/* Base content styles, where .codex-editor applies them to the Panda editor too */ @layer components { .codex-editor__redactor .ce-block .ce-block__content { @apply text-base font-normal font-sans text-dark leading-[1.6] space-y-[1.6rem]; h1.ce-header { @apply text-3xl md:text-4xl font-semibold font-sans text-[#104071] leading-[1.2] max-w-[85ch]; } h2.ce-header { @apply text-2xl font-medium font-sans text-[#104071] leading-[1.3] mb-4 mt-8 max-w-[85ch]; } h3.ce-header { @apply text-xl font-normal font-sans text-[#104071] leading-[1.3] mb-4 mt-6 max-w-[85ch]; } p, li { @apply leading-[1.6] tracking-wide max-w-[85ch]; a { @apply text-[#1A9597] underline underline-offset-2 hover:text-[#158486] focus:outline-2 focus:outline-offset-2 focus:outline-[#1A9597]; } strong, b { @apply font-semibold; } } p { @apply mb-4; } .cdx-quote { @apply bg-[#eef0f3] border-l-inactive border-l-8 p-6 mb-4; .cdx-quote__caption { @apply block ml-6 mt-2 text-sm text-dark; } .cdx-quote__text { quotes: "\201C" "\201D" "\2018" "\2019"; @apply pl-6; &:before { @apply -ml-8 mr-2 text-dark text-6xl leading-4 align-text-bottom font-serif; content: open-quote; } p { @apply inline italic text-lg; } } } .cdx-list { @apply mb-4 pl-6; &--ordered { @apply list-decimal; } &--unordered { @apply list-disc; } .cdx-list { @apply mt-2 mb-0; } .cdx-list__item { @apply mb-2 pl-2; } } .cdx-nested-list { @apply mb-4 pl-6; &--ordered { @apply list-decimal; } &--unordered { @apply list-disc; } .cdx-nested-list { @apply mt-2 mb-0; } .cdx-nested-list__item { @apply mb-2 pl-2; } } .cdx-table { @apply w-full border-collapse border-2 border-dark my-6; &__head { @apply font-semibold border-dark border-r-2 p-3 bg-light; } &__row { @apply border-dark border-b-2; } &__cell { @apply border-dark border-r-2 p-3; } } .cdx-embed { iframe { @apply w-full border-none; } } } }