#encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe 'application' do before :all do @hostgroup = gen_name 'hostgroup' @hostgroupid = zbx.hostgroups.create(:name => @hostgroup) @template = gen_name 'template' @templateid = zbx.templates.create( :host => @template, :groups => [:groupid => @hostgroupid] ) @application = gen_name 'application' @applicationid = zbx.applications.create( :name => @application, :hostid => @templateid ) end context 'when name not exists' do before do @item = gen_name 'item' end describe 'create' do it "should return integer id" do itemid = zbx.items.create( :name => @item, :key_ => "proc.num[#{gen_name 'proc'}]", :status => 0, :hostid => @templateid, :applications => [@applicationid] ) itemid.should be_kind_of(Integer) end end describe 'get_id' do it "should return nil" do expect(zbx.items.get_id(:host => @item)).to be_kind_of(NilClass) end end end context 'when name exists' do before :all do @item = gen_name 'item' @itemid = zbx.items.create( :name => @item, :key_ => "proc.num[aaa]", :status => 0, :hostid => @templateid, :applications => [@applicationid] ) end describe 'get_or_create' do it "should return id of item" do expect(zbx.items.get_or_create( :name => @item, :key_ => "proc.num[#{gen_name 'proc'}]", :status => 0, :hostid => @templateid, :applications => [@applicationid] )).to eq @itemid end end describe 'get_full_data' do it "should contains created item" do expect(zbx.items.get_full_data(:name => @item)[0]).to include("name" => @item) end end describe 'get_id' do it "should return id of item" do expect(zbx.items.get_id(:name => @item)).to eq @itemid end end describe 'update' do it "should return id" do zbx.items.update( :itemid => zbx.items.get_id(:name => @item), :status => 1 ).should eq @itemid end end describe 'create_or_update' do it "should update existing item" do zbx.items.create_or_update( :name => @item, :key_ => "proc.num[#{gen_name 'proc'}]", :status => 0, :hostid => @templateid, :applications => [@applicationid] ).should eq @itemid end it "should create item" do new_item_id = zbx.items.create_or_update( :name => @item + "____1", :key_ => "proc.num[#{gen_name 'proc'}]", :status => 0, :hostid => @templateid, :applications => [@applicationid] ) expect(new_item_id).to be_kind_of(Integer) expect(new_item_id).to be > @itemid end end describe 'delete' do before :all do @result = zbx.items.delete(@itemid) end it "should return deleted id" do expect(@result).to eq @itemid end it "should delete item from zabbix" do expect(zbx.items.get_id(:id => @itemid)).to be_nil end end end end