require 'active_support/concern' module Iqvoc module Configuration module Core extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do mattr_accessor :searchable_class_names, :unlimited_search_results, :default_rdf_namespace_helper_modules, :default_rdf_namespace_helper_methods, :rdf_namespaces, :change_note_class_name, :first_level_class_configuration_modules, :navigation_items, :ability_class_name, :localized_routes, :core_assets, :search_sections, :export_path, :upload_path, :truncation_blacklist, :host_namespace self.localized_routes = [] # routing extensibility hook self.core_assets = %w( manifest.css manifest.js iqvoc/ie_fixes.css html5shiv/dist/html5shiv.js *.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.gif *.svg *.ttf *.woff *.eof ) self.navigation_items = [{ text: 'Dashboard', href: proc { dashboard_path }, controller: 'dashboard', :authorized? => proc { can? :use, :dashboard } }, { text: 'Scheme', href: proc { scheme_path }, controller: 'concepts/scheme', :authorized? => proc { can? :read, Iqvoc::Concept.root_class.instance } }, { text: proc { ::Concept::Base.model_name.human(count: 2) }, href: proc { hierarchical_concepts_path }, controller: 'concepts/hierarchical', :active? => proc { %w(concepts/hierarchical concepts/alphabetical concepts/untranslated). include?(params[:controller]) } }, { text: proc { t('txt.views.navigation.collections') }, href: proc { collections_path }, controller: 'collections' }, { text: proc { t('') }, href: proc { search_path }, controller: 'search_results' }, { text: proc { t('txt.views.navigation.administration') }, :authorized? => proc { can? :use, :administration }, items: [{ text: proc { t('txt.views.navigation.users') }, href: proc { users_path }, controller: 'users', :authorized? => proc { can? :manage, User } }, { text: proc { t('txt.views.navigation.instance_configuration') }, href: proc { instance_configuration_path }, controller: 'instance_configuration', :authorized? => proc { can? :manage, Iqvoc.config } }] }, { text: proc { t('') }, items: [{ text: proc { t('') }, href: proc { help_path }, controller: 'pages', action: 'help', :authorized? => proc { can? :read, :help } }, { text: proc { t('txt.views.navigation.about') }, href: '' }, { text: proc { t('txt.views.navigation.version') }, href: proc { version_path } }] }] self.searchable_class_names = { 'Labeling::SKOS::Base' => 'labels', 'Labeling::SKOS::PrefLabel' => 'pref_labels', 'Note::Base' => 'notes' } self.unlimited_search_results = false self.default_rdf_namespace_helper_modules = [] self.default_rdf_namespace_helper_methods = [:iqvoc_default_rdf_namespaces] self.rdf_namespaces = { rdf: '', rdfs: '', owl: '', skos: '', dct: '', foaf: '', void: '', iqvoc: '' } # The class to use for automatic generation of change notes on every save self.change_note_class_name = 'Note::SKOS::ChangeNote' self.first_level_class_configuration_modules = [] # Will be set in the modules self.ability_class_name = 'Ability' self.search_sections = [ 'klass', 'mode', 'terms', 'type', 'collection', 'languages', 'datasets' ] # ignored database tables during thesaurus truncation self.truncation_blacklist = [ 'schema_migrations', 'users', 'exports', 'imports' ] # initialize self.config.register_settings({ 'title' => 'iQvoc', 'languages.pref_labeling' => ['en', 'de'], 'languages.further_labelings.Labeling::SKOS::AltLabel' => ['en', 'de'], 'languages.notes' => ['en', 'de'], 'performance.unbounded_hierarchy' => false, 'sources.iqvoc' => [''] }) end module ClassMethods # ************** instance configuration ************** def config(&block) cfg = Iqvoc::Configuration::InstanceConfiguration.instance if block else return cfg end end def change_note_class change_note_class_name.constantize end def searchable_classes end def first_level_classes { |mod| mod.send(:base_class) } end def ability_class ability_class_name.constantize end def title config['title'] end def note_languages config['languages.notes'] end # returns a list of all languages selectable for labels and/or notes def all_languages (Iqvoc::Concept.pref_labeling_languages + Iqvoc::Concept.further_labeling_class_names.values.flatten + note_languages) end # @deprecated def title=(value) ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn 'title has been moved into instance configuration', caller self.config.register_setting('title', value) end def engine? Iqvoc.const_defined?(:Engine) end def root if engine? Iqvoc::Engine.root else Rails.root end end def routing_constraint lambda do |params, req| langs = Iqvoc::Concept.pref_labeling_languages.join('|').presence || 'en' return params[:lang].to_s =~ /^#{langs}$/ end end def host_version if Iqvoc.host_namespace Iqvoc.host_namespace::VERSION end end end end end end