require 'fileutils' require 'rbconfig' require 'aruba/process' module Aruba module Api def in_current_dir(&block) _mkdir(current_dir) Dir.chdir(current_dir, &block) end def current_dir File.join(*dirs) end def cd(dir) dirs << dir raise "#{current_dir} is not a directory." unless end def dirs @dirs ||= ['tmp/aruba'] end def write_file(file_name, file_content) _create_file(file_name, file_content, false) end def overwrite_file(file_name, file_content) _create_file(file_name, file_content, true) end def _create_file(file_name, file_content, check_presence) in_current_dir do raise "expected #{file_name} to be present" if check_presence && !File.file?(file_name) _mkdir(File.dirname(file_name)), 'w') { |f| f << file_content } end end def remove_file(file_name) in_current_dir do FileUtils.rm(file_name) end end def append_to_file(file_name, file_content) in_current_dir do, 'a') { |f| f << file_content } end end def create_dir(dir_name) in_current_dir do _mkdir(dir_name) end end def check_file_presence(paths, expect_presence) prep_for_fs_check do paths.each do |path| if expect_presence File.should be_file(path) else File.should_not be_file(path) end end end end def check_file_content(file, partial_content, expect_match) regexp = regexp(partial_content) prep_for_fs_check do content = if expect_match content.should =~ regexp else content.should_not =~ regexp end end end def check_exact_file_content(file, exact_content) prep_for_fs_check { == exact_content } end def check_directory_presence(paths, expect_presence) prep_for_fs_check do paths.each do |path| if expect_presence File.should be_directory(path) else File.should_not be_directory(path) end end end end def prep_for_fs_check(&block) stop_processes! in_current_dir{ } end def _mkdir(dir_name) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir_name) unless end def unescape(string) string.gsub('\n', "\n").gsub('\"', '"') end def regexp(string_or_regexp) Regexp === string_or_regexp ? string_or_regexp : Regexp.compile(Regexp.escape(string_or_regexp)) end def output_from(cmd) cmd = detect_ruby(cmd) get_process(cmd).output end def stdout_from(cmd) cmd = detect_ruby(cmd) get_process(cmd).stdout end def stderr_from(cmd) cmd = detect_ruby(cmd) get_process(cmd).stderr end def all_stdout only_processes.inject("") { |out, ps| out << ps.stdout } end def all_stderr only_processes.inject("") { |out, ps| out << ps.stderr } end def all_output all_stdout << all_stderr end def assert_exact_output(exact_output) all_output.should == exact_output end def assert_partial_output(partial_output) all_output.should include(unescape(partial_output)) end def assert_passing_with(partial_output) assert_exit_status_and_partial_output(true, partial_output) end def assert_failing_with(partial_output) assert_exit_status_and_partial_output(false, partial_output) end def assert_exit_status_and_partial_output(expect_to_pass, partial_output) assert_partial_output(partial_output) assert_exiting_with(expect_to_pass) end def assert_exit_status_and_output(expect_to_pass, output, expect_exact_output) if expect_exact_output assert_exact_output(output) else assert_partial_output(output) end assert_exiting_with(expect_to_pass) end def assert_exiting_with(expect_to_pass) if expect_to_pass @last_exit_status.should == 0 else @last_exit_status.should_not == 0 end end def processes @processes ||= [] end def stop_processes! processes.each do |_, process| process.stop end end def register_process(name, process) processes << [name, process] end def get_process(wanted) processes.find{ |name, _| name == wanted }[-1] end def only_processes processes.collect{ |_, process| process } end def run(cmd) cmd = detect_ruby(cmd) in_current_dir do announce_or_puts("$ cd #{Dir.pwd}") if @announce_dir announce_or_puts("$ #{cmd}") if @announce_cmd process =, exit_timeout, io_wait) register_process(cmd, process)! block_given? ? yield(process) : process end end DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 3 def exit_timeout @aruba_timeout_seconds || DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS end DEFAULT_IO_WAIT_SECONDS = 0.1 def io_wait @aruba_io_wait_seconds || DEFAULT_IO_WAIT_SECONDS end def run_simple(cmd, fail_on_error=true) @last_exit_status = run(cmd) do |process| process.stop announce_or_puts(process.stdout) if @announce_stdout announce_or_puts(process.stderr) if @announce_stderr # need to replace with process.exit_code or similar, or remove the block entirely... it doesn't add as much as I thought it would process.stop end @timed_out = @last_exit_status.nil? if(@last_exit_status != 0 && fail_on_error) fail("Exit status was #{@last_exit_status}. Output:\n#{all_output}") end end def run_interactive(cmd) @interactive = run(cmd) end def type(input) _write_interactive(_ensure_newline(input)) end def _write_interactive(input) @interactive.stdin.write(input) end def _ensure_newline(str) str.chomp << "\n" end def announce_or_puts(msg) if(@puts) puts(msg) else announce(msg) end end def detect_ruby(cmd) if cmd =~ /^ruby\s/ cmd.gsub(/^ruby\s/, "#{current_ruby} ") else cmd end end def current_ruby File.join(RbConfig::CONFIG['bindir'], RbConfig::CONFIG['ruby_install_name']) end def use_clean_gemset(gemset) run_simple(%{rvm gemset create "#{gemset}"}, true) if all_stdout =~ /'#{gemset}' gemset created \((.*)\)\./ gem_home = $1 set_env('GEM_HOME', gem_home) set_env('GEM_PATH', gem_home) set_env('BUNDLE_PATH', gem_home) paths = (ENV['PATH'] || "").split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR) paths.unshift(File.join(gem_home, 'bin')) set_env('PATH', paths.uniq.join(File::PATH_SEPARATOR)) run_simple("gem install bundler", true) else raise "I didn't understand rvm's output: #{all_stdout}" end end def unset_bundler_env_vars %w[RUBYOPT BUNDLE_PATH BUNDLE_BIN_PATH BUNDLE_GEMFILE].each do |key| set_env(key, nil) end end def set_env(key, value) announce_or_puts(%{$ export #{key}="#{value}"}) if @announce_env original_env[key] = ENV.delete(key) ENV[key] = value end def restore_env original_env.each do |key, value| ENV[key] = value end end def original_env @original_env ||= {} end end end