# typed: true
# This is an autogenerated file for types exported from the `builder` gem.
# Please instead update this file by running `bin/tapioca gem builder`.
# If the Builder::XChar module is not currently defined, fail on any
# name clashes in standard library classes.
# source://builder//lib/builder/blankslate.rb#17
module Builder
class << self
# source://builder//lib/builder/xchar.rb#13
def check_for_name_collision(klass, method_name, defined_constant = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://builder//lib/builder/blankslate.rb#19
Builder::BlankSlate = BasicObject
# Generic error for builder
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#9
class Builder::IllegalBlockError < ::RuntimeError; end
# source://builder//lib/builder/xchar.rb#33
module Builder::XChar
class << self
# encode a string per XML rules
# source://builder//lib/builder/xchar.rb#152
def encode(string); end
# convert a string to valid UTF-8, compensating for a number of
# common errors.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xchar.rb#126
def unicode(string); end
# See
# http://intertwingly.net/stories/2004/04/14/i18n.html#CleaningWindows
# for details.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xchar.rb#38
Builder::XChar::CP1252 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# source://builder//lib/builder/xchar.rb#100
Builder::XChar::CP1252_DIFFERENCES = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://builder//lib/builder/xchar.rb#120
Builder::XChar::ENCODING_BINARY = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Encoding)
# source://builder//lib/builder/xchar.rb#122
Builder::XChar::ENCODING_ISO1 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Encoding)
# source://builder//lib/builder/xchar.rb#121
Builder::XChar::ENCODING_UTF8 = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Encoding)
# source://builder//lib/builder/xchar.rb#109
Builder::XChar::INVALID_XML_CHAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#dt-chardata for details.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xchar.rb#69
Builder::XChar::PREDEFINED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Hash)
# http://www.fileformat.info/info/unicode/char/fffd/index.htm
# source://builder//lib/builder/xchar.rb#84
Builder::XChar::REPLACEMENT_CHAR = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# source://builder//lib/builder/xchar.rb#100
Builder::XChar::UNICODE_EQUIVALENT = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), String)
# See http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-xml/#charsets for details.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xchar.rb#76
Builder::XChar::VALID = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Array)
# source://builder//lib/builder/xchar.rb#105
Builder::XChar::XML_PREDEFINED = T.let(T.unsafe(nil), Regexp)
# XmlBase is a base class for building XML builders. See
# Builder::XmlMarkup and Builder::XmlEvents for examples.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#13
class Builder::XmlBase < ::BasicObject
# Create an XML markup builder.
# out :: Object receiving the markup. +out+ must respond to
# <<.
# indent :: Number of spaces used for indentation (0 implies no
# indentation and no line breaks).
# initial :: Level of initial indentation.
# encoding :: When encoding and $KCODE are set to 'utf-8'
# characters aren't converted to character entities in
# the output stream.
# @return [XmlBase] a new instance of XmlBase
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#29
def initialize(indent = T.unsafe(nil), initial = T.unsafe(nil), encoding = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Append text to the output target without escaping any markup.
# May be used within the markup brackets as:
# builder.p { |x| x << "
HI" } #=>
# This is useful when using non-builder enabled software that
# generates strings. Just insert the string directly into the
# builder without changing the inserted markup.
# It is also useful for stacking builder objects. Builders only
# use << to append to the target, so by supporting this
# method/operation builders can use other builders as their
# targets.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#118
def <<(text); end
# @return [Boolean]
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#35
def explicit_nil_handling?; end
# Create XML markup based on the name of the method. This method
# is never invoked directly, but is called for each markup method
# in the markup block that isn't cached.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#92
def method_missing(sym, *args, &block); end
# For some reason, nil? is sent to the XmlMarkup object. If nil?
# is not defined and method_missing is invoked, some strange kind
# of recursion happens. Since nil? won't ever be an XML tag, it
# is pretty safe to define it here. (Note: this is an example of
# cargo cult programming,
# cf. http://fishbowl.pastiche.org/2004/10/13/cargo_cult_programming).
# @return [Boolean]
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#128
def nil?; end
# Create a tag named +sym+. Other than the first argument which
# is the tag name, the arguments are the same as the tags
# implemented via method_missing.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#42
def tag!(sym, *args, &block); end
# Append text to the output target. Escape any markup. May be
# used within the markup brackets as:
# builder.p { |b| b.br; b.text! "HI" } #=>
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#101
def text!(text); end
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#136
def _escape(text); end
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#159
def _escape_attribute(text); end
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#169
def _indent; end
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#174
def _nested_structures(block); end
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#164
def _newline; end
# If XmlBase.cache_method_calls = true, we dynamicly create the method
# missed as an instance method on the XMLBase object. Because XML
# documents are usually very repetative in nature, the next node will
# be handled by the new method instead of method_missing. As
# method_missing is very slow, this speeds up document generation
# significantly.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#187
def cache_method_call(sym); end
class << self
# Returns the value of attribute cache_method_calls.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#16
def cache_method_calls; end
# Sets the attribute cache_method_calls
# @param value the value to set the attribute cache_method_calls to.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlbase.rb#16
def cache_method_calls=(_arg0); end
# Create a series of SAX-like XML events (e.g. start_tag, end_tag)
# from the markup code. XmlEvent objects are used in a way similar
# to XmlMarkup objects, except that a series of events are generated
# and passed to a handler rather than generating character-based
# markup.
# Usage:
# xe = Builder::XmlEvents.new(hander)
# xe.title("HI") # Sends start_tag/end_tag/text messages to the handler.
# Indentation may also be selected by providing value for the
# indentation size and initial indentation level.
# xe = Builder::XmlEvents.new(handler, indent_size, initial_indent_level)
# == XML Event Handler
# The handler object must expect the following events.
# [start_tag(tag, attrs)]
# Announces that a new tag has been found. +tag+ is the name of
# the tag and +attrs+ is a hash of attributes for the tag.
# [end_tag(tag)]
# Announces that an end tag for +tag+ has been found.
# [text(text)]
# Announces that a string of characters (+text+) has been found.
# A series of characters may be broken up into more than one
# +text+ call, so the client cannot assume that a single
# callback contains all the text data.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlevents.rb#49
class Builder::XmlEvents < ::Builder::XmlMarkup
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlevents.rb#59
def _end_tag(sym); end
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlevents.rb#54
def _start_tag(sym, attrs, end_too = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlevents.rb#50
def text!(text); end
# Create XML markup easily. All (well, almost all) methods sent to
# an XmlMarkup object will be translated to the equivalent XML
# markup. Any method with a block will be treated as an XML markup
# tag with nested markup in the block.
# Examples will demonstrate this easier than words. In the
# following, +xm+ is an +XmlMarkup+ object.
# xm.em("emphasized") # => emphasized
# xm.em { xm.b("emp & bold") } # => emph & bold
# xm.a("A Link", "href"=>"http://onestepback.org")
# # => A Link
# xm.div { xm.br } # =>
# xm.target("name"=>"compile", "option"=>"fast")
# # =>
# # NOTE: order of attributes is not specified.
# xm.instruct! #
# xm.html { #
# xm.head { #
# xm.title("History") # History
# } #
# xm.body { #
# xm.comment! "HI" #
# xm.h1("Header") # Header
# xm.p("paragraph") # paragraph
# } #
# } #
# == Notes:
# * The order that attributes are inserted in markup tags is
# undefined.
# * Sometimes you wish to insert text without enclosing tags. Use
# the text! method to accomplish this.
# Example:
# xm.div { #
# xm.text! "line"; xm.br # line
# xm.text! "another line"; xmbr # another line
# } #
# * The special XML characters <, >, and & are converted to <,
# > and & automatically. Use the << operation to
# insert text without modification.
# * Sometimes tags use special characters not allowed in ruby
# identifiers. Use the tag! method to handle these
# cases.
# Example:
# xml.tag!("SOAP:Envelope") { ... }
# will produce ...
# ... "
# tag! will also take text and attribute arguments (after
# the tag name) like normal markup methods. (But see the next
# bullet item for a better way to handle XML namespaces).
# * Direct support for XML namespaces is now available. If the
# first argument to a tag call is a symbol, it will be joined to
# the tag to produce a namespace:tag combination. It is easier to
# show this than describe it.
# xml.SOAP :Envelope do ... end
# Just put a space before the colon in a namespace to produce the
# right form for builder (e.g. "SOAP:Envelope" =>
# "xml.SOAP :Envelope")
# * XmlMarkup builds the markup in any object (called a _target_)
# that accepts the << method. If no target is given,
# then XmlMarkup defaults to a string target.
# Examples:
# xm = Builder::XmlMarkup.new
# result = xm.title("yada")
# # result is a string containing the markup.
# buffer = ""
# xm = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(buffer)
# # The markup is appended to buffer (using <<)
# xm = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(STDOUT)
# # The markup is written to STDOUT (using <<)
# xm = Builder::XmlMarkup.new
# x2 = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target=>xm)
# # Markup written to +x2+ will be send to +xm+.
# * Indentation is enabled by providing the number of spaces to
# indent for each level as a second argument to XmlBuilder.new.
# Initial indentation may be specified using a third parameter.
# Example:
# xm = Builder.new(:indent=>2)
# # xm will produce nicely formatted and indented XML.
# xm = Builder.new(:indent=>2, :margin=>4)
# # xm will produce nicely formatted and indented XML with 2
# # spaces per indent and an over all indentation level of 4.
# builder = Builder::XmlMarkup.new(:target=>$stdout, :indent=>2)
# builder.name { |b| b.first("Jim"); b.last("Weirich) }
# # prints:
# #
# # Jim
# # Weirich
# #
# * The instance_eval implementation which forces self to refer to
# the message receiver as self is now obsolete. We now use normal
# block calls to execute the markup block. This means that all
# markup methods must now be explicitly send to the xml builder.
# For instance, instead of
# xml.div { strong("text") }
# you need to write:
# xml.div { xml.strong("text") }
# Although more verbose, the subtle change in semantics within the
# block was found to be prone to error. To make this change a
# little less cumbersome, the markup block now gets the markup
# object sent as an argument, allowing you to use a shorter alias
# within the block.
# For example:
# xml_builder = Builder::XmlMarkup.new
# xml_builder.div { |xml|
# xml.stong("text")
# }
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlmarkup.rb#161
class Builder::XmlMarkup < ::Builder::XmlBase
# Create an XML markup builder. Parameters are specified by an
# option hash.
# :target => target_object::
# Object receiving the markup. +target_object+ must respond to
# the <<(a_string) operator and return
# itself. The default target is a plain string target.
# :indent => indentation::
# Number of spaces used for indentation. The default is no
# indentation and no line breaks.
# :margin => initial_indentation_level::
# Amount of initial indentation (specified in levels, not
# spaces).
# :quote => :single::
# Use single quotes for attributes rather than double quotes.
# :escape_attrs => OBSOLETE::
# The :escape_attrs option is no longer supported by builder
# (and will be quietly ignored). String attribute values are
# now automatically escaped. If you need unescaped attribute
# values (perhaps you are using entities in the attribute
# values), then give the value as a Symbol. This allows much
# finer control over escaping attribute values.
# @return [XmlMarkup] a new instance of XmlMarkup
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlmarkup.rb#190
def initialize(options = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Insert a CDATA section into the XML markup.
# For example:
# xml.cdata!("text to be included in cdata")
# #=>
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlmarkup.rb#270
def cdata!(text); end
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlmarkup.rb#275
def cdata_value!(open, text); end
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlmarkup.rb#204
def comment!(comment_text); end
# Insert an XML declaration into the XML markup.
# For example:
# xml.declare! :ELEMENT, :blah, "yada"
# # =>
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlmarkup.rb#215
def declare!(inst, *args, &block); end
# Insert a processing instruction into the XML markup. E.g.
# For example:
# xml.instruct!
# #=>
# xml.instruct! :aaa, :bbb=>"ccc"
# #=>
# Note: If the encoding is setup to "UTF-8" and the value of
# $KCODE is "UTF8", then builder will emit UTF-8 encoded strings
# rather than the entity encoding normally used.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlmarkup.rb#248
def instruct!(directive_tag = T.unsafe(nil), attrs = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Return the target of the builder.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlmarkup.rb#200
def target!; end
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlmarkup.rb#326
def _attr_value(value); end
# Insert an ending tag.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlmarkup.rb#310
def _end_tag(sym); end
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlmarkup.rb#335
def _ensure_no_block(got_block); end
# Insert the attributes (given in the hash).
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlmarkup.rb#315
def _insert_attributes(attrs, order = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Insert special instruction.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlmarkup.rb#291
def _special(open, close, data = T.unsafe(nil), attrs = T.unsafe(nil), order = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Start an XML tag. If end_too is true, then the start
# tag is also the end tag (e.g.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlmarkup.rb#302
def _start_tag(sym, attrs, end_too = T.unsafe(nil)); end
# Insert text directly in to the builder's target.
# source://builder//lib/builder/xmlmarkup.rb#286
def _text(text); end