require_relative "spec_helper" describe "Sequel::Plugins::AssociationProxies" do before do class ::Tag < Sequel::Model end class ::Item < Sequel::Model plugin :association_proxies many_to_many :tags, :extend=>{def size; count end} end @i = Item.load(:id=>1) @t = @i.tags Item.db.reset end after do Object.send(:remove_const, :Tag) Object.send(:remove_const, :Item) end it "should send method calls to the associated object array if sent an array method" do @i.associations.has_key?(:tags).must_equal false{|x| false}.must_equal [] @i.associations.has_key?(:tags).must_equal true end if RUBY_VERSION < '2.6' deprecated "should issue deprecation warning when using filter on association proxy on ruby <2.6" do @i.associations.has_key?(:tags).must_equal false @t.filter{|x| false}.sql.must_equal "SELECT tags.* FROM tags INNER JOIN items_tags ON (items_tags.tag_id = WHERE ((items_tags.item_id = 1) AND 'f')" @i.associations.has_key?(:tags).must_equal false end else it "should treat filter on association proxy as array method on ruby 2.6+" do @i.associations.has_key?(:tags).must_equal false @t.filter{|x| false}.must_equal [] @i.associations.has_key?(:tags).must_equal true end end it "should send method calls to the association dataset if sent a non-array method" do @i.associations.has_key?(:tags).must_equal false @t.where(:a=>1).sql.must_equal "SELECT tags.* FROM tags INNER JOIN items_tags ON (items_tags.tag_id = WHERE ((items_tags.item_id = 1) AND (a = 1))" @i.associations.has_key?(:tags).must_equal false end it "should accept block to plugin to specify which methods to proxy to dataset" do Item.plugin :association_proxies do |opts| opts[:method] == :where || opts[:arguments].first.is_a?(Sequel::LiteralString) || opts[:block] end @i.associations.has_key?(:tags).must_equal false @t.where(:a=>1).sql.must_equal "SELECT tags.* FROM tags INNER JOIN items_tags ON (items_tags.tag_id = WHERE ((items_tags.item_id = 1) AND (a = 1))" @t.where(Sequel.lit('a = 1')).sql.must_equal "SELECT tags.* FROM tags INNER JOIN items_tags ON (items_tags.tag_id = WHERE ((items_tags.item_id = 1) AND (a = 1))" @t.where{{:a=>1}}.sql.must_equal "SELECT tags.* FROM tags INNER JOIN items_tags ON (items_tags.tag_id = WHERE ((items_tags.item_id = 1) AND (a = 1))" @i.associations.has_key?(:tags).must_equal false Item.plugin :association_proxies do |opts| proxy_arg = opts[:proxy_argument] proxy_block = opts[:proxy_block] cached = opts[:instance].associations[opts[:reflection][:name]] is_size = opts[:method] == :size is_size && !cached && !proxy_arg[:reload] && !proxy_block end @t.size.must_equal 1 Item.db.sqls.must_equal ["SELECT count(*) AS count FROM tags INNER JOIN items_tags ON (items_tags.tag_id = WHERE (items_tags.item_id = 1) LIMIT 1"] @i.tags{|ds| ds}.size.must_equal 1 Item.db.sqls.must_equal ["SELECT tags.* FROM tags INNER JOIN items_tags ON (items_tags.tag_id = WHERE (items_tags.item_id = 1)"] @i.tags(:reload=>true).size.must_equal 1 Item.db.sqls.must_equal ["SELECT tags.* FROM tags INNER JOIN items_tags ON (items_tags.tag_id = WHERE (items_tags.item_id = 1)"] @t.size.must_equal 1 Item.db.sqls.must_equal [] end it "should reload the cached association if sent an array method and the reload flag was given" do{|x| false}.must_equal [] Item.db.sqls.length.must_equal 1{|x| false}.must_equal [] Item.db.sqls.length.must_equal 0 @i.tags(:reload=>true).select{|x| false}.must_equal [] Item.db.sqls.length.must_equal 1 @t.where(:a=>1).sql.must_equal "SELECT tags.* FROM tags INNER JOIN items_tags ON (items_tags.tag_id = WHERE ((items_tags.item_id = 1) AND (a = 1))" Item.db.sqls.length.must_equal 0 end it "should not return a proxy object for associations that do not return an array" do Item.many_to_one :tag proc{@i.tag.where(:a=>1)}.must_raise(NoMethodError) Tag.one_to_one :item proc{Tag.load(:id=>1, :item_id=>2).item.where(:a=>1)}.must_raise(NoMethodError) end it "should work correctly in subclasses" do i =>1) i.associations.has_key?(:tags).must_equal false{|x| false}.must_equal [] i.associations.has_key?(:tags).must_equal true i.tags.where(:a=>1).sql.must_equal "SELECT tags.* FROM tags INNER JOIN items_tags ON (items_tags.tag_id = WHERE ((items_tags.item_id = 1) AND (a = 1))" end end