Given /^rest\-assured is running locally:$/ do |code| eval code end When /^that double gets requested:$/ do |code| eval code end When /^I request call history for that double:$/ do |code| eval code end Then /^I should see history records for those requests:$/ do |code| eval code end Then /^it should be empty:$/ do |code| eval code end Given /^I created? a double:$/ do |string| # expected string is: # @double = RestAssured::Double.create(:fullpath => '/some/api', :verb => 'POST') eval string end When /^that double gets requested (#{CAPTURE_A_NUMBER}) times$/ do |num| num.times do sleep 0.5 send(@double.verb.downcase, @double.fullpath) end end When /^I wait for (\d+) requests:$/ do |num, string| # expected string # @double.wait_for_requests(3) @wait_start = @t = do begin eval string rescue RestAssured::MoreRequestsExpected => e @more_reqs_exc = e end end end Then /^it should let me through$/ do @t.join @more_reqs_exc.should == nil end Then /^it should wait for (#{CAPTURE_A_NUMBER}) seconds(?: \(default timeout\))?$/ do |timeout| @t.join wait_time = - @wait_start #(timeout..(timeout+1)).should cover(wait_time) # cover() only avilable in 1.9 wait_time.should >= timeout wait_time.should < timeout + 1.5 end Then /^it should raise MoreRequestsExpected error after with the following message:$/ do |string| @more_reqs_exc.should be_instance_of RestAssured::MoreRequestsExpected @more_reqs_exc.message.should =~ /#{string}/ end Then /^the following should be true:$/ do |code| eval code end Given /^there is free tcp port$/ do @free_tcp_port = RestAssured::Utils::PortExplorer.free_port end When /^I start rest-assured server via client library:$/ do |code| eval code end Then /^rest\-assured server should be running:$/ do |code| eval code end When /^I start rest\-assured asyncronously:$/ do |code| eval code end Then /^rest\-assured server should not be running:$/ do |code| eval code end When /^it finally comes up$/ do timeout(5) do loop do begin'localhost', @free_tcp_port).head('/') break rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED sleep 1 end end end end Given /^rest\-assured has been started via client library$/ do RestAssured::Server.start(:port => RestAssured::Utils::PortExplorer.free_port) end When /^I stop it:$/ do |code| eval code end Then /^it should be stopped:$/ do |code| eval code end