// moment-with-locales.min.js !function(e,a){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=a():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(a):e.moment=a()}(this,function(){"use strict";var e,n;function M(){return e.apply(null,arguments)}function _(e){return e instanceof Array||"[object Array]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(e)}function i(e){return null!=e&&"[object Object]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(e)}function h(e,a){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(e,a)}function o(e){if(Object.getOwnPropertyNames)return 0===Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).length;for(var a in e)if(h(e,a))return;return 1}function r(e){return void 0===e}function m(e){return"number"==typeof e||"[object Number]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(e)}function d(e){return e instanceof Date||"[object Date]"===Object.prototype.toString.call(e)}function u(e,a){for(var t=[],s=0;s>>0,s=0;sFe(e)?(r=e+1,d-Fe(e)):(r=e,d);return{year:r,dayOfYear:_}}function Ce(e,a,t){var s,n,r=Je(e.year(),a,t),d=Math.floor((e.dayOfYear()-r-1)/7)+1;return d<1?s=d+Ie(n=e.year()-1,a,t):d>Ie(e.year(),a,t)?(s=d-Ie(e.year(),a,t),n=e.year()+1):(n=e.year(),s=d),{week:s,year:n}}function Ie(e,a,t){var s=Je(e,a,t),n=Je(e+1,a,t);return(Fe(e)-s+n)/7}W("w",["ww",2],"wo","week"),W("W",["WW",2],"Wo","isoWeek"),z("week","w"),z("isoWeek","W"),C("week",5),C("isoWeek",5),le("w",ae),le("ww",ae,$),le("W",ae),le("WW",ae,$),Ye(["w","ww","W","WW"],function(e,a,t,s){a[s.substr(0,1)]=G(e)});function Ue(e,a){return e.slice(a,7).concat(e.slice(0,a))}W("d",0,"do","day"),W("dd",0,0,function(e){return this.localeData().weekdaysMin(this,e)}),W("ddd",0,0,function(e){return this.localeData().weekdaysShort(this,e)}),W("dddd",0,0,function(e){return this.localeData().weekdays(this,e)}),W("e",0,0,"weekday"),W("E",0,0,"isoWeekday"),z("day","d"),z("weekday","e"),z("isoWeekday","E"),C("day",11),C("weekday",11),C("isoWeekday",11),le("d",ae),le("e",ae),le("E",ae),le("dd",function(e,a){return a.weekdaysMinRegex(e)}),le("ddd",function(e,a){return a.weekdaysShortRegex(e)}),le("dddd",function(e,a){return a.weekdaysRegex(e)}),Ye(["dd","ddd","dddd"],function(e,a,t,s){var n=t._locale.weekdaysParse(e,s,t._strict);null!=n?a.d=n:L(t).invalidWeekday=e}),Ye(["d","e","E"],function(e,a,t,s){a[s]=G(e)});var Ge="Sunday_Monday_Tuesday_Wednesday_Thursday_Friday_Saturday".split("_"),Ve="Sun_Mon_Tue_Wed_Thu_Fri_Sat".split("_"),Be="Su_Mo_Tu_We_Th_Fr_Sa".split("_"),Ke=ue,qe=ue,Ze=ue;function $e(){function e(e,a){return a.length-e.length}for(var a,t,s,n,r=[],d=[],_=[],i=[],o=0;o<7;o++)a=c([2e3,1]).day(o),t=he(this.weekdaysMin(a,"")),s=he(this.weekdaysShort(a,"")),n=he(this.weekdays(a,"")),r.push(t),d.push(s),_.push(n),i.push(t),i.push(s),i.push(n);r.sort(e),d.sort(e),_.sort(e),i.sort(e),this._weekdaysRegex=new RegExp("^("+i.join("|")+")","i"),this._weekdaysShortRegex=this._weekdaysRegex,this._weekdaysMinRegex=this._weekdaysRegex,this._weekdaysStrictRegex=new RegExp("^("+_.join("|")+")","i"),this._weekdaysShortStrictRegex=new RegExp("^("+d.join("|")+")","i"),this._weekdaysMinStrictRegex=new RegExp("^("+r.join("|")+")","i")}function Qe(){return this.hours()%12||12}function Xe(e,a){W(e,0,0,function(){return this.localeData().meridiem(this.hours(),this.minutes(),a)})}function ea(e,a){return a._meridiemParse}W("H",["HH",2],0,"hour"),W("h",["hh",2],0,Qe),W("k",["kk",2],0,function(){return this.hours()||24}),W("hmm",0,0,function(){return""+Qe.apply(this)+H(this.minutes(),2)}),W("hmmss",0,0,function(){return""+Qe.apply(this)+H(this.minutes(),2)+H(this.seconds(),2)}),W("Hmm",0,0,function(){return""+this.hours()+H(this.minutes(),2)}),W("Hmmss",0,0,function(){return""+this.hours()+H(this.minutes(),2)+H(this.seconds(),2)}),Xe("a",!0),Xe("A",!1),z("hour","h"),C("hour",13),le("a",ea),le("A",ea),le("H",ae),le("h",ae),le("k",ae),le("HH",ae,$),le("hh",ae,$),le("kk",ae,$),le("hmm",te),le("hmmss",se),le("Hmm",te),le("Hmmss",se),Le(["H","HH"],De),Le(["k","kk"],function(e,a,t){var s=G(e);a[De]=24===s?0:s}),Le(["a","A"],function(e,a,t){t._isPm=t._locale.isPM(e),t._meridiem=e}),Le(["h","hh"],function(e,a,t){a[De]=G(e),L(t).bigHour=!0}),Le("hmm",function(e,a,t){var s=e.length-2;a[De]=G(e.substr(0,s)),a[Te]=G(e.substr(s)),L(t).bigHour=!0}),Le("hmmss",function(e,a,t){var s=e.length-4,n=e.length-2;a[De]=G(e.substr(0,s)),a[Te]=G(e.substr(s,2)),a[ge]=G(e.substr(n)),L(t).bigHour=!0}),Le("Hmm",function(e,a,t){var s=e.length-2;a[De]=G(e.substr(0,s)),a[Te]=G(e.substr(s))}),Le("Hmmss",function(e,a,t){var s=e.length-4,n=e.length-2;a[De]=G(e.substr(0,s)),a[Te]=G(e.substr(s,2)),a[ge]=G(e.substr(n))});var aa=V("Hours",!0);var ta,sa={calendar:{sameDay:"[Today at] LT",nextDay:"[Tomorrow at] LT",nextWeek:"dddd [at] LT",lastDay:"[Yesterday at] LT",lastWeek:"[Last] dddd [at] LT",sameElse:"L"},longDateFormat:{LTS:"h:mm:ss A",LT:"h:mm A",L:"MM/DD/YYYY",LL:"MMMM D, YYYY",LLL:"MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A",LLLL:"dddd, MMMM D, YYYY h:mm A"},invalidDate:"Invalid date",ordinal:"%d",dayOfMonthOrdinalParse:/\d{1,2}/,relativeTime:{future:"in %s",past:"%s ago",s:"a few seconds",ss:"%d seconds",m:"a minute",mm:"%d minutes",h:"an hour",hh:"%d hours",d:"a day",dd:"%d days",w:"a week",ww:"%d weeks",M:"a month",MM:"%d months",y:"a year",yy:"%d years"},months:He,monthsShort:je,week:{dow:0,doy:6},weekdays:Ge,weekdaysMin:Be,weekdaysShort:Ve,meridiemParse:/[ap]\.?m?\.?/i},na={},ra={};function da(e){return e?e.toLowerCase().replace("_","-"):e}function _a(e){for(var a,t,s,n,r=0;r=a&&function(e,a){for(var t=Math.min(e.length,a.length),s=0;s=a-1)break;a--}r++}return ta}function ia(a){var e;if(void 0===na[a]&&"undefined"!=typeof module&&module&&module.exports)try{e=ta._abbr,require("./locale/"+a),oa(e)}catch(e){na[a]=null}return na[a]}function oa(e,a){var t;return e&&((t=r(a)?ua(e):ma(e,a))?ta=t:"undefined"!=typeof console&&console.warn&&console.warn("Locale "+e+" not found. Did you forget to load it?")),ta._abbr}function ma(e,a){if(null===a)return delete na[e],null;var t,s=sa;if(a.abbr=e,null!=na[e])w("defineLocaleOverride","use moment.updateLocale(localeName, config) to change an existing locale. moment.defineLocale(localeName, config) should only be used for creating a new locale See http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/define-locale/ for more info."),s=na[e]._config;else if(null!=a.parentLocale)if(null!=na[a.parentLocale])s=na[a.parentLocale]._config;else{if(null==(t=ia(a.parentLocale)))return ra[a.parentLocale]||(ra[a.parentLocale]=[]),ra[a.parentLocale].push({name:e,config:a}),null;s=t._config}return na[e]=new S(b(s,a)),ra[e]&&ra[e].forEach(function(e){ma(e.name,e.config)}),oa(e),na[e]}function ua(e){var a;if(e&&e._locale&&e._locale._abbr&&(e=e._locale._abbr),!e)return ta;if(!_(e)){if(a=ia(e))return a;e=[e]}return _a(e)}function la(e){var a,t=e._a;return t&&-2===L(e).overflow&&(a=t[pe]<0||11Se(t[fe],t[pe])?ke:t[De]<0||24Ie(t,r,d)?L(e)._overflowWeeks=!0:null!=i?L(e)._overflowWeekday=!0:(_=Re(t,s,n,r,d),e._a[fe]=_.year,e._dayOfYear=_.dayOfYear)}(e),null!=e._dayOfYear&&(r=ga(e._a[fe],s[fe]),(e._dayOfYear>Fe(r)||0===e._dayOfYear)&&(L(e)._overflowDayOfYear=!0),t=Ne(r,0,e._dayOfYear),e._a[pe]=t.getUTCMonth(),e._a[ke]=t.getUTCDate()),a=0;a<3&&null==e._a[a];++a)e._a[a]=i[a]=s[a];for(;a<7;a++)e._a[a]=i[a]=null==e._a[a]?2===a?1:0:e._a[a];24===e._a[De]&&0===e._a[Te]&&0===e._a[ge]&&0===e._a[we]&&(e._nextDay=!0,e._a[De]=0),e._d=(e._useUTC?Ne:function(e,a,t,s,n,r,d){var _;return e<100&&0<=e?(_=new Date(e+400,a,t,s,n,r,d),isFinite(_.getFullYear())&&_.setFullYear(e)):_=new Date(e,a,t,s,n,r,d),_}).apply(null,i),n=e._useUTC?e._d.getUTCDay():e._d.getDay(),null!=e._tzm&&e._d.setUTCMinutes(e._d.getUTCMinutes()-e._tzm),e._nextDay&&(e._a[De]=24),e._w&&void 0!==e._w.d&&e._w.d!==n&&(L(e).weekdayMismatch=!0)}}function va(e){if(e._f!==M.ISO_8601)if(e._f!==M.RFC_2822){e._a=[],L(e).empty=!0;for(var a,t,s,n,r,d,_,i=""+e._i,o=i.length,m=0,u=E(e._f,e._locale).match(j)||[],l=0;lt.valueOf():t.valueOf()"}),yt.toJSON=function(){return this.isValid()?this.toISOString():null},yt.toString=function(){return this.clone().locale("en").format("ddd MMM DD YYYY HH:mm:ss [GMT]ZZ")},yt.unix=function(){return Math.floor(this.valueOf()/1e3)},yt.valueOf=function(){return this._d.valueOf()-6e4*(this._offset||0)},yt.creationData=function(){return{input:this._i,format:this._f,locale:this._locale,isUTC:this._isUTC,strict:this._strict}},yt.eraName=function(){for(var e,a=this.localeData().eras(),t=0,s=a.length;tthis.clone().month(0).utcOffset()||this.utcOffset()>this.clone().month(5).utcOffset()},yt.isLocal=function(){return!!this.isValid()&&!this._isUTC},yt.isUtcOffset=function(){return!!this.isValid()&&this._isUTC},yt.isUtc=Ca,yt.isUTC=Ca,yt.zoneAbbr=function(){return this._isUTC?"UTC":""},yt.zoneName=function(){return this._isUTC?"Coordinated Universal Time":""},yt.dates=t("dates accessor is deprecated. Use date instead.",lt),yt.months=t("months accessor is deprecated. Use month instead",Ae),yt.years=t("years accessor is deprecated. Use year instead",ze),yt.zone=t("moment().zone is deprecated, use moment().utcOffset instead. http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/zone/",function(e,a){return null!=e?("string"!=typeof e&&(e=-e),this.utcOffset(e,a),this):-this.utcOffset()}),yt.isDSTShifted=t("isDSTShifted is deprecated. See http://momentjs.com/guides/#/warnings/dst-shifted/ for more information",function(){if(!r(this._isDSTShifted))return this._isDSTShifted;var e,a={};return p(a,this),(a=ba(a))._a?(e=(a._isUTC?c:Ha)(a._a),this._isDSTShifted=this.isValid()&&0= 4)) { throw new Error('Tempus Dominus Bootstrap4\'s requires at least jQuery v3.0.0 but less than v4.0.0'); } }(jQuery); if (typeof moment === 'undefined') { throw new Error('Tempus Dominus Bootstrap4\'s requires moment.js. Moment.js must be included before Tempus Dominus Bootstrap4\'s JavaScript.'); } var version = moment.version.split('.') if ((version[0] <= 2 && version[1] < 17) || (version[0] >= 3)) { throw new Error('Tempus Dominus Bootstrap4\'s requires at least moment.js v2.17.0 but less than v3.0.0'); } +function () { var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function (obj) { return typeof obj; } : function (obj) { return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; var _createClass = function () { function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; }(); function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (!self) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return call && (typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function") ? call : self; } function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass); } subClass.prototype = Object.create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass; } function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming var DateTimePicker = function ($, moment) { // ReSharper disable InconsistentNaming var NAME = 'datetimepicker', DATA_KEY = '' + NAME, EVENT_KEY = '.' + DATA_KEY, DATA_API_KEY = '.data-api', Selector = { DATA_TOGGLE: '[data-toggle="' + DATA_KEY + '"]' }, ClassName = { INPUT: NAME + '-input' }, Event = { CHANGE: 'change' + EVENT_KEY, BLUR: 'blur' + EVENT_KEY, KEYUP: 'keyup' + EVENT_KEY, KEYDOWN: 'keydown' + EVENT_KEY, FOCUS: 'focus' + EVENT_KEY, CLICK_DATA_API: 'click' + EVENT_KEY + DATA_API_KEY, //emitted UPDATE: 'update' + EVENT_KEY, ERROR: 'error' + EVENT_KEY, HIDE: 'hide' + EVENT_KEY, SHOW: 'show' + EVENT_KEY }, DatePickerModes = [{ CLASS_NAME: 'days', NAV_FUNCTION: 'M', NAV_STEP: 1 }, { CLASS_NAME: 'months', NAV_FUNCTION: 'y', NAV_STEP: 1 }, { CLASS_NAME: 'years', NAV_FUNCTION: 'y', NAV_STEP: 10 }, { CLASS_NAME: 'decades', NAV_FUNCTION: 'y', NAV_STEP: 100 }], KeyMap = { 'up': 38, 38: 'up', 'down': 40, 40: 'down', 'left': 37, 37: 'left', 'right': 39, 39: 'right', 'tab': 9, 9: 'tab', 'escape': 27, 27: 'escape', 'enter': 13, 13: 'enter', 'pageUp': 33, 33: 'pageUp', 'pageDown': 34, 34: 'pageDown', 'shift': 16, 16: 'shift', 'control': 17, 17: 'control', 'space': 32, 32: 'space', 't': 84, 84: 't', 'delete': 46, 46: 'delete' }, ViewModes = ['times', 'days', 'months', 'years', 'decades'], keyState = {}, keyPressHandled = {}; var Default = { timeZone: '', format: false, dayViewHeaderFormat: 'MMMM YYYY', extraFormats: false, stepping: 1, minDate: false, maxDate: false, useCurrent: true, collapse: true, locale: moment.locale(), defaultDate: false, disabledDates: false, enabledDates: false, icons: { time: 'fa fa-clock-o', date: 'fa fa-calendar', up: 'fa fa-arrow-up', down: 'fa fa-arrow-down', previous: 'fa fa-chevron-left', next: 'fa fa-chevron-right', today: 'fa fa-calendar-check-o', clear: 'fa fa-delete', close: 'fa fa-times' }, tooltips: { today: 'Go to today', clear: 'Clear selection', close: 'Close the picker', selectMonth: 'Select Month', prevMonth: 'Previous Month', nextMonth: 'Next Month', selectYear: 'Select Year', prevYear: 'Previous Year', nextYear: 'Next Year', selectDecade: 'Select Decade', prevDecade: 'Previous Decade', nextDecade: 'Next Decade', prevCentury: 'Previous Century', nextCentury: 'Next Century', pickHour: 'Pick Hour', incrementHour: 'Increment Hour', decrementHour: 'Decrement Hour', pickMinute: 'Pick Minute', incrementMinute: 'Increment Minute', decrementMinute: 'Decrement Minute', pickSecond: 'Pick Second', incrementSecond: 'Increment Second', decrementSecond: 'Decrement Second', togglePeriod: 'Toggle Period', selectTime: 'Select Time', selectDate: 'Select Date' }, useStrict: false, sideBySide: false, daysOfWeekDisabled: false, calendarWeeks: false, viewMode: 'days', toolbarPlacement: 'default', buttons: { showToday: false, showClear: false, showClose: false }, widgetPositioning: { horizontal: 'auto', vertical: 'auto' }, widgetParent: null, ignoreReadonly: false, keepOpen: false, focusOnShow: true, inline: false, keepInvalid: false, keyBinds: { up: function up() { if (!this.widget) { return false; } var d = this._dates[0] || this.getMoment(); if (this.widget.find('.datepicker').is(':visible')) { this.date(d.clone().subtract(7, 'd')); } else { this.date(d.clone().add(this.stepping(), 'm')); } return true; }, down: function down() { if (!this.widget) { this.show(); return false; } var d = this._dates[0] || this.getMoment(); if (this.widget.find('.datepicker').is(':visible')) { this.date(d.clone().add(7, 'd')); } else { this.date(d.clone().subtract(this.stepping(), 'm')); } return true; }, 'control up': function controlUp() { if (!this.widget) { return false; } var d = this._dates[0] || this.getMoment(); if (this.widget.find('.datepicker').is(':visible')) { this.date(d.clone().subtract(1, 'y')); } else { this.date(d.clone().add(1, 'h')); } return true; }, 'control down': function controlDown() { if (!this.widget) { return false; } var d = this._dates[0] || this.getMoment(); if (this.widget.find('.datepicker').is(':visible')) { this.date(d.clone().add(1, 'y')); } else { this.date(d.clone().subtract(1, 'h')); } return true; }, left: function left() { if (!this.widget) { return false; } var d = this._dates[0] || this.getMoment(); if (this.widget.find('.datepicker').is(':visible')) { this.date(d.clone().subtract(1, 'd')); } return true; }, right: function right() { if (!this.widget) { return false; } var d = this._dates[0] || this.getMoment(); if (this.widget.find('.datepicker').is(':visible')) { this.date(d.clone().add(1, 'd')); } return true; }, pageUp: function pageUp() { if (!this.widget) { return false; } var d = this._dates[0] || this.getMoment(); if (this.widget.find('.datepicker').is(':visible')) { this.date(d.clone().subtract(1, 'M')); } return true; }, pageDown: function pageDown() { if (!this.widget) { return false; } var d = this._dates[0] || this.getMoment(); if (this.widget.find('.datepicker').is(':visible')) { this.date(d.clone().add(1, 'M')); } return true; }, enter: function enter() { if (!this.widget) { return false; } this.hide(); return true; }, escape: function escape() { if (!this.widget) { return false; } this.hide(); return true; }, 'control space': function controlSpace() { if (!this.widget) { return false; } if (this.widget.find('.timepicker').is(':visible')) { this.widget.find('.btn[data-action="togglePeriod"]').click(); } return true; }, t: function t() { if (!this.widget) { return false; } this.date(this.getMoment()); return true; }, 'delete': function _delete() { if (!this.widget) { return false; } this.clear(); return true; } }, debug: false, allowInputToggle: false, disabledTimeIntervals: false, disabledHours: false, enabledHours: false, viewDate: false, allowMultidate: false, multidateSeparator: ',' }; // ReSharper restore InconsistentNaming // ReSharper disable once DeclarationHides // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming var DateTimePicker = function () { /** @namespace eData.dateOptions */ /** @namespace moment.tz */ function DateTimePicker(element, options) { _classCallCheck(this, DateTimePicker); this._options = this._getOptions(options); this._element = element; this._dates = []; this._datesFormatted = []; this._viewDate = null; this.unset = true; this.component = false; this.widget = false; this.use24Hours = null; this.actualFormat = null; this.parseFormats = null; this.currentViewMode = null; this.MinViewModeNumber = 0; this._int(); } /** * @return {string} */ //private DateTimePicker.prototype._int = function _int() { var targetInput = this._element.data('target-input'); if (this._element.is('input')) { this.input = this._element; } else if (targetInput !== undefined) { if (targetInput === 'nearest') { this.input = this._element.find('input'); } else { this.input = $(targetInput); } } this._dates = []; this._dates[0] = this.getMoment(); this._viewDate = this.getMoment().clone(); $.extend(true, this._options, this._dataToOptions()); this.options(this._options); this._initFormatting(); if (this.input !== undefined && this.input.is('input') && this.input.val().trim().length !== 0) { this._setValue(this._parseInputDate(this.input.val().trim()), 0); } else if (this._options.defaultDate && this.input !== undefined && this.input.attr('placeholder') === undefined) { this._setValue(this._options.defaultDate, 0); } if (this._options.inline) { this.show(); } }; DateTimePicker.prototype._update = function _update() { if (!this.widget) { return; } this._fillDate(); this._fillTime(); }; DateTimePicker.prototype._setValue = function _setValue(targetMoment, index) { var oldDate = this.unset ? null : this._dates[index]; var outpValue = ''; // case of calling setValue(null or false) if (!targetMoment) { if (!this._options.allowMultidate || this._dates.length === 1) { this.unset = true; this._dates = []; this._datesFormatted = []; } else { outpValue = this._element.data('date') + ','; outpValue = outpValue.replace(oldDate.format(this.actualFormat) + ',', '').replace(',,', '').replace(/,\s*$/, ''); this._dates.splice(index, 1); this._datesFormatted.splice(index, 1); } if (this.input !== undefined) { this.input.val(outpValue); this.input.trigger('input'); } this._element.data('date', outpValue); this._notifyEvent({ type: DateTimePicker.Event.CHANGE, date: false, oldDate: oldDate }); this._update(); return; } targetMoment = targetMoment.clone().locale(this._options.locale); if (this._hasTimeZone()) { targetMoment.tz(this._options.timeZone); } if (this._options.stepping !== 1) { targetMoment.minutes(Math.round(targetMoment.minutes() / this._options.stepping) * this._options.stepping).seconds(0); } if (this._isValid(targetMoment)) { this._dates[index] = targetMoment; this._datesFormatted[index] = targetMoment.format('YYYY-MM-DD'); this._viewDate = targetMoment.clone(); if (this._options.allowMultidate && this._dates.length > 1) { for (var i = 0; i < this._dates.length; i++) { outpValue += '' + this._dates[i].format(this.actualFormat) + this._options.multidateSeparator; } outpValue = outpValue.replace(/,\s*$/, ''); } else { outpValue = this._dates[index].format(this.actualFormat); } if (this.input !== undefined) { this.input.val(outpValue); this.input.trigger('input'); } this._element.data('date', outpValue); this.unset = false; this._update(); this._notifyEvent({ type: DateTimePicker.Event.CHANGE, date: this._dates[index].clone(), oldDate: oldDate }); } else { if (!this._options.keepInvalid) { if (this.input !== undefined) { this.input.val('' + (this.unset ? '' : this._dates[index].format(this.actualFormat))); this.input.trigger('input'); } } else { this._notifyEvent({ type: DateTimePicker.Event.CHANGE, date: targetMoment, oldDate: oldDate }); } this._notifyEvent({ type: DateTimePicker.Event.ERROR, date: targetMoment, oldDate: oldDate }); } }; DateTimePicker.prototype._change = function _change(e) { var val = $(e.target).val().trim(), parsedDate = val ? this._parseInputDate(val) : null; this._setValue(parsedDate); e.stopImmediatePropagation(); return false; }; //noinspection JSMethodCanBeStatic DateTimePicker.prototype._getOptions = function _getOptions(options) { options = $.extend(true, {}, Default, options); return options; }; DateTimePicker.prototype._hasTimeZone = function _hasTimeZone() { return moment.tz !== undefined && this._options.timeZone !== undefined && this._options.timeZone !== null && this._options.timeZone !== ''; }; DateTimePicker.prototype._isEnabled = function _isEnabled(granularity) { if (typeof granularity !== 'string' || granularity.length > 1) { throw new TypeError('isEnabled expects a single character string parameter'); } switch (granularity) { case 'y': return this.actualFormat.indexOf('Y') !== -1; case 'M': return this.actualFormat.indexOf('M') !== -1; case 'd': return this.actualFormat.toLowerCase().indexOf('d') !== -1; case 'h': case 'H': return this.actualFormat.toLowerCase().indexOf('h') !== -1; case 'm': return this.actualFormat.indexOf('m') !== -1; case 's': return this.actualFormat.indexOf('s') !== -1; case 'a': case 'A': return this.actualFormat.toLowerCase().indexOf('a') !== -1; default: return false; } }; DateTimePicker.prototype._hasTime = function _hasTime() { return this._isEnabled('h') || this._isEnabled('m') || this._isEnabled('s'); }; DateTimePicker.prototype._hasDate = function _hasDate() { return this._isEnabled('y') || this._isEnabled('M') || this._isEnabled('d'); }; DateTimePicker.prototype._dataToOptions = function _dataToOptions() { var eData = this._element.data(); var dataOptions = {}; if (eData.dateOptions && eData.dateOptions instanceof Object) { dataOptions = $.extend(true, dataOptions, eData.dateOptions); } $.each(this._options, function (key) { var attributeName = 'date' + key.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + key.slice(1); //todo data api key if (eData[attributeName] !== undefined) { dataOptions[key] = eData[attributeName]; } else { delete dataOptions[key]; } }); return dataOptions; }; DateTimePicker.prototype._notifyEvent = function _notifyEvent(e) { if (e.type === DateTimePicker.Event.CHANGE && (e.date && e.date.isSame(e.oldDate)) || !e.date && !e.oldDate) { return; } this._element.trigger(e); }; DateTimePicker.prototype._viewUpdate = function _viewUpdate(e) { if (e === 'y') { e = 'YYYY'; } this._notifyEvent({ type: DateTimePicker.Event.UPDATE, change: e, viewDate: this._viewDate.clone() }); }; DateTimePicker.prototype._showMode = function _showMode(dir) { if (!this.widget) { return; } if (dir) { this.currentViewMode = Math.max(this.MinViewModeNumber, Math.min(3, this.currentViewMode + dir)); } this.widget.find('.datepicker > div').hide().filter('.datepicker-' + DatePickerModes[this.currentViewMode].CLASS_NAME).show(); }; DateTimePicker.prototype._isInDisabledDates = function _isInDisabledDates(testDate) { return this._options.disabledDates[testDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD')] === true; }; DateTimePicker.prototype._isInEnabledDates = function _isInEnabledDates(testDate) { return this._options.enabledDates[testDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD')] === true; }; DateTimePicker.prototype._isInDisabledHours = function _isInDisabledHours(testDate) { return this._options.disabledHours[testDate.format('H')] === true; }; DateTimePicker.prototype._isInEnabledHours = function _isInEnabledHours(testDate) { return this._options.enabledHours[testDate.format('H')] === true; }; DateTimePicker.prototype._isValid = function _isValid(targetMoment, granularity) { if (!targetMoment.isValid()) { return false; } if (this._options.disabledDates && granularity === 'd' && this._isInDisabledDates(targetMoment)) { return false; } if (this._options.enabledDates && granularity === 'd' && !this._isInEnabledDates(targetMoment)) { return false; } if (this._options.minDate && targetMoment.isBefore(this._options.minDate, granularity)) { return false; } if (this._options.maxDate && targetMoment.isAfter(this._options.maxDate, granularity)) { return false; } if (this._options.daysOfWeekDisabled && granularity === 'd' && this._options.daysOfWeekDisabled.indexOf(targetMoment.day()) !== -1) { return false; } if (this._options.disabledHours && (granularity === 'h' || granularity === 'm' || granularity === 's') && this._isInDisabledHours(targetMoment)) { return false; } if (this._options.enabledHours && (granularity === 'h' || granularity === 'm' || granularity === 's') && !this._isInEnabledHours(targetMoment)) { return false; } if (this._options.disabledTimeIntervals && (granularity === 'h' || granularity === 'm' || granularity === 's')) { var found = false; $.each(this._options.disabledTimeIntervals, function () { if (targetMoment.isBetween(this[0], this[1])) { found = true; return false; } }); if (found) { return false; } } return true; }; DateTimePicker.prototype._parseInputDate = function _parseInputDate(inputDate) { if (this._options.parseInputDate === undefined) { if (!moment.isMoment(inputDate)) { inputDate = this.getMoment(inputDate); } } else { inputDate = this._options.parseInputDate(inputDate); } //inputDate.locale(this.options.locale); return inputDate; }; DateTimePicker.prototype._keydown = function _keydown(e) { var handler = null, index = void 0, index2 = void 0, keyBindKeys = void 0, allModifiersPressed = void 0; var pressedKeys = [], pressedModifiers = {}, currentKey = e.which, pressed = 'p'; keyState[currentKey] = pressed; for (index in keyState) { if (keyState.hasOwnProperty(index) && keyState[index] === pressed) { pressedKeys.push(index); if (parseInt(index, 10) !== currentKey) { pressedModifiers[index] = true; } } } for (index in this._options.keyBinds) { if (this._options.keyBinds.hasOwnProperty(index) && typeof this._options.keyBinds[index] === 'function') { keyBindKeys = index.split(' '); if (keyBindKeys.length === pressedKeys.length && KeyMap[currentKey] === keyBindKeys[keyBindKeys.length - 1]) { allModifiersPressed = true; for (index2 = keyBindKeys.length - 2; index2 >= 0; index2--) { if (!(KeyMap[keyBindKeys[index2]] in pressedModifiers)) { allModifiersPressed = false; break; } } if (allModifiersPressed) { handler = this._options.keyBinds[index]; break; } } } } if (handler) { if (handler.call(this)) { e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } } }; //noinspection JSMethodCanBeStatic,SpellCheckingInspection DateTimePicker.prototype._keyup = function _keyup(e) { keyState[e.which] = 'r'; if (keyPressHandled[e.which]) { keyPressHandled[e.which] = false; e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } }; DateTimePicker.prototype._indexGivenDates = function _indexGivenDates(givenDatesArray) { // Store given enabledDates and disabledDates as keys. // This way we can check their existence in O(1) time instead of looping through whole array. // (for example: options.enabledDates['2014-02-27'] === true) var givenDatesIndexed = {}, self = this; $.each(givenDatesArray, function () { var dDate = self._parseInputDate(this); if (dDate.isValid()) { givenDatesIndexed[dDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD')] = true; } }); return Object.keys(givenDatesIndexed).length ? givenDatesIndexed : false; }; DateTimePicker.prototype._indexGivenHours = function _indexGivenHours(givenHoursArray) { // Store given enabledHours and disabledHours as keys. // This way we can check their existence in O(1) time instead of looping through whole array. // (for example: options.enabledHours['2014-02-27'] === true) var givenHoursIndexed = {}; $.each(givenHoursArray, function () { givenHoursIndexed[this] = true; }); return Object.keys(givenHoursIndexed).length ? givenHoursIndexed : false; }; DateTimePicker.prototype._initFormatting = function _initFormatting() { var format = this._options.format || 'L LT', self = this; this.actualFormat = format.replace(/(\[[^\[]*])|(\\)?(LTS|LT|LL?L?L?|l{1,4})/g, function (formatInput) { return self._dates[0].localeData().longDateFormat(formatInput) || formatInput; //todo taking the first date should be ok }); this.parseFormats = this._options.extraFormats ? this._options.extraFormats.slice() : []; if (this.parseFormats.indexOf(format) < 0 && this.parseFormats.indexOf(this.actualFormat) < 0) { this.parseFormats.push(this.actualFormat); } this.use24Hours = this.actualFormat.toLowerCase().indexOf('a') < 1 && this.actualFormat.replace(/\[.*?]/g, '').indexOf('h') < 1; if (this._isEnabled('y')) { this.MinViewModeNumber = 2; } if (this._isEnabled('M')) { this.MinViewModeNumber = 1; } if (this._isEnabled('d')) { this.MinViewModeNumber = 0; } this.currentViewMode = Math.max(this.MinViewModeNumber, this.currentViewMode); if (!this.unset) { this._setValue(this._dates[0], 0); } }; DateTimePicker.prototype._getLastPickedDate = function _getLastPickedDate() { return this._dates[this._getLastPickedDateIndex()]; }; DateTimePicker.prototype._getLastPickedDateIndex = function _getLastPickedDateIndex() { return this._dates.length - 1; }; //public DateTimePicker.prototype.getMoment = function getMoment(d) { var returnMoment = void 0; if (d === undefined || d === null) { returnMoment = moment(); //TODO should this use format? and locale? } else if (this._hasTimeZone()) { // There is a string to parse and a default time zone // parse with the tz function which takes a default time zone if it is not in the format string returnMoment = moment.tz(d, this.parseFormats, this._options.locale, this._options.useStrict, this._options.timeZone); } else { returnMoment = moment(d, this.parseFormats, this._options.locale, this._options.useStrict); } if (this._hasTimeZone()) { returnMoment.tz(this._options.timeZone); } return returnMoment; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.toggle = function toggle() { return this.widget ? this.hide() : this.show(); }; DateTimePicker.prototype.ignoreReadonly = function ignoreReadonly(_ignoreReadonly) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.ignoreReadonly; } if (typeof _ignoreReadonly !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('ignoreReadonly () expects a boolean parameter'); } this._options.ignoreReadonly = _ignoreReadonly; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.options = function options(newOptions) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return $.extend(true, {}, this._options); } if (!(newOptions instanceof Object)) { throw new TypeError('options() this.options parameter should be an object'); } $.extend(true, this._options, newOptions); var self = this; $.each(this._options, function (key, value) { if (self[key] !== undefined) { self[key](value); } }); }; DateTimePicker.prototype.date = function date(newDate, index) { index = index || 0; if (arguments.length === 0) { if (this.unset) { return null; } if (this._options.allowMultidate) { return this._dates.join(this._options.multidateSeparator); } else { return this._dates[index].clone(); } } if (newDate !== null && typeof newDate !== 'string' && !moment.isMoment(newDate) && !(newDate instanceof Date)) { throw new TypeError('date() parameter must be one of [null, string, moment or Date]'); } this._setValue(newDate === null ? null : this._parseInputDate(newDate), index); }; DateTimePicker.prototype.format = function format(newFormat) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.format; } if (typeof newFormat !== 'string' && (typeof newFormat !== 'boolean' || newFormat !== false)) { throw new TypeError('format() expects a string or boolean:false parameter ' + newFormat); } this._options.format = newFormat; if (this.actualFormat) { this._initFormatting(); // reinitialize formatting } }; DateTimePicker.prototype.timeZone = function timeZone(newZone) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.timeZone; } if (typeof newZone !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('newZone() expects a string parameter'); } this._options.timeZone = newZone; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.dayViewHeaderFormat = function dayViewHeaderFormat(newFormat) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.dayViewHeaderFormat; } if (typeof newFormat !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('dayViewHeaderFormat() expects a string parameter'); } this._options.dayViewHeaderFormat = newFormat; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.extraFormats = function extraFormats(formats) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.extraFormats; } if (formats !== false && !(formats instanceof Array)) { throw new TypeError('extraFormats() expects an array or false parameter'); } this._options.extraFormats = formats; if (this.parseFormats) { this._initFormatting(); // reinit formatting } }; DateTimePicker.prototype.disabledDates = function disabledDates(dates) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.disabledDates ? $.extend({}, this._options.disabledDates) : this._options.disabledDates; } if (!dates) { this._options.disabledDates = false; this._update(); return true; } if (!(dates instanceof Array)) { throw new TypeError('disabledDates() expects an array parameter'); } this._options.disabledDates = this._indexGivenDates(dates); this._options.enabledDates = false; this._update(); }; DateTimePicker.prototype.enabledDates = function enabledDates(dates) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.enabledDates ? $.extend({}, this._options.enabledDates) : this._options.enabledDates; } if (!dates) { this._options.enabledDates = false; this._update(); return true; } if (!(dates instanceof Array)) { throw new TypeError('enabledDates() expects an array parameter'); } this._options.enabledDates = this._indexGivenDates(dates); this._options.disabledDates = false; this._update(); }; DateTimePicker.prototype.daysOfWeekDisabled = function daysOfWeekDisabled(_daysOfWeekDisabled) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.daysOfWeekDisabled.splice(0); } if (typeof _daysOfWeekDisabled === 'boolean' && !_daysOfWeekDisabled) { this._options.daysOfWeekDisabled = false; this._update(); return true; } if (!(_daysOfWeekDisabled instanceof Array)) { throw new TypeError('daysOfWeekDisabled() expects an array parameter'); } this._options.daysOfWeekDisabled = _daysOfWeekDisabled.reduce(function (previousValue, currentValue) { currentValue = parseInt(currentValue, 10); if (currentValue > 6 || currentValue < 0 || isNaN(currentValue)) { return previousValue; } if (previousValue.indexOf(currentValue) === -1) { previousValue.push(currentValue); } return previousValue; }, []).sort(); if (this._options.useCurrent && !this._options.keepInvalid) { for (var i = 0; i < this._dates.length; i++) { var tries = 0; while (!this._isValid(this._dates[i], 'd')) { this._dates[i].add(1, 'd'); if (tries === 31) { throw 'Tried 31 times to find a valid date'; } tries++; } this._setValue(this._dates[i], i); } } this._update(); }; DateTimePicker.prototype.maxDate = function maxDate(_maxDate) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.maxDate ? this._options.maxDate.clone() : this._options.maxDate; } if (typeof _maxDate === 'boolean' && _maxDate === false) { this._options.maxDate = false; this._update(); return true; } if (typeof _maxDate === 'string') { if (_maxDate === 'now' || _maxDate === 'moment') { _maxDate = this.getMoment(); } } var parsedDate = this._parseInputDate(_maxDate); if (!parsedDate.isValid()) { throw new TypeError('maxDate() Could not parse date parameter: ' + _maxDate); } if (this._options.minDate && parsedDate.isBefore(this._options.minDate)) { throw new TypeError('maxDate() date parameter is before this.options.minDate: ' + parsedDate.format(this.actualFormat)); } this._options.maxDate = parsedDate; for (var i = 0; i < this._dates.length; i++) { if (this._options.useCurrent && !this._options.keepInvalid && this._dates[i].isAfter(_maxDate)) { this._setValue(this._options.maxDate, i); } } if (this._viewDate.isAfter(parsedDate)) { this._viewDate = parsedDate.clone().subtract(this._options.stepping, 'm'); } this._update(); }; DateTimePicker.prototype.minDate = function minDate(_minDate) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.minDate ? this._options.minDate.clone() : this._options.minDate; } if (typeof _minDate === 'boolean' && _minDate === false) { this._options.minDate = false; this._update(); return true; } if (typeof _minDate === 'string') { if (_minDate === 'now' || _minDate === 'moment') { _minDate = this.getMoment(); } } var parsedDate = this._parseInputDate(_minDate); if (!parsedDate.isValid()) { throw new TypeError('minDate() Could not parse date parameter: ' + _minDate); } if (this._options.maxDate && parsedDate.isAfter(this._options.maxDate)) { throw new TypeError('minDate() date parameter is after this.options.maxDate: ' + parsedDate.format(this.actualFormat)); } this._options.minDate = parsedDate; for (var i = 0; i < this._dates.length; i++) { if (this._options.useCurrent && !this._options.keepInvalid && this._dates[i].isBefore(_minDate)) { this._setValue(this._options.minDate, i); } } if (this._viewDate.isBefore(parsedDate)) { this._viewDate = parsedDate.clone().add(this._options.stepping, 'm'); } this._update(); }; DateTimePicker.prototype.defaultDate = function defaultDate(_defaultDate) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.defaultDate ? this._options.defaultDate.clone() : this._options.defaultDate; } if (!_defaultDate) { this._options.defaultDate = false; return true; } if (typeof _defaultDate === 'string') { if (_defaultDate === 'now' || _defaultDate === 'moment') { _defaultDate = this.getMoment(); } else { _defaultDate = this.getMoment(_defaultDate); } } var parsedDate = this._parseInputDate(_defaultDate); if (!parsedDate.isValid()) { throw new TypeError('defaultDate() Could not parse date parameter: ' + _defaultDate); } if (!this._isValid(parsedDate)) { throw new TypeError('defaultDate() date passed is invalid according to component setup validations'); } this._options.defaultDate = parsedDate; if (this._options.defaultDate && this._options.inline || this.input !== undefined && this.input.val().trim() === '') { this._setValue(this._options.defaultDate, 0); } }; DateTimePicker.prototype.locale = function locale(_locale) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.locale; } if (!moment.localeData(_locale)) { throw new TypeError('locale() locale ' + _locale + ' is not loaded from moment locales!'); } this._options.locale = _locale; for (var i = 0; i < this._dates.length; i++) { this._dates[i].locale(this._options.locale); } this._viewDate.locale(this._options.locale); if (this.actualFormat) { this._initFormatting(); // reinitialize formatting } if (this.widget) { this.hide(); this.show(); } }; DateTimePicker.prototype.stepping = function stepping(_stepping) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.stepping; } _stepping = parseInt(_stepping, 10); if (isNaN(_stepping) || _stepping < 1) { _stepping = 1; } this._options.stepping = _stepping; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.useCurrent = function useCurrent(_useCurrent) { var useCurrentOptions = ['year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute']; if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.useCurrent; } if (typeof _useCurrent !== 'boolean' && typeof _useCurrent !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('useCurrent() expects a boolean or string parameter'); } if (typeof _useCurrent === 'string' && useCurrentOptions.indexOf(_useCurrent.toLowerCase()) === -1) { throw new TypeError('useCurrent() expects a string parameter of ' + useCurrentOptions.join(', ')); } this._options.useCurrent = _useCurrent; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.collapse = function collapse(_collapse) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.collapse; } if (typeof _collapse !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('collapse() expects a boolean parameter'); } if (this._options.collapse === _collapse) { return true; } this._options.collapse = _collapse; if (this.widget) { this.hide(); this.show(); } }; DateTimePicker.prototype.icons = function icons(_icons) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return $.extend({}, this._options.icons); } if (!(_icons instanceof Object)) { throw new TypeError('icons() expects parameter to be an Object'); } $.extend(this._options.icons, _icons); if (this.widget) { this.hide(); this.show(); } }; DateTimePicker.prototype.tooltips = function tooltips(_tooltips) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return $.extend({}, this._options.tooltips); } if (!(_tooltips instanceof Object)) { throw new TypeError('tooltips() expects parameter to be an Object'); } $.extend(this._options.tooltips, _tooltips); if (this.widget) { this.hide(); this.show(); } }; DateTimePicker.prototype.useStrict = function useStrict(_useStrict) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.useStrict; } if (typeof _useStrict !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('useStrict() expects a boolean parameter'); } this._options.useStrict = _useStrict; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.sideBySide = function sideBySide(_sideBySide) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.sideBySide; } if (typeof _sideBySide !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('sideBySide() expects a boolean parameter'); } this._options.sideBySide = _sideBySide; if (this.widget) { this.hide(); this.show(); } }; DateTimePicker.prototype.viewMode = function viewMode(_viewMode) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.viewMode; } if (typeof _viewMode !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('viewMode() expects a string parameter'); } if (DateTimePicker.ViewModes.indexOf(_viewMode) === -1) { throw new TypeError('viewMode() parameter must be one of (' + DateTimePicker.ViewModes.join(', ') + ') value'); } this._options.viewMode = _viewMode; this.currentViewMode = Math.max(DateTimePicker.ViewModes.indexOf(_viewMode) - 1, this.MinViewModeNumber); this._showMode(); }; DateTimePicker.prototype.calendarWeeks = function calendarWeeks(_calendarWeeks) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.calendarWeeks; } if (typeof _calendarWeeks !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('calendarWeeks() expects parameter to be a boolean value'); } this._options.calendarWeeks = _calendarWeeks; this._update(); }; DateTimePicker.prototype.buttons = function buttons(_buttons) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return $.extend({}, this._options.buttons); } if (!(_buttons instanceof Object)) { throw new TypeError('buttons() expects parameter to be an Object'); } $.extend(this._options.buttons, _buttons); if (typeof this._options.buttons.showToday !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('buttons.showToday expects a boolean parameter'); } if (typeof this._options.buttons.showClear !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('buttons.showClear expects a boolean parameter'); } if (typeof this._options.buttons.showClose !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('buttons.showClose expects a boolean parameter'); } if (this.widget) { this.hide(); this.show(); } }; DateTimePicker.prototype.keepOpen = function keepOpen(_keepOpen) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.keepOpen; } if (typeof _keepOpen !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('keepOpen() expects a boolean parameter'); } this._options.keepOpen = _keepOpen; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.focusOnShow = function focusOnShow(_focusOnShow) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.focusOnShow; } if (typeof _focusOnShow !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('focusOnShow() expects a boolean parameter'); } this._options.focusOnShow = _focusOnShow; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.inline = function inline(_inline) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.inline; } if (typeof _inline !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('inline() expects a boolean parameter'); } this._options.inline = _inline; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.clear = function clear() { this._setValue(null); //todo }; DateTimePicker.prototype.keyBinds = function keyBinds(_keyBinds) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.keyBinds; } this._options.keyBinds = _keyBinds; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.debug = function debug(_debug) { if (typeof _debug !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('debug() expects a boolean parameter'); } this._options.debug = _debug; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.allowInputToggle = function allowInputToggle(_allowInputToggle) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.allowInputToggle; } if (typeof _allowInputToggle !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('allowInputToggle() expects a boolean parameter'); } this._options.allowInputToggle = _allowInputToggle; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.keepInvalid = function keepInvalid(_keepInvalid) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.keepInvalid; } if (typeof _keepInvalid !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('keepInvalid() expects a boolean parameter'); } this._options.keepInvalid = _keepInvalid; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.datepickerInput = function datepickerInput(_datepickerInput) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.datepickerInput; } if (typeof _datepickerInput !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('datepickerInput() expects a string parameter'); } this._options.datepickerInput = _datepickerInput; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.parseInputDate = function parseInputDate(_parseInputDate2) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.parseInputDate; } if (typeof _parseInputDate2 !== 'function') { throw new TypeError('parseInputDate() should be as function'); } this._options.parseInputDate = _parseInputDate2; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.disabledTimeIntervals = function disabledTimeIntervals(_disabledTimeIntervals) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.disabledTimeIntervals ? $.extend({}, this._options.disabledTimeIntervals) : this._options.disabledTimeIntervals; } if (!_disabledTimeIntervals) { this._options.disabledTimeIntervals = false; this._update(); return true; } if (!(_disabledTimeIntervals instanceof Array)) { throw new TypeError('disabledTimeIntervals() expects an array parameter'); } this._options.disabledTimeIntervals = _disabledTimeIntervals; this._update(); }; DateTimePicker.prototype.disabledHours = function disabledHours(hours) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.disabledHours ? $.extend({}, this._options.disabledHours) : this._options.disabledHours; } if (!hours) { this._options.disabledHours = false; this._update(); return true; } if (!(hours instanceof Array)) { throw new TypeError('disabledHours() expects an array parameter'); } this._options.disabledHours = this._indexGivenHours(hours); this._options.enabledHours = false; if (this._options.useCurrent && !this._options.keepInvalid) { for (var i = 0; i < this._dates.length; i++) { var tries = 0; while (!this._isValid(this._dates[i], 'h')) { this._dates[i].add(1, 'h'); if (tries === 24) { throw 'Tried 24 times to find a valid date'; } tries++; } this._setValue(this._dates[i], i); } } this._update(); }; DateTimePicker.prototype.enabledHours = function enabledHours(hours) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.enabledHours ? $.extend({}, this._options.enabledHours) : this._options.enabledHours; } if (!hours) { this._options.enabledHours = false; this._update(); return true; } if (!(hours instanceof Array)) { throw new TypeError('enabledHours() expects an array parameter'); } this._options.enabledHours = this._indexGivenHours(hours); this._options.disabledHours = false; if (this._options.useCurrent && !this._options.keepInvalid) { for (var i = 0; i < this._dates.length; i++) { var tries = 0; while (!this._isValid(this._dates[i], 'h')) { this._dates[i].add(1, 'h'); if (tries === 24) { throw 'Tried 24 times to find a valid date'; } tries++; } this._setValue(this._dates[i], i); } } this._update(); }; DateTimePicker.prototype.viewDate = function viewDate(newDate) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._viewDate.clone(); } if (!newDate) { this._viewDate = (this._dates[0] || this.getMoment()).clone(); return true; } if (typeof newDate !== 'string' && !moment.isMoment(newDate) && !(newDate instanceof Date)) { throw new TypeError('viewDate() parameter must be one of [string, moment or Date]'); } this._viewDate = this._parseInputDate(newDate); this._viewUpdate(); }; DateTimePicker.prototype.allowMultidate = function allowMultidate(_allowMultidate) { if (typeof _allowMultidate !== 'boolean') { throw new TypeError('allowMultidate() expects a boolean parameter'); } this._options.allowMultidate = _allowMultidate; }; DateTimePicker.prototype.multidateSeparator = function multidateSeparator(_multidateSeparator) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.multidateSeparator; } if (typeof _multidateSeparator !== 'string' || _multidateSeparator.length > 1) { throw new TypeError('multidateSeparator expects a single character string parameter'); } this._options.multidateSeparator = _multidateSeparator; }; _createClass(DateTimePicker, null, [{ key: 'NAME', get: function get() { return NAME; } /** * @return {string} */ }, { key: 'DATA_KEY', get: function get() { return DATA_KEY; } /** * @return {string} */ }, { key: 'EVENT_KEY', get: function get() { return EVENT_KEY; } /** * @return {string} */ }, { key: 'DATA_API_KEY', get: function get() { return DATA_API_KEY; } }, { key: 'DatePickerModes', get: function get() { return DatePickerModes; } }, { key: 'ViewModes', get: function get() { return ViewModes; } }, { key: 'Event', get: function get() { return Event; } }, { key: 'Selector', get: function get() { return Selector; } }, { key: 'Default', get: function get() { return Default; }, set: function set(value) { Default = value; } }, { key: 'ClassName', get: function get() { return ClassName; } }]); return DateTimePicker; }(); return DateTimePicker; }(jQuery, moment); //noinspection JSUnusedGlobalSymbols /* global DateTimePicker */ var TempusDominusBootstrap4 = function ($) { // eslint-disable-line no-unused-vars // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming var JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT = $.fn[DateTimePicker.NAME], verticalModes = ['top', 'bottom', 'auto'], horizontalModes = ['left', 'right', 'auto'], toolbarPlacements = ['default', 'top', 'bottom'], getSelectorFromElement = function getSelectorFromElement($element) { var selector = $element.data('target'), $selector = void 0; if (!selector) { selector = $element.attr('href') || ''; selector = /^#[a-z]/i.test(selector) ? selector : null; } $selector = $(selector); if ($selector.length === 0) { return $selector; } if (!$selector.data(DateTimePicker.DATA_KEY)) { $.extend({}, $selector.data(), $(this).data()); } return $selector; }; // ReSharper disable once InconsistentNaming var TempusDominusBootstrap4 = function (_DateTimePicker) { _inherits(TempusDominusBootstrap4, _DateTimePicker); function TempusDominusBootstrap4(element, options) { _classCallCheck(this, TempusDominusBootstrap4); var _this = _possibleConstructorReturn(this, _DateTimePicker.call(this, element, options)); _this._init(); return _this; } TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._init = function _init() { if (this._element.hasClass('input-group')) { var datepickerButton = this._element.find('.datepickerbutton'); if (datepickerButton.length === 0) { this.component = this._element.find('[data-toggle="datetimepicker"]'); } else { this.component = datepickerButton; } } }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._getDatePickerTemplate = function _getDatePickerTemplate() { var headTemplate = $('').append($('').append($('').addClass('prev').attr('data-action', 'previous').append($('').addClass(this._options.icons.previous))).append($('').addClass('picker-switch').attr('data-action', 'pickerSwitch').attr('colspan', '' + (this._options.calendarWeeks ? '6' : '5'))).append($('').addClass('next').attr('data-action', 'next').append($('').addClass(this._options.icons.next)))), contTemplate = $('').append($('').append($('').attr('colspan', '' + (this._options.calendarWeeks ? '8' : '7')))); return [$('
').addClass('datepicker-days').append($('').addClass('table table-sm').append(headTemplate).append($(''))), $('
').addClass('table-condensed').append(headTemplate.clone()).append(contTemplate.clone())), $('
').addClass('table-condensed').append(headTemplate.clone()).append(contTemplate.clone())), $('
').addClass('table-condensed').append(headTemplate.clone()).append(contTemplate.clone()))]; }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._getTimePickerMainTemplate = function _getTimePickerMainTemplate() { var topRow = $(''), middleRow = $(''), bottomRow = $(''); if (this._isEnabled('h')) { topRow.append($('
').append($('').attr({ href: '#', tabindex: '-1', 'title': this._options.tooltips.incrementHour }).addClass('btn').attr('data-action', 'incrementHours').append($('').addClass(this._options.icons.up)))); middleRow.append($('').append($('').addClass('timepicker-hour').attr({ 'data-time-component': 'hours', 'title': this._options.tooltips.pickHour }).attr('data-action', 'showHours'))); bottomRow.append($('').append($('').attr({ href: '#', tabindex: '-1', 'title': this._options.tooltips.decrementHour }).addClass('btn').attr('data-action', 'decrementHours').append($('').addClass(this._options.icons.down)))); } if (this._isEnabled('m')) { if (this._isEnabled('h')) { topRow.append($('').addClass('separator')); middleRow.append($('').addClass('separator').html(':')); bottomRow.append($('').addClass('separator')); } topRow.append($('').append($('').attr({ href: '#', tabindex: '-1', 'title': this._options.tooltips.incrementMinute }).addClass('btn').attr('data-action', 'incrementMinutes').append($('').addClass(this._options.icons.up)))); middleRow.append($('').append($('').addClass('timepicker-minute').attr({ 'data-time-component': 'minutes', 'title': this._options.tooltips.pickMinute }).attr('data-action', 'showMinutes'))); bottomRow.append($('').append($('').attr({ href: '#', tabindex: '-1', 'title': this._options.tooltips.decrementMinute }).addClass('btn').attr('data-action', 'decrementMinutes').append($('').addClass(this._options.icons.down)))); } if (this._isEnabled('s')) { if (this._isEnabled('m')) { topRow.append($('').addClass('separator')); middleRow.append($('').addClass('separator').html(':')); bottomRow.append($('').addClass('separator')); } topRow.append($('').append($('').attr({ href: '#', tabindex: '-1', 'title': this._options.tooltips.incrementSecond }).addClass('btn').attr('data-action', 'incrementSeconds').append($('').addClass(this._options.icons.up)))); middleRow.append($('').append($('').addClass('timepicker-second').attr({ 'data-time-component': 'seconds', 'title': this._options.tooltips.pickSecond }).attr('data-action', 'showSeconds'))); bottomRow.append($('').append($('').attr({ href: '#', tabindex: '-1', 'title': this._options.tooltips.decrementSecond }).addClass('btn').attr('data-action', 'decrementSeconds').append($('').addClass(this._options.icons.down)))); } if (!this.use24Hours) { topRow.append($('').addClass('separator')); middleRow.append($('').append($('').addClass('separator')); } return $('
').addClass('timepicker-picker').append($('').addClass('table-condensed').append([topRow, middleRow, bottomRow])); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._getTimePickerTemplate = function _getTimePickerTemplate() { var hoursView = $('
').addClass('table-condensed')), minutesView = $('
').addClass('table-condensed')), secondsView = $('
').addClass('table-condensed')), ret = [this._getTimePickerMainTemplate()]; if (this._isEnabled('h')) { ret.push(hoursView); } if (this._isEnabled('m')) { ret.push(minutesView); } if (this._isEnabled('s')) { ret.push(secondsView); } return ret; }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._getToolbar = function _getToolbar() { var row = []; if (this._options.buttons.showToday) { row.push($('
').append($('').attr({ href: '#', tabindex: '-1', 'data-action': 'today', 'title': this._options.tooltips.today }).append($('').addClass(this._options.icons.today)))); } if (!this._options.sideBySide && this._hasDate() && this._hasTime()) { var title = void 0, icon = void 0; if (this._options.viewMode === 'times') { title = this._options.tooltips.selectDate; icon = this._options.icons.date; } else { title = this._options.tooltips.selectTime; icon = this._options.icons.time; } row.push($('').append($('').attr({ href: '#', tabindex: '-1', 'data-action': 'togglePicker', 'title': title }).append($('').addClass(icon)))); } if (this._options.buttons.showClear) { row.push($('').append($('').attr({ href: '#', tabindex: '-1', 'data-action': 'clear', 'title': this._options.tooltips.clear }).append($('').addClass(this._options.icons.clear)))); } if (this._options.buttons.showClose) { row.push($('').append($('').attr({ href: '#', tabindex: '-1', 'data-action': 'close', 'title': this._options.tooltips.close }).append($('').addClass(this._options.icons.close)))); } return row.length === 0 ? '' : $('').addClass('table-condensed').append($('').append($('').append(row))); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._getTemplate = function _getTemplate() { var template = $('
').addClass('bootstrap-datetimepicker-widget dropdown-menu'), dateView = $('
').addClass('datepicker').append(this._getDatePickerTemplate()), timeView = $('
').addClass('timepicker').append(this._getTimePickerTemplate()), content = $('
    ').addClass('list-unstyled'), toolbar = $('
  • ').addClass('picker-switch' + (this._options.collapse ? ' accordion-toggle' : '')).append(this._getToolbar()); if (this._options.inline) { template.removeClass('dropdown-menu'); } if (this.use24Hours) { template.addClass('usetwentyfour'); } if (this._isEnabled('s') && !this.use24Hours) { template.addClass('wider'); } if (this._options.sideBySide && this._hasDate() && this._hasTime()) { template.addClass('timepicker-sbs'); if (this._options.toolbarPlacement === 'top') { template.append(toolbar); } template.append($('
    ').addClass('row').append(dateView.addClass('col-md-6')).append(timeView.addClass('col-md-6'))); if (this._options.toolbarPlacement === 'bottom' || this._options.toolbarPlacement === 'default') { template.append(toolbar); } return template; } if (this._options.toolbarPlacement === 'top') { content.append(toolbar); } if (this._hasDate()) { content.append($('
  • ').addClass(this._options.collapse && this._hasTime() ? 'collapse' : '').addClass(this._options.collapse && this._hasTime() && this._options.viewMode === 'times' ? '' : 'show').append(dateView)); } if (this._options.toolbarPlacement === 'default') { content.append(toolbar); } if (this._hasTime()) { content.append($('
  • ').addClass(this._options.collapse && this._hasDate() ? 'collapse' : '').addClass(this._options.collapse && this._hasDate() && this._options.viewMode === 'times' ? 'show' : '').append(timeView)); } if (this._options.toolbarPlacement === 'bottom') { content.append(toolbar); } return template.append(content); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._place = function _place(e) { var self = e && e.data && e.data.picker || this, vertical = self._options.widgetPositioning.vertical, horizontal = self._options.widgetPositioning.horizontal, parent = void 0; var position = (self.component && self.component.length ? self.component : self._element).position(), offset = (self.component && self.component.length ? self.component : self._element).offset(); if (self._options.widgetParent) { parent = self._options.widgetParent.append(self.widget); } else if (self._element.is('input')) { parent = self._element.after(self.widget).parent(); } else if (self._options.inline) { parent = self._element.append(self.widget); return; } else { parent = self._element; self._element.children().first().after(self.widget); } // Top and bottom logic if (vertical === 'auto') { //noinspection JSValidateTypes if (offset.top + self.widget.height() * 1.5 >= $(window).height() + $(window).scrollTop() && self.widget.height() + self._element.outerHeight() < offset.top) { vertical = 'top'; } else { vertical = 'bottom'; } } // Left and right logic if (horizontal === 'auto') { if (parent.width() < offset.left + self.widget.outerWidth() / 2 && offset.left + self.widget.outerWidth() > $(window).width()) { horizontal = 'right'; } else { horizontal = 'left'; } } if (vertical === 'top') { self.widget.addClass('top').removeClass('bottom'); } else { self.widget.addClass('bottom').removeClass('top'); } if (horizontal === 'right') { self.widget.addClass('float-right'); } else { self.widget.removeClass('float-right'); } // find the first parent element that has a relative css positioning if (parent.css('position') !== 'relative') { parent = parent.parents().filter(function () { return $(this).css('position') === 'relative'; }).first(); } if (parent.length === 0) { throw new Error('datetimepicker component should be placed within a relative positioned container'); } self.widget.css({ top: vertical === 'top' ? 'auto' : position.top + self._element.outerHeight() + 'px', bottom: vertical === 'top' ? parent.outerHeight() - (parent === self._element ? 0 : position.top) + 'px' : 'auto', left: horizontal === 'left' ? (parent === self._element ? 0 : position.left) + 'px' : 'auto', right: horizontal === 'left' ? 'auto' : parent.outerWidth() - self._element.outerWidth() - (parent === self._element ? 0 : position.left) + 'px' }); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._fillDow = function _fillDow() { var row = $('
'), currentDate = this._viewDate.clone().startOf('w').startOf('d'); if (this._options.calendarWeeks === true) { row.append($(''); if (this._options.calendarWeeks) { row.append(''); } html.push(row); } clsName = ''; if (currentDate.isBefore(this._viewDate, 'M')) { clsName += ' old'; } if (currentDate.isAfter(this._viewDate, 'M')) { clsName += ' new'; } if (this._options.allowMultidate) { var index = this._datesFormatted.indexOf(currentDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD')); if (index !== -1) { if (currentDate.isSame(this._datesFormatted[index], 'd') && !this.unset) { clsName += ' active'; } } } else { if (currentDate.isSame(this._getLastPickedDate(), 'd') && !this.unset) { clsName += ' active'; } } if (!this._isValid(currentDate, 'd')) { clsName += ' disabled'; } if (currentDate.isSame(this.getMoment(), 'd')) { clsName += ' today'; } if (currentDate.day() === 0 || currentDate.day() === 6) { clsName += ' weekend'; } row.append(''); currentDate.add(1, 'd'); } daysView.find('tbody').empty().append(html); this._updateMonths(); this._updateYears(); this._updateDecades(); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._fillHours = function _fillHours() { var table = this.widget.find('.timepicker-hours table'), currentHour = this._viewDate.clone().startOf('d'), html = []; var row = $(''); if (this._viewDate.hour() > 11 && !this.use24Hours) { currentHour.hour(12); } while (currentHour.isSame(this._viewDate, 'd') && (this.use24Hours || this._viewDate.hour() < 12 && currentHour.hour() < 12 || this._viewDate.hour() > 11)) { if (currentHour.hour() % 4 === 0) { row = $(''); html.push(row); } row.append(''); currentHour.add(1, 'h'); } table.empty().append(html); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._fillMinutes = function _fillMinutes() { var table = this.widget.find('.timepicker-minutes table'), currentMinute = this._viewDate.clone().startOf('h'), html = [], step = this._options.stepping === 1 ? 5 : this._options.stepping; var row = $(''); while (this._viewDate.isSame(currentMinute, 'h')) { if (currentMinute.minute() % (step * 4) === 0) { row = $(''); html.push(row); } row.append(''); currentMinute.add(step, 'm'); } table.empty().append(html); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._fillSeconds = function _fillSeconds() { var table = this.widget.find('.timepicker-seconds table'), currentSecond = this._viewDate.clone().startOf('m'), html = []; var row = $(''); while (this._viewDate.isSame(currentSecond, 'm')) { if (currentSecond.second() % 20 === 0) { row = $(''); html.push(row); } row.append(''); currentSecond.add(5, 's'); } table.empty().append(html); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._fillTime = function _fillTime() { var toggle = void 0, newDate = void 0; var timeComponents = this.widget.find('.timepicker span[data-time-component]'); if (!this.use24Hours) { toggle = this.widget.find('.timepicker [data-action=togglePeriod]'); newDate = this._getLastPickedDate().clone().add(this._getLastPickedDate().hours() >= 12 ? -12 : 12, 'h'); toggle.text(this._getLastPickedDate().format('A')); if (this._isValid(newDate, 'h')) { toggle.removeClass('disabled'); } else { toggle.addClass('disabled'); } } timeComponents.filter('[data-time-component=hours]').text(this._getLastPickedDate().format('' + (this.use24Hours ? 'HH' : 'hh'))); timeComponents.filter('[data-time-component=minutes]').text(this._getLastPickedDate().format('mm')); timeComponents.filter('[data-time-component=seconds]').text(this._getLastPickedDate().format('ss')); this._fillHours(); this._fillMinutes(); this._fillSeconds(); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._doAction = function _doAction(e, action) { var lastPicked = this._getLastPickedDate(); if ($(e.currentTarget).is('.disabled')) { return false; } action = action || $(e.currentTarget).data('action'); switch (action) { case 'next': { var navFnc = DateTimePicker.DatePickerModes[this.currentViewMode].NAV_FUNCTION; this._viewDate.add(DateTimePicker.DatePickerModes[this.currentViewMode].NAV_STEP, navFnc); this._fillDate(); this._viewUpdate(navFnc); break; } case 'previous': { var _navFnc = DateTimePicker.DatePickerModes[this.currentViewMode].NAV_FUNCTION; this._viewDate.subtract(DateTimePicker.DatePickerModes[this.currentViewMode].NAV_STEP, _navFnc); this._fillDate(); this._viewUpdate(_navFnc); break; } case 'pickerSwitch': this._showMode(1); break; case 'selectMonth': { var month = $(e.target).closest('tbody').find('span').index($(e.target)); this._viewDate.month(month); if (this.currentViewMode === this.MinViewModeNumber) { this._setValue(lastPicked.clone().year(this._viewDate.year()).month(this._viewDate.month()), this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); if (!this._options.inline) { this.hide(); } } else { this._showMode(-1); this._fillDate(); } this._viewUpdate('M'); break; } case 'selectYear': { var year = parseInt($(e.target).text(), 10) || 0; this._viewDate.year(year); if (this.currentViewMode === this.MinViewModeNumber) { this._setValue(lastPicked.clone().year(this._viewDate.year()), this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); if (!this._options.inline) { this.hide(); } } else { this._showMode(-1); this._fillDate(); } this._viewUpdate('YYYY'); break; } case 'selectDecade': { var _year = parseInt($(e.target).data('selection'), 10) || 0; this._viewDate.year(_year); if (this.currentViewMode === this.MinViewModeNumber) { this._setValue(lastPicked.clone().year(this._viewDate.year()), this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); if (!this._options.inline) { this.hide(); } } else { this._showMode(-1); this._fillDate(); } this._viewUpdate('YYYY'); break; } case 'selectDay': { var day = this._viewDate.clone(); if ($(e.target).is('.old')) { day.subtract(1, 'M'); } if ($(e.target).is('.new')) { day.add(1, 'M'); } var selectDate = day.date(parseInt($(e.target).text(), 10)), index = 0; if (this._options.allowMultidate) { index = this._datesFormatted.indexOf(selectDate.format('YYYY-MM-DD')); if (index !== -1) { this._setValue(null, index); //deselect multidate } else { this._setValue(selectDate, this._getLastPickedDateIndex() + 1); } } else { this._setValue(selectDate, this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); } if (!this._hasTime() && !this._options.keepOpen && !this._options.inline && !this._options.allowMultidate) { this.hide(); } break; } case 'incrementHours': { var newDate = lastPicked.clone().add(1, 'h'); if (this._isValid(newDate, 'h')) { this._setValue(newDate, this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); } break; } case 'incrementMinutes': { var _newDate = lastPicked.clone().add(this._options.stepping, 'm'); if (this._isValid(_newDate, 'm')) { this._setValue(_newDate, this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); } break; } case 'incrementSeconds': { var _newDate2 = lastPicked.clone().add(1, 's'); if (this._isValid(_newDate2, 's')) { this._setValue(_newDate2, this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); } break; } case 'decrementHours': { var _newDate3 = lastPicked.clone().subtract(1, 'h'); if (this._isValid(_newDate3, 'h')) { this._setValue(_newDate3, this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); } break; } case 'decrementMinutes': { var _newDate4 = lastPicked.clone().subtract(this._options.stepping, 'm'); if (this._isValid(_newDate4, 'm')) { this._setValue(_newDate4, this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); } break; } case 'decrementSeconds': { var _newDate5 = lastPicked.clone().subtract(1, 's'); if (this._isValid(_newDate5, 's')) { this._setValue(_newDate5, this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); } break; } case 'togglePeriod': { this._setValue(lastPicked.clone().add(lastPicked.hours() >= 12 ? -12 : 12, 'h'), this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); break; } case 'togglePicker': { var $this = $(e.target), $link = $this.closest('a'), $parent = $this.closest('ul'), expanded = $parent.find('.show'), closed = $parent.find('.collapse:not(.show)'), $span = $this.is('span') ? $this : $this.find('span'); var collapseData = void 0; if (expanded && expanded.length) { collapseData = expanded.data('collapse'); if (collapseData && collapseData.transitioning) { return true; } if (expanded.collapse) { // if collapse plugin is available through bootstrap.js then use it expanded.collapse('hide'); closed.collapse('show'); } else { // otherwise just toggle in class on the two views expanded.removeClass('show'); closed.addClass('show'); } $span.toggleClass(this._options.icons.time + ' ' + this._options.icons.date); if ($span.hasClass(this._options.icons.date)) { $link.attr('title', this._options.tooltips.selectDate); } else { $link.attr('title', this._options.tooltips.selectTime); } } } break; case 'showPicker': this.widget.find('.timepicker > div:not(.timepicker-picker)').hide(); this.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-picker').show(); break; case 'showHours': this.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-picker').hide(); this.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-hours').show(); break; case 'showMinutes': this.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-picker').hide(); this.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-minutes').show(); break; case 'showSeconds': this.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-picker').hide(); this.widget.find('.timepicker .timepicker-seconds').show(); break; case 'selectHour': { var hour = parseInt($(e.target).text(), 10); if (!this.use24Hours) { if (lastPicked.hours() >= 12) { if (hour !== 12) { hour += 12; } } else { if (hour === 12) { hour = 0; } } } this._setValue(lastPicked.clone().hours(hour), this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); if (!this._isEnabled('a') && !this._isEnabled('m') && !this._options.keepOpen && !this._options.inline) { this.hide(); } else { this._doAction(e, 'showPicker'); } break; } case 'selectMinute': this._setValue(lastPicked.clone().minutes(parseInt($(e.target).text(), 10)), this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); if (!this._isEnabled('a') && !this._isEnabled('s') && !this._options.keepOpen && !this._options.inline) { this.hide(); } else { this._doAction(e, 'showPicker'); } break; case 'selectSecond': this._setValue(lastPicked.clone().seconds(parseInt($(e.target).text(), 10)), this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); if (!this._isEnabled('a') && !this._options.keepOpen && !this._options.inline) { this.hide(); } else { this._doAction(e, 'showPicker'); } break; case 'clear': this.clear(); break; case 'close': this.hide(); break; case 'today': { var todaysDate = this.getMoment(); if (this._isValid(todaysDate, 'd')) { this._setValue(todaysDate, this._getLastPickedDateIndex()); } break; } } return false; }; //public TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype.hide = function hide() { var transitioning = false; if (!this.widget) { return; } // Ignore event if in the middle of a picker transition this.widget.find('.collapse').each(function () { var collapseData = $(this).data('collapse'); if (collapseData && collapseData.transitioning) { transitioning = true; return false; } return true; }); if (transitioning) { return; } if (this.component && this.component.hasClass('btn')) { this.component.toggleClass('active'); } this.widget.hide(); $(window).off('resize', this._place()); this.widget.off('click', '[data-action]'); this.widget.off('mousedown', false); this.widget.remove(); this.widget = false; this._notifyEvent({ type: DateTimePicker.Event.HIDE, date: this._getLastPickedDate().clone() }); if (this.input !== undefined) { this.input.blur(); } this._viewDate = this._getLastPickedDate().clone(); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype.show = function show() { var currentMoment = void 0; var useCurrentGranularity = { 'year': function year(m) { return m.month(0).date(1).hours(0).seconds(0).minutes(0); }, 'month': function month(m) { return m.date(1).hours(0).seconds(0).minutes(0); }, 'day': function day(m) { return m.hours(0).seconds(0).minutes(0); }, 'hour': function hour(m) { return m.seconds(0).minutes(0); }, 'minute': function minute(m) { return m.seconds(0); } }; if (this.input !== undefined) { if (this.input.prop('disabled') || !this._options.ignoreReadonly && this.input.prop('readonly') || this.widget) { return; } if (this.input.val() !== undefined && this.input.val().trim().length !== 0) { this._setValue(this._parseInputDate(this.input.val().trim()), 0); } else if (this.unset && this._options.useCurrent) { currentMoment = this.getMoment(); if (typeof this._options.useCurrent === 'string') { currentMoment = useCurrentGranularity[this._options.useCurrent](currentMoment); } this._setValue(currentMoment, 0); } } else if (this.unset && this._options.useCurrent) { currentMoment = this.getMoment(); if (typeof this._options.useCurrent === 'string') { currentMoment = useCurrentGranularity[this._options.useCurrent](currentMoment); } this._setValue(currentMoment, 0); } this.widget = this._getTemplate(); this._fillDow(); this._fillMonths(); this.widget.find('.timepicker-hours').hide(); this.widget.find('.timepicker-minutes').hide(); this.widget.find('.timepicker-seconds').hide(); this._update(); this._showMode(); $(window).on('resize', { picker: this }, this._place); this.widget.on('click', '[data-action]', $.proxy(this._doAction, this)); // this handles clicks on the widget this.widget.on('mousedown', false); if (this.component && this.component.hasClass('btn')) { this.component.toggleClass('active'); } this._place(); this.widget.show(); if (this.input !== undefined && this._options.focusOnShow && !this.input.is(':focus')) { this.input.focus(); } this._notifyEvent({ type: DateTimePicker.Event.SHOW }); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype.destroy = function destroy() { this.hide(); //todo doc off? this._element.removeData(DateTimePicker.DATA_KEY); this._element.removeData('date'); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype.disable = function disable() { this.hide(); if (this.component && this.component.hasClass('btn')) { this.component.addClass('disabled'); } if (this.input !== undefined) { this.input.prop('disabled', true); //todo disable this/comp if input is null } }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype.enable = function enable() { if (this.component && this.component.hasClass('btn')) { this.component.removeClass('disabled'); } if (this.input !== undefined) { this.input.prop('disabled', false); //todo enable comp/this if input is null } }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype.toolbarPlacement = function toolbarPlacement(_toolbarPlacement) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.toolbarPlacement; } if (typeof _toolbarPlacement !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('toolbarPlacement() expects a string parameter'); } if (toolbarPlacements.indexOf(_toolbarPlacement) === -1) { throw new TypeError('toolbarPlacement() parameter must be one of (' + toolbarPlacements.join(', ') + ') value'); } this._options.toolbarPlacement = _toolbarPlacement; if (this.widget) { this.hide(); this.show(); } }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype.widgetPositioning = function widgetPositioning(_widgetPositioning) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return $.extend({}, this._options.widgetPositioning); } if ({}.toString.call(_widgetPositioning) !== '[object Object]') { throw new TypeError('widgetPositioning() expects an object variable'); } if (_widgetPositioning.horizontal) { if (typeof _widgetPositioning.horizontal !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('widgetPositioning() horizontal variable must be a string'); } _widgetPositioning.horizontal = _widgetPositioning.horizontal.toLowerCase(); if (horizontalModes.indexOf(_widgetPositioning.horizontal) === -1) { throw new TypeError('widgetPositioning() expects horizontal parameter to be one of (' + horizontalModes.join(', ') + ')'); } this._options.widgetPositioning.horizontal = _widgetPositioning.horizontal; } if (_widgetPositioning.vertical) { if (typeof _widgetPositioning.vertical !== 'string') { throw new TypeError('widgetPositioning() vertical variable must be a string'); } _widgetPositioning.vertical = _widgetPositioning.vertical.toLowerCase(); if (verticalModes.indexOf(_widgetPositioning.vertical) === -1) { throw new TypeError('widgetPositioning() expects vertical parameter to be one of (' + verticalModes.join(', ') + ')'); } this._options.widgetPositioning.vertical = _widgetPositioning.vertical; } this._update(); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype.widgetParent = function widgetParent(_widgetParent) { if (arguments.length === 0) { return this._options.widgetParent; } if (typeof _widgetParent === 'string') { _widgetParent = $(_widgetParent); } if (_widgetParent !== null && typeof _widgetParent !== 'string' && !(_widgetParent instanceof $)) { throw new TypeError('widgetParent() expects a string or a jQuery object parameter'); } this._options.widgetParent = _widgetParent; if (this.widget) { this.hide(); this.show(); } }; //static TempusDominusBootstrap4._jQueryHandleThis = function _jQueryHandleThis(me, option, argument) { var data = $(me).data(DateTimePicker.DATA_KEY); if ((typeof option === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : _typeof(option)) === 'object') { $.extend({}, DateTimePicker.Default, option); } if (!data) { data = new TempusDominusBootstrap4($(me), option); $(me).data(DateTimePicker.DATA_KEY, data); } if (typeof option === 'string') { if (data[option] === undefined) { throw new Error('No method named "' + option + '"'); } if (argument === undefined) { return data[option](); } else { return data[option](argument); } } }; TempusDominusBootstrap4._jQueryInterface = function _jQueryInterface(option, argument) { if (this.length === 1) { return TempusDominusBootstrap4._jQueryHandleThis(this[0], option, argument); } return this.each(function () { TempusDominusBootstrap4._jQueryHandleThis(this, option, argument); }); }; return TempusDominusBootstrap4; }(DateTimePicker); /** * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ * jQuery * ------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ $(document).on(DateTimePicker.Event.CLICK_DATA_API, DateTimePicker.Selector.DATA_TOGGLE, function () { var $target = getSelectorFromElement($(this)); if ($target.length === 0) { return; } TempusDominusBootstrap4._jQueryInterface.call($target, 'toggle'); }).on(DateTimePicker.Event.CHANGE, '.' + DateTimePicker.ClassName.INPUT, function (event) { var $target = getSelectorFromElement($(this)); if ($target.length === 0) { return; } TempusDominusBootstrap4._jQueryInterface.call($target, '_change', event); }).on(DateTimePicker.Event.BLUR, '.' + DateTimePicker.ClassName.INPUT, function (event) { var $target = getSelectorFromElement($(this)), config = $target.data(DateTimePicker.DATA_KEY); if ($target.length === 0) { return; } if (config._options.debug || window.debug) { return; } TempusDominusBootstrap4._jQueryInterface.call($target, 'hide', event); }).on(DateTimePicker.Event.KEYDOWN, '.' + DateTimePicker.ClassName.INPUT, function (event) { var $target = getSelectorFromElement($(this)); if ($target.length === 0) { return; } TempusDominusBootstrap4._jQueryInterface.call($target, '_keydown', event); }).on(DateTimePicker.Event.KEYUP, '.' + DateTimePicker.ClassName.INPUT, function (event) { var $target = getSelectorFromElement($(this)); if ($target.length === 0) { return; } TempusDominusBootstrap4._jQueryInterface.call($target, '_keyup', event); }).on(DateTimePicker.Event.FOCUS, '.' + DateTimePicker.ClassName.INPUT, function (event) { var $target = getSelectorFromElement($(this)), config = $target.data(DateTimePicker.DATA_KEY); if ($target.length === 0) { return; } if (!config._options.allowInputToggle) { return; } TempusDominusBootstrap4._jQueryInterface.call($target, 'show', event); }); $.fn[DateTimePicker.NAME] = TempusDominusBootstrap4._jQueryInterface; $.fn[DateTimePicker.NAME].Constructor = TempusDominusBootstrap4; $.fn[DateTimePicker.NAME].noConflict = function () { $.fn[DateTimePicker.NAME] = JQUERY_NO_CONFLICT; return TempusDominusBootstrap4._jQueryInterface; }; return TempusDominusBootstrap4; }(jQuery); }(); // script_datepicker_config.js.coffee (function() { decko.addEditor('.date-editor', function() { return decko.initDatepicker($(this)); }, function() { return this.val(); }); $.extend(decko, { setDatepickerConfig: function(string) { var setter; setter = function() { try { return $.parseJSON(string); } catch (error) { return {}; } }; return decko.datepickerConfig = setter(); }, configDatepicker: function() { var conf, hard_conf, user_conf; conf = { format: "YY-MM-DD" }; hard_conf = {}; user_conf = decko.datepickerConfig != null ? decko.datepickerConfig : {}; $.extend(conf, user_conf, hard_conf); return conf; }, initDatepicker: function(input) { return input.datetimepicker(decko.configDatepicker()); } }); }).call(this);
').addClass('cw').text('#')); } while (currentDate.isBefore(this._viewDate.clone().endOf('w'))) { row.append($('').addClass('dow').text(currentDate.format('dd'))); currentDate.add(1, 'd'); } this.widget.find('.datepicker-days thead').append(row); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._fillMonths = function _fillMonths() { var spans = [], monthsShort = this._viewDate.clone().startOf('y').startOf('d'); while (monthsShort.isSame(this._viewDate, 'y')) { spans.push($('').attr('data-action', 'selectMonth').addClass('month').text(monthsShort.format('MMM'))); monthsShort.add(1, 'M'); } this.widget.find('.datepicker-months td').empty().append(spans); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._updateMonths = function _updateMonths() { var monthsView = this.widget.find('.datepicker-months'), monthsViewHeader = monthsView.find('th'), months = monthsView.find('tbody').find('span'), self = this; monthsViewHeader.eq(0).find('span').attr('title', this._options.tooltips.prevYear); monthsViewHeader.eq(1).attr('title', this._options.tooltips.selectYear); monthsViewHeader.eq(2).find('span').attr('title', this._options.tooltips.nextYear); monthsView.find('.disabled').removeClass('disabled'); if (!this._isValid(this._viewDate.clone().subtract(1, 'y'), 'y')) { monthsViewHeader.eq(0).addClass('disabled'); } monthsViewHeader.eq(1).text(this._viewDate.year()); if (!this._isValid(this._viewDate.clone().add(1, 'y'), 'y')) { monthsViewHeader.eq(2).addClass('disabled'); } months.removeClass('active'); if (this._getLastPickedDate().isSame(this._viewDate, 'y') && !this.unset) { months.eq(this._getLastPickedDate().month()).addClass('active'); } months.each(function (index) { if (!self._isValid(self._viewDate.clone().month(index), 'M')) { $(this).addClass('disabled'); } }); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._getStartEndYear = function _getStartEndYear(factor, year) { var step = factor / 10, startYear = Math.floor(year / factor) * factor, endYear = startYear + step * 9, focusValue = Math.floor(year / step) * step; return [startYear, endYear, focusValue]; }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._updateYears = function _updateYears() { var yearsView = this.widget.find('.datepicker-years'), yearsViewHeader = yearsView.find('th'), yearCaps = this._getStartEndYear(10, this._viewDate.year()), startYear = this._viewDate.clone().year(yearCaps[0]), endYear = this._viewDate.clone().year(yearCaps[1]); var html = ''; yearsViewHeader.eq(0).find('span').attr('title', this._options.tooltips.prevDecade); yearsViewHeader.eq(1).attr('title', this._options.tooltips.selectDecade); yearsViewHeader.eq(2).find('span').attr('title', this._options.tooltips.nextDecade); yearsView.find('.disabled').removeClass('disabled'); if (this._options.minDate && this._options.minDate.isAfter(startYear, 'y')) { yearsViewHeader.eq(0).addClass('disabled'); } yearsViewHeader.eq(1).text(startYear.year() + '-' + endYear.year()); if (this._options.maxDate && this._options.maxDate.isBefore(endYear, 'y')) { yearsViewHeader.eq(2).addClass('disabled'); } html += '' + (startYear.year() - 1) + ''; while (!startYear.isAfter(endYear, 'y')) { html += '' + startYear.year() + ''; startYear.add(1, 'y'); } html += '' + startYear.year() + ''; yearsView.find('td').html(html); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._updateDecades = function _updateDecades() { var decadesView = this.widget.find('.datepicker-decades'), decadesViewHeader = decadesView.find('th'), yearCaps = this._getStartEndYear(100, this._viewDate.year()), startDecade = this._viewDate.clone().year(yearCaps[0]), endDecade = this._viewDate.clone().year(yearCaps[1]); var minDateDecade = false, maxDateDecade = false, endDecadeYear = void 0, html = ''; decadesViewHeader.eq(0).find('span').attr('title', this._options.tooltips.prevCentury); decadesViewHeader.eq(2).find('span').attr('title', this._options.tooltips.nextCentury); decadesView.find('.disabled').removeClass('disabled'); if (startDecade.year() === 0 || this._options.minDate && this._options.minDate.isAfter(startDecade, 'y')) { decadesViewHeader.eq(0).addClass('disabled'); } decadesViewHeader.eq(1).text(startDecade.year() + '-' + endDecade.year()); if (this._options.maxDate && this._options.maxDate.isBefore(endDecade, 'y')) { decadesViewHeader.eq(2).addClass('disabled'); } if (startDecade.year() - 10 < 0) { html += ' '; } else { html += '' + (startDecade.year() - 10) + ''; } while (!startDecade.isAfter(endDecade, 'y')) { endDecadeYear = startDecade.year() + 11; minDateDecade = this._options.minDate && this._options.minDate.isAfter(startDecade, 'y') && this._options.minDate.year() <= endDecadeYear; maxDateDecade = this._options.maxDate && this._options.maxDate.isAfter(startDecade, 'y') && this._options.maxDate.year() <= endDecadeYear; html += '' + startDecade.year() + ''; startDecade.add(10, 'y'); } html += '' + startDecade.year() + ''; decadesView.find('td').html(html); }; TempusDominusBootstrap4.prototype._fillDate = function _fillDate() { var daysView = this.widget.find('.datepicker-days'), daysViewHeader = daysView.find('th'), html = []; var currentDate = void 0, row = void 0, clsName = void 0, i = void 0; if (!this._hasDate()) { return; } daysViewHeader.eq(0).find('span').attr('title', this._options.tooltips.prevMonth); daysViewHeader.eq(1).attr('title', this._options.tooltips.selectMonth); daysViewHeader.eq(2).find('span').attr('title', this._options.tooltips.nextMonth); daysView.find('.disabled').removeClass('disabled'); daysViewHeader.eq(1).text(this._viewDate.format(this._options.dayViewHeaderFormat)); if (!this._isValid(this._viewDate.clone().subtract(1, 'M'), 'M')) { daysViewHeader.eq(0).addClass('disabled'); } if (!this._isValid(this._viewDate.clone().add(1, 'M'), 'M')) { daysViewHeader.eq(2).addClass('disabled'); } currentDate = this._viewDate.clone().startOf('M').startOf('w').startOf('d'); for (i = 0; i < 42; i++) { //always display 42 days (should show 6 weeks) if (currentDate.weekday() === 0) { row = $('
' + currentDate.week() + '' + currentDate.date() + '
' + currentHour.format(this.use24Hours ? 'HH' : 'hh') + '
' + currentMinute.format('mm') + '
' + currentSecond.format('ss') + '