Feature: Web steps Scenario: /^the "([^"]*)" field should (not )?contain "([^"]*)"$/ When I go to "/forms/form1" Then the "Text control" field should contain "Text control value" Then the "Select control" field should contain "Label 2" Then the "Select control without selection" field should contain "Label 1" Then the "Textarea control" field should contain "Textarea control value" Then the "Empty control" field should contain "" Scenario: /^the "([^"]*)" field should (not )?contain:/ When I go to "/forms/form2" Then the "Text control" field should contain: """ Text control value """ Then the "Textarea control" field should contain: """ Textarea control line 1 Textarea control line 2 """ Then the "Empty textarea control" field should contain: """ """ Scenario: /^I should see a form with the following values:$/ When I go to "/forms/form1" Then I should see a form with the following values: | Text control | Text control value | | Select control | Label 2 | | Select control without selection | Label 1 | | Textarea control | Textarea control value | | Empty control | | Scenario: /^"([^"]*)" should( not)? be selected for "([^"]*)"$/ When I go to "/forms/form1" Then "Label 2" should be selected for "Select control" But "Label 1" should not be selected for "Select control" And "Label 1" should be selected for "Select control without selection" Scenario: /^nothing should be selected for "([^"]*)"$/ When I go to "/forms/form1" Then nothing should be selected for "Select control with blank option" Then nothing should be selected for "Select control with blank selection" Scenario: /^I go back$/ Given I go to "/static_pages/link_to_home" And I follow "Home" When I go back Then I should be on "/static_pages/link_to_home" Scenario: /^the "([^"]*)" checkbox should( not)? be checked$/ When I go to "/forms/checkbox_form" Then the "Checked" checkbox should be checked And the "Unchecked" checkbox should not be checked @javascript Scenario: /^I click on "([^\"]+)"$/ When I go to "/static_pages/click_on" And I click on "Nested" # See that it clicks the innermost element with that text Then I should see "You clicked on .inner" When I click on "Button" Then I should see "You clicked on .button" @javascript Scenario: /^I click on the element "([^\"]+)"$/ When I go to "/static_pages/click_on" And I click on the element ".inner" Then I should see "You clicked on .inner" When I click on the element ".outer" Then I should see "You clicked on .outer" When I click on the element ".button" Then I should see "You clicked on .button" @javascript Scenario: /^I click on the element for .*?$/ When I go to "/static_pages/click_on" And I click on the element for a panel Then I should see "You clicked on .panel" When I click on the element for the timeline Then I should see "You clicked on .timeline" Scenario: /^the "(.*?)" select should( not)? be sorted$/ When I go to "/forms/select_fields" Then the "sorted" select should be sorted But the "unsorted" select should not be sorted Scenario: /^Then (the tag )?"..." should( not)? be visible$/ When I go to "/static_pages/visibility" Then "hidden ümläüt" should not be visible And "visible ümläüt" should be visible And a hidden string with quotes should not be visible And a visible string with quotes should be visible And "hidden ümläüt" should be hidden @javascript Scenario: /^Then (the tag )?"..." should( not)? be visible$/ with javascript When I go to "/static_pages/visibility" Then "hidden ümläüt" should not be visible And "visible ümläüt" should be visible And a hidden string with quotes should not be visible And a visible string with quotes should be visible And "hidden ümläüt" should be hidden Scenario: /^the "([^\"]*)" field should( not)? be visible$/ When I go to "/static_pages/visibility" Then the "Visible field" field should be visible But the "Hidden field" field should not be visible @javascript Scenario: /^the "([^\"]*)" field should( not)? be visible$/ with Javascript When I go to "/static_pages/visibility" Then the "Visible field" field should be visible But the "Hidden field" field should not be visible Scenario: /^I should (not )?see (?:|a|an |the )(.*?) element$/ When I go to "/static_pages/see_element" Then I should see an element ".panel" And I should see the element ".panel" And I should see an element for a panel And I should see the element for a panel But I should not see an element ".timeline" But I should not see the element ".timeline" And I should not see an element for the timeline And I should not see the element for the timeline Scenario: /^(.*) within (.*[^:])$/ When I go to "/static_pages/within" Then I should see an element ".child1" within ".container1" But I should not see an element ".child1" within ".container2" Scenario: /^(.*) within (.*[^:])$/ with a Capybara::Node::Element When I go to "/static_pages/within" Then I should see "All" within the table row containing "Admin" Scenario: /^I perform basic authentication as "([^\"]*)\/([^\"]*)" and go to (.*)$/ When I go to "/authenticated/page" Then I should see "Access denied" When I perform basic authentication as "user/password" and go to "/authenticated/page" Then I should see "Action reached" @javascript Scenario: /^I perform basic authentication as "([^\"]*)\/([^\"]*)" and go to (.*)$/ with Javascript When I perform basic authentication as "user/password" and go to "/authenticated/page" Then I should see "Action reached"