# EveOnline API (XML and ESI). With SDE. [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/eve_online.svg)](https://badge.fury.io/rb/eve_online) [![Gem Downloads](https://img.shields.io/gem/dt/eve_online.svg)](https://rubygems.org/gems/eve_online) [![Test Coverage](https://codeclimate.com/github/biow0lf/eve_online/badges/coverage.svg)](https://codeclimate.com/github/biow0lf/eve_online/coverage) [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/biow0lf/eve_online.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/biow0lf/eve_online) [![Dependency Status](https://gemnasium.com/biow0lf/eve_online.svg)](https://gemnasium.com/biow0lf/eve_online) [![security](https://hakiri.io/github/biow0lf/eve_online/master.svg)](https://hakiri.io/github/biow0lf/eve_online/master) This gem implement Ruby API for EveOnline MMORPG. XML and ESI API. With SDE. This gem was extracted from [EveMonk](http://evemonk.com). Source code of evemonk backend published [here](https://github.com/biow0lf/evemonk). You will need to add xml parser to your Gemfile to use this gem. E.g. `nokogiri`. Or any other xml parser which are supported by nori. EveOnline XML API deprecated. And will be removed in near future. From this library and by [CCP developers](https://community.eveonline.com/news/dev-blogs/introducing-esi/). ## TOC * [Installation](#installation) * [Supported ruby versions](#supported-ruby-versions) * [Usage](#usage) * [Useful links](#useful-links) * [Development](#development) * [Contributing](#contributing) * [Implementation check list](#implementation-check-list) * [TODO](#todo) * [Author](#author) * [Contributors. Thank you everyone!](#contributors-thank-you-everyone) * [License](#license) ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'eve_online' ``` And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install eve_online ## Supported ruby versions * MRI 2.2 * MRI 2.3 * MRI 2.4 * MRI 2.5 * MRI (head) * JRuby * JRuby (head) ## Supported rails versions * 4.2 * 5.0 * 5.1 * 5.2 * Edge ## Usage ### XML API #### Characters Bookmarks ```ruby key_id = 1234567 v_code = '9ce9970b18d07586ead3d052e5b83bc8db303171a28a6f754cf35d9e6b66af17' options = { character_id: 90729314 } bookmarks = EveOnline::XML::CharacterBookmarks.new(key_id, v_code, options) bookmarks.current_time # => Sun, 03 Jan 2016 14:53:44 UTC +00:00 bookmarks.cached_until # => Sun, 03 Jan 2016 15:50:44 UTC +00:00 bookmarks.version # => 2 bookmarks.bookmark_folders.size # => 4 bookmark_folder = bookmarks.bookmark_folders.first bookmark_folder.as_json # => {:folder_id=>0, :folder_name=>""} bookmark_folder.folder_id # => 0 bookmark_folder.folder_name # => "" bookmark_folder.bookmarks.size # => 87 bookmark = bookmark_folder.bookmarks.first bookmark.as_json # => {:bookmark_id=>459411933, :creator_id=>0, :created=>Sat, 28 Mar 2009 07:51:00 UTC +00:00, :item_id=>0, :type_id=>5, :location_id=>30002656, :x=>-267396330161.0, :y=>-376627274.0, :z=>-556366331388.0, :memo=>"1", :note=>""} bookmark.bookmark_id # => 459411933 bookmark.creator_id # => 0 bookmark.created # => Sat, 28 Mar 2009 07:51:00 UTC +00:00 bookmark.item_id # => 0 bookmark.type_id # => 5 bookmark.location_id # => 30002656 bookmark.x # => -267396330161.0 bookmark.y # => -376627274.0 bookmark.z # => -556366331388.0 bookmark.memo # => "1" bookmark.note # => "" ``` #### Character contact notifications ```ruby key_id = 1234567 v_code = '9ce9970b18d07586ead3d052e5b83bc8db303171a28a6f754cf35d9e6b66af17' character_id = 90729314 contact_notifications = EveOnline::XML::CharacterContactNotifications.new(key_id, v_code, character_id) contact_notifications.current_time # => Fri, 19 Aug 2016 11:10:23 UTC +00:00 contact_notifications.cached_until # => Fri, 19 Aug 2016 11:37:23 UTC +00:00 contact_notifications.version # => 2 contact_notifications.contact_notifications.size # => 3 contact_notification = contact_notifications.contact_notifications.first contact_notification.as_json # => {:notification_id=>308734131, :sender_id=>797400947, :sender_name=>"CCP Garthagk", :sent_date=>Sat, 19 Mar 2016 12:13:00 UTC +00:00, :message_data=>"level: 5\nmessage: ''\n"} contact_notification.notification_id # => 308734131 contact_notification.sender_id # => 797400947 contact_notification.sender_name # => "CCP Garthagk" contact_notification.sent_date # => Sat, 19 Mar 2016 12:13:00 UTC +00:00 contact_notification.message_data # => "level: 5\nmessage: ''\n" ``` #### Character market orders ```ruby key_id = 1234567 v_code = '9ce9970b18d07586ead3d052e5b83bc8db303171a28a6f754cf35d9e6b66af17' options = { character_id: 90729314 } market_orders = EveOnline::XML::CharacterMarketOrders.new(key_id, v_code, options) market_orders.current_time # => Fri, 26 Aug 2016 13:56:17 UTC +00:00 market_orders.cached_until # => Fri, 26 Aug 2016 14:53:17 UTC +00:00 market_orders.version # => 2 market_orders.orders.size # => 1 marker_order = market_orders.orders.first marker_order.as_json # => {:order_id=>4053334100, :char_id=>1801683792, :station_id=>60005686, :vol_entered=>340000, :vol_remaining=>245705, :min_volume=>1, :order_state=>0, :type_id=>24488, :range=>32767, :account_key=>1000, :duration=>90, :escrow=>0.0, :price=>92.0, :bid=>false, :issued=>Thu, 01 Sep 2016 20:01:57 UTC +00:00} marker_order.order_id # => 4053334100 marker_order.char_id # => 1801683792 marker_order.station_id # => 60005686 marker_order.vol_entered # => 340000 marker_order.vol_remaining # => 245705 marker_order.min_volume # => 1 marker_order.order_state # => 0 marker_order.type_id # => 24488 marker_order.range # => 32767 marker_order.account_key # => 1000 marker_order.duration # => 90 marker_order.escrow # => 0.0 marker_order.price # => 92.0 marker_order.bid # => false marker_order.issued # => Thu, 01 Sep 2016 20:01:57 UTC +00:00 ``` #### Character upcoming calender events ```ruby key_id = 1234567 v_code = '9ce9970b18d07586ead3d052e5b83bc8db303171a28a6f754cf35d9e6b66af17' character_id = 90729314 upcoming_events = EveOnline::XML::CharacterUpcomingCalendarEvents.new(key_id, v_code, character_id) upcoming_events.current_time # => Thu, 17 Dec 2015 20:43:46 UTC +00:00 upcoming_events.cached_until # => Thu, 17 Dec 2015 21:40:46 UTC +00:00 upcoming_events.version # => 2 upcoming_events.events.size # => 2 event = upcoming_events.events.first event.as_json # => {:event_id=>1234567, :owner_id=>98765432, :owner_name=>"MyCorp", :event_date=>Sat, 26 Dec 2015 19:47:29 UTC +00:00, :event_title=>"Control tower in 99-999", :duration=>60, :importance=>false, :response=>:undecided, :event_text=>"Minmatar Control Tower will run out of fuel and go offline...", :owner_type_id=>2} event.event_id # => 1234567 event.owner_id # => 98765432 event.owner_name # => "MyCorp" event.event_date # => Sat, 26 Dec 2015 19:47:29 UTC +00:00 event.event_title # => "Control tower in 99-999" event.duration # => 60 event.importance # => false event.response # => :undecided event.event_text # => "Minmatar Control Tower will run out of fuel and go offline..." event.owner_type_id # => 2 ``` #### Retrieve character wallet journal ```ruby key_id = 1234567 v_code = '9ce9970b18d07586ead3d052e5b83bc8db303171a28a6f754cf35d9e6b66af17' character_id = 90729314 wallet_journal = EveOnline::XML::CharacterWalletJournal.new(key_id, v_code, character_id) wallet_journal.current_time # => Sat, 27 Aug 2016 21:14:20 UTC +00:00 wallet_journal.cached_until # => Sat, 27 Aug 2016 21:41:20 UTC +00:00 wallet_journal.version # => 2 wallet_journal.wallet_journal_entries.size # => 3 wallet_journal_entry = wallet_journal.wallet_journal_entries.first wallet_journal_entry.as_json # => {:date=>Thu, 01 Sep 2016 20:01:57 UTC +00:00, :ref_id=>6709813912, :ref_type_id=>15, :owner_name1=>"reygar burnt", :owner_id1=>1801683792, :owner_name2=>"Wiyrkomi Corporation", :owner_id2=>1000011, :arg_name1=>"EVE System", :arg_id1=>1, :amount=>-9250.00, :balance=>385574791.30, :reason=>"", :tax_receiver_id=>"", :tax_amount=>"", :owner1_type_id=>1380, :owner2_type_id=>2} wallet_journal_entry.date # => Thu, 01 Sep 2016 20:01:57 UTC +00:00 wallet_journal_entry.ref_id # => 6709813912 wallet_journal_entry.ref_type_id # => 15 wallet_journal_entry.owner_name1 # => "reygar burnt" wallet_journal_entry.owner_id1 # => 1801683792 wallet_journal_entry.owner_name2 # => "Wiyrkomi Corporation" wallet_journal_entry.owner_id2 # => 1000011 wallet_journal_entry.arg_name1 # => "EVE System" wallet_journal_entry.arg_id1 # => 1 wallet_journal_entry.amount # => -9250.00 wallet_journal_entry.balance # => 385574791.30 wallet_journal_entry.reason # => "" wallet_journal_entry.tax_receiver_id # => "" wallet_journal_entry.tax_amount # => "" wallet_journal_entry.owner1_type_id # => 1380 wallet_journal_entry.owner2_type_id # => 2 ``` #### Corporation market orders ```ruby key_id = 1234567 v_code = '9ce9970b18d07586ead3d052e5b83bc8db303171a28a6f754cf35d9e6b66af17' options = { character_id: 90729314 } corporation_market_orders = EveOnline::XML::CorporationMarketOrders.new(key_id, v_code, options) # TODO: finish this ``` ### ESI Examples #### Alliance ##### List all alliances ##### Get alliance names ##### Get alliance information ```ruby options = { alliance_id: 99005443 } alliance = EveOnline::ESI::Alliance.new(options) alliance.scope # => nil alliance.as_json # => {:name=>"Kids With Guns Alliance", # :ticker=>"-KWG-", # :creator_id=>94195096, # :creator_corporation_id=>98306624, # :executor_corporation_id=>98306624, # :date_founded=>Sun, 03 May 2015 19:45:17 UTC +00:00, # :faction_id=>nil} alliance.name # => "Kids With Guns Alliance" alliance.ticker # => "-KWG-" alliance.creator_id # => 94195096 alliance.creator_corporation_id # => 98306624 alliance.executor_corporation_id # => 98306624 alliance.date_founded # => Sun, 03 May 2015 19:45:17 UTC +00:00 alliance.faction_id # => nil ``` ##### List alliance's corporations ##### Get alliance icon ```ruby options = { alliance_id: 99005443 } alliance_icon = EveOnline::ESI::AllianceIcon.new(options) alliance_icon.scope # => nil alliance_icon.as_json # => {:small=>"http://image.eveonline.com/Alliance/99005443_64.png", :medium=>"http://image.eveonline.com/Alliance/99005443_128.png"} alliance_icon.small # => "http://image.eveonline.com/Alliance/99005443_64.png" alliance_icon.medium # => "http://image.eveonline.com/Alliance/99005443_128.png" ``` #### Assets ##### Get character assets ```ruby options = { token: 'token123', character_id: 90729314 } character_assets = EveOnline::ESI::CharacterAssets.new(options) character_assets.scope # => "esi-assets.read_assets.v1" character_assets.assets.size # => 486 asset = character_assets.assets.first asset.as_json # => {:type_id=>2629, # :location_id=>60008674, # :location_type=>"station", # :item_id=>1006604012678, # :location_flag=>"Hangar", # :is_singleton=>false, # :quantity=>16156} asset.type_id # => 2629 asset.location_id # => 60008674 asset.location_type # => "station" asset.item_id # => 1006604012678 asset.location_flag # => "Hangar" asset.is_singleton # => false asset.quantity # => 16156 # TODO: add pagination support ``` ##### Get character asset locations ##### Get character asset names ##### Get corporation assets #### Bookmarks ##### List bookmarks ##### List bookmark folders #### Calendar ##### List calendar event summaries ##### Get an event ##### Respond to an event ##### Get attendees #### Character ##### Character affiliation ##### Get character names ##### Get character's public information ```ruby options = { character_id: 90729314 } character = EveOnline::ESI::Character.new(options) character.scope # => nil character.as_json # => {:corporation_id=>1000168, :birthday=>Fri, 15 Jan 2010 15:26:00 UTC +00:00, :name=>"Green Black", :gender=>"male", :race_id=>2, :bloodline_id=>4, :description=>"", :alliance_id=>12345678, :ancestry_id=>24, :security_status=>1.8694881661345457, :faction_id=>500001} character.corporation_id # => 1000168 character.birthday # => Fri, 15 Jan 2010 15:26:00 UTC +00:00 character.name # => "Green Black" character.gender # => "male" character.race_id # => 2 character.bloodline_id # => 4 character.description # => "" character.alliance_id # => 12345678 character.ancestry_id # => 24 character.security_status # => 1.8694881661345457 character.faction_id # => 500001 ``` ##### Get agents research ##### Get blueprints ```ruby options = { token: 'token123', character_id: 90729314 } character_blueprints = EveOnline::ESI::CharacterBlueprints.new(options) character_blueprints.scope # => "esi-characters.read_blueprints.v1" character_blueprints.blueprints.size # => 4 blueprint = character_blueprints.blueprints.first blueprint.as_json # => {:item_id=>716338097, # :location_flag=>"Hangar", # :location_id=>61000032, # :material_efficiency=>10, # :quantity=>-2, # :runs=>300, # :time_efficiency=>0, # :type_id=>1010} blueprint.item_id # => 716338097 blueprint.location_flag # => "Hangar" blueprint.location_id # => 61000032 blueprint.material_efficiency # => 10 blueprint.quantity # => -2 blueprint.runs # => 300 blueprint.time_efficiency # => 0 blueprint.type_id # => 1010 # TODO: add pagination support ``` ##### Get chat channels ##### Get corporation history ##### Calculate a CSPA charge cost ##### Get jump fatigue ```ruby options = { token: 'token123', character_id: 90729314 } character_fatigue = EveOnline::ESI::CharacterFatigue.new(options) character_fatigue.scope # => "esi-characters.read_fatigue.v1" character_fatigue.as_json # => {:jump_fatigue_expire_date=>nil, :last_jump_date=>nil, :last_update_date=>nil} character_fatigue.jump_fatigue_expire_date # => nil character_fatigue.last_jump_date # => nil character_fatigue.last_update_date # => nil # TODO: add real data here ``` ##### Get medals ##### Get character notifications ##### Get new contact notifications ##### Get character portraits ```ruby options = { character_id: 90729314 } character_portrait = EveOnline::ESI::CharacterPortrait.new(options) character_portrait.scope # => nil character_portrait.as_json # => {:small=>"http://image.eveonline.com/Character/90729314_64.jpg", :medium=>"http://image.eveonline.com/Character/90729314_128.jpg", :large=>"http://image.eveonline.com/Character/90729314_256.jpg", :huge=>"http://image.eveonline.com/Character/90729314_512.jpg"} character_portrait.small # => "http://image.eveonline.com/Character/90729314_64.jpg" character_portrait.medium # => "http://image.eveonline.com/Character/90729314_128.jpg" character_portrait.large # => "http://image.eveonline.com/Character/90729314_256.jpg" character_portrait.huge # => "http://image.eveonline.com/Character/90729314_512.jpg" ``` ##### Get character corporation roles ##### Get standings ```ruby options = { token: 'token123', character_id: 90729314 } character_standing = EveOnline::ESI::CharacterStandings.new(options) character_standing.scope # => "esi-characters.read_standings.v1" character_standing.standings.size # => 37 standing = character_standing.standings.first standing.as_json # => {:from_id=>500001, :from_type=>"faction", :standing=>0.3303719111639991} standing.from_id # => 500001 standing.from_type # => "faction" standing.standing # => 0.3303719111639991 ``` #### Clones ##### Get clones ```ruby options = { token: 'token123', character_id: 90729314 } character_clones = EveOnline::ESI::CharacterClones.new(options) character_clones.scope # => "esi-clones.read_clones.v1" character_clones.last_clone_jump_date # => Fri, 27 Jul 2012 14:50:11 UTC +00:00 character_clones.home_location.as_json # => {:location_id=>61000032, :location_type=>"station"} character_clones.jump_clones.size # => 2 jump_clone = character_clones.jump_clones.first jump_clone.as_json # => {:jump_clone_id=>22357400, :name=>nil, :location_id=>61000032, :location_type=>"station", :implants=>[22118]} jump_clone.jump_clone_id # => 22357400 jump_clone.name # => nil jump_clone.location_id # => 61000032 jump_clone.location_type # => "station" jump_clone.implants # => [22118] character_clones.last_station_change_date # => Tue, 30 Jun 2015 21:51:13 UTC +00:00 ``` ##### Get active implants ```ruby options = { token: 'token123', character_id: 90729314 } character_implants = EveOnline::ESI::CharacterImplants.new(options) character_implants.scope # => "esi-clones.read_implants.v1" character_implants.implants.size # => 5 character_implants.implants # => [9899, 9941, 9942, 9943, 9956] ``` #### Contacts ##### Delete contacts ##### Get contacts ##### Add contacts ##### Edit contacts ##### Get contact labels ##### Get corporation contacts #### Contracts ##### Get contracts ##### Get contract bids ##### Get contract items ##### Get coporation contracts (typo in swagger) ##### Get corporation contract bids ##### Get corporation contract items #### Corporation ##### Get corporation names ##### Get npc corporations ##### Get corporation information ```ruby options = { corporation_id: 98468592 } corporation = EveOnline::ESI::Corporation.new(options) corporation.scope # => nil corporation.as_json # => {:name=>"Bullshit Bingo Club", # :ticker=>"BUBIC", # :member_count=>60, # :ceo_id=>1721864142, # :alliance_id=>99001258, # :description=>"", # :tax_rate=>0.1, # :date_founded=>Mon, 11 Jul 2016 14:22:17 UTC +00:00, # :creator_id=>1721864142, # :corporation_url=>"http://", # :faction_id=>nil, # :home_station_id=>60011893, # :shares=>1000} corporation.name # => "Bullshit Bingo Club" corporation.ticker # => "BUBIC" corporation.member_count # => 60 corporation.ceo_id # => 1721864142 corporation.alliance_id # => 99001258 corporation.description # => "" corporation.tax_rate # => 0.1 corporation.date_founded # => Mon, 11 Jul 2016 14:22:17 UTC +00:00 corporation.creator_id # => 1721864142 corporation.corporation_url # => "http://" corporation.faction_id # => nil corporation.home_station_id # => 60011893 corporation.shares # => 1000 ``` ##### Get alliance history ##### Get corporation blueprints ```ruby options = options = { token: 'token123', corporation_id: 98260237 } corporation_blueprints = EveOnline::ESI::CorporationBlueprints.new(options) corporation_blueprints.scope # => "esi-corporations.read_blueprints.v1" corporation_blueprints.blueprints.size # => 387 blueprint = corporation_blueprints.blueprints.first blueprint.as_json # => {:item_id => 1007566533085, # :location_flag => "CorpSAG2", # :location_id => 1024637025781, # :material_efficiency => 10, # :quantity => -2, # :runs => 300, # :time_efficiency => 20, # :type_id => 31803} blueprint.item_id # => 1007566533085 blueprint.location_flag # => "CorpSAG2" blueprint.location_id # => 1024637025781 blueprint.material_efficiency # => 10 blueprint.quantity # => -2 blueprint.runs # => 300 blueprint.time_efficiency # => 20 blueprint.type_id # => 31803 # TODO: add pagination ``` ##### Get corporation divisions ##### Get corporation icon ##### Get corporation members ##### Get corporation member limit ##### Track corporation members ##### Get corporation member roles ##### Get corporation standings ##### Get corporation structures ##### Update structure vulnerability schedule ##### Get corporation titles #### Dogma ##### Get attributes ```ruby dogma_attributes = EveOnline::ESI::DogmaAttributes.new dogma_attributes.scope # => nil dogma_attributes.attributes.size # => 2385 dogma_attributes.attributes.first # => 2 ``` ##### Get attribute information ```ruby options = { attribute_id: 2 } dogma_attribute = EveOnline::ESI::DogmaAttribute.new(options) dogma_attribute.scope # => nil dogma_attribute.as_json # => {:id=>2, # :name=>"isOnline", # :description=>"Boolean to store status of online effect", # :icon_id=>nil, # :default_value=>0.0, # :published=>nil, # :display_name=>"", # :unit_id=>nil, # :stackable=>true, # :high_is_good=>true} dogma_attribute.id # => 2 dogma_attribute.name # => "isOnline" dogma_attribute.description # => "Boolean to store status of online effect" dogma_attribute.icon_id # => nil dogma_attribute.default_value # => 0.0 dogma_attribute.published # => nil dogma_attribute.display_name # => "" dogma_attribute.unit_id # => nil dogma_attribute.stackable # => true dogma_attribute.high_is_good # => true ``` ##### Get effects ##### Get effect information #### Faction Warfare ##### List of the top factions in faction warfare ##### List of the top pilots in faction warfare ##### List of the top corporations in faction warfare ##### An overview of statistics about factions involved in faction warfare ##### Ownership of faction warfare systems ##### Data about which NPC factions are at war #### Fittings ##### Get fitting ##### Create fitting ##### Delete fitting #### Fleets ##### Get fleet information ##### Update fleet ##### Get fleet members ##### Create fleet invitation ##### Kick fleet member ##### Move fleet member ##### Delete fleet squad ##### Rename fleet squad ##### Get fleet wings ##### Create fleet wing ##### Delete fleet wing ##### Rename fleet wing ##### Create fleet squad #### Incursions ##### List incursions #### Industry ##### List character industry jobs ```ruby options = { token: 'token123', character_id: 90729314 } character_jobs = EveOnline::ESI::CharacterIndustryJobs.new(options) character_jobs.scope => # => "esi-industry.read_character_jobs.v1" character_jobs.jobs.size # => 3 job = character_jobs.jobs.first job.as_json = # => {:activity_id=>5, # :blueprint_id=>1024839597103, # :blueprint_location_id=>1023579231924, # :blueprint_type_id=>28607, # :completed_character_id=>nil, # :completed_date=>nil, # :cost=>902034.0, # :duration=>625697, # :end_date=>Sat, 25 Nov 2017 16:04:31 UTC +00:00, # :facility_id=>1023579231924, # :installer_id=>93997721, # :job_id=>344732396, # :licensed_runs=>1, # :output_location_id=>1023579231924, # :pause_date=>nil, # :probability=>1.0, # :product_type_id=>28607, # :runs=>2, # :start_date=>Sat, 18 Nov 2017 10:16:14 UTC +00:00, # :station_id=>1023579231924, # :status=>"active", # :successful_runs=>nil} job.activity_id # => 5 job.blueprint_id # => 1024839597103 job.blueprint_location_id # => 1023579231924 job.blueprint_type_id # => 28607 job.completed_character_id # => nil job.completed_date # => nil job.cost # => 902034.0 job.duration # => 625697 job.end_date # => Sat, 25 Nov 2017 16:04:31 UTC +00:00 job.facility_id # => 1023579231924 job.installer_id # => 93997721 job.job_id # => 344732396 job.licensed_runs # => 1 job.output_location_id # => 1023579231924 job.pause_date # => nil job.probability # => 1.0 job.product_type_id # => 28607 job.runs # => 2 job.start_date # => Sat, 18 Nov 2017 10:16:14 UTC +00:00 job.station_id # => 1023579231924 job.status # => "active" job.successful_runs # => nil # TODO: add pagination support ``` ##### List corporation industry jobs ```ruby options = { token: 'token123', corporation_id: 98146630 } corporation_jobs = EveOnline::ESI::CorporationIndustryJobs.new(options) corporation_jobs.scope # => "esi-industry.read_corporation_jobs.v1" corporation_jobs.jobs.size # => 23 job = corporation_jobs.jobs.first job.as_json # => {:activity_id=>1, # :blueprint_id=>1026042055832, # :blueprint_location_id=>1024956764558, # :blueprint_type_id=>28607, # :completed_character_id=>nil, # :completed_date=>nil, # :cost=>19505804.0, # :duration=>424816, # :end_date=>Thu, 23 Nov 2017 09:20:30 UTC +00:00, # :facility_id=>1023579231924, # :installer_id=>93174304, # :job_id=>344736432, # :licensed_runs=>1, # :output_location_id=>1024956764558, # :pause_date=>nil, # :probability=>1.0, # :product_type_id=>28606, # :runs=>1, # :start_date=>Sat, 18 Nov 2017 11:20:14 UTC +00:00, # :station_id=>nil, # :status=>"active", # :successful_runs=>nil} job.activity_id # => 1 job.blueprint_id # => 1026042055832 job.blueprint_location_id # => 1024956764558 job.job.blueprint_type_id # => 28607 job.completed_character_id # => nil job.completed_date # => nil job.cost # => 19505804.0 job.duration # => 424816 job.end_date # => Thu, 23 Nov 2017 09:20:30 UTC +00:00 job.facility_id # => 1023579231924 job.installer_id # => 93174304 job.job_id # => 344736432 job.licensed_runs # => 1 job.output_location_id # => 1024956764558 job.pause_date # => nil job.probability # => 1.0 job.product_type_id # => 28606 job.runs # => 1 job.start_date # => Sat, 18 Nov 2017 11:20:14 UTC +00:00 job.station_id # => nil job.status # => "active" job.successful_runs # => nil # TODO: add pagination support ``` ##### List industry facilities ##### List solar system cost indices #### Insurance ##### List insurance levels #### Killmails ##### Get character kills and losses ##### Get corporation kills and losses ##### Get a single killmail #### Location ##### Get character location ##### Get character online ```ruby options = { token: 'token123', character_id: 90729314 } character_online = EveOnline::ESI::CharacterOnline.new(options) character_online.scope # => "esi-location.read_online.v1" character_online.as_json # => {:online=>false, :last_login=>Sun, 15 Jan 2017 11:39:24 UTC +00:00, :last_logout=>Sun, 15 Jan 2017 11:31:22 UTC +00:00, :logins=>370} character_online.online # => false character_online.last_login # => Sun, 15 Jan 2017 11:39:24 UTC +00:00 character_online.last_logout # => Sun, 15 Jan 2017 11:31:22 UTC +00:00 character_online.logins # => 370 ``` ##### Get current ship #### Loyalty ##### Get loyalty points ```ruby options = { token: 'token123', character_id: 90729314 } character_loyalty_points = EveOnline::ESI::CharacterLoyaltyPoints.new(options) character_loyalty_points.scope # => "esi-characters.read_loyalty.v1" character_loyalty_points.loyalty_points.size # => 5 loyalty_point = character_loyalty_points.loyalty_points.first loyalty_point.as_json # => {:corporation_id=>1000035, :loyalty_points=>14163} loyalty_point.corporation_id # => 1000035 loyalty_point.loyalty_points # => 14163 ``` ##### List loyalty store offers #### Mail ##### Return mail headers ##### Send a new mail ##### Get mail labels and unread counts ##### Create a mail label ##### Delete a mail label ##### Return mailing list subscriptions ##### Delete a mail ##### Return a mail ##### Update metadata about a mail #### Market ##### List orders from a character ##### List orders from a corporation ##### Get item groups ##### Get item group information ##### List market prices ##### List orders in a structure ##### List historical market statistics in a region ```ruby options = { region_id: 10000002, type_id: 28606 } market_history = EveOnline::ESI::MarketHistory.new(options) market_history.scope # => nil statistics = market_history.history statistics.size # => 417 stats_today = statistics.last stats_today.as_json # => {:date=>Fri, 24 Nov 2017 00:00:00 UTC +00:00, # :order_count=>52, # :volume=>52, # :highest=>769999999.99, # :average=>754702326.19, # :lowest=>701100002.49} stats_today.date # => Fri, 24 Nov 2017 00:00:00 UTC +00:00 stats_today.order_count # => 52 stats_today.volume # => 52 stats_today.highest # => 769999999.99 stats_today.average # => 754702326.19 stats_today.lowest # => 701100002.49 ``` ##### List orders in a region ##### List type IDs relevant to a market #### Opportunities ##### Get a character's completed task ##### Get opportunities groups ##### Get opportunities group ##### Get opportunities tasks ##### Get opportunities task #### Planetary Interaction ##### Get colonies ##### Get colony layout ##### Get schematic information #### Routes ##### Get route #### Search ##### Search on a string (search for something in character stuff) ##### Search on a string #### Skills ##### Get character attributes ```ruby options = { token: 'token123', character_id: 90729314 } character_attributes = EveOnline::ESI::CharacterAttributes.new(options) character_attributes.scope # => "esi-skills.read_skills.v1" character_attributes.as_json # => {:charisma=>20, # :intelligence=>24, # :memory=>24, # :perception=>23, # :willpower=>23, # :bonus_remaps=>2, # :last_remap_date=>Sat, 07 May 2011 12:58:06 UTC +00:00, # :accrued_remap_cooldown_date=>Sun, 06 May 2012 12:58:06 UTC +00:00} character_attributes.charisma # => 20 character_attributes.intelligence # => 24 character_attributes.memory # => 24 character_attributes.perception # => 23 character_attributes.willpower # => 23 character_attributes.bonus_remaps # => 2 character_attributes.last_remap_date # => Sat, 07 May 2011 12:58:06 UTC +00:00 character_attributes.accrued_remap_cooldown_date # => Sun, 06 May 2012 12:58:06 UTC +00:00 ``` ##### Get character's skill queue ```ruby options = { token: 'token123', character_id: 90729314 } character_skill_queue = EveOnline::ESI::CharacterSkillQueue.new(options) character_skill_queue.scope # => "esi-skills.read_skillqueue.v1" character_skill_queue.skills.size # => 50 skill_queue_entry = character_skill_queue.skills.first skill_queue_entry.as_json # => {:skill_id=>12487, :finished_level=>3, :queue_position=>0, :finish_date=>Mon, 16 Jan 2017 03:00:35 UTC +00:00, :start_date=>Sun, 15 Jan 2017 11:38:25 UTC +00:00, :training_start_sp=>7263, :level_end_sp=>40000, :level_start_sp=>7072} skill_queue_entry.skill_id # => 12487 skill_queue_entry.finished_level # => 3 skill_queue_entry.queue_position # => 0 skill_queue_entry.finish_date # => Mon, 16 Jan 2017 03:00:35 UTC +00:00 skill_queue_entry.start_date # => Sun, 15 Jan 2017 11:38:25 UTC +00:00 skill_queue_entry.training_start_sp # => 7263 skill_queue_entry.level_end_sp # => 40000 skill_queue_entry.level_start_sp # => 7072 ``` ##### Get character skills ```ruby options = { token: 'token123', character_id: 90729314 } character_skills = EveOnline::ESI::CharacterSkills.new(options) character_skills.scope # => "esi-skills.read_skills.v1" character_skills.total_sp # => 50362576 character_skills.unallocated_sp # => 656000 character_skills.as_json # => {:total_sp=>50362576, :unallocated_sp=>656000} character_skills.skills.size # => 179 skill = character_skills.skills.first skill.as_json # => {:skill_id=>22536, :skillpoints_in_skill=>500, :trained_skill_level=>1, :active_skill_level=>0} skill.skill_id # => 22536 skill.skillpoints_in_skill # => 500 skill.trained_skill_level # => 1 skill.active_skill_level # => 0 ``` #### Sovereignty ##### List sovereignty campaigns ##### List sovereignty of systems ##### List sovereignty structures #### Status ##### Retrieve the uptime and player counts ```ruby server_status = EveOnline::ESI::ServerStatus.new server_status.scope # => nil server_status.as_json # => {:start_time=>Tue, 11 Apr 2017 11:05:35 UTC +00:00, :players=>34545, :server_version=>"1135520", :vip=>nil} server_status.start_time # => Tue, 11 Apr 2017 11:05:35 UTC +00:00 server_status.players # => 34545 server_status.server_version # => "1135520" server_status.vip # => nil ``` #### Universe ##### Get bloodlines ```ruby bloodlines = EveOnline::ESI::Bloodlines.new bloodlines.scope # => nil bloodlines.bloodlines.size # => 15 bloodline = bloodlines.bloodlines.first bloodline.as_json # => {:bloodline_id=>4, # :name=>"Brutor", # :description=>"A martial, strong-willed people, the Brutor...", # :race_id=>2, # :ship_type_id=>588, # :corporation_id=>1000049, # :perception=>9, # :willpower=>7, # :charisma=>6, # :memory=>4, # :intelligence=>4} bloodline.bloodline_id # => 4 bloodline.name # => "Brutor" bloodline.description # => "A martial, strong-willed people, the Brutor..." bloodline.race_id # => 2 bloodline.ship_type_id # => 588 bloodline.corporation_id # => 1000049 bloodline.perception # => 9 bloodline.willpower # => 7 bloodline.charisma # => 6 bloodline.memory # => 4 bloodline.intelligence # => 4 # TODO: add languages ``` ##### Get item categories ##### Get item category information ##### Get constellations ##### Get constellation information ##### Get factions ```ruby factions = EveOnline::ESI::Factions.new factions.scope # => nil factions.factions.size # => 22 faction = factions.factions.first faction.as_json # => {:faction_id=>500002, # :name=>"Minmatar Republic", # :description=>"The Minmatar Republic was formed over a century ago when the Minmatar threw...", # :solar_system_id=>30002544, # :corporation_id=>1000051, # :militia_corporation_id=>1000182, # :size_factor=>5.0, # :station_count=>570, # :station_system_count=>291, # :is_unique=>true} faction.faction_id # => 500002 faction.name # => "Minmatar Republic" faction.description # => "The Minmatar Republic was formed over a century ago when the Minmatar threw..." faction.solar_system_id # => 30002544 faction.corporation_id # => 1000051 faction.militia_corporation_id # => 1000182 faction.size_factor # => 5.0 faction.station_count # => 570 faction.station_system_count # => 291 faction.is_unique # => true # TODO: add languages ``` ##### Get graphics ##### Get graphic information ##### Get item groups ##### Get item group information ##### Get moon information ##### Get names and categories for a set of ID's ##### Get planet information ##### Get character races ```ruby races = EveOnline::ESI::Races.new races.scope # => nil races.races.size # => 4 race = races.races.first race.as_json # => {:race_id=>2, # :name=>"Minmatar", # :description=>"Once a thriving tribal civilization, the Minmatar...", # :alliance_id=>500002} race.race_id # => 2 race.name # => "Minmatar" race.description # => "Once a thriving tribal civilization, the Minmatar..." race.alliance_id # => 500002 # TODO: add languages ``` ##### Get regions ##### Get region information ##### Get stargate information ##### Get star information ##### Get station information ##### List all public structures ##### Get structure information ##### Get system jumps ##### Get system kills ##### Get solar systems ##### Get solar system information ##### Get types ##### Get type information #### User Interface ##### Set Autopilot Waypoint ##### Open Contract Window ##### Open Information Window ##### Open Market Details ##### Open New Mail Window #### Wallet ##### Get a character's wallet balance ```ruby options = { token: 'token123', character_id: 90729314 } character_wallet = EveOnline::ESI::CharacterWallet.new(options) character_wallet.scope # => "esi-wallet.read_character_wallet.v1" character_wallet.as_json # => {:wallet=>409488252.49} character_wallet.wallet # => 409488252.49 ``` ##### Get character wallet journal ##### Get wallet transactions ##### Returns a corporation's wallet balance ##### Get corporation wallet journal ##### Get corporation wallet transactions #### Wars ##### List wars ##### Get war information ##### List kills for a war ### SDE Examples Agent Types: ```ruby file = 'agtAgentTypes.yaml' agt_agent_types = EveOnline::SDE::AgtAgentTypes.new(file) agt_agent_types.agt_agent_types.size # => 12 agent_type = agt_agent_types.agt_agent_types.first agent_type.as_json # => {:agent_type=>"NonAgent", :agent_type_id=>1} agent_type.agent_type # => "NonAgent" agent_type.agent_type_id # => 1 ``` Agents: ```ruby file = 'agtAgents.yaml' agt_agents = EveOnline::SDE::AgtAgents.new(file) agt_agents.agt_agents.size # => 10975 agt_agent = agt_agents.agt_agents.first agt_agent.as_json # => {:agent_id=>3008416, :agent_type_id=>2, :corporation_id=>1000002, :division_id=>22, :is_locator=>false, :level=>1, :location_id=>60000004, :quality=>20} agt_agent.agent_id # => 3008416 agt_agent.agent_type_id # => 2 agt_agent.corporation_id # => 1000002 agt_agent.division_id # => 22 agt_agent.is_locator # => false agt_agent.level # => 1 agt_agent.location_id # => 60000004 agt_agent.quality # => 20 ``` Inventory Flags: ```ruby file = 'invFlags.yaml' inv_flags = EveOnline::SDE::InvFlags.new(file) inv_flags.inv_flags.size # => 152 inv_flag = inv_flags.inv_flags.first inv_flag.as_json # => {:flag_id=>0, :flag_name=>"None", :flag_text=>"None", :order_id=>0} inv_flag.flag_id # => 0 inv_flag.flag_name # => "None" inv_flag.flag_text # => "None" inv_flag.order_id # => 0 ``` Inventory Items: ```ruby file = 'invItems.yaml' inv_items = EveOnline::SDE::InvItems.new(file) inv_items.inv_items.size # => 531470 inv_item = inv_items.inv_items.first inv_item.as_json # => {:flag_id=>0, :item_id=>40021067, :location_id=>30000334, :owner_id=>1, :quantity=>34, :type_id=>14} inv_item.flag_id # => 0 inv_item.item_id # => 40021067 inv_item.location_id # => 30000334 inv_item.owner_id # => 1 inv_item.quantity # => 34 inv_item.type_id # => 14 ``` Inventory Names: ```ruby file = 'invNames.yaml' inv_names = EveOnline::SDE::InvNames.new(file) inv_names.inv_names.size # => 519921 inv_name = inv_names.inv_names.first inv_name.as_json # => {:item_id=>0, :item_name=>"(none)"} inv_name.item_id # => 0 inv_name.item_name # => "(none)" ``` Inventory Positions: ```ruby file = 'invPositions.yaml' inv_positions = EveOnline::SDE::InvPositions.new(file) inv_positions.inv_positions.size # => 508383 inv_position = inv_positions.inv_positions.first inv_position.as_json # => {:item_id=>0, :pitch=>0.0, :roll=>0.0, :x=>0.0, :y=>0.0, :yaw=>0.0, :z=>0.0} inv_position.item_id # => 0 inv_position.pitch # => 0.0 inv_position.roll # => 0.0 inv_position.x # => 0.0 inv_position.y # => 0.0 inv_position.yaw # => 0.0 inv_position.z # => 0.0 ``` ## Exceptions If you want to catch all exceptions `rescue` `EveOnline::Exceptions::Base`. E.g.: ```ruby begin key_id = 1234567 v_code = '9ce9970b18d07586ead3d052e5b83bc8db303171a28a6f754cf35d9e6b66af17' options = { character_id: 90729314 } account_balance = EveOnline::XML::CharacterAccountBalance.new(key_id, v_code, options) account_balance.as_json rescue EveOnline::Exceptions::Base # some logic for handle exception end ``` If api key (XML) have many characters and you miss `character_id` you will get `EveOnline::Exceptions::InvalidCharacterIDException`. If api key (XML) invalid (wrong key_id/v_code or key is expired) you will get `EveOnline::Exceptions::UnauthorizedException`. E.g.: ```ruby begin key_id = 1234567 v_code = '9ce9970b18d07586ead3d052e5b83bc8db303171a28a6f754cf35d9e6b66af17' options = { character_id: 90729314 } account_balance = EveOnline::XML::CharacterAccountBalance.new(key_id, v_code, options) account_balance.as_json rescue EveOnline::Exceptions::UnauthorizedException # some logic for handle exception. e.g. mark api keys as invalid end ``` Timeout. `EveOnline::Exceptions::TimeoutException`. ## Timeouts `eve_online` gem uses `faraday` for network request. `faraday` configured with: ```ruby faraday = Faraday.new faraday.options.timeout = 60 faraday.options.open_timeout = 60 ``` ## Useful links * [BREAKING CHANGES AND YOU - HOW TO USE ALT-ROUTES TO ENHANCE YOUR SANITY](https://developers.eveonline.com/blog/article/breaking-changes-and-you) * [TECHNICAL NOTE: INTEGER SIZES AND THE XML API](https://developers.eveonline.com/blog/article/technical-note-integer-sizes-and-the-xml-api) * [THE END OF PUBLIC CREST AS WE KNOW IT](https://developers.eveonline.com/blog/article/the-end-of-public-crest-as-we-know-it) * [CCP, zKillboard (Eve-Kill), and your API](https://docs.google.com/document/d/16YfJwjhuH5A3cS4NTMDFDkprnOVKsvgtuRIKk8xjTM8/edit) * [JUMP CLONES, IMPLANTS, SKILLS, AND MORE](https://developers.eveonline.com/blog/article/jump-clones-implants-skills-and-more) * [ESI Swagger](https://esi.tech.ccp.is/latest/) ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Issue reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/biow0lf/eve_online. ## Implementation check list ### Character - [x] [Bookmarks](https://eveonline-third-party-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/xmlapi/character/char_bookmarks.html) - [x] [Contact Notifications](https://eveonline-third-party-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/xmlapi/character/char_contactnotifications.html) - [x] [Market Orders](https://eveonline-third-party-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/xmlapi/character/char_marketorders.html) - [x] [Upcoming Calendar Events](https://eveonline-third-party-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/xmlapi/character/char_upcomingcalendarevents.html) - [x] [Wallet Journal](https://eveonline-third-party-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/xmlapi/character/char_walletjournal.html) ---- ### Corporation - [x] [Market Orders](https://eveonline-third-party-documentation.readthedocs.io/en/latest/xmlapi/corporation/corp_marketorders.html) ---- ## TODO - [ ] Caching - [ ] Test EVE server ## Author * Igor Zubkov (@biow0lf) ## Contributors. Thank you everyone! * Ian Flynn (@monban) * Mekaret Eriker (@Mekaret) ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).