import SlimSelect from 'slim-select'; import merge from 'lodash.merge'; import * as searchSelect from './slim-select-search'; import * as simpleTagsSelect from './slim-select-simple-tags'; import * as nestedSelect from './slim-select-nested'; import * as selectedListSelect from './slim-select-selected-list'; import * as tagsSelect from './slim-select-tags'; const SELECT_CLASS = 'select:not(.default-select)'; const SLIM_SELECT_CLASS = 'select.slim-select'; const selectTypes = { searchSelect, simpleTagsSelect, nestedSelect, selectedListSelect, tagsSelect, }; // eslint-disable-next-line max-statements function setupSelect(el) { const emptyOption = el.querySelector('option[value=""]'); if (!emptyOption) { el.insertAdjacentHTML('afterbegin', ''); } el.querySelector('option[value=""]').dataset.placeholder = true; = el.dataset.width; let settings = { select: el, settings: { allowDeselect: true, placeholderText: 'Select Value', }, }; Object.keys(selectTypes).forEach((type) => { if (selectTypes[type].classes.some((className) => el.classList.contains(className))) { settings = merge({}, settings, selectTypes[type].settings(el)); if (selectTypes[type].init) { selectTypes[type].init(el); } } }); const slim = new SlimSelect(settings); el.dataset.slimSelectId =; } function initSelects(node = document) { if (document.querySelector('body').dataset.defaultSelect === 'slim-select') { node.querySelectorAll(SELECT_CLASS).forEach(setupSelect); } node.querySelectorAll(SLIM_SELECT_CLASS).forEach(setupSelect); } // mutation observer to add slim select to new elements const observer = new MutationObserver((mutations) => { mutations.forEach((mutation) => { if (mutation.type === 'childList') { mutation.addedNodes.forEach((node) => { if (node instanceof Element) { initSelects(node); } }); } }); }); window.addEventListener('load', () => { initSelects(); observer.observe(document.querySelector('body'), { attributes: false, childList: true, subtree: true }); });