# Use Nokogiri or LibXML when available, and REXML otherwise: begin require 'nokogiri' rescue LoadError => e begin require 'libxml' rescue LoadError => e :rexml end end module RDF; class Literal ## # An XML literal. # # @see http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-concepts/#section-XMLLiteral # @see http://www.w3.org/TR/rdfa-core/#s_xml_literals # @since 0.2.1 class XML < Literal ## # @param [Object] value # @option options [String] :lexical (nil) # @option options [Hash] :namespaces ({}) Use "" to declare default namespace # @option options [Symbol] :language (nil) # @option options [:nokogiri, :libxml, or :rexml] :library def initialize(value, options = {}) options[:namespaces] ||= {} @library = case options[:library] when nil case when defined?(::Nokogiri) then :nokogiri when defined?(::LibXML) then :libxml else :rexml end when :nokogiri, :libxml, :rexml options[:library] else raise ArgumentError.new("expected :rexml, :libxml or :nokogiri, but got #{options[:library].inspect}") end @datatype = options[:datatype] || DATATYPE @string = options[:lexical] if options.has_key?(:lexical) @object = parse_value(value, options) @string = serialize_nodeset(@object) end ## # Converts the literal into its canonical lexical representation. # # @return [Literal] # @see http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-exc-c14n/ def canonicalize # This is the opportunity to use exclusive canonicalization library self end ## # Returns the value as a string. # # @return [String] def to_s @string end private def parse_value(value, options) ns_hash = {} options[:namespaces].each_pair do |prefix, uri| prefix = prefix.to_s attr = prefix.empty? ? "xmlns" : "xmlns:#{prefix}" ns_hash[attr] = uri.to_s end case @library when :nokogiri then parse_value_nokogiri(value, ns_hash, options) when :libxml then parse_value_libxml(value, ns_hash, options) when :rexml then parse_value_rexml(value, ns_hash, options) else value.to_s end end def serialize_nodeset(object) case @library when :nokogiri then serialize_nodeset_nokogiri(object) when :libxml then serialize_nodeset_libxml(object) when :rexml then serialize_nodeset_rexml(object) else object end end # Nokogiri implementations if defined?(::Nokogiri) # A somewhat half-hearted attempt at C14N. # Main problem is that it promotes all namespaces to top element, instead of demoting them # to the required element, and does not properly order either namespaces or attributes. # # An open-issue in Nokogiri is to add support for C14N from the underlying libxml2 libraries. def parse_value_nokogiri(value, ns_hash, options) elements = if value.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::NodeSet) value else ns_strs = [] ns_hash.each_pair {|a, u| ns_strs << "#{a}=\"#{u}\""} # Add inherited namespaces to created root element so that they're inherited to sub-elements Nokogiri::XML::Document.parse("<foo #{ns_strs.join(" ")}>#{value.to_s}</foo>").root.children end elements.map do |c| if c.is_a?(Nokogiri::XML::Element) c = Nokogiri::XML.parse(c.dup.to_xml(:save_with => Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::NO_EMPTY_TAGS)).root # Apply defined namespaces ns_hash.each_pair do |prefix, href| c[prefix] = href unless c.namespaces[prefix] end # Add language if options[:language] && c["lang"].to_s.empty? c["xml:lang"] = options[:language].to_s end end c end end def serialize_nodeset_nokogiri(object) object.map {|c| c.to_xml(:save_with => Nokogiri::XML::Node::SaveOptions::NO_EMPTY_TAGS)}.join("") end end # Nokogiri if defined?(::LibXML) # This should use Document#canonicalize if as and when it is available in libxml-ruby def parse_value_libxml(value, ns_strs, language) # Fixme end def serialize_nodeset_libxml(object) # Fixme end end # LibXML # REXML # This could make use of the XMLCanonicalizer gem (http://rubygems.org/gems/XMLCanonicalizer) # But, it hasn't been touched since 2007 and relies on log4r. def parse_value_rexml(value, ns_strs, language) # Fixme end def serialize_nodeset_rexml(object) # Fixme end end # class XML end; end