require "bootstrap/bookingsync/version" module Bootstrap module BookingSync class << self # Inspired by Kaminari def load! register_compass_extension if compass? if rails? register_rails_engine elsif sprockets? register_sprockets elsif defined?(::Sass) && ::Sass.respond_to?(:load_paths) # The deprecated `sass` gem: ::Sass.load_paths << stylesheets_path end if defined?(::Sass::Script::Value::Number) # Set precision to 6 as per: # ::Sass::Script::Number.precision = [6, ::Sass::Script::Number.precision].max end end # Paths def gem_path @gem_path ||= File.expand_path '..', File.dirname(__FILE__) end def stylesheets_path File.join assets_path, 'stylesheets' end def fonts_path File.join assets_path, 'fonts' end def javascripts_path File.join assets_path, 'javascripts' end def assets_path @assets_path ||= File.join gem_path, 'assets' end # Environment detection helpers def sprockets? defined?(::Sprockets) end def compass? defined?(::Compass::Frameworks) end def rails? defined?(::Rails) end private def register_compass_extension ::Compass::Frameworks.register( 'bootstrap-bookinsync', :version => Bootstrap::BookingSync::VERSION, :path => gem_path, :stylesheets_directory => stylesheets_path, :templates_directory => File.join(gem_path, 'templates') ) end def register_rails_engine require 'bootstrap/bookingsync/engine' end def register_sprockets Sprockets.append_path(stylesheets_path) Sprockets.append_path(fonts_path) Sprockets.append_path(javascripts_path) end end end end Bootstrap::BookingSync.load!