nil, tag = nil) ignore = Array(ignore) ignore = Interlock::SCOPE_KEYS if ignore.include? :all if (Interlock::SCOPE_KEYS - ignore).empty? and !tag raise UsageError, "You must specify a :tag if you are ignoring the entire default scope." end if tag.is_a? Array and tag.all? {|x| x.is_a? Symbol} tag = tag.sort_by do |key| key.to_s do |key| params[key].to_interlock_tag end.join(";") end Interlock.caching_key( ignore.include?(:controller) ? 'any' : controller_name, ignore.include?(:action) ? 'any' : action_name, ignore.include?(:id) ? 'all' : params[:id], tag ) end # # Mark a controller block for caching. Accepts a list of class dependencies for # invalidation, as well as a :tag key for explicit fragment scoping. # def behavior_cache(*args) conventional_class = begin; controller_name.classify.constantize; rescue NameError; end options, dependencies = Interlock.extract_options_and_dependencies(args, conventional_class) raise UsageError, ":ttl has no effect in a behavior_cache block" if options[:ttl] key = caching_key(options.value_for_indifferent_key(:ignore), options.value_for_indifferent_key(:tag)) Interlock.register_dependencies(dependencies, key) # See if the fragment exists, and run the block if it doesn't. unless read_fragment(key) Interlock.say key, "is running the controller block" yield end end #:stopdoc: alias :caching :behavior_cache # Deprecated #:startdoc: private # # Callback to reset the local cache. # def clear_interlock_local_cache Interlock.local_cache = RAILS_DEFAULT_LOGGER.warn "** cleared interlock local cache" end # Should be registered first in the chain prepend_before_filter :clear_interlock_local_cache end module Caching #:nodoc: module Fragments # # Replaces Rail's write_fragment method. Avoids extra checks for regex keys, # which are unsupported, adds more detailed logging information, and stores # writes in the local process cache too to avoid duplicate memcached requests. # def write_fragment(key, content, options = nil) return unless perform_caching fragment_cache_store.write(key, content, options) Interlock.local_cache.write(key, content, options) Interlock.say key, "wrote" content end # # Replaces Rail's read_fragment method. Avoids checks for regex keys, # which are unsupported, adds more detailed logging information, and # checks the local process cache before hitting memcached. Hits on # memcached are then stored back locally to avoid duplicate requests. # def read_fragment(key, options = nil) return unless perform_caching if content =, options) # Interlock.say key, "read from local cache" elsif content =, options) Interlock.say key, "read from memcached" Interlock.local_cache.write(key, content, options) else # Interlock.say key, "not found" end content end end end end