# encoding: utf-8 require File.expand_path("../spec_helper", __FILE__) describe "Frame" do before :each do browser.goto(WatirSpec.files + "/frames.html") end it "handles crossframe javascript" do browser.frame(:id, "frame_1").text_field(:name, 'senderElement').value.should == 'send_this_value' browser.frame(:id, "frame_2").text_field(:name, 'recieverElement').value.should == 'old_value' browser.frame(:id, "frame_1").button(:id, 'send').click browser.frame(:id, "frame_2").text_field(:name, 'recieverElement').value.should == 'send_this_value' end not_compliant_on :watir do describe "#exist?" do it "returns true if the frame exists" do browser.frame(:id, "frame_1").should exist browser.frame(:id, /frame/).should exist browser.frame(:name, "frame1").should exist browser.frame(:name, /frame/).should exist browser.frame(:src, "frame_1.html").should exist browser.frame(:src, /frame_1/).should exist browser.frame(:class, "half").should exist browser.frame(:class, /half/).should exist browser.frame(:index, 1).should exist browser.frame(:xpath, "//frame[@id='frame_1']").should exist end it "returns true if the iframe exists" do browser.goto(WatirSpec.files + "/iframes.html") browser.frame(:id, "frame_1").should exist browser.frame(:id, /frame/).should exist browser.frame(:name, "frame1").should exist browser.frame(:name, /frame/).should exist browser.frame(:src, "frame_1.html").should exist browser.frame(:src, /frame_1/).should exist browser.frame(:class, "iframe").should exist browser.frame(:class, /iframe/).should exist browser.frame(:index, 1).should exist browser.frame(:xpath, "//iframe[@id='frame_1']").should exist end it "returns true if the element exists (default how = :name)" do browser.frame("frame1").should exist browser.goto(WatirSpec.files + "/iframes.html") browser.frame("frame1").should exist end it "returns the first frame if given no args" do browser.frame.should exist end it "returns false if the frame doesn't exist" do browser.frame(:id, "no_such_id").should_not exist browser.frame(:id, /no_such_id/).should_not exist browser.frame(:name, "no_such_text").should_not exist browser.frame(:name, /no_such_text/).should_not exist browser.frame(:src, "no_such_src").should_not exist browser.frame(:src, /no_such_src/).should_not exist browser.frame(:class, "no_such_class").should_not exist browser.frame(:class, /no_such_class/).should_not exist browser.frame(:index, 1337).should_not exist browser.frame(:xpath, "//frame[@id='no_such_id']").should_not exist end it "raises TypeError when 'what' argument is invalid" do lambda { browser.frame(:id, 3.14).exists? }.should raise_error(TypeError) end it "raises MissingWayOfFindingObjectException when 'how' argument is invalid" do lambda { browser.frame(:no_such_how, 'some_value').exists? }.should raise_error(MissingWayOfFindingObjectException) end end end it "raises UnknownFrameException when accessing elements inside non-existing frame" do lambda { browser.frame(:name, "no_such_name").p(:index, 1).id }.should raise_error(UnknownFrameException) end it "raises UnknownFrameException when accessing a non-existing frame" do lambda { browser.frame(:name, "no_such_name").id }.should raise_error(UnknownFrameException) end it "raises UnknownFrameException when accessing a non-existing subframe" do lambda { browser.frame(:name, "frame1").frame(:name, "no_such_name").id }.should raise_error(UnknownFrameException) end it "raises UnknownObjectException when accessing a non-existing element inside an existing frame" do lambda { browser.frame(:index, 1).p(:index, 1337).id }.should raise_error(UnknownObjectException) end it "raises NoMethodError when trying to access attributes it doesn't have" do lambda { browser.frame(:index, 1).foo }.should raise_error(NoMethodError) end it "is able to send a value to another frame by using Javascript" do frame1, frame2 = browser.frame(:index, 1), browser.frame(:index, 2) frame1.text_field(:index, 1).value.should == "send_this_value" frame2.text_field(:index, 1).value.should == "old_value" frame1.button(:index, 1).click frame2.text_field(:index, 1).value.should == "send_this_value" end it "is able to set a field" do browser.frame(:index, 1).text_field(:name, 'senderElement').set("new value") browser.frame(:index, 1).text_field(:name, 'senderElement').value.should == "new value" end describe "#contains_text" do it "finds text in a frame" do browser.frame(:name, 'frame1').contains_text('Suspendisse sit amet nisi.').should be_instance_of(Fixnum) end it "raises TypeError when given an invalid argument" do lambda { browser.frame(:name, 'frame1').contains_text(3.14) }.should raise_error(TypeError) end end not_compliant_on :watir do describe "#execute_script" do it "executes the given javascript in the specified frame" do frame = browser.frame(:index, 1) frame.div(:id, 'set_by_js').text.should == "" frame.execute_script(%Q{document.getElementById('set_by_js').innerHTML = 'Art consists of limitation. The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame.'}) frame.div(:id, 'set_by_js').text.should == "Art consists of limitation. The most beautiful part of every picture is the frame." end end describe "#to_s" do it "returns a human readable representation of the frame" do browser.frame(:index, 1).to_s.should == "tag: frame\n" + " src: frame_1.html\n" + " id: frame_1\n" + " name: frame1\n" + " class: half" end end describe "#elements_by_xpath" do before :each do browser.goto(WatirSpec.files + "/iframes.html") end it "returns an Array of matching elements" do objects = browser.frame(:index, 1).elements_by_xpath("/html") objects.size.should == 1 end it "returns an empty Array if there are no matching elements" do objects = browser.frame(:index, 1).elements_by_xpath("//*[@type='foobar']") objects.size.should == 0 end end end end