# frozen_string_literal: false # @!method ActiveRecord::Migration#change_enum(name, &block) # Modify an enumerated type # # @param [#to_s] name (nil) The qualified name of the type # @yield [Proc] the block with the type's definition # @yieldparam The receiver of methods specifying the type # # The operation can be used to rename or add values to the # enumerated type. The commend can be changed as well. # # change_enum "currencies" do |e| # e.add_value "EUR", after: "BTC" # e.add_value "GBP", before: "usd" # e.add_value "JPY" # to the end of the list # e.rename_value "usd", to: "USD" # e.comment <<~COMMENT, from: <<~COMMENT # Supported currencies # COMMENT # Currencies # COMMENT # end # # Please, keep in mind that all values will be added before # the first rename. That's why you should use old values # (like the `usd` instead of the `USD` in the example above) # in `before` and `after` options. # # Also notice that PostgreSQL doesn't support value deletion, # that's why adding any value makes the migration irreversible. # # It is also irreversible if you changed the comment, but # not defined its previous value. module PGTrunk::Operations::Enums # @private class ChangeEnum < Base # Add new value (irreversible!) # If neither option is specified, the value will be added # to the very end of the array. # Notice, that all add-ons are made BEFORE renames. def add_value(name, after: nil, before: nil) changes << Change.new(name: name, after: after, before: before) end # Rename the value to new unique name (reversible) def rename_value(name, to: nil) changes << Change.new(name: name, new_name: to) end validates :if_exists, :force, :values, :new_name, absence: true validate do next if comment.present? || changes.present? errors.add :base, "There are no changes" end def to_sql(version) raise <<~MSG.squish if version < "12" && changes.any?(&:add?) Adding new values to enumerable types inside a migration is supported in PostgreSQL v12+. MSG [*add_values, *rename_values, *change_comment].join(" ") end def invert values_added = changes.any?(&:add?) raise IrreversibleMigration.new(self, nil, <<~MSG.squish) if values_added Removal of values from enumerated type is not supported by PostgreSQL, that's why adding new values can't be reverted. MSG undefined = inversion.select { |_, v| v.nil? }.keys.join(", ").presence raise IrreversibleMigration.new(self, nil, <<~MSG.squish) if undefined Undefined values to revert #{undefined}. MSG self.class.new(**to_h, **inversion) end def to_h super.tap { |data| data[:changes]&.map!(&:to_h) } end private def add_values changes.select(&:add?).map do |change| "ALTER TYPE #{name.to_sql} #{change.to_sql};" end end def rename_values changes.select(&:rename?).map do |change| "ALTER TYPE #{name.to_sql} #{change.to_sql};" end end def change_comment return unless comment # empty string is processed "COMMENT ON TYPE #{name.to_sql} IS $comment$#{comment}$comment$;" end def change @change ||= { changes: changes.map(&:to_h).presence, comment: comment, }.compact end def inversion @inversion ||= { changes: changes.reverse.map(&:invert).presence, comment: from_comment, }.slice(*change.keys) end end end