require 'will_paginate/array' module CamaleonCms module Admin class CommentsController < CamaleonCms::AdminController include CamaleonCms::CommentHelper add_breadcrumb I18n.t('camaleon_cms.admin.sidebar.comments'), :cama_admin_comments_url before_action :validate_role before_action :set_post, except: :list before_action :set_comment, except: %i[list index new create] def list @posts = current_site.posts.no_trash.joins(:comments).select("#{CamaleonCms::Post.table_name}.*, #{CamaleonCms::PostComment.table_name}.post_id").uniq.paginate( page: params[:page], per_page: current_site.admin_per_page ) end # list of post comments for current post def index @comments = @post.comments.main.paginate(page: params[:page], per_page: current_site.admin_per_page) end def edit render 'form', layout: false end # render a form to register a new comment def answer @answer = render 'form_answer', layout: false end # save a new anwer for this comment def save_answer @comment.children.create(cama_comments_get_common_data.merge({ post_id:, content: params[:comment][:content] })) flash[:notice] = t('camaleon_cms.admin.comments.message.responses') redirect_to action: :index end # toggle status of a comment def toggle_status _s = { a: 'approved', s: 'spam', p: 'pending' } k = _s[params[:s].to_sym] @comment.update(approved: k) flash[:notice] = "#{t('camaleon_cms.admin.comments.message.change_status')} #{t("camaleon_cms.admin.comments.message.#{k}")}" redirect_to action: :index end def update if @comment.update(content: params[:comment][:content]) flash[:notice] = t('camaleon_cms.admin.comments.message.updated') redirect_to action: :index else render 'form' end end def new @comment = render 'form', layout: false end def create @post.comments.create(cama_comments_get_common_data.merge({ post_id:, content: params[:comment][:content] })) flash[:notice] = t('camaleon_cms.admin.comments.message.responses') redirect_to action: :index end def destroy flash[:notice] = t('camaleon_cms.admin.comments.message.destroy') if @comment.destroy redirect_to action: :index end private # define the parent post def set_post @post = current_site.posts.find(params[:post_id]).decorate add_breadcrumb I18n.t('') add_breadcrumb @post.the_title, @post.the_edit_url end # define the parent or current comment def set_comment @comment = @post.comments.find(params[:id] || params[:comment_id]) rescue StandardError flash[:error] = t('camaleon_cms.admin.comments.message.error') redirect_to cama_admin_path end def validate_role authorize! :manage, :comments end end end end