#! /usr/bin/env ruby require 'spec_helper' describe Puppet::Type.type(:package).provider(:sun) do let(:resource) { Puppet::Type.type(:package).new(:name => 'dummy', :ensure => :installed, :provider => :sun) } let(:provider) { resource.provider } describe 'provider features' do it { should be_installable } it { should be_uninstallable } it { should be_upgradeable } it { should_not be_versionable } end [:install, :uninstall, :latest, :query, :update].each do |method| it "should have a #{method} method" do provider.should respond_to(method) end end context '#install' do it "should install a package" do resource[:ensure] = :installed resource[:source] = '/cdrom' provider.expects(:pkgadd).with(['-d', '/cdrom', '-n', 'dummy']) provider.install end it "should install a package if it is not present on update" do provider.expects(:pkginfo).with('-l', 'dummy').returns File.read(my_fixture('dummy.server')) provider.expects(:pkgrm).with(['-n', 'dummy']) provider.expects(:install) provider.update end it "should install a package on global zone if -G specified" do resource[:ensure] = :installed resource[:source] = '/cdrom' resource[:install_options] = '-G' provider.expects(:pkgadd).with(['-d', '/cdrom', '-G', '-n', 'dummy']) provider.install end end context '#uninstall' do it "should uninstall a package" do provider.expects(:pkgrm).with(['-n','dummy']) provider.uninstall end end context '#update' do it "should call uninstall if not :absent on info2hash" do provider.stubs(:info2hash).returns({:name => 'SUNWdummy', :ensure => "11.11.0,REV=2010."}) provider.expects(:uninstall) provider.expects(:install) provider.update end it "should not call uninstall if :absent on info2hash" do provider.stubs(:info2hash).returns({:name => 'SUNWdummy', :ensure => :absent}) provider.expects(:install) provider.update end end context '#query' do it "should find the package on query" do provider.expects(:pkginfo).with('-l', 'dummy').returns File.read(my_fixture('dummy.server')) provider.query.should == { :name => 'SUNWdummy', :category=>"system", :platform=>"i386", :ensure => "11.11.0,REV=2010.", :root=>"/", :description=>"Dummy server (9.6.1-P3)", :vendor => "Oracle Corporation", } end it "shouldn't find the package on query if it is not present" do provider.expects(:pkginfo).with('-l', 'dummy').raises Puppet::ExecutionFailure, "Execution of 'pkginfo -l dummy' returned 3: ERROR: information for \"dummy\" not found." provider.query.should == {:ensure => :absent} end it "unknown message should raise error." do provider.expects(:pkginfo).with('-l', 'dummy').returns 'RANDOM' expect { provider.query }.to raise_error Puppet::Error end end context '#instance' do it "should list instances when there are packages in the system" do described_class.expects(:pkginfo).with('-l').returns File.read(my_fixture('simple')) instances = provider.class.instances.map { |p| {:name => p.get(:name), :ensure => p.get(:ensure)} } instances.size.should == 2 instances[0].should == { :name => 'SUNWdummy', :ensure => "11.11.0,REV=2010.", } instances[1].should == { :name => 'SUNWdummyc', :ensure => "11.11.0,REV=2010.", } end it "should return empty if there were no packages" do described_class.expects(:pkginfo).with('-l').returns '' instances = provider.class.instances instances.size.should == 0 end end end