# encoding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe Arachni::URI do before( :all ) do @urls = [ 'http://suche.test.net/search/pic/?mc=portale@galerie@suchtipp.suche@bilder&su=zürich', 'http://suche.test.net/search/pic/?mc=portale@galerie@suchtipp.suche@bilder&su=zürich#fragment', 'http://user:pass@suche.test.net/search/pic/?mc=portale@galerie@suchtipp.suche@bilder&su=zürich', 'http://user:pass@suche.test.net/search/pic/?mc=portale@galerie@suchtipp.suche@bilder&su=zürich#fragment', 'another/path', '/some/path', 'http://test.com', 'http://test.com/?stuff=test&ss=blah', 'style.css', 'http://test.com/path/here', 'http://user@test.com/path/here', 'http://user:pass@test.com/path/here', 'http://user:pass@test.com:80/path/here', 'http://user:pass@test.com:81/path/here', 'http://user:pass@test.com:81/path/here?query=here&with=more vars', 'http://user:pass@test.com:81/path/here?query=here&with=more vars#and-fragment', 'http://localhost:4567', 'http://localhost:4567/', 'http://testfire.net/default.aspx', 'http://testfire.net/Privacypolicy.aspx?sec=Careers&template=US', 'http://testfire.net/disclaimer.htm?url=http://dd.d', 'hTTp://user:password@tEsT.com:81///with/////path/another weird '+ 'path %"&*[$)?query=crap&other=$54$5466][(\'"#fragment', 'http://test.com/login.php?goto?=domain.tld/index.php', 'http://test.com:/stuff', 'http://test.com/stuff?name=val&name2=val2', 'http://testfire.net/bank/queryxpath.aspx?__EVENTVALIDATION=%2FwEWAwLNx%2B2YBwKw59eKCgKcjoPABw%3D%3D&__VIEWSTATE=%2FwEPDwUKMTEzMDczNTAxOWRk&_ctl0%3A_ctl0%3AContent%3AMain%3AButton1=Query&_ctl0%3A_ctl0%3AContent%3AMain%3ATextBox1=Enter+title+%28e.g.+IBM%29%27%3Becho+287630581954%2B4196403186331128%3B%23', '', 'http://foo.com/user/login?user%5Bname%5D=bar&user%5Bpass%5D=asdasd%26asdihbasd', 'http://stuff.host.fdfd/web/seguros/auto;jsessionid=6CB5A6A4597FFFA80C4D23B235072588.000?test=tet' ] @normalized = { "http://suche.test.net/search/pic/?mc=portale@galerie@suchtipp.suche@bilder&su=zürich"=> "http://suche.test.net/search/pic/?mc=portale@galerie@suchtipp.suche@bilder&su=z%C3%BCrich", "http://suche.test.net/search/pic/?mc=portale@galerie@suchtipp.suche@bilder&su=zürich#fragment"=> "http://suche.test.net/search/pic/?mc=portale@galerie@suchtipp.suche@bilder&su=z%C3%BCrich", "http://user:pass@suche.test.net/search/pic/?mc=portale@galerie@suchtipp.suche@bilder&su=zürich"=> "http://user:pass@suche.test.net/search/pic/?mc=portale@galerie@suchtipp.suche@bilder&su=z%C3%BCrich", "http://user:pass@suche.test.net/search/pic/?mc=portale@galerie@suchtipp.suche@bilder&su=zürich#fragment"=> "http://user:pass@suche.test.net/search/pic/?mc=portale@galerie@suchtipp.suche@bilder&su=z%C3%BCrich", "another/path"=>"another/path", "/some/path"=>"/some/path", "http://test.com"=>"http://test.com/", "http://test.com/?stuff=test&ss=blah"=>"http://test.com/?stuff=test&ss=blah", "style.css"=>"style.css", "http://test.com/path/here"=>"http://test.com/path/here", "http://user@test.com/path/here"=>"http://user@test.com/path/here", "http://user:pass@test.com/path/here"=>"http://user:pass@test.com/path/here", "http://user:pass@test.com:80/path/here"=> "http://user:pass@test.com/path/here", "http://user:pass@test.com:81/path/here"=> "http://user:pass@test.com:81/path/here", "http://user:pass@test.com:81/path/here?query=here&with=more vars"=> "http://user:pass@test.com:81/path/here?query=here&with=more%20vars", "http://user:pass@test.com:81/path/here?query=here&with=more vars#and-fragment"=> "http://user:pass@test.com:81/path/here?query=here&with=more%20vars", "http://localhost:4567"=>"http://localhost:4567/", "http://localhost:4567/"=>"http://localhost:4567/", "http://testfire.net/default.aspx"=>"http://testfire.net/default.aspx", "http://testfire.net/Privacypolicy.aspx?sec=Careers&template=US"=> "http://testfire.net/Privacypolicy.aspx?sec=Careers&template=US", "http://testfire.net/disclaimer.htm?url=http://dd.d"=> "http://testfire.net/disclaimer.htm?url=http://dd.d", "hTTp://user:password@tEsT.com:81///with/////path/another weird path %\"&*[$)?query=crap&other=$54$5466][('\"#fragment"=> "http://user:password@test.com:81/with/path/another%20weird%20path%20%25%22&*%5B$)?query=crap&other=$54$5466%5D%5B('%22", "http://test.com/login.php?goto?=domain.tld/index.php"=> "http://test.com/login.php?goto?=domain.tld/index.php", "http://test.com:/stuff"=>"http://test.com/stuff", "http://test.com/stuff?name=val&name2=val2"=> "http://test.com/stuff?name=val&name2=val2", "http://testfire.net/bank/queryxpath.aspx?__EVENTVALIDATION=%2FwEWAwLNx%2B2YBwKw59eKCgKcjoPABw%3D%3D&__VIEWSTATE=%2FwEPDwUKMTEzMDczNTAxOWRk&_ctl0%3A_ctl0%3AContent%3AMain%3AButton1=Query&_ctl0%3A_ctl0%3AContent%3AMain%3ATextBox1=Enter+title+%28e.g.+IBM%29%27%3Becho+287630581954%2B4196403186331128%3B%23"=> "http://testfire.net/bank/queryxpath.aspx?__EVENTVALIDATION=/wEWAwLNx%2B2YBwKw59eKCgKcjoPABw==&__VIEWSTATE=/wEPDwUKMTEzMDczNTAxOWRk&_ctl0:_ctl0:Content:Main:Button1=Query&_ctl0:_ctl0:Content:Main:TextBox1=Enter+title+(e.g.+IBM)';echo+287630581954%2B4196403186331128;%23", ""=> "$!@$)(()))******&_arachni_trainer_c987fdb6d3955bd60191449bc465bb5ca760f60661fa4bcdf28736ae04aa2a1e=c987fdb6d3955bd60191449bc465bb5ca760f60661fa4bcdf28736ae04aa2a1e", "http://foo.com/user/login?user%5Bname%5D=bar&user%5Bpass%5D=asdasd%26asdihbasd"=> "http://foo.com/user/login?user%5Bname%5D=bar&user%5Bpass%5D=asdasd%26asdihbasd", "http://stuff.host.fdfd/web/seguros/auto;jsessionid=6CB5A6A4597FFFA80C4D23B235072588.000?test=tet"=> "http://stuff.host.fdfd/web/seguros/auto?test=tet" } @ref_normalizer = proc do |p| @normalized[p] end @uri = Arachni::URI end before { @opts = Arachni::Options.instance.reset } describe '.URI' do it 'parses and normalize the give string' do @urls.each do |url| uri = Arachni::URI( url ) uri.is_a?( Arachni::URI ).should be_true uri.to_s.should == @ref_normalizer.call( url ) end end end describe '.encode' do it 'decodes a URI' do uri = "my test.asp?name=ståle&car=saab" @uri.encode( uri ).should == 'my%20test.asp?name=st%C3%A5le&car=saab' end end describe '.decode' do it 'decodes a URI' do uri = 'my%20test.asp?name=st%C3%A5le&car=saab' @uri.decode( uri ).should == "my test.asp?name=ståle&car=saab" end end describe '.parser' do it 'returns a URI::Parser' do @uri.parser.class.should == ::URI::Parser end end describe '.parse' do it 'parses a URI' do scheme = 'http' user = 'user' password = 'password' host = 'subdomain.domainname.tld' path = '/some/path' query = 'param=val¶m2=val2' uri = "#{scheme}://#{user}:#{password}@#{host}#{path}?#{query}" parsed_uri = @uri.parse( uri ) parsed_uri.to_s.should == uri parsed_uri.scheme.should == scheme parsed_uri.user.should == user parsed_uri.password.should == password parsed_uri.host.should == host parsed_uri.path.should == path parsed_uri.query.should == query end end describe '.ruby_parse' do it 'cleans the URL' do @urls.each do |url| @uri.ruby_parse( url ).to_s.should == @ref_normalizer.call( url ) end end end describe '.cheap_parse' do it 'parses a URI and return its components as a hash' do scheme = 'http' user = 'user' password = 'password' host = 'subdomain.domainname.tld' path = '/some/path' query = 'param=val¶m2=val2' uri = "#{scheme}://#{user}:#{password}@#{host}/#{path}?#{query}" parsed_uri = @uri.cheap_parse( uri ) parsed_uri[:scheme].should == scheme parsed_uri[:userinfo].should == user + ':' + password parsed_uri[:host].should == host parsed_uri[:path].should == path parsed_uri[:query].should == query parsed_uri = @uri.cheap_parse( "//#{user}:#{password}@#{host}/#{path}?#{query}" ) parsed_uri[:scheme].should be_nil parsed_uri[:userinfo].should == user + ':' + password parsed_uri[:host].should == host parsed_uri[:path].should == path parsed_uri[:query].should == query end it 'returns a frozen hash (with frozen values)' do h = @uri.cheap_parse( 'http://test.com/stuff/' ) expect { h[:stuff] = 0 }.to raise_error expect { h[:path] << '/' }.to raise_error end end describe '.to_absolute' do it 'converts a relative path to absolute using the reference URL' do abs = 'http://test.com/blah/ha' rel = '/test' rel2 = 'test2' @uri.to_absolute( rel, abs ).should == "http://test.com" + rel @uri.to_absolute( rel2, abs ).should == "http://test.com/blah/" + rel2 @uri.to_absolute( rel2, abs + '/' ).should == "http://test.com/blah/ha/" + rel2 rel = '//domain-name.com/stuff' @uri.to_absolute( rel, abs ).should == "http:" + rel end end describe '.normalize' do it 'cleans the URL' do @urls.each do |url| @uri.normalize( url ).should == @ref_normalizer.call( url ) end with_whitespace = 'http://test.com/stuff ' @uri.normalize( with_whitespace ).to_s.should == with_whitespace.strip end end describe '#initialize' do context String do it 'normalizes and parse the string' do @urls.each do |url| uri = @uri.new( url ) uri.is_a?( Arachni::URI ).should be_true uri.to_s.should == @ref_normalizer.call( url ) end end end context Hash do it 'normalizes and construct a URI from a Hash of components' do @urls.each do |url| uri = @uri.new( @uri.cheap_parse( url ) ) uri.is_a?( Arachni::URI ).should be_true uri.to_s.should == @ref_normalizer.call( url ) end end end context URI do it 'normalizes and construct a URI from a Hash of components' do @urls.each do |url| uri = ::URI.parse( @uri.normalize( url ) ) uri.is_a?( ::URI ).should be_true a_uri = @uri.new( url ) a_uri.is_a?( Arachni::URI ).should be_true a_uri.to_s.should == @ref_normalizer.call( url ) end end end context Arachni::URI do it 'normalizes and construct a URI from a Hash of components' do @urls.each do |url| uri = @uri.new( url ) a_uri = @uri.new( uri ) a_uri.is_a?( Arachni::URI ).should be_true a_uri.should == uri end end end context 'else' do it 'raises a TypeError' do expect { @uri.new( [] ) }.to raise_error TypeError end end end describe '#==' do it 'converts both objects to strings and compare them' do @urls.each do |url| normalized_str = @uri.normalize( url ) uri = ::URI.parse( normalized_str ) uri.is_a?( ::URI ).should be_true a_uri = @uri.new( url ) a_uri.is_a?( Arachni::URI ).should be_true a_uri.should == uri a_uri.should == normalized_str a_uri.should == a_uri end end end describe '#to_absolute' do it 'converts a self to absolute using the reference URL' do abs = 'http://test.com/blah/ha' rel = '/test' rel2 = 'test2' @uri.parse( rel ).to_absolute( abs ).should == "http://test.com" + rel @uri.parse( rel2 ).to_absolute( abs ).should == "http://test.com/blah/" + rel2 @uri.parse( rel2 ).to_absolute( abs + '/' ).should == "http://test.com/blah/ha/" + rel2 end end describe '#up_p_to_path' do it 'returns the URL up to its path component (no resource name, query, fragment, etc)' do url = 'http://test.com/path/goes/here.php?query=goes&here=.!#frag' @uri.parse( url ).up_to_path.should == 'http://test.com/path/goes/' url = 'http://test.com/path/goes/here/?query=goes&here=.!#frag' @uri.parse( url ).up_to_path.should == 'http://test.com/path/goes/here/' url = 'http://test.com/path/goes/here?query=goes&here=.!#frag' @uri.parse( url ).up_to_path.should == 'http://test.com/path/goes/here/' url = 'http://test.com' @uri.parse( url ).up_to_path.should == 'http://test.com/' url = 'http://test.com/' @uri.parse( url ).up_to_path.should == 'http://test.com/' end end describe '#domain' do it 'removes the deepest subdomain from the host' do url = 'http://test.com/' @uri.parse( url ).domain.should == 'test.com' url = 'http://test/' @uri.parse( url ).domain.should == 'test' url = 'http://subdomain.test.com/' @uri.parse( url ).domain.should == 'test.com' url = 'http://deep.subdomain.test.com/' @uri.parse( url ).domain.should == 'subdomain.test.com' end end describe '#ip_address?' do context 'when passed a URL with' do context 'a domain name' do it 'returns false' do @uri.parse( 'http://stuff.com/blah' ).ip_address?.should be_false end end context 'an IP address' do it 'returns the IP address' do @uri.parse( '' ).ip_address?.should be_true end end end end describe '#too_deep?' do before { @deep_url = @uri.parse( '/very/very/very/very/deep' ) } context 'when the directory depth of the URL\'s path is' do context 'not greater than the provided depth' do it 'returns false' do @deep_url.too_deep?( -1 ).should be_false @opts.depth_limit = 100 @deep_url.too_deep?( 100 ).should be_false end end context 'greater than the provided depth' do it 'returns true' do @deep_url.too_deep?( 2 ).should be_true end end end end describe '#exclude?' do before { @exclude_url = @uri.parse( 'http://test.com/exclude/' ) } context 'when self matches the provided exclude rules' do it 'returns true' do rules = [ /exclude/ ] @exclude_url.exclude?( rules ).should be_true @exclude_url.exclude?( rules.first ).should be_true end end context 'when self does not match the provided exclude rules' do it 'returns false' do rules = [ /boo/ ] @exclude_url.exclude?( rules ).should be_false @exclude_url.exclude?( rules.first ).should be_false end end context 'when the provided rules are nil' do it 'raises a TypeError' do expect { @exclude_url.exclude?( nil ) }.to raise_error TypeError end end end describe '#include?' do before { @include_url = @uri.parse( 'http://test.com/include/' ) } context 'when self matches the provided include rules in' do it 'returns true' do rules = [ /include/ ] @include_url.include?( rules ).should be_true @include_url.include?( rules.first ).should be_true end end context 'when self does not match the provided include rules in' do it 'returns false' do rules = [ /boo/ ] @include_url.include?( rules ).should be_false @include_url.include?( rules.first ).should be_false end end context 'when the provided rules are empty' do it 'returns true' do @include_url.include?( [] ).should be_true end end context 'when the provided rules are nil' do it 'raises a TypeError' do expect { @include_url.include?( nil ) }.to raise_error TypeError end end end describe '#in_domain?' do before { @in_domain_url = @uri.parse( 'http://test.com' ) } context Arachni::URI do context true do it 'includes subdomains in the comparison' do u = @uri.parse( 'http://boo.test.com' ) @in_domain_url.in_domain?( true, u ).should be_false u = @uri.parse( 'http://test.com' ) @in_domain_url.in_domain?( true, u ).should be_true end end context false do it 'does not include subdomains in the comparison' do u = @uri.parse( 'http://boo.test.com' ) @in_domain_url.in_domain?( false, u ).should be_true u = @uri.parse( 'http://test.com' ) @in_domain_url.in_domain?( true, u ).should be_true end end end context URI do context true do it 'includes subdomains in the comparison' do u = URI( 'http://boo.test.com' ) @in_domain_url.in_domain?( true, u ).should be_false end end context false do it 'does not include subdomains in the comparison' do u = URI( 'http://boo.test.com' ) @in_domain_url.in_domain?( false, u ).should be_true end end end context Hash do context true do it 'includes subdomains in the comparison' do h = @uri.cheap_parse( 'http://boo.test.com' ) @in_domain_url.in_domain?( true, h ).should be_false end end context false do it 'does not include subdomains in the comparison' do h = @uri.cheap_parse( 'http://boo.test.com' ) @in_domain_url.in_domain?( false, h ).should be_true end end end context String do context true do it 'includes subdomains in the comparison' do @in_domain_url.in_domain?( true, 'http://boo.test.com' ).should be_false end end context false do it 'does not include subdomains in the comparison' do @in_domain_url.in_domain?( false, 'http://boo.test.com' ).should be_true end end end context 'else' do it 'returns false' do @in_domain_url.in_domain?( false, [] ).should be_false end end end describe '#without_query' do it 'returns the URI up to its resource component without the query' do expected = 'http://test.com/directory/resource.php' described_class.new( "#{expected}?param=1¶m2=2" ).without_query.should == expected end end describe '#resource_extension' do context 'when there is no extension' do it 'returns nil' do described_class.new( 'http://stuff.com/test' ).resource_extension.should be_nil end end it 'returns the extension of the resource' do uri = "http://test.com/direct.ory/resource.php?param=1¶m2=2" described_class.new( uri ).resource_extension.should == 'php' end end describe '#mailto?' do context 'when the URI has a mailto scheme' do it 'returns true' do @uri.new( 'mailto:stuff@blah.com' ).mailto?.should be_true end end context 'when the URI does not have a mailto scheme' do it 'returns false' do @uri.new( 'blah.com' ).mailto?.should be_false end end end describe '#hash' do it 'returns a hash uniquely identifying the URI' do uri = described_class.new( 'http://stuff/' ) uri.hash.should be_kind_of Integer uri.hash.should == uri.hash uri2 = described_class.new( 'http://stuff2/' ) uri.hash.should_not == uri2.hash end it 'is an integer' do described_class.new( 'http://stuff/' ).hash.should be_kind_of Integer end end describe '#persistent_hash' do it 'returns a hash uniquely identifying the URI' do uri = described_class.new( 'http://stuff/' ) uri.persistent_hash.should be_kind_of Integer uri.persistent_hash.should == uri.persistent_hash uri2 = described_class.new( 'http://stuff2/' ) uri.persistent_hash.should_not == uri2.persistent_hash end it 'is an integer' do described_class.new( 'http://stuff/' ).persistent_hash.should be_kind_of Integer end end end