Feature: Email Protection

  Scenario: Inserts script into the page
    Given the Server is running at "test-app"
    When I go to "/"
    Then I should see "</script>"

  Scenario: Shows obfuscated email on page
    Given the Server is running at "test-app"
    When I go to "/"
    Then I should see "<a href='#email-protection-rznvy@rknzcyr.pbz'></a>"

  Scenario: Inserts script into end of body if a body tag exists
    Given the Server is running at "test-app"
    When I go to "/with_body.html"
    Then I should see:

  Scenario: Does not insert script if there is no email on the page
    Given the Server is running at "test-app"
    When I go to "/with_no_email.html"
    Then I should not see "</script>"

  Scenario: Encrypts multiple emails
    Given the Server is running at "test-app"
    When I go to "/with_multiple_emails.html"
    Then I should see "<a href='#email-protection-rznvy1@rknzcyr.pbz'></a>"
    Then I should see "<a href='#email-protection-rznvy2@rknzcyr.pbz'></a>"

  Scenario: Encrypts mailto link parameters
    Given the Server is running at "test-app"
    When I go to "/with_url_params.html"
    Then I should see "<a href='#email-protection-rznvy@rknzcyr.pbz?fhowrpg=Grfg%20Fhowrpg&obql=Grfg%20Obql'></a>"

  Scenario: Encrypts mailto link complex parameters
    Given the Server is running at "test-app"
    When I go to "/with_complex_url_params.html"
    Then I should see "<a href='#email-protection-rznvy@ybpnyubfg'>localhost domain</a>"
    Then I should see "<a href='#email-protection-rznvy@rknzcyr.pbz?fhowrpg=Fhowrpg+jvgu+cyhf+fvtaf'>plus sign in subject</a>"
    Then I should see "<a href='#email-protection-rznvy@rknzcyr.pbz?fhowrpg=Fhowrpg%20jvgu%20fcnprf'>spaces in subject</a>"
    Then I should see "<a href='#email-protection-rznvy@rknzcyr.pbz?fhowrpg=Grfg+Fhowrpg&pp=rznvy2@rknzcyr.pbz'>cc param</a>"
    Then I should see "<a href='#email-protection-zl-p0z.cy3k_rznvy@rk-nzcyr.pb.hx?fhowrpg=Grfg+Fhowrpg&obql=Grfg%20Obql&pp=rznvy@rknzcyr.pbz'>crazy case</a>"
    Then I should see "<a href='mailto:email'>@example.com hacker</a>"