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Please read the official [ActionCable docs](http://guides.rubyonrails.org/action_cable_overview.html) to learn more about ActionCable before proceeding. ## Setup ### JavaScript ``` yarn install cable_ready ``` ### Gemfile ```ruby gem "cable_ready" ``` ## Usage ### app/assets/javascripts/channels/user.js ```javascript import CableReady from 'cable_ready'; App.cable.subscriptions.create({ channel: "UserChannel" }, { received: function (data) { if (data.cableReady) { CableReady.perform(data.operations); } } }); ``` ### app/models/user.rb ```ruby class User < ApplicationRecord include CableReady::Broadcaster def broadcast_name_change cable_ready["UserChannel"].text_content selector: "#user-name", text: name cable_ready.broadcast end end ``` ## Supported DOM Operations - [dispatchEvent](#dispatchevent) - [morph](#morph) - [innerHTML](#innerhtml) - [outerHTML](#outerhtml) - [insertAdjacentHTML](#insertAdjacentHTML) - [insertAdjacentText](#insertadjacenttext) - [remove](#remove) - [setValue](#setvalue) - [setAttribute](#setattribute) - [removeAttribute](#removeattribute) - [addCssClass](#addcssclass) - [removeCssClass](#removecssclass) - [setDatasetProperty](#setdatasetproperty) > The `selector` options use [document.querySelector()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Document/querySelector) to find an element by default. [XPath](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/XPath) expressions can also be used if the `xpath` option is set to `true`. As with CSS selectors, the XPath expression must resolve to a single element and not a collection. > It's possible to invoke multiple DOM operations with a single ActionCable broadcast. > All DOM mutations have corresponding `before/after` events triggered on `document`. > These events expose `event.detail` set to the arguments from the server. ## Xpath Example ### app/models/user.rb ```ruby class User < ApplicationRecord include CableReady::Broadcaster def broadcast_name_change cable_ready["UserChannel"].text_content selector: "/html/body/div[1]/form/input[1]", text: name, xpath: true cable_ready.broadcast end end ``` ### DOM Events #### [dispatchEvent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/EventTarget/dispatchEvent) Dispatches a DOM event in the browser. ```ruby cable_ready["MyChannel"].dispatch_event( name: "string", # required - the name of the DOM event to dispatch (can be custom) detail: "object", # [null] - assigned to event.detail selector: "string" # [window] - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression ) ``` ### Element Mutations #### [morph](https://github.com/patrick-steele-idem/morphdom) [Fast lightweight DOM diffing/patching](https://github.com/patrick-steele-idem/morphdom) without a virtual DOM. ```ruby cable_ready["MyChannel"].morph( selector: "string", # required - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression html: "string", # [null] - the HTML to assign children_only: true|false, # [null] - indicates if only child nodes should be morphed... skipping the parent element permanent_attribute_name: "string", # [null] - an attribute name that prevents elements from being updated i.e. "data-permanent" focus_selector: "string", # [null] - string containing a CSS selector ) ``` ##### JavaScript Events - `cable-ready:before-morph` - `cable-ready:after-morph` ##### Stimulus Gotchas For some reason [Stimulus](https://github.com/stimulusjs/stimulus) controllers don't reconnect after DOM mutations triggered by [Morphdom](https://github.com/patrick-steele-idem/morphdom). You can force your controllers to reconnect with the following code. ```javascript import { Controller } from "stimulus" export default class extends Controller { connect() { this.name = this.element.dataset.controller; document.addEventListener('cable-ready:after-morph', this.reconnect.bind(this)); ); } reconnect() { setTimeout(() => this.element.setAttribute('data-controller', this.name), 1); this.element.setAttribute('data-controller', ''); } } ``` #### [innerHTML](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/innerHTML) Sets the innerHTML of a DOM element. ```ruby cable_ready["MyChannel"].inner_html( selector: "string", # required - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression focus_selector: "string", # [null] - string containing a CSS selector html: "string" # [null] - the HTML to assign ) ``` ##### JavaScript Events - `cable-ready:before-inner-html` - `cable-ready:after-inner-html` #### [outerHTML](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/outerHTML) Replaces a DOM element with new HTML. ```ruby cable_ready["MyChannel"].outerHTML( selector: "string", # required - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression focus_selector: "string", # [null] - string containing a CSS selector html: "string" # [null] - the HTML to use as replacement ) ``` ##### JavaScript Events - `cable-ready:before-outer-html` - `cable-ready:after-outer-html` #### [textContent](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Node/textContent) Sets the text content of a DOM element. ```ruby cable_ready["MyChannel"].text_content( selector: "string", # required - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression text: "string" # [null] - the text to assign ) ``` ##### JavaScript Events - `cable-ready:before-text-content` - `cable-ready:after-text-content` #### [insertAdjacentHTML](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/insertAdjacentHTML) Inserts HTML into the DOM relative to an element. Supports behavior akin to prepend & append. ```ruby cable_ready["MyChannel"].insert_adjacent_html( selector: "string", # required - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression focus_selector: "string", # [null] - string containing a CSS selector position: "string", # [beforeend] - the relative position to the DOM element (beforebegin, afterbegin, beforeend, afterend) html: "string" # [null] - the HTML to insert ) ``` ##### JavaScript Events - `cable-ready:before-insert-adjacent-html` - `cable-ready:after-insert-adjacent-html` #### [insertAdjacentText](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/insertAdjacentText) Inserts text into the DOM relative to an element. Supports behavior akin to prepend & append. ```ruby cable_ready["MyChannel"].insert_adjacent_text( selector: "string", # required - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression position: "string", # [beforeend] - the relative position to the DOM element (beforebegin, afterbegin, beforeend, afterend) text: "string" # [null] - the text to insert ) ``` ##### JavaScript Events - `cable-ready:before-insert-adjacent-text` - `cable-ready:after-insert-adjacent-text` #### [remove](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/ChildNode/remove) Removes an element from the DOM. ```ruby cable_ready["MyChannel"].remove( selector: "string", # required - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression focus_selector: "string" # [null] - string containing a CSS selector ) ``` ##### JavaScript Events - `cable-ready:before-remove` - `cable-ready:after-remove` #### [setValue](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLInputElement) Sets the value of an element. ```ruby cable_ready["MyChannel"].set_value( selector: "string", # required - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression value: "string" # [null] - the value to assign to the attribute ) ``` ##### JavaScript Events - `cable-ready:before-set-value` - `cable-ready:after-set-value` ### Attribute Mutations #### [setAttribute](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/setAttribute) Sets an attribute on an element. ```ruby cable_ready["MyChannel"].set_attribute( selector: "string", # required - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression name: "string", # required - the attribute to set value: "string" # [null] - the value to assign to the attribute ) ``` ##### JavaScript Events - `cable-ready:before-set-attribute` - `cable-ready:after-set-attribute` #### [removeAttribute](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/removeAttribute) Removes an attribute from an element. ```ruby cable_ready["MyChannel"].remove_attribute( selector: "string", # required - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression name: "string" # required - the attribute to remove ) ``` ##### JavaScript Events - `cable-ready:before-remove-attribute` - `cable-ready:after-remove-attribute` ### CSS Class Mutations #### [addCssClass](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/classList) Adds a css class to an element. This is a `noop` if the css class is already assigned. ```ruby cable_ready["MyChannel"].add_css_class( selector: "string", # required - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression name: "string" # [null] - the CSS class to add ) ``` ##### JavaScript Events - `cable-ready:before-add-css-class` - `cable-ready:after-add-css-class` #### [removeCssClass](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Element/classList) Removes a css class from an element. ```ruby cable_ready["MyChannel"].add_css_class( selector: "string", # required - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression name: "string" # [null] - the CSS class to remove ) ``` ##### JavaScript Events - `cable-ready:before-remove-css-class` - `cable-ready:after-remove-css-class` ### Dataset Mutations #### [setDatasetProperty](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/HTMLElement/dataset) Sets an dataset property (data-* attribute) on an element. ```ruby cable_ready["MyChannel"].set_dataset_property( selector: "string", # required - string containing a CSS selector or XPath expression name: "string", # required - the property to set value: "string" # [null] - the value to assign to the dataset ) ``` ##### JavaScript Events - `cable-ready:before-set-dataset-property` - `cable-ready:after-set-dataset-property` ## JavaScript Development Please run `bin/standardize` on your codebase before submitting commits. ## Contributing This project uses [Standard](https://github.com/testdouble/standard) and [Prettier](https://github.com/prettier/prettier) to minimize bike shedding related to code formatting. Please run `./bin/standardize` prior submitting pull requests. ### Releasing 1. Bump version number at `lib/cable_ready/version.rb` 1. Run `rake build` 1. Run `rake release` 1. Change directories `cd ./javascript` 1. Run `yarn publish` - NOTE: this will throw a fatal error because the tag already exists but the package will still publish ## License CableReady is released under the [MIT License](LICENSE.txt).