# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "/spec_helper") describe MetaInspector::Document do describe 'passing the contents of the document as html' do before(:each) do @m = MetaInspector::Document.new('http://cnn.com/', :document => "Hello From Passed HtmlHello link") end it "should get correct links when the url html is passed as an option" do @m.links.should == ["http://cnn.com/hello"] end it "should get the title" do @m.title.should == "Hello From Passed Html" end end it "should return a String as to_s" do MetaInspector::Document.new('http://pagerankalert.com').to_s.class.should == String end it "should return a Hash with all the values set" do @m = MetaInspector::Document.new('http://pagerankalert.com') @m.to_hash.should == { "url" =>"http://pagerankalert.com/", "title" =>"PageRankAlert.com :: Track your PageRank changes & receive alerts", "links" => ["http://pagerankalert.com/", "http://pagerankalert.com/es?language=es", "http://pagerankalert.com/users/sign_up", "http://pagerankalert.com/users/sign_in", "mailto:pagerankalert@gmail.com", "http://pagerankalert.posterous.com/", "http://twitter.com/pagerankalert", "http://twitter.com/share"], "internal_links" => ["http://pagerankalert.com/", "http://pagerankalert.com/es?language=es", "http://pagerankalert.com/users/sign_up", "http://pagerankalert.com/users/sign_in"], "external_links" => ["mailto:pagerankalert@gmail.com", "http://pagerankalert.posterous.com/", "http://twitter.com/pagerankalert", "http://twitter.com/share"], "images" => ["http://pagerankalert.com/images/pagerank_alert.png?1305794559"], "charset" => "utf-8", "feed" => "http://feeds.feedburner.com/PageRankAlert", "content_type" =>"text/html", "meta_tags" => { "name" => { "description" => ["Track your PageRank(TM) changes and receive alerts by email"], "keywords" => ["pagerank, seo, optimization, google"], "robots"=>["all,follow"], "csrf-param" => ["authenticity_token"], "csrf-token" => ["iW1/w+R8zrtDkhOlivkLZ793BN04Kr3X/pS+ixObHsE="] }, "http-equiv" => {}, "property" => {}, "charset" => ["utf-8"] } } end describe 'exception handling' do it "should parse images when parse_html_content_type_only is not specified" do image_url = MetaInspector::Document.new('http://pagerankalert.com/image.png') desc = image_url.description image_url.should be_ok end it "should parse images when parse_html_content_type_only is false" do image_url = MetaInspector::Document.new('http://pagerankalert.com/image.png', :html_content_only => false) desc = image_url.description image_url.should be_ok end it "should handle errors when content is image/jpeg and html_content_type_only is true" do image_url = MetaInspector::Document.new('http://pagerankalert.com/image.png', :html_content_only => true) expect { title = image_url.title }.to change { image_url.exceptions.size } image_url.exceptions.first.message.should == "The url provided contains image/png content instead of text/html content" end it "should handle errors when content is not text/html and html_content_type_only is true" do tar_url = MetaInspector::Document.new('http://pagerankalert.com/file.tar.gz', :html_content_only => true) expect { title = tar_url.title }.to change { tar_url.exceptions.size } tar_url.exceptions.first.message.should == "The url provided contains application/x-gzip content instead of text/html content" end end end