# Musedown This is a simple MuseScore CLI wrapper to easily build markdown files with music notation (and preserve for changes). ## Installation To install the `gem` directly: ```bash gem install musedown ``` Or build directly from the source code: ```bash rake install ``` ## Usage The `musedown` CLI will use MuseScore's CLI (`mscore`) to convert your `.mscz` files into `.png` files and replace them in your markdown file. To use: 1. Embed the `.mscz` file into your markdown like this: ```markdown ![Awesome score](hello.mscz) ``` 2. Run `musedown`: ``` musedown build hello.md ``` 3. And your markdown file will now be like this: ```markdown ![Awesome score](hello-mscz-1.png) ``` And the `hello-mscz-1.png` will be automatically generated. You may keep the `hello.mscz`, perform changes and re-run the command to refresh the `.png` file. ### Commands To parse a file, simply run: ```bash musedown build FILE_NAME ``` To route the output to another file: ```bash musedown build examples/hello.md -o result.md ``` If `mscore` is not available, you can directly pass the executable with the `-c` flag: ```bash musedown build examples/hello.md -o examples/output.md -c "/Applications/MuseScore\ 3.app/Contents/MacOS/mscore" ``` ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/erickduran/musedown. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).