module Authenticate module Modules extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Authenticate::Debug # Module to help Authenticate's user model load Authenticate modules. # # All Authenticate modules implement ActiveSupport::Concern. # # Modules can optionally define a class method to define what attributes they require present # in the user model. For example, :username declares: # # module Username # extend ActiveSupport::Concern # # def self.required_fields(klass) # [:username] # end # ... # # If the model class is missing a required field, Authenticate will fail with a MissingAttribute error. # The error will declare what required fields are missing. module ClassMethods # Load all modules declared in Authenticate.configuration.modules. # Requires them, then loads as a constant, then checks fields, and finally includes. def load_modules constants = [] Authenticate.configuration.modules.each do |mod| # puts "load_modules about to load #{mod.to_s}" require "authenticate/model/#{mod.to_s}" if mod.is_a?(Symbol) mod = load_constant(mod) if mod.is_a?(Symbol) constants << mod end check_fields constants constants.each { |mod| include mod } end private def load_constant module_symbol Authenticate::Model.const_get(module_symbol.to_s.classify) end # For each module, look at the fields it requires. Ensure the User # model including the module has the required fields. If it does not # have all required fields, huck an exception. def check_fields modules failed_attributes = [] instance = modules.each do |mod| if mod.respond_to?(:required_fields) mod.required_fields(self).each do |field| failed_attributes << field unless instance.respond_to?(field) end end end if failed_attributes.any? fail end end end class MissingAttribute < StandardError def initialize(attributes) @attributes = attributes end def message "The following attribute(s) is (are) missing on your user model: #{@attributes.join(", ")}" end end end end