# HelloSign::SubFormFieldRule
## Properties
| Name | Type | Description | Notes |
| ---- | ---- | ----------- | ----- |
| `id`*_required_ | ```String``` | Must be unique across all defined rules. | |
| `trigger_operator`*_required_ | ```String``` | Currently only `AND` is supported. Support for `OR` is being worked on. | [default to 'AND'] |
| `triggers`*_required_ | [```Array```](SubFormFieldRuleTrigger.md) | An array of trigger definitions, the "if this" part of "**if this**, then that". Currently only a single trigger per rule is allowed. | |
| `actions`*_required_ | [```Array```](SubFormFieldRuleAction.md) | An array of action definitions, the "then that" part of "if this, **then that**". Any number of actions may be attached to a single rule. | |