//= require fileupload/tmpl
//= require fileupload/jquery.iframe-transport
//= require fileupload/jquery.fileupload.js
//= require fileupload/jquery.fileupload-ui.js
//= require fileupload/locale.js
/*jslint nomen: true */
/*global $ */
//200 MB max file size
var max_file_size = 200000000;
var max_file_size_str = "200 MB";
//500 MB max total upload size
var max_total_file_size = 500000000;
var max_file_count = 100;
var max_total_file_size_str = "500 MB";
var first_file_after_max = '';
var filestoupload =0;
(function( $ ){
'use strict';
$.fn.sufiaUploader = function( options ) {
// Create some defaults, extending them with any options that were provided
// option afterSubmit: function(form, event, data)
var settings = $.extend( { }, options);
var files_done =0;
var error_string ='';
function uploadStopped() {
if (files_done == filestoupload && (files_done >0)){
var loc = $("#redirect-loc").html()
} else if (error_string.length > 0){
// an error occured
if (files_done == 0) {
} else {
function uploadAdd(e, data) {
if ( $('#terms_of_service').is(':checked') )
$('#main_upload_start').attr('disabled', false);
function uploadAdded(e, data) {
if (data.files[0].error == 'acceptFileTypes'){
$($('#fileupload .files .cancel button')[data.context[0].rowIndex]).click();
var total_sz = parseInt($('#total_upload_size').val()) + data.files[0].size;
$('#total_upload_size').val( total_sz );
// is file size too big
if (data.files[0].size > max_file_size) {
$($('#fileupload .files .cancel button')[data.context[0].rowIndex]).click();
$("#errmsg").html(data.files[0].name + " is too big. No files over " + max_file_size_str + " can be uploaded.");
// cumulative upload file size is too big
else if( total_sz > max_total_file_size) {
if (first_file_after_max == '') first_file_after_max = data.files[0].name;
$($('#fileupload .files .cancel button')[data.context[0].rowIndex]).click();
// artificially bump size to max so small files don't sneak in out of order.
$('#total_upload_size').val( max_total_file_size );
$("#errmsg").html("All files selected from " + first_file_after_max + " and after will not be uploaded because your total upload is too big. You may not upload more than " + max_total_file_size_str + " in one upload.");
else if( filestoupload > max_file_count) {
if (first_file_after_max == '') first_file_after_max = data.files[0].name;
$($('#fileupload .files .cancel button')[data.context[0].rowIndex]).click();
$("#errmsg").html("All files selected from " + first_file_after_max + " and after will not be uploaded because your total number of files is too big. You may not upload more than " + max_file_count + " files in one upload.");
function uploadDone(e, data) {
var file = ($.isArray(data.result) && data.result[0]) || {error: 'emptyResult'};
if (!file.error) {
} else {
if (error_string.length > 0) {
error_string += '
error_string += file.error;
// Takes the contextual values in the file you're uploading
// and assign them to a value in the form that is being uploaded:
// based off of https://github.com/blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload/wiki/How-to-submit-additional-Form-Data
function uploadSubmit(e, data) {
if (settings.afterSubmit) {
settings.afterSubmit(this, e, data)
function uploadFail(e, data) {
if (data.errorThrown == 'abort') {
if ((files_done == filestoupload)&&(files_done >0)){
var loc = $("#redirect-loc").html()+"?file_count="+filestoupload
$('#total_upload_size').val( parseInt($('#total_upload_size').val()) - data.files[0].size );
} else {
if (error_string.length > 0) {
error_string += '
error_string += data.errorThrown + ": " + data.textStatus;
var $container = this;
return this.each(function() {
// Initialize the jQuery File Upload widget:
// Enable iframe cross-domain access via redirect option:
$('#fileupload').bind("fileuploadstop", uploadStopped);
// count the number of uploaded files to send to edit
$('#fileupload').bind("fileuploadadd", uploadAdd);
// check the validation on if the file type is not accepted just click cancel for the user as we do not want them to see all the hidden files
$('#fileupload').bind("fileuploadadded", uploadAdded);
// count the number of files completed and ready to send to edit
$('#fileupload').bind("fileuploaddone", uploadDone);
$('#fileupload').bind('fileuploadsubmit', uploadSubmit);
// on fail if abort (aka cancel) decrease the number of uploaded files to send
$('#fileupload').bind("fileuploadfail", uploadFail);
})( jQuery );