require 'epitools/minimal' require 'epitools/core_ext/truthiness' require 'epitools/core_ext/numbers' class String # # For `titlecase` # LOWERCASE_WORDS = %w[of to or the and an a at is for from in] # # For `words_without_stopwords` # STOP_WORDS = %w[a cannot into our thus about co is ours to above could it ourselves together across down its out too after during itself over toward afterwards each last own towards again eg latter per under against either latterly perhaps until all else least rather up almost elsewhere less same upon alone enough ltd seem us along etc many seemed very already even may seeming via also ever me seems was although every meanwhile several we always everyone might she well among everything more should were amongst everywhere moreover since what an except most so whatever and few mostly some when another first much somehow whence any for must someone whenever anyhow former my something where anyone formerly myself sometime whereafter anything from namely sometimes whereas anywhere further neither somewhere whereby are had never still wherein around has nevertheless such whereupon as have next than wherever at he no that whether be hence nobody the whither became her none their which because here noone them while become hereafter nor themselves who becomes hereby not then whoever becoming herein nothing thence whole been hereupon now there whom before hers nowhere thereafter whose beforehand herself of thereby why behind him off therefore will being himself often therein with below his on thereupon within beside how once these without besides however one they would between i only this yet beyond ie onto those you both if or though your but in other through yours by inc others throughout yourself can indeed otherwise thru yourselves] # # Convert \r\n to \n # def to_unix gsub("\r\n", "\n") end # # Remove redundant whitespaces (not including newlines). # def tighten gsub(/[\t ]+/,' ').strip end # # Remove redundant whitespace AND newlines. # def dewhitespace gsub(/\s+/,' ').strip end # # Return a new string converted to "Title Case" (first letter of each word capitalized) # def titlecase first = true words = downcase.split(/(? 0 # leave LOWERCASE_WORDS lowercase, unless it's the first word. word else word.gsub(/^\w/) { |c| c.upcase } # capitalize first letter end end.join('') end # # Convert string to "Title Case" (first letter of each word capitalized) # def titlecase! replace(titlecase) end # # A Regexp to recognize ANSI escape sequences # COLOR_REGEXP = /\e\[.*?(\d)*[mA-Z]/ # # This string contains ANSI (VT100) control codes # def contains_color? self[COLOR_REGEXP] end alias_method :contains_colors?, :contains_color? alias_method :contains_ansi?, :contains_color? # # Remove ANSI color codes. # def strip_color gsub(COLOR_REGEXP, '') end alias_method :strip_ansi, :strip_color # # Like #each_line, but skips empty lines and removes \n's. # def nice_lines # note: $/ is the platform's newline separator split($/).select{|l| not l.blank? } end alias_method :nicelines, :nice_lines alias_method :clean_lines, :nice_lines # # Like #each_line, but removes trailing \n # def each_chomped each_line { |line| yield line.chomp } end alias_method :chomped_lines, :each_chomped alias_method :chomp_lines, :each_chomped # # Indent all the lines, if "prefix" is a string, prepend that string # to each lien. If it's an integer, prepend that many spaces. # def indent(prefix=" ") prefix = (" " * prefix) if prefix.is_an? Integer if block_given? lines.each { |line| yield prefix + line } else { |line| prefix + line }.join('') end end # # Use Nokogiri to parse this string as HTML, and return an indented version # def nice_html(indent=2) Nokogiri::HTML.fragment(self).to_xhtml(indent: indent) end alias_method :nicehtml, :nice_html alias_method :indent_html, :nice_html # # Word-wrap the string so each line is at most `width` wide. # Returns a string, or, if a block is given, yields each # word-wrapped line to the block. # # If `width` is nil, find the current width of the terminal and use that. # If `width` is negative, subtract `width` from the terminal's current width. # def wrap(width=nil) if width.nil? or width < 0 term_width, _ = Term.size if width and width < 0 width = (term_width - 1) + width else width = term_width - 1 end end return self if size <= width strings = [] start_pos = 0 end_pos = width loop do split_pos = rindex(/\s/, end_pos) || end_pos strings << self[start_pos...split_pos] start_pos = index(/\S/, split_pos) break if start_pos == nil end_pos = start_pos + width if end_pos > size strings << self[start_pos..-1] break end end if block_given? strings.each { |s| yield s } else strings.join("\n") end end alias_method :word_wrap, :wrap # # Wrap all lines at window size, and indent # def wrap_and_indent(prefix, width=nil) prefix = " "*prefix if prefix.is_a? Numeric prefix_size = prefix.strip_color.size if width width = width - prefix_size else width = -prefix_size end wrap(width) { |line| prefix + line }.join end alias_method :wrapdent, :wrap_and_indent def words scan /\w+/ # scan /^[a-z]+$|^\w+\-\w+|^[a-z]+[0-9]+[a-z]+$|^[0-9]+[a-z]+|^[a-z]+[0-9]+$/ end def words_without_stopwords downcase.words - STOP_WORDS end alias_method :without_stopwords, :words_without_stopwords # # Iterate over slices of the string of size `slice_width`. # def each_slice(slice_width, &block) max = size p = 0 while p < max yield self[p...p+slice_width] p += slice_width end end enumerable :each_slice # # The Infamous Caesar-Cipher. Unbreakable to this day. # def rot13 tr('n-za-mN-ZA-M', 'a-zA-Z') end # # Convert non-URI characters into %XXes. # def urlencode URI.escape(self) end # # Convert an URI's %XXes into regular characters. # def urldecode URI.unescape(self) end # # URI.parse the string and return an URI object # def to_uri URI.parse self end alias_method :to_URI, :to_uri # # Convert a query string to a hash of params # def to_params params = {} split(/[&;]/).each do |pairs| key, value = pairs.split('=',2).collect { |v| CGI.unescape(v) } if key and value params[key] ||= [] params[key] << value end end params.map_values { |v| v.size > 1 ? v : v.first } end # # Raw bytes to an integer (as big as necessary) # def to_i_from_bytes(big_endian=false) bs = big_endian ? bytes.reverse_each : bytes.each bs.with_index.inject(0) { |sum,(b,i)| (b << (8*i)) + sum } end # # Cached constants for base62 decoding. # BASE62_DIGITS = Hash[ ] BASE62_BASE = Integer::BASE62_BASE # # Convert a string (encoded in base16 "hex" -- for example, an MD5 or SHA1 hash) # into "base62" format. (See Integer#to_base62 for more info.) # def to_base62 to_i(16).to_base62 end # # Convert a string encoded in base62 into an integer. # (See Integer#to_base62 for more info.) # def from_base62 accumulator = 0 digits = { |c| BASE62_DIGITS[c] }.reverse digits.each_with_index do |digit, power| accumulator += (BASE62_BASE**power) * digit if digit > 0 end accumulator end # # Decode a mime64/base64 encoded string # def from_base64 unpack("m").first end alias_method :decode64, :from_base64 # # Encode into a mime64/base64 string # def to_base64 [self].pack("m") end alias_method :base64, :to_base64 alias_method :encode64, :to_base64 # # MD5 the string # def md5 Digest::MD5.hexdigest self end # # SHA1 the string # def sha1 Digest::SHA1.hexdigest self end # # SHA256 the string # def sha256 Digest::SHA256.hexdigest self end # # gzip the string # def gzip(level=nil) zipped = Zlib::GzipWriter.wrap(zipped, level) { |io| io.write(self) } zipped.string end # # gunzip the string # def gunzip data = end # # deflate the string # def deflate(level=nil) Zlib::Deflate.deflate(self, level) end # # inflate the string # def inflate Zlib::Inflate.inflate(self) end # `true` if this string starts with the substring # def startswith?(substring) self[0...substring.size] == substring end alias_method :startswith, :startswith? # # `true` if this string ends with the substring # def endswith?(substring) self[-substring.size..-1] == substring end alias_method :endswith, :endswith? # # Parse this string as JSON # def from_json JSON.parse(self) end # # Parse this string as YAML # def from_yaml YAML.load(self) end # # Unmarshal the string (transform it into Ruby datatypes). # def unmarshal Marshal.restore self end alias_method :from_marshal, :unmarshal # # Convert this string into a string describing this many of the string. # (Note: Doesn't know anything about proper grammar.) # # Example: # "cookie".amount(0) #=> "0 cookies" # "shirt".amount(17) #=> "17 shirts" # "dollar".amount(-10) #=> "-10 dollars" # "love".amount(1) #=> "1 love" # def amount(n) case n when 0 "0 #{self}s" when 1, -1 "#{n} #{self}" else "#{n} #{self}s" end end # # Converts time duration strings (mm:ss, mm:ss.dd, hh:mm:ss, or dd:hh:mm:ss) to seconds. # (The reverse of Integer#to_hms) # def from_hms nums = split(':') nums[-1] = nums[-1].to_f if nums[-1] =~ /\d+\.\d+/ # convert fractional seconds to a float! { |n| n.is_a?(String) ? n.to_i : n } # convert the rest to integers nums_and_units = %w[seconds minutes hours days] { |num, units| num.send(units) }.sum end # # Print a hexdump of the string to STDOUT (coloured, if the terminal supports it) # def hexdump Hex.dump(self) end unless public_method_defined? :to_proc # # String#to_proc # # See: # # Ported from the String Lambdas in Oliver Steele's Functional Javascript # # # This work is licensed under the MIT License: # # (c) 2007 Reginald Braithwaite # Portions Copyright (c) 2006 Oliver Steele # # # ## Basic Usage # # 'x+1'.to_proc[2]; # → 3 # 'x+2*y'.to_proc[2, 3]; # → 8 # or (more usefully) later: # # square = 'x*x'.to_proc; # square(3); # → 9 # square(4); # → 16 # # ## Explicit parameters # # If the string contains a ->, this separates the parameters from the body. # # 'x y -> x+2*y'.to_proc[2, 3]; # → 8 # 'y x -> x+2*y'.to_proc[2, 3]; # → 7 # Otherwise, if the string contains a _, it’s a unary function and _ is name of the parameter: # # '_+1'.to_proc[2]; # → 3 # '_*_'.to_proc[3]; # → 9 # ## Implicit parameters # # If the string doesn’t specify explicit parameters, they are implicit. # # If the string starts with an operator or relation besides -, or ends with an operator or relation, then its implicit arguments are placed at the beginning and/or end: # # '*2'.to_proc[2]; # → 4 # '/2'.to_proc[4]; # → 2 # '2/'.to_proc[4]; # → 0.5 # '/'.to_proc[2, 4]; # → 0.5 # ’.’ counts as a right operator: # # '.abs'.to_proc[-1]; # → 1 # # # Otherwise, the variables in the string, in order of occurrence, are its parameters. # # 'x+1'.to_proc[2]; # → 3 # 'x*x'.to_proc[3]; # → 9 # 'x + 2*y'.to_proc[1, 2]; # → 5 # 'y + 2*x'.to_proc[1, 2]; # → 5 # # ## Chaining # # Chain -> to create curried functions. # # 'x y -> x+y'.to_proc[2, 3]; # → 5 # 'x -> y -> x+y'.to_proc[2][3]; # → 5 # plus_two = 'x -> y -> x+y'.to_proc[2]; # plus_two[3] # → 5 # # Using String#to_proc in Idiomatic Ruby # # Ruby on Rails popularized Symbol#to_proc, so much so that it will be part of Ruby 1.9. # # If you like: # # %w[dsf fgdg fg].map(&:capitalize) # → ["Dsf", "Fgdg", "Fg"] # then %w[dsf fgdg fg].map(&'.capitalize') isn’t much of an improvement. # # But what about doubling every value in a list: # # (1..5).map &'*2' # → [2, 4, 6, 8, 10] # # Or folding a list: # # (1..5).inject &'+' # → 15 # # Or having fun with factorial: # # factorial = "(1.._).inject &'*'".to_proc # factorial[5] # → 120 # # LICENSE: # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. # def to_proc &block params = [] expr = self sections = expr.split(/\s*->\s*/m) if sections.length > 1 then eval_block(sections.reverse!.inject { |e, p| "( { |#{p.split(/\s/).join(', ')}| #{e} })" }, block) elsif expr.match(/\b_\b/) eval_block(" { |_| #{expr} }", block) else leftSection = expr.match(/^\s*(?:[+*\/%&|\^\.=<>\[]|!=)/m) rightSection = expr.match(/[+\-*\/%&|\^\.=<>!]\s*$/m) if leftSection || rightSection then if (leftSection) then params.push('$left') expr = '$left' + expr end if (rightSection) then params.push('$right') expr = expr + '$right' end else self.gsub( /(?:\b[A-Z]|\.[a-zA-Z_$])[a-zA-Z_$\d]*|[a-zA-Z_$][a-zA-Z_$\d]*:|self|arguments|'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*'|"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"/, '' ).scan( /([a-z_$][a-z_$\d]*)/i ) do |v| params.push(v) unless params.include?(v) end end eval_block(" { |#{params.join(', ')}| #{expr} }", block) end end private def eval_block(code, block) eval code, block && block.binding end end # unless public_method_defined? :to_proc end