# Description # Grab web screens/thumbs of URLs using the capgun.io service # # Requires a CapGun API token to be set in the env var HUBOT_CAPGUN_TOKEN # # Dependencies: # none # # Configuration: # HUBOT_CAPGUN_TOKEN # # Commands: # hubot cap - Get a web screen of the url # # Notes: # none # # Author: # monde module.exports = (robot) -> robot.respond /cap (.*)/i, (msg) -> Capgun.start msg, msg.match[1] Capgun = interval: 2500 token: process.env.HUBOT_CAPGUN_TOKEN start: (msg, url) -> this.submitOrder(msg, url) submitOrder: (msg, url) -> capgun = this data = JSON.stringify({"url": url}) msg.http('https://api.capgun.io/v1/orders.json') .headers 'Authorization': capgun.token, 'Accept': 'application/json' .post(data) (err, res, body) -> result = JSON.parse(body) if err || res.statusCode != 200 message = result.message || "???" msg.send "Capgun job failed with message '" + message + "', I'm bailing out!" else setTimeout (-> capgun.checkJob(msg, url, result.order.id, 0)), capgun.interval checkJob: (msg, url, order_id, duration) -> capgun = this if duration > 90000 msg.send "Capgun job hung past 90 seconds for URL " + url + " , I'm bailing out!" else msg.http('https://api.capgun.io/v1/orders/' + order_id + '.json') .headers 'Authorization': capgun.token, 'Accept': 'application/json' .get() (err, res, body) -> result = JSON.parse(body) state = result.order.job.state if state.search(/failed/) >= 0 msg.send "Capgun order " + order_id + " failed for URL " + url else if state.search(/completed/) >= 0 msg.send result.order.asset_urls['640x480'] else setTimeout (-> capgun.checkJob(msg, url, result.order.id, duration + capgun.interval)), capgun.interval