Feature: Create new presentation theme As a presentator I want to create my own presentation template In order to have a default theme for all presentations created with middleman-presentation Scenario: Non existing template Given a presentation theme named "new_theme" does not exist When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create theme new_theme` Then a presentation theme named "new_theme" should exist with default files/directories created And a directory named "middleman-presentation-theme-new_theme" is a git repository Scenario: No javascripts Given a presentation theme named "new_theme" does not exist When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create theme new_theme --no-javascripts-directory` Then a presentation theme named "new_theme" should exist And a directory named "middleman-presentation-theme-new_theme/javascripts" should not exist Scenario: No stylesheets Given a presentation theme named "new_theme" does not exist When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create theme new_theme --no-stylesheets-directory` Then a presentation theme named "new_theme" should exist And a directory named "middleman-presentation-theme-new_theme/stylesheets" should not exist Scenario: No images Given a presentation theme named "new_theme" does not exist When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create theme new_theme --no-images-directory` Then a presentation theme named "new_theme" should exist And a directory named "middleman-presentation-theme-new_theme/images" should not exist Scenario: Cleaned css classes Given a presentation theme named "new_theme" does not exist When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create theme new_theme --clean-css` Then the file "middleman-presentation-theme-new_theme/stylesheets/_theme.scss" should contain: """ // "999981.html.erb.tt" .mp-external-url { } """ Scenario: No prefix for theme directory Given a presentation theme named "new_theme" does not exist When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create theme new_theme --no-prefix` Then a directory named "new_theme" should exist Scenario: Predefined css classes Given a presentation theme named "new_theme" does not exist When I successfully run `middleman-presentation create theme new_theme` Then the file "middleman-presentation-theme-new_theme/stylesheets/_theme.scss" should contain: """ a.mp-external-url:after { font-family: "FontAwesome"; content: "\f08e"; margin-left: 12px; margin-right: 12px; font-size: 0.7em; } """