require "git/autobisect/version" module Git module Autobisect class << self def cli(argv) options = extract_options(argv) command = argv.first if command.to_s.empty? puts "Usage instructions: git-autobisect --help" return 1 end # make sure bundle is fresh before each run if File.exist?("Gemfile") command = "(bundle check || (test -f vendor/cache && bundle --local --quiet) || bundle --quiet) && (#{command})" end # reset changes but keep the exit status command += "; export X=$? ; git reset --hard ; exit $X" run_command(command, options) || 0 end def run_command(command, options) commits = `git log --pretty=format:'%h' | head -n #{options[:max]}`.split("\n") good, bad = find_good_and_bad_commit(commits, command, options) if good == commits.first puts " ---> HEAD is not broken" return 1 elsif not good puts " ---> No good commit found before HEAD~#{options[:max]}" return 1 end if exact_commit_known?(commits, good, bad) # return same result as git bisect run! "git checkout #{bad}" puts "#{bad} is the first bad commit" puts `git show #{bad}` else first_bad = bisect_to_exact_match(command, good, bad) run! "git checkout #{first_bad}" end end private def extract_options(argv) options = { :max => 1000 } do |opts| opts.banner = <<-BANNER.gsub(" "*12, "") Find the commit that broke the build Usage: git-autobisect 'ruby test/foo_test.rb -n "/xxx/"' [options] Options: BANNER opts.on("-h", "--help", "Show this.") { puts opts; exit } opts.on("-v", "--version", "Show Version"){ puts "git-autobisect #{Version}"; exit } opts.on("-m", "--max N", Integer, "Inspect commits between HEAD..HEAD~"){|max| options[:max] = max } opts.on("-s", "--start N", Integer, "Use N (instead of 1) as initial step and keep muliplying by 2"){|start| options[:start] = start } end.parse!(argv) options end def run(cmd) all = "" puts cmd IO.popen(cmd) do |pipe| while str = pipe.gets all << str puts str end end [$?.success?, all] end def run!(command) raise "Command failed #{command}" unless run(command).first end def find_good_and_bad_commit(commits, command, options) initial = 1 i = options[:start] || initial maybe_good = commits.first loop do # scan backwards through commits to find a good offset = [i - 1, commits.size-1].min maybe_good, bad = commits[offset], maybe_good return if i > initial and bad == maybe_good # we reached the end # see if it works puts " ---> Now trying #{maybe_good} (HEAD~#{offset})" run!("git checkout #{maybe_good}") return [maybe_good, bad] if run(command).first i *= 2 end end def bisect_to_exact_match(command, good, bad) run! "git bisect reset" run! "git bisect start #{bad} #{good}" success, output = run("git bisect run sh -c '#{command}'") raise "error while bisecting" unless success output.match(/([\da-f]+) is the first bad commit/)[1] end def exact_commit_known?(commits, good, bad) (commits.index(good) - commits.index(bad)).abs <= 1 end end end end