module Spree module Admin class ProductsController < ResourceController helper 'spree/products' before_action :load_data, except: :index create.before :create_before update.before :update_before helper_method :clone_object_url def show session[:return_to] ||= request.referer redirect_to action: :edit end def index session[:return_to] = request.url respond_with(@collection) end def update if params[:product][:taxon_ids].present? params[:product][:taxon_ids] = params[:product][:taxon_ids].split(',') end if params[:product][:option_type_ids].present? params[:product][:option_type_ids] = params[:product][:option_type_ids].split(',') end invoke_callbacks(:update, :before) if @object.update_attributes(permitted_resource_params) invoke_callbacks(:update, :after) flash[:success] = flash_message_for(@object, :successfully_updated) respond_with(@object) do |format| format.html { redirect_to location_after_save } format.js { render layout: false } end else # Stops people submitting blank slugs, causing errors when they try to # update the product again @product.slug = @product.slug_was if @product.slug.blank? invoke_callbacks(:update, :fails) respond_with(@object) end end def destroy @product = Product.friendly.find(params[:id]) begin # TODO: why is @product.destroy raising ActiveRecord::RecordNotDestroyed instead of failing with false result if @product.destroy flash[:success] = Spree.t('notice_messages.product_deleted') else flash[:error] = Spree.t('notice_messages.product_not_deleted', error: @product.errors.full_messages.to_sentence) end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotDestroyed => e flash[:error] = Spree.t('notice_messages.product_not_deleted', error: e.message) end respond_with(@product) do |format| format.html { redirect_to collection_url } format.js { render_js_for_destroy } end end def clone @new = @product.duplicate if @new.persisted? flash[:success] = Spree.t('notice_messages.product_cloned') redirect_to edit_admin_product_url(@new) else flash[:error] = Spree.t('notice_messages.product_not_cloned', error: @new.errors.full_messages.to_sentence) redirect_to admin_products_url end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordInvalid => e # Handle error on uniqueness validation on product fields flash[:error] = Spree.t('notice_messages.product_not_cloned', error: e.message) redirect_to admin_products_url end def stock @variants = @product.variants.includes(*variant_stock_includes) @variants = [@product.master] if @variants.empty? @stock_locations = StockLocation.accessible_by(current_ability, :read) if @stock_locations.empty? flash[:error] = Spree.t(:stock_management_requires_a_stock_location) redirect_to admin_stock_locations_path end end protected def find_resource Product.with_deleted.friendly.find(params[:id]) end def location_after_save spree.edit_admin_product_url(@product) end def load_data @taxons = Taxon.order(:name) @option_types = OptionType.order(:name) @tax_categories = TaxCategory.order(:name) @shipping_categories = ShippingCategory.order(:name) end def collection return @collection if @collection.present? params[:q] ||= {} params[:q][:deleted_at_null] ||= '1' params[:q][:not_discontinued] ||= '1' params[:q][:s] ||= 'name asc' @collection = super # Don't delete params[:q][:deleted_at_null] here because it is used in view to check the # checkbox for 'q[deleted_at_null]'. This also messed with pagination when deleted_at_null is checked. if params[:q][:deleted_at_null] == '0' @collection = @collection.with_deleted end # @search needs to be defined as this is passed to search_form_for # Temporarily remove params[:q][:deleted_at_null] from params[:q] to ransack products. # This is to include all products and not just deleted products. @search = @collection.ransack(params[:q].reject { |k, _v| k.to_s == 'deleted_at_null' }) @collection = @search.result. distinct_by_product_ids(params[:q][:s]). includes(product_includes). page(params[:page]). per(params[:per_page] || Spree::Config[:admin_products_per_page]) @collection end def create_before return if params[:product][:prototype_id].blank? @prototype = Spree::Prototype.find(params[:product][:prototype_id]) end def update_before # note: we only reset the product properties if we're receiving a post # from the form on that tab return unless params[:clear_product_properties] params[:product] ||= {} end def product_includes [{ variants: [:images], master: [:images, :default_price] }] end def clone_object_url(resource) clone_admin_product_url resource end private def variant_stock_includes [:images, stock_items: :stock_location, option_values: :option_type] end end end end