# frozen_string_literal: true require 'securerandom' require 'bigdecimal' module Glueby module Internal class Wallet class TapyrusCoreWalletAdapter < AbstractWalletAdapter module Util module_function # Convert TPC to tapyrus. 1 TPC is 10**8 tapyrus. # @param [String] tpc # @return [Integer] tapyrus # # Example) "0.00000010" to 10. def tpc_to_tapyrus(tpc) (BigDecimal(tpc) * 10**8).to_i end end include Glueby::Internal::Wallet::TapyrusCoreWalletAdapter::Util WALLET_PREFIX = 'wallet-' RPC_WALLET_ERROR_ERROR_CODE = -4 # Unspecified problem with wallet (key not found etc.) RPC_WALLET_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE = -18 # Invalid wallet specified def create_wallet(wallet_id = nil) wallet_id = SecureRandom.hex(16) unless wallet_id begin RPC.client.createwallet(wallet_name(wallet_id)) rescue Tapyrus::RPC::Error => ex if ex.rpc_error && ex.rpc_error['code'] == RPC_WALLET_ERROR_ERROR_CODE && /Wallet wallet-#{wallet_id} already exists\./ =~ ex.rpc_error['message'] raise Errors::WalletAlreadyCreated, "Wallet #{wallet_id} has been already created." else raise ex end end wallet_id end # On TapyrusCoreWallet, there are no way to delete real wallet via RPC. # So, here just unload. def delete_wallet(wallet_id) unload_wallet(wallet_id) end def load_wallet(wallet_id) RPC.client.loadwallet(wallet_name(wallet_id)) rescue Tapyrus::RPC::Error => ex if ex.rpc_error && ex.rpc_error['code'] == RPC_WALLET_ERROR_ERROR_CODE && /Duplicate -wallet filename specified/ =~ ex.rpc_error['message'] raise Errors::WalletAlreadyLoaded, "Wallet #{wallet_id} has been already loaded." elsif ex.rpc_error && ex.rpc_error['code'] == RPC_WALLET_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE raise Errors::WalletNotFound, "Wallet #{wallet_id} does not found" else raise ex end end def unload_wallet(wallet_id) RPC.client.unloadwallet(wallet_name(wallet_id)) end def wallets RPC.client.listwallets.map do |wallet_name| match = /\A#{WALLET_PREFIX}(?[0-9A-Fa-f]{32})\z/.match(wallet_name) next unless match match[:wallet_id] end.compact end def balance(wallet_id, only_finalized = true) perform_as(wallet_id) do |client| confirmed = tpc_to_tapyrus(client.getbalance) return confirmed if only_finalized confirmed + tpc_to_tapyrus(client.getunconfirmedbalance) end end # If label=nil, it will return unlabeled utxos to protect labeled utxos for specific purpose # If label=:all, it will return all utxos def list_unspent(wallet_id, only_finalized = true, label = nil) perform_as(wallet_id) do |client| min_conf = only_finalized ? 1 : 0 res = client.listunspent(min_conf) if [:unlabeled, nil].include?(label) res = res.filter { |i| i['label'] == "" } elsif label && (label != :all) res = res.filter { |i| i['label'] == label } else res end res.map do |i| script = Tapyrus::Script.parse_from_payload(i['scriptPubKey'].htb) color_id = if script.cp2pkh? || script.cp2sh? Tapyrus::Color::ColorIdentifier.parse_from_payload(script.chunks[0].pushed_data).to_hex end { txid: i['txid'], vout: i['vout'], script_pubkey: i['scriptPubKey'], color_id: color_id, amount: tpc_to_tapyrus(i['amount']), finalized: i['confirmations'] != 0, label: i['label'] } end end end def sign_tx(wallet_id, tx, prevtxs = [], sighashtype: Tapyrus::SIGHASH_TYPE[:all]) perform_as(wallet_id) do |client| res = client.signrawtransactionwithwallet(tx.to_hex, prevtxs, encode_sighashtype(sighashtype)) if res['complete'] Tapyrus::Tx.parse_from_payload(res['hex'].htb) else raise res['errors'].to_json end end end def broadcast(wallet_id, tx, &block) perform_as(wallet_id) do |client| block.call(tx) if block client.sendrawtransaction(tx.to_hex) end end def receive_address(wallet_id, label = nil) perform_as(wallet_id) do |client| client.getnewaddress(label || '') end end def change_address(wallet_id) perform_as(wallet_id) do |client| client.getrawchangeaddress end end def create_pubkey(wallet_id) perform_as(wallet_id) do |client| address = client.getnewaddress('') info = client.getaddressinfo(address) Tapyrus::Key.new(pubkey: info['pubkey'], key_type: Tapyrus::Key::TYPES[:compressed]) end end private def perform_as(wallet_id) RPC.perform_as(wallet_name(wallet_id)) do |client| begin yield(client) rescue Tapyrus::RPC::Error => ex if ex.rpc_error && ex.rpc_error['code'] == RPC_WALLET_NOT_FOUND_ERROR_CODE raise Errors::WalletUnloaded, "The wallet #{wallet_id} is unloaded. You should load before use it." else raise ex end end end end def wallet_name(wallet_id) "#{WALLET_PREFIX}#{wallet_id}" end def encode_sighashtype(sighashtype) type = case sighashtype & (~(Tapyrus::SIGHASH_TYPE[:anyonecanpay])) when Tapyrus::SIGHASH_TYPE[:all] then 'ALL' when Tapyrus::SIGHASH_TYPE[:none] then 'NONE' when Tapyrus::SIGHASH_TYPE[:single] then 'SIGNLE' else raise Errors::InvalidSighashType, "Invalid sighash type '#{sighashtype}'" end if sighashtype & Tapyrus::SIGHASH_TYPE[:anyonecanpay] == 0x80 type += '|ANYONECANPAY' end type end end end end end