module Rabl module Partials include Rabl::Helpers # Renders a partial hash based on another rabl template # partial("users/show", :object => @user) # options must have :object # options can have :view_path, :child_root, :root def partial(file, options={}, &block) object, view_path = options.delete(:object), options.delete(:view_path) source, location = self.fetch_source(file, :view_path => view_path) engine_options = options.merge(:source => source, :source_location => location) self.object_to_hash(object, engine_options, &block) end # Returns a hash based representation of any data object given ejs template block # object_to_hash(@user) { attribute :full_name } => { ... } # object_to_hash(@user, :source => "...") { attribute :full_name } => { ... } # options must have :source (rabl file contents) # options can have :source_location (source filename) def object_to_hash(object, options={}, &block) return object unless is_object?(object) || is_collection?(object) engine_options = options.merge(:format => "hash", :root => (options[:root] || false))[:source], engine_options).render(@_scope, :object => object, &block) end # Returns source for a given relative file # fetch_source("show", :view_path => "...") => "...contents..." def fetch_source(file, options={}) Rabl.source_cache(file, options[:view_path]) do if defined? Padrino root_path = Padrino.root # use Padrino's own template resolution mechanism file_path, _ = @_scope.instance_eval { resolve_template(file) } # Padrino chops the extension, stitch it back on file_path = File.join(@_scope.settings.views, (file_path.to_s + ".rabl")) elsif defined? Rails root_path = Rails.root view_path = options[:view_path] || File.join(root_path, "app/views/") file_path = Dir[File.join(view_path, file + ".{*.,}rabl")].first elsif defined? Sinatra view_path = options[:view_path] || @_scope.settings.views file_path = Dir[File.join(view_path, file + ".{*.,}rabl")].first end [, file_path.to_s] if file_path end end end # Partials end # Rabl