module ANSI module Terminal module_function #COLS_FALLBACK = 80 #ROWS_FALLBACK = 25 #CHARACTER_MODE = "stty" # For Debugging purposes only. # # Unix savvy getc(). (second choice) # # *WARNING*: This method requires the external "stty" program! # def get_character(input = STDIN) raw_no_echo_mode begin input.getc ensure restore_mode end end # # Switched the input mode to raw and disables echo. # # *WARNING*: This method requires the external "stty" program! # def raw_no_echo_mode @state = `stty -g` system "stty raw -echo cbreak isig" end # # Restores a previously saved input mode. # # *WARNING*: This method requires the external "stty" program! # def restore_mode system "stty #{@state}" end # A Unix savvy method to fetch the console columns, and rows. def terminal_size if /solaris/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM && (`stty` =~ /\brows = (\d+).*\bcolumns = (\d+)/) w, r = [$2, $1] else w, r = `stty size`.split.reverse end w = `tput cols` unless w # last ditch effort to at least get width w = w.to_i if w r = r.to_i if r return w, r end end end