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KU Leuven is now an inaugural supporting member of ResearchEquals, sustaining and governing the development of modular publishing.

As part of their commitment to Open Science, KU Leuven supports sustainable implementations of Open Access and Open Science through the KU Leuven Fund for Fair OA. The fund is usually only available to non-profits, but ResearchEquals’ governance convinced KU Leuven to support a for-profit initiative.

“We don’t want to be too rigid in our approach and understand that publishing or other research infrastructures can work according to different sustainability models. What matters to us is that, if profits are made, they are reinvested in the academic community and that researchers remain firmly in control.” Demmy Verbeke said.

Supporting members help sustain operations and receive additional governance rights for ResearchEquals. These rights include the option to participate in quarterly assemblies, strategy and decision making processes, the power to block acquisitions, and to request more information around business operations. As a result, supporting members shape how ResearchEquals evolves. Individuals can become supporting members for 79.99 euro’s per year. Institutions can become supporting members for a yearly contribution of at least 2500 euro’s.

ResearchEquals is an open source, open access publishing platform for research modules. ResearchEquals realized the first modular publishing platform (launched February 1st, 2022), which revolves around sharing the research process, step by step, instead of only the final report.

“It is great to see KU Leuven support generative projects, regardless of whether they are for-profit or not” Chris Hartgerink said.

KU Leuven is one of the first institutional supporting members of ResearchEquals.

KU Leuven is one of the largest universities in Belgium, with a strong commitment to open access and open science. Demmy Verbeke and Laura Mesotten manage the Fund for Fair OA of KU Leuven Libraries.

Liberate Science GmbH (est. 2019) cultivates alternative publishing formats that work for researchers everywhere. ResearchEquals is a Liberate Science GmbH project. For more information view the supporting member page or contact CEO Chris Hartgerink (ceo@libscie.org).

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