require 'benchmark' n = 1_000_000 Foo = do 1.upto(n) do |i| define_method(:"public_method_#{i}") {} define_method(:"protected_method_#{i}") {} protected :"protected_method_#{i}" define_method(:"private_method_#{i}") {} private :"protected_method_#{i}" end end Benchmark.benchmark do |bm| puts "#{n} times - ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}" puts puts "using method_defined? and private_method_defined?" puts [:public, :protected, :private, :undefined].each do |vis| puts " - #{vis} methods" 3.times do GC.start do n.times do |i| name = :"#{vis}_method_#{i}" Foo.method_defined?(name) || Foo.private_method_defined?(name) end end end end puts puts "using public_method_defined?, protected_method_defined? and private_method_defined?" puts [:public, :protected, :private, :undefined].each do |vis| puts " - #{vis} methods" 3.times do GC.start do n.times do |i| name = :"#{vis}_method_#{i}" Foo.public_method_defined?(name) || Foo.protected_method_defined?(name) Foo.private_method_defined?(name) end end end end end =begin 1000000 times - ruby 2.0.0 using method_defined? and private_method_defined? - public methods 1.410000 0.040000 1.450000 ( 1.462588) 1.380000 0.000000 1.380000 ( 1.372015) 1.370000 0.000000 1.370000 ( 1.372362) - protected methods 1.410000 0.000000 1.410000 ( 1.402750) 1.440000 0.000000 1.440000 ( 1.442719) 1.460000 0.010000 1.470000 ( 1.464763) - private methods 1.390000 0.000000 1.390000 ( 1.393956) 1.340000 0.000000 1.340000 ( 1.349340) 1.360000 0.000000 1.360000 ( 1.361910) - undefined methods 3.260000 0.050000 3.310000 ( 3.316372) 1.260000 0.010000 1.270000 ( 1.266557) 1.250000 0.000000 1.250000 ( 1.248734) using public_method_defined?, protected_method_defined? and private_method_defined? - public methods 1.550000 0.000000 1.550000 ( 1.550655) 1.540000 0.010000 1.550000 ( 1.543906) 1.540000 0.000000 1.540000 ( 1.538267) - protected methods 1.590000 0.000000 1.590000 ( 1.598310) 1.600000 0.000000 1.600000 ( 1.595205) 1.600000 0.000000 1.600000 ( 1.604186) - private methods 1.530000 0.000000 1.530000 ( 1.530080) 1.560000 0.000000 1.560000 ( 1.562656) 1.560000 0.000000 1.560000 ( 1.569161) - undefined methods 1.300000 0.000000 1.300000 ( 1.298066) 1.310000 0.000000 1.310000 ( 1.310737) 1.290000 0.000000 1.290000 ( 1.288307) =end