module ActiveMerchant #:nodoc: module Billing #:nodoc: class EwayManagedGateway < Gateway TEST_URL = '' LIVE_URL = '' # The countries the gateway supports merchants from as 2 digit ISO country codes self.supported_countries = ['AU'] # The card types supported by the payment gateway self.supported_cardtypes = [:visa, :master] self.default_currency = 'AUD' #accepted money format self.money_format = :cents # The homepage URL of the gateway self.homepage_url = '' # The name of the gateway self.display_name = 'eWay Managed Payments' def initialize(options = {}) requires!(options, :login, :username, :password) @options = options # eWay returns 500 code for faults, which AM snaffles. # So, we tell it to allow them. @options[:ignore_http_status]=true super end # add a new customer CC to your eway account and return unique ManagedCustomerID # supports storing details required by eway see "add_creditcard" and "add_address" def store(creditcard, options = {}) post = {} # Handle our required fields requires!(options, :billing_address) # Handle eWay specific required fields. billing_address = options[:billing_address] eway_requires!(billing_address) add_creditcard(post, creditcard) add_address(post, billing_address) add_misc_fields(post, options) commit("CreateCustomer", post) end def update(billing_id, creditcard, options={}) post = {} # Handle our required fields requires!(options, :billing_address) # Handle eWay specific required fields. billing_address = options[:billing_address] eway_requires!(billing_address) post[:managedCustomerID]=billing_id add_creditcard(post, creditcard) add_address(post, billing_address) add_misc_fields(post, options) commit("UpdateCustomer", post) end # Process a payment in the given amount against the stored credit card given by billing_id # # ==== Parameters # # * <tt>money</tt> -- The amount to be purchased as an Integer value in cents. # * <tt>billing_id</tt> -- The eWay provided card/customer token to charge (managedCustomerID) # * <tt>options</tt> -- A hash of optional parameters. # # ==== Options # # * <tt>:order_id</tt> -- The order number, passed to eWay as the "Invoice Reference" # * <tt>:invoice</tt> -- The invoice number, passed to eWay as the "Invoice Reference" unless :order_id is also given # * <tt>:description</tt> -- A description of the payment, passed to eWay as the "Invoice Description" def purchase(money, billing_id, options={}) post = {} post[:managedCustomerID] = billing_id.to_s post[:amount]=money add_invoice(post, options) commit("ProcessPayment", post) end # TODO: eWay API also provides QueryCustomer # TODO: eWay API also provides QueryPayment def test? @options[:test] || Base.gateway_mode == :test end private def eway_requires!(hash) raise"Missing eWay required parameter in `billing_address`: title") unless hash.has_key?(:title) raise"Missing eWay required parameter in `billing_address`: country") unless hash.has_key?(:country) end def add_address(post, address) post[:Address] = address[:address1].to_s post[:Phone] = address[:phone].to_s post[:PostCode] = address[:zip].to_s post[:Suburb] = address[:city].to_s post[:Country] = address[:country].to_s.downcase post[:State] = address[:state].to_s post[:Mobile] = address[:mobile].to_s post[:Fax] = address[:fax].to_s end def add_misc_fields(post, options) post[:CustomerRef]=options[:billing_address][:customer_ref] || options[:customer] post[:Title]=options[:billing_address][:title] post[:Company]=options[:billing_address][:company] post[:JobDesc]=options[:billing_address][:job_desc] post[:Email]=options[:billing_address][:email] || options[:email] post[:URL]=options[:billing_address][:url] post[:Comments]=options[:description] end def add_invoice(post, options) post[:invoiceReference] = options[:order_id] || options[:invoice] post[:invoiceDescription] = options[:description] end # add credit card details to be stored by eway. NOTE eway requires "title" field def add_creditcard(post, creditcard) post[:CCNumber] = creditcard.number post[:CCExpiryMonth] = sprintf("%.2i", creditcard.month) post[:CCExpiryYear] = sprintf("%.4i", creditcard.year)[-2..-1] post[:CCNameOnCard] = post[:FirstName] = creditcard.first_name post[:LastName] = creditcard.last_name end def parse(body) reply = {} xml = if root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, "//soap:Fault") then reply=parse_fault(root) else if root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, '//ProcessPaymentResponse/ewayResponse') then # Successful payment reply=parse_purchase(root) else if root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, '//CreateCustomerResult') then reply[:message]='OK' reply[:CreateCustomerResult]=root.text reply[:success]=true else if root = REXML::XPath.first(xml, '//UpdateCustomerResult') then if root.text.downcase == 'true' then reply[:message]='OK' reply[:success]=true else # ERROR: This state should never occur. If there is a problem, # a soap:Fault will be returned. The presence of this # element always means a success. raise StandardError, "Unexpected \"false\" in UpdateCustomerResult" end else # ERROR: This state should never occur currently. We have handled # responses for all the methods which we support. raise StandardError, "Unexpected response" end end end end return reply end def parse_fault(node) reply={} reply[:message]=REXML::XPath.first(node, '//soap:Reason/soap:Text').text reply[:success]=false reply end def parse_purchase(node) reply={} reply[:message]=REXML::XPath.first(node, '//ewayTrxnError').text reply[:success]=(REXML::XPath.first(node, '//ewayTrxnStatus').text == 'True') reply[:auth_code]=REXML::XPath.first(node, '//ewayAuthCode').text reply end def commit(action, post) raw = begin ssl_post(test? ? TEST_URL : LIVE_URL, soap_request(post, action), 'Content-Type' => 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8') rescue ResponseError => e e.response.body end response = parse(raw)[:success], response[:message], response, :test => test?, :authorization => response[:auth_code] ) end # Where we build the full SOAP 1.2 request using builder def soap_request(arguments, action) # eWay demands all fields be sent, but contain an empty string if blank post = case action when 'ProcessPayment' default_payment_fields.merge(arguments) else default_customer_fields.merge(arguments) end xml = :indent => 2 xml.instruct! xml.tag! 'soap12:Envelope', {'xmlns:xsi' => '', 'xmlns:xsd' => '', 'xmlns:soap12' => ''} do xml.tag! 'soap12:Header' do xml.tag! 'eWAYHeader', {'xmlns' => ''} do xml.tag! 'eWAYCustomerID', @options[:login] xml.tag! 'Username', @options[:username] xml.tag! 'Password', @options[:password] end end xml.tag! 'soap12:Body' do |x| x.tag! "#{action}", {'xmlns' => ''} do |y| post.each do |key, value| y.tag! "#{key}", "#{value}" end end end end! end def default_customer_fields hash={} %w( CustomerRef Title FirstName LastName Company JobDesc Email Address Suburb State PostCode Country Phone Mobile Fax URL Comments CCNumber CCNameOnCard CCExpiryMonth CCExpiryYear ).each do |field| hash[field.to_sym]='' end return hash end def default_payment_fields hash={} %w( managedCustomerID amount invoiceReference invoiceDescription ).each do |field| hash[field.to_sym]='' end return hash end class EwayResponse < Response # add a method to response so we can easily get the eway token "ManagedCustomerID" def token @params['CreateCustomerResult'] end end end end end