module Katello class Api::V2::RepositoriesController < Api::V2::ApiController # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength include Katello::Concerns::FilteredAutoCompleteSearch generic_repo_wrap_params = [] RepositoryTypeManager.generic_remote_options(defined_only: true).each do |option| generic_repo_wrap_params << end repo_wrap_params = RootRepository.attribute_names + generic_repo_wrap_params wrap_parameters :repository, :include => repo_wrap_params CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_GPG_KEY_TYPE = "gpg_key".freeze CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CA_CERT_TYPE = "ssl_ca_cert".freeze CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_TYPE = "ssl_client_cert".freeze CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_TYPE = "ssl_client_key".freeze before_action :find_optional_organization, :only => [:index, :auto_complete_search] before_action :find_product, :only => [:index, :auto_complete_search] before_action :find_product_for_create, :only => [:create] before_action :find_organization_from_product, :only => [:create] before_action :find_unauthorized_katello_resource, :only => [:gpg_key_content] before_action :find_authorized_katello_resource, :only => [:show, :update, :destroy, :sync, :remove_content, :upload_content, :republish, :import_uploads, :verify_checksum, :reclaim_space] before_action :find_content, :only => :remove_content before_action :find_organization_from_repo, :only => [:update] before_action :error_on_rh_product, :only => [:create] before_action :check_import_parameters, :only => [:import_uploads] before_action(:only => [:create, :update]) { find_content_credential CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_GPG_KEY_TYPE } before_action(:only => [:create, :update]) { find_content_credential CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CA_CERT_TYPE } before_action(:only => [:create, :update]) { find_content_credential CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_TYPE } before_action(:only => [:create, :update]) { find_content_credential CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_TYPE } skip_before_action :authorize, :only => [:gpg_key_content] skip_before_action :check_media_type, :only => [:upload_content] def custom_index_relation(collection) collection.includes(:product) end def_param_group :repo do param :url, String, :desc => N_("repository source url") param :os_versions, Array, :desc => N_("Identifies whether the repository should be unavailable on a client with a non-matching OS version. Pass [] to make repo available for clients regardless of OS version. Maximum length 1; allowed tags are: %s") % Katello::RootRepository::ALLOWED_OS_VERSIONS.join(', ') param :gpg_key_id, :number, :desc => N_("id of the gpg key that will be assigned to the new repository"), :allow_nil => true param :ssl_ca_cert_id, :number, :desc => N_("Identifier of the content credential containing the SSL CA Cert"), :allow_nil => true param :ssl_client_cert_id, :number, :desc => N_("Identifier of the content credential containing the SSL Client Cert"), :allow_nil => true param :ssl_client_key_id, :number, :desc => N_("Identifier of the content credential containing the SSL Client Key"), :allow_nil => true param :unprotected, :bool, :desc => N_("true if this repository can be published via HTTP") param :checksum_type, String, :desc => N_("Checksum used for published repository contents. Supported types: %s") % Katello::RootRepository::CHECKSUM_TYPES.join(', ') param :docker_upstream_name, String, :desc => N_("Name of the upstream docker repository") param :include_tags, Array, :desc => N_("Comma-separated list of tags to sync for a container image repository") param :exclude_tags, Array, :desc => N_("Comma-separated list of tags to exclude when syncing a container image repository. Default: any tag ending in \"-source\"") param :download_policy, ["immediate", "on_demand"], :desc => N_("download policy for yum, deb, and docker repos (either 'immediate' or 'on_demand')") param :download_concurrency, :number, :desc => N_("Used to determine download concurrency of the repository in pulp3. Use value less than 20. Defaults to 10") param :mirroring_policy, Katello::RootRepository::MIRRORING_POLICIES, :desc => N_("Policy to set for mirroring content. Must be one of %s.") % RootRepository::MIRRORING_POLICIES param :verify_ssl_on_sync, :bool, :desc => N_("if true, Katello will verify the upstream url's SSL certifcates are signed by a trusted CA") param :upstream_username, String, :desc => N_("Username of the upstream repository user used for authentication") param :upstream_password, String, :desc => N_("Password of the upstream repository user used for authentication") param :upstream_authentication_token, String, :desc => N_("Upstream authentication token string for yum repositories.") param :deb_releases, String, :desc => N_("whitespace-separated list of releases to be synced from deb-archive") param :deb_components, String, :desc => N_("whitespace-separated list of repo components to be synced from deb-archive") param :deb_architectures, String, :desc => N_("whitespace-separated list of architectures to be synced from deb-archive") param :ignorable_content, Array, :desc => N_("List of content units to ignore while syncing a yum repository. Must be subset of %s") % RootRepository::IGNORABLE_CONTENT_UNIT_TYPES.join(",") param :ansible_collection_requirements, String, :desc => N_("Contents of requirement yaml file to sync from URL") param :ansible_collection_auth_url, String, :desc => N_("The URL to receive a session token from, e.g. used with Automation Hub.") param :ansible_collection_auth_token, String, :desc => N_("The token key to use for authentication.") param :http_proxy_policy, ::Katello::RootRepository::HTTP_PROXY_POLICIES, :desc => N_("policies for HTTP proxy for content sync") param :http_proxy_id, :number, :desc => N_("ID of a HTTP Proxy") param :arch, String, :desc => N_("Architecture of content in the repository") param :retain_package_versions_count, :number, :desc => N_("The maximum number of versions of each package to keep.") param :metadata_expire, :number, :desc => N_("Time to expire yum metadata in seconds. Only relevant for custom yum repositories.") RepositoryTypeManager.generic_remote_options(defined_only: true).each do |option| param, option.type, :desc => N_(option.description) end end def_param_group :repo_create do param :label, String, :required => false param :product_id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("Product the repository belongs to") param :content_type, String, :required => true, :desc => N_("Type of repository. Available types endpoint: /katello/api/repositories/repository_types") end api :GET, "/repositories", N_("List of enabled repositories") api :GET, "/content_views/:id/repositories", N_("List of repositories for a content view") api :GET, "/organizations/:organization_id/repositories", N_("List of repositories in an organization") api :GET, "/organizations/:organization_id/environments/:environment_id/repositories", _("List repositories in the environment") api :GET, "/products/:product_id/repositories", N_("List of repositories for a product") api :GET, "/environments/:environment_id/products/:product_id/repositories", N_("List of repositories belonging to a product in an environment") param :organization_id, :number, :desc => N_("ID of an organization to show repositories in") param :product_id, :number, :desc => N_("ID of a product to show repositories of") param :environment_id, :number, :desc => N_("ID of an environment to show repositories in") param :content_view_id, :number, :desc => N_("ID of a content view to show repositories in") param :content_view_version_id, :number, :desc => N_("ID of a content view version to show repositories in") param :deb_id, String, :desc => N_("Id of a deb package to find repositories that contain the deb") param :erratum_id, String, :desc => N_("Id of an erratum to find repositories that contain the erratum") param :rpm_id, String, :desc => N_("Id of a rpm package to find repositories that contain the rpm") param :file_id, String, :desc => N_("Id of a file to find repositories that contain the file") param :ansible_collection_id, String, :desc => N_("Id of an ansible collection to find repositories that contain the ansible collection") param :library, :bool, :desc => N_("show repositories in Library and the default content view") param :archived, :bool, :desc => N_("show archived repositories") param :content_type, String, :desc => N_("Limit the repository type. Available types endpoint: /katello/api/repositories/repository_types") param :name, String, :desc => N_("name of the repository"), :required => false param :label, String, :desc => N_("label of the repository"), :required => false param :description, String, :desc => N_("description of the repository") param :available_for, String, :desc => N_("interpret specified object to return only Repositories that can be associated with specified object. Only 'content_view' & 'content_view_version' are supported."), :required => false param :with_content, String, :desc => N_("Filter repositories by content unit type (erratum, docker_tag, etc.). Check the \"Indexed?\" types here: /katello/api/repositories/repository_types") param :download_policy, ::Katello::RootRepository::DOWNLOAD_POLICIES, :desc => N_("limit to only repositories with this download policy") param :username, String, :desc => N_("only show the repositories readable by this user with this username") param_group :search, Api::V2::ApiController add_scoped_search_description_for(Repository) def index unless params[:content_type].empty? || RepositoryTypeManager.find(params[:content_type]) msg = _("Invalid params provided - content_type must be one of %s") % RepositoryTypeManager.enabled_repository_types.keys.sort.join(",") fail HttpErrors::UnprocessableEntity, msg end unless params[:with_content].empty? || RepositoryTypeManager.find_content_type(params[:with_content], true) msg = _("Invalid params provided - with_content must be one of %s") %",") fail HttpErrors::UnprocessableEntity, msg end base_args = [index_relation.distinct, :name, :asc] options = {:includes => [:environment, {:root => [:gpg_key, :product]}]} respond_to do |format| format.csv do options[:csv] = true repos = scoped_search(*base_args, options) csv_response(repos, [:id, :name, :description, :label, :content_type, :arch, :url, :major, :minor, :content_label, :pulp_id, :container_repository_name, :download_policy, 'relative_path', '', '', 'environment_id'], ['Id', 'Name', 'Description', 'label', 'Content Type', 'Arch', 'Url', 'Major', 'Minor', 'Content Label', 'Pulp Id', 'Container Repository Name', 'Download Policy', 'Relative Path', 'Product Id', 'Product Name', 'Environment Id']) end format.any do repos = scoped_search(*base_args, options) respond(:collection => repos) end end end def index_relation query = Repository.readable query = query.with_content(params[:with_content]) if params[:with_content] query = index_relation_product(query) query = query.with_type(params[:content_type]) if params[:content_type] query = query.where(:root_id => RootRepository.where(:name => params[:name])) if params[:name] query = query.where(:root_id => RootRepository.where(:label => params[:label])) if params[:label] query = index_relation_content_unit(query) query = index_relation_content_view(query) index_relation_environment(query) end def index_relation_product(query) query = query.joins(:root => :product).where("#{Product.table_name}.organization_id" => @organization) if @organization query = query.joins(:root).where("#{RootRepository.table_name}.product_id" => if @product query = query.joins(:root).where("#{RootRepository.table_name}.download_policy" => params[:download_policy]) if params[:download_policy] query end def index_relation_content_view(query) if params[:content_view_version_id] query = query.where(:content_view_version_id => params[:content_view_version_id]) query = query.archived if ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool params[:archived] query = Katello::Repository.where(:id => if params[:library] elsif params[:content_view_id] query = filter_by_content_view(query, params[:content_view_id], params[:environment_id], params[:available_for] == 'content_view') end query end def index_relation_environment(query) if params[:environment_id] && !params[:library] query = query.where(:environment_id => params[:environment_id]) elsif params[:environment_id] && params[:library] instances = query.where(:environment_id => params[:environment_id]) instance_ids = instances.pluck(:library_instance_id).reject(&:blank?) instance_ids += instances.where(:library_instance_id => nil) query = Repository.where(:id => instance_ids) elsif (params[:library] && !params[:environment_id]) || (params[:environment_id].blank? && params[:content_view_version_id].blank? && params[:content_view_id].blank?) if params[:available_for] == 'content_view_version' query = query.where.not(:content_view_version_id => nil, :environment_id => nil) elsif @organization query = query.where(:content_view_version_id => else query = query.in_default_view end end query end def index_relation_content_unit(query) if params[:deb_id] query = query.joins(:debs) .where("#{Deb.table_name}.id" => Deb.with_identifiers(params[:deb_id])) end if params[:erratum_id] query = query.joins(:errata) .where("#{Erratum.table_name}.id" => Erratum.with_identifiers(params[:erratum_id])) end if params[:rpm_id] query = query.joins(:rpms) .where("#{Rpm.table_name}.id" => Rpm.with_identifiers(params[:rpm_id])) end if params[:file_id] query = query.joins(:files) .where("#{FileUnit.table_name}.id" => FileUnit.with_identifiers(params[:file_id])) end if params[:ansible_collection_id] query = query.joins(:ansible_collections) .where("#{AnsibleCollection.table_name}.id" => AnsibleCollection.with_identifiers(params[:ansible_collection_id])) end generic_type_param = RepositoryTypeManager.generic_content_types.find { |type| params["#{type}_id".to_sym] } if generic_type_param query = query.joins(:generic_content_units) .where("#{GenericContentUnit.table_name}.id" => GenericContentUnit.with_identifiers(params["#{generic_type_param}_id".to_sym])) end query end api :GET, "/repositories/compare/", N_("List :resource") param :content_view_version_ids, Array, :desc => N_("content view versions to compare") param :repository_id, :number, :desc => N_("Library repository id to restrict comparisons to") param :restrict_comparison, String, :desc => N_("Return same, different or all results") def compare fail _("No content_view_version_ids provided") if params[:content_view_version_ids].empty? @versions = ContentViewVersion.readable.where(:id => params[:content_view_version_ids]) if @versions.count != params[:content_view_version_ids].uniq.length missing = params[:content_view_version_ids] - @versions.pluck(:id) fail HttpErrors::NotFound, _("Couldn't find content view versions '%s'") % missing.join(',') end archived_version_repos = Katello::Repository.where(:content_view_version_id => @versions&.pluck(:id))&.archived repos = Katello::Repository.where(id: archived_version_repos&.pluck(:library_instance_id)) repos = repos.where(:root_id => @repo.root_id) if @repo repositories = restrict_comparison(repos, @versions, params[:restrict_comparison]) collection = scoped_search(repositories.distinct, :name, :asc) collection[:results] = collection[:results].map { |item|, @versions, @repo) } respond_for_index(:collection => collection) end def restrict_comparison(collection, content_view_versions = nil, compare = 'all') case compare when 'same' same_repo_ids = compare_same(collection, content_view_versions) collection.where(id: same_repo_ids) when 'different' same_repo_ids = compare_same(collection, content_view_versions) collection.where.not(id: same_repo_ids) else collection end end def compare_same(collection, content_view_versions = nil) same_repo_ids = [] collection.each do |repo| if (content_view_versions&.pluck(:id)&.- repo.published_in_versions&.pluck(:id))&.empty? same_repo_ids << end end same_repo_ids end api :POST, "/repositories", N_("Create a custom repository") param :name, String, :desc => N_("Name of the repository"), :required => true param :description, String, :desc => N_("Description of the repository"), :required => false param_group :repo_create param_group :repo def create repo_params = repository_params unless RepositoryTypeManager.creatable_by_user?(repo_params[:content_type], false) msg = _("Invalid params provided - content_type must be one of %s") % RepositoryTypeManager.creatable_repository_types.keys.sort.join(",") fail HttpErrors::UnprocessableEntity, msg end if !repo_params[:url].nil? && URI(repo_params[:url]).userinfo fail "Do not include the username/password in the URL. Use the username/password settings instead." end gpg_key = get_content_credential(repo_params, CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_GPG_KEY_TYPE) ssl_ca_cert = get_content_credential(repo_params, CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CA_CERT_TYPE) ssl_client_cert = get_content_credential(repo_params, CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_TYPE) ssl_client_key = get_content_credential(repo_params, CONTENT_CREDENTIAL_SSL_CLIENT_KEY_TYPE) repo_params[:label] = labelize_params(repo_params) repo_params[:arch] = repo_params[:arch] || 'noarch' repo_params[:url] = nil if repo_params[:url].blank? repo_params[:unprotected] = repo_params.key?(:unprotected) ? repo_params[:unprotected] : true repo_params[:gpg_key] = gpg_key repo_params[:ssl_ca_cert] = ssl_ca_cert repo_params[:ssl_client_cert] = ssl_client_cert repo_params[:ssl_client_key] = ssl_client_key root = construct_repo_from_params(repo_params) sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::CreateRoot, root) @repository = root.reload.library_instance respond_for_create(:resource => @repository) end api :GET, "/repositories/repository_types", N_("Show the available repository types") param :creatable, :bool, :desc => N_("When set to 'True' repository types that are creatable will be returned") def repository_types creatable = ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:creatable]) repo_types = creatable ? RepositoryTypeManager.creatable_repository_types : RepositoryTypeManager.enabled_repository_types render :json => repo_types.values end api :PUT, "/repositories/:id/republish", N_("Forces a republish of the specified repository, regenerating metadata and symlinks on the filesystem. Not allowed for repositories with the 'Complete Mirroring' mirroring policy.") param :id, :number, :desc => N_("Repository identifier"), :required => true param :force, :bool, :desc => N_("Force metadata regeneration to proceed. Dangerous when repositories use the 'Complete Mirroring' mirroring policy") def republish if @repository.mirroring_policy == Katello::RootRepository::MIRRORING_POLICY_COMPLETE && !::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:force]) fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("Metadata republishing is risky on 'Complete Mirroring' repositories. Change the mirroring policy and try again. Alternatively, use the 'force' parameter to regenerate metadata locally. On the next sync, the upstream repository's metadata will overwrite local metadata for 'Complete Mirroring' repositories.") end task = async_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::MetadataGenerate, @repository) respond_for_async :resource => task end api :GET, "/repositories/:id", N_("Show a repository") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("repository ID") param :organization_id, :number, :desc => N_("Organization ID") def show respond_for_show(:resource => @repository) end api :POST, "/repositories/:id/sync", N_("Sync a repository") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("repository ID") param :incremental, :bool, :desc => N_("perform an incremental import"), :required => false param :skip_metadata_check, :bool, :desc => N_("Force sync even if no upstream changes are detected. Only used with yum or deb repositories."), :required => false param :validate_contents, :bool, :desc => N_("Force a sync and validate the checksums of all content. Only used with yum repositories."), :required => false def sync fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("attempted to sync a non-library repository.") unless @repository.library_instance? sync_options = { :skip_metadata_check => ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:skip_metadata_check]), :validate_contents => ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:validate_contents]), :incremental => ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params[:incremental]) } if @repository.url.blank? fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("attempted to sync without a feed URL") end task = async_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::Sync, @repository, sync_options) respond_for_async :resource => task rescue Errors::InvalidActionOptionError => e raise HttpErrors::BadRequest, e.message end api :POST, "/repositories/:id/verify_checksum", N_("Verify checksum of repository contents") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("repository ID") def verify_checksum task = async_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::VerifyChecksum, @repository) respond_for_async :resource => task rescue Errors::InvalidActionOptionError => e raise HttpErrors::BadRequest, e.message end api :POST, "/repositories/:id/reclaim_space", N_("Reclaim space from an On Demand repository") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("repository ID") def reclaim_space if @repository.download_policy != ::Katello::RootRepository::DOWNLOAD_ON_DEMAND fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("Only On Demand repositories may have space reclaimed.") end task = async_task(::Actions::Pulp3::Repository::ReclaimSpace, @repository) respond_for_async :resource => task rescue Errors::InvalidActionOptionError => e raise HttpErrors::BadRequest, e.message end api :PUT, "/repositories/:id", N_("Update a repository") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("repository ID") param :name, String, :required => false param :description, String, :desc => N_("description of the repository"), :required => false param_group :repo def update repo_params = repository_params if !repo_params[:url].nil? && URI(repo_params[:url]).userinfo fail "Do not include the username/password in the URL. Use the username/password settings instead." end if @repository.generic? generic_remote_options = generic_remote_options_hash(repo_params) repo_params[:generic_remote_options] = generic_remote_options.to_json RepositoryTypeManager.generic_remote_options.each do |option| repo_params&.delete( end end sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::Update, @repository.root, repo_params) respond_for_show(:resource => @repository) end api :DELETE, "/repositories/:id", N_("Destroy a custom repository") param :id, :number, :required => true param :remove_from_content_view_versions, :bool, :required => false, :desc => N_("Force delete the repository by removing it from all content view versions") param :delete_empty_repo_filters, :bool, :required => false, :desc => N_("Delete content view filters that have this repository as the last associated repository. Defaults to true. If false, such filters will now apply to all repositories in the content view.") def destroy sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::Destroy, @repository, remove_from_content_view_versions: ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params.fetch(:remove_from_content_view_versions, false)), delete_empty_repo_filters: ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params.fetch(:delete_empty_repo_filters, true)) ) respond_for_destroy end api :PUT, "/repositories/:id/remove_packages" api :PUT, "/repositories/:id/remove_docker_manifests" api :PUT, "/repositories/:id/remove_content" desc "Remove content from a repository" param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => "repository ID" param 'ids', Array, :required => true, :desc => "Array of content ids to remove" param :content_type, String, :required => false, :desc => N_("The type of content to remove (srpm, docker_manifest, etc.). Check removable types here: /katello/api/repositories/repository_types") param 'sync_capsule', :bool, :desc => N_("Whether or not to sync an external capsule after upload. Default: true") def remove_content unless params[:content_type].empty? ||[:content_type]) msg = _("Invalid params provided - content_type must be one of %s") %",") fail HttpErrors::UnprocessableEntity, msg end sync_capsule = ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params.fetch(:sync_capsule, true)) fail _("No content ids provided") if @content.blank? respond_for_async :resource => sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::RemoveContent, @repository, @content, content_type: params[:content_type], sync_capsule: sync_capsule) end api :POST, "/repositories/:id/upload_content", N_("This endpoint is primarily designed for UI interactions and uploading content into the repository. For API-based uploads, please use the 'content_uploads' endpoint instead.") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("repository ID") param :content, File, :required => true, :desc => N_("Content files to upload. Can be a single file or array of files.") param :content_type, String, :required => false, :desc => N_("The type of content to upload (srpm, file, etc.). Check uploadable types here: /katello/api/repositories/repository_types") def upload_content fail Katello::Errors::InvalidRepositoryContent, _("Cannot upload Container Image content.") if @repository.docker? fail Katello::Errors::InvalidRepositoryContent, _("Cannot upload Ansible collections.") if @repository.ansible_collection? unless params[:content_type].empty? ||[:content_type]) msg = _("Invalid params provided - content_type must be one of %s") %",") fail HttpErrors::UnprocessableEntity, msg end filepaths = Array.wrap(params[:content]).compact.collect do |content| {path: content.path, filename: content.original_filename} end if !filepaths.blank? sync_task(::Actions::Katello::Repository::UploadFiles, @repository, filepaths, params[:content_type]) render :json => {:status => "success", :filenames => { |item| item[:filename] }} else fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("No file uploaded") end rescue Katello::Errors::InvalidRepositoryContent => error respond_for_exception( error, :status => :unprocessable_entity, :text => error.message, :errors => [error.message], :with_logging => true ) end api :PUT, "/repositories/:id/import_uploads", N_("Import uploads into a repository") param :id, :number, :required => true, :desc => N_("Repository id") param :async, :bool, desc: N_("Do not wait for the ImportUpload action to finish. Default: false") param 'publish_repository', :bool, :desc => N_("Whether or not to regenerate the repository on disk. Default: true") param 'sync_capsule', :bool, :desc => N_("Whether or not to sync an external capsule after upload. Default: true") param :content_type, RepositoryTypeManager.uploadable_content_types(false).map(&:label), :required => false, :desc => N_("content type ('deb', 'docker_manifest', 'file', 'ostree_ref', 'rpm', 'srpm')") param :uploads, Array, :desc => N_("Array of uploads to import") do param 'id', String, :required => true param 'content_unit_id', String param 'size', String param 'checksum', String param 'name', String, :desc => N_("Needs to only be set for file repositories or docker tags"), :required => true param 'digest', String, :desc => N_("Needs to only be set for docker tags") end Katello::RepositoryTypeManager.generic_repository_types.each_pair do |_, repo_type| repo_type.import_attributes.each do |import_attribute| param import_attribute.api_param, import_attribute.type, :desc => N_(import_attribute.description) end end def import_uploads generate_metadata = ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params.fetch(:publish_repository, true)) sync_capsule = ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params.fetch(:sync_capsule, true)) async = ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(params.fetch(:async, false)) if params['uploads'].empty? fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _('No uploads param specified. An array of uploads to import is required.') end uploads = (params[:uploads] || []).map do |upload| upload.permit(:id, :content_unit_id, :size, :checksum, :name, :digest).to_h end if @repository.content_type != 'docker' && uploads.first['checksum'].nil? fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _('Checksum is a required parameter.') end if uploads.first['name'].nil? fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _('Name is a required parameter.') end begin upload_args = { content_type: params[:content_type], generate_metadata: generate_metadata, sync_capsule: sync_capsule } upload_args.merge!(generic_content_type_import_upload_args) respond_for_async(resource: send( async ? :async_task : :sync_task, ::Actions::Katello::Repository::ImportUpload, @repository, uploads, upload_args)) rescue => e raise HttpErrors::BadRequest, e.message end end # returns the content of a repo gpg key, used directly by yum # we don't want to authenticate, authorize etc, trying to distinguish between a yum request and normal api request # might not always be 100% bullet proof, and its more important that yum can fetch the key. api :GET, "/repositories/:id/gpg_key_content", N_("Return the content of a repo gpg key, used directly by yum") param :id, :number, :required => true def gpg_key_content if @repository.root.gpg_key && @repository.root.gpg_key.content.present? render(:plain => @repository.root.gpg_key.content, :layout => false) else head(:not_found) end end api :GET, "/content_types", N_("Return the enabled content types") def content_types render :json => { |type| Katello::RepositoryTypeManager.find_content_type(type) } end protected def find_product if params[:product_id] @product = Product.readable.find_by(id: params[:product_id]) throw_resource_not_found(name: 'product', id: params[:product_id]) if @product.nil? end find_organization_from_product if @organization.nil? && @product end def find_product_for_create @product = Product.editable.find_by(id: params[:product_id]) throw_resource_not_found(name: 'product', id: params[:product_id]) if @product.nil? end def find_content_credential(content_type) credential_id = "#{content_type}_id".to_sym credential_var = "@#{content_type}" if params[credential_id] credential_value = ContentCredential.readable.where(:id => params[credential_id], :organization_id => @organization).first instance_variable_set(credential_var, credential_value) if instance_variable_get(credential_var).nil? fail HttpErrors::NotFound, _("Couldn't find %{content_type} with id '%{id}'") % { :content_type => content_type, :id => params[credential_id] } end end end # rubocop:disable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity # rubocop:disable Metrics/PerceivedComplexity def repository_params keys = [:download_policy, :mirroring_policy, :sync_policy, :arch, :verify_ssl_on_sync, :upstream_password, :upstream_username, :download_concurrency, :metadata_expire, {:os_versions => []}, :deb_releases, :deb_components, :deb_architectures, :description, :http_proxy_policy, :http_proxy_id, :retain_package_versions_count, {:ignorable_content => []} ] keys += [{:include_tags => []}, {:exclude_tags => []}, :docker_upstream_name] if params[:action] == 'create' || @repository&.docker? keys += [:upstream_authentication_token] if params[:action] == 'create' || @repository&.yum? keys += [:ansible_collection_requirements, :ansible_collection_auth_url, :ansible_collection_auth_token] if params[:action] == 'create' || @repository&.ansible_collection? keys += [:label, :content_type] if params[:action] == "create" if params[:action] == 'create' || @repository&.generic? RepositoryTypeManager.generic_remote_options.each do |option| if option.type == Array keys += [{ => []}] elsif option.type == Hash keys += [{ => {}}] else keys += [] end end end if params[:action] == 'create' || @repository.custom? keys += [:url, :gpg_key_id, :ssl_ca_cert_id, :ssl_client_cert_id, :ssl_client_key_id, :unprotected, :name, :checksum_type] end params.require(:repository).permit(*keys).to_h.with_indifferent_access end def get_content_credential(repo_params, content_type) credential_value = @product.send(content_type) unless repo_params["#{content_type}_id".to_sym].blank? credential_value = instance_variable_get("@#{content_type}") end credential_value end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def construct_repo_from_params(repo_params) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize root = @product.add_repo(repo_params.slice(:label, :name, :description, :url, :content_type, :arch, :unprotected, :gpg_key, :ssl_ca_cert, :ssl_client_cert, :ssl_client_key, :checksum_type, :download_policy, :http_proxy_policy, :metadata_expire).to_h.with_indifferent_access) root.verify_ssl_on_sync = ::Foreman::Cast.to_bool(repo_params[:verify_ssl_on_sync]) if repo_params.key?(:verify_ssl_on_sync) root.mirroring_policy = repo_params[:mirroring_policy] || Katello::RootRepository::MIRRORING_POLICY_CONTENT root.upstream_username = repo_params[:upstream_username] if repo_params.key?(:upstream_username) root.upstream_password = repo_params[:upstream_password] if repo_params.key?(:upstream_password) root.http_proxy_policy = repo_params[:http_proxy_policy] if repo_params.key?(:http_proxy_policy) root.http_proxy_id = repo_params[:http_proxy_id] if repo_params.key?(:http_proxy_id) if root.yum? root.upstream_authentication_token = repo_params[:upstream_authentication_token] if repo_params.key?(:upstream_authentication_token) root.retain_package_versions_count = repo_params[:retain_package_versions_count] if repo_params.key?(:retain_package_versions_count) root.ignorable_content = repo_params[:ignorable_content] if repo_params.key?(:ignorable_content) root.os_versions = repo_params.fetch(:os_versions, []) end if root.docker? root.docker_upstream_name = repo_params[:docker_upstream_name] if repo_params[:docker_upstream_name] root.include_tags = repo_params.fetch(:include_tags, []) root.exclude_tags = repo_params.fetch(:exclude_tags, ['*-source']) end if root.generic? generic_remote_options = generic_remote_options_hash(repo_params) root.generic_remote_options = generic_remote_options.to_json end if root.deb? root.deb_releases = repo_params[:deb_releases] if repo_params[:deb_releases] root.deb_components = repo_params[:deb_components] if repo_params[:deb_components] root.deb_architectures = repo_params[:deb_architectures] if repo_params[:deb_architectures] end if root.ansible_collection? root.ansible_collection_requirements = repo_params[:ansible_collection_requirements] if repo_params[:ansible_collection_requirements] root.ansible_collection_auth_url = repo_params[:ansible_collection_auth_url] if repo_params[:ansible_collection_auth_url] root.ansible_collection_auth_token = repo_params[:ansible_collection_auth_token] if repo_params[:ansible_collection_auth_token] end root end # rubocop:enable Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity,Metrics/MethodLength def error_on_rh_product fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("Red Hat products cannot be manipulated.") if @product.redhat? end def error_on_rh_repo fail HttpErrors::BadRequest, _("Red Hat repositories cannot be manipulated.") if @repository.redhat? end def find_organization_from_repo @organization = @repository.organization end def find_organization_from_product @organization = @product.organization end def find_content content_type = params[:content_type] if content_type RepositoryTypeManager.check_content_matches_repo_type!(@repository, params[:content_type]) if params[:content_type] @content = @repository.units_for_removal(params[:ids], content_type) else @content = @repository.units_for_removal(params[:ids]) end if @repository.generic? if content_type RepositoryTypeManager.check_content_matches_repo_type!(@repository, @content.first.content_type) else RepositoryTypeManager.check_content_matches_repo_type!(@repository, @repository.repository_type.default_managed_content_type.label) end else RepositoryTypeManager.check_content_matches_repo_type!(@repository, @content.first.class::CONTENT_TYPE) end end def filter_by_content_view(query, content_view_id, environment_id, is_available_for) if is_available_for params[:library] = true sub_query = ContentViewRepository.where(:content_view_id => content_view_id).pluck(:repository_id) query = query.where("#{Repository.table_name}.id not in (#{sub_query.join(',')})") unless sub_query.empty? elsif environment_id version = ContentViewVersion.in_environment(environment_id).where(:content_view_id => content_view_id) query = query.where(:content_view_version_id => version) elsif params[:available_for] != 'content_view_version' query = query.joins(:content_view_repositories).where("#{ContentViewRepository.table_name}.content_view_id" => content_view_id) else version_ids = ContentViewVersion.where(:content_view_id => content_view_id).pluck(:id) query = query.where('content_view_version_id IN (?) AND environment_id IS NOT NULL', version_ids) end query end def generic_remote_options_hash(repo_params) content_type = @repository&.content_type || repo_params[:content_type] RepositoryTypeManager.generic_remote_options(content_type: content_type).to_h do |option| [, repo_params[].nil? ? option&.default : repo_params[]] end end def generic_content_type_import_upload_args args = {} @repository.repository_type&.import_attributes&.collect do |import_attribute| if params[import_attribute.api_param] args[import_attribute.api_param] = params[import_attribute.api_param] end end args end def check_import_parameters @repository.repository_type&.import_attributes&.each do |import_attribute| if import_attribute.required && params[import_attribute.api_param].blank? fail HttpErrors::UnprocessableEntity, _('%s is required') % import_attribute.api_param end end end end end